Black Team Challenge Week Six!!!!!



  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Went on a Valentine's date with hubs. Ate what I wanted and didn't stress. Good times.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Went on a Valentine's date with hubs. Ate what I wanted and didn't stress. Good times.

    Yep-- me too-- after I logged everything for the day and was under calories.


    I exercised today and will tomorrow-- it's all good.

  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Hello all,

    I am putting my house into quarenteen!!!! My 10 year decided to start being sick in the night, so I spent alot of it cleaning up and making sure that all the boys had sick bowls to aim at - instead of the carpet :ohwell: . Not alot of sleep been had in the Perryman house hold for about 4 nights now, so when hubs got up at 5 to go to work and woke the 2 little men I was less than impressed - I think sleeps on the sofa may be in order after lunch today:smile:

    Tammy, glad that hubs is home and on the road to recovery.

    Marla, you can be very naughty but your posts always make me smile, thank you.

    Lori, hope you enjoyed your dinner. We don't 'do' valentines, but try to celebrate throughout the year especially when Rob is in the country.

    Tamara, there was no way I was going to get the abs done yesterday (tummy was far to sore already), but I will give it ago today.

    Kati, have fun at all of your parties, and I'm sure jumping in the balloons will burn loads of calories :smile:

    To everyone else, hope you have a great weekend
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Well, turns out I dont have arthritis or carputunnel (sp). I have a Ganglion Cyst. But my Dr says it's to small right now to try and remove so he put me in a wrist brace and on a anti-inflammatory med and ordered physical therapy 2-3 times a week for 4 weeks. The reason for the flare up with it was as I suspected...extra stress being placed on it with my push ups and pull ups:grumble: But I dont have to stop doing them altogether, just modify them. He says that when the cyst gets larger (don't like that thought YIKES!) then he can go in and inject it and blow it up. Not a pleasant thought in my mind:noway: I guess apparently that will dissolve it? Good news is I will live:bigsmile: :wink:

    Im going to get some breakfast now and head to the gym. Have a great day everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Tammy-- So happy to hear that dh is home and doing much better!!:heart::flowerforyou:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Looking forward to my Valentine's date with the boyfriend. We're staying in, but having a really nice dinner: steak (depending on what I can find that's not outrageous in price) w/crab cakes, roasted red potatoes, sauteed green beans and cheesecake brownies for dessert. Did 7 miles on the treadmill this morning, so I am going to enjoy this dinner. Can't wait. :love:

    Roni- Sorry to hear about your wrist, but I'm glad it's easily treatable. Take care of yourself!

    Marla and Lori- Glad you enjoyed your dates!

    Tanya- Sorry to hear your whole house is sick! Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

    Tammy- Glad your hubs got to come home, still keeping him in my thoughts.

    Kati- How is Tenley feeling? Much better, I hope. :flowerforyou: Have fun at your party!

    Everyone else- Hello and big hugs! Thank you all so much for the support and kind words about my marathon. I knew y'all would "get it." Now that it's sunk in, I'm feeling a little less nervous...but I have 9 whole months to wonder why I did that. :laugh: You know you'll be on the journey with me, between here and my FB postings. Eeeep!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good morning....

    Just a hit and run this morning....need to feed the kidlets and jump in the shower.

    I'm eyeing a half marathon in September..... not gonna let hubs talk me out of this one. Not sure if I'm still doing the 8k in March. I've fagged out of winter running this winter, except for maybe once a not sure about that one.

    I am doing the Stateliner 5k, for my kids' high school in April....that's the one I did last year, my first one. Very convenient...5 mins away.

    I was sitting at Applebee's last night thinking about Shuntae, and so envious that she's doing the's so exciting. So, on the way home I told my husband that I would look for a half marathon in the fall when I got home. There's one in Allentown, PA, about 30 mins from me.

    Need to scoot....I'm on my kids' computer, without my typing shortcut program....blech.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Marla- hit and run for me this AM too, funny, I just informed DH last night at Outback that I was thinking about a half and that I was seeing the doctor regarding my knees next week, but then I was going to seriously consider it. I mean, really, is a large amount of bone grinding, crackling and popping in the knees really a problem? :wink:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Marla and Lori- You can both SO do it! Just increase your mileage slowly and practice pacing yourselves. I wish there was a half in the fall in a central location that we could all easily get to. How awesome would that be????
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Happy Week six people!

    I hope we all found a week without the scale refreshing. Good luck with weigh ins. I am going to take Marla's suggestions and go with abs this week. It's funny she suggested it because when I was out on my run today I was thinking about how my stomach was feeling it and I really need more core strength sooooooooo..... Lets do abs. Every other day. It can be the ab workout of your choice but we need to make that a focus. I want to hear about what your doing. lets all share our favorite ab flexing activities. In addition (Since it's and every other day thing) for this week all elevators and escilators in your life are OUT OF ORDER. If there are stairs, you are taking them. If any of you work on the top floor of the sears tower your going to have a tough week and guess what, you'll get no pity from me. Get to work. that weight isnt going to lose itself. lol MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

    :devil: :devil: :devil: :wink:

    Your awesome! ha ha ha

    I am flexing my abs throughout the day while I sit at my desk, as much as I can. I've added leg lifts (feet together raising up to get the lower abs) to my daily routine. Starting an ON-Demand abs video tonight. Plus I add parking far away AND taking the stairs! :bigsmile:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Well I have managed to do a 30 minute walk with the 2 youngest boys (1 in the buggy), 20 minutes shred workout (did this after the walk and managed to do all the star jumps and kicked my butt as well), and have done 2 sessions on the exercise bike adding up to 55 minutes. I am so chuffed, that the boys have behaved enough for me to get these workouts done...... and am now waiting for hubs to get home from work so we can have liver and bacon and enough a few drinks together.

    I have been doing the ab workout on the shred dvd nearly everyday (wasn't good yesterday), and am feeling good.

    Hope everyone has a great saturday, now need to have a quick shower and start to think about bed time for the boys. Happy valentines for tomorrow everyone, xx
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Ok, so for some unknown reason I managed to double post!! So have edited this one............. sorry folks xx
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla and Lori- You can both SO do it! Just increase your mileage slowly and practice pacing yourselves. I wish there was a half in the fall in a central location that we could all easily get to. How awesome would that be????

    Well-- not celebrating quite yet-- significant resistance already on my end-- rather annoyed right now. :explode:

    But, I shall zip my lip from this point on-- :grumble:

    We'll see-- I'm still going to train for it. And see what happens.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    I am having a minor binge feast today. Need to put on the brakes before it gets ugly or should I say uglier.

    DH and I had to take DD to a bday party about 30 minutes from here at a skating rink. Had a headache before we left, took Motrin. DH is in a MOOD today. Driving like a maniac, complaining about other drivers, his patience is non-existent as it is. We were a little late, so every slow driver that got in his way he complained, threw up his hands in disgust, yelled at them from the car, then floored it to get around them. By the time we got there my head not only hurt, I wanted to throw up.

    I was also hungry, so now I have a headache, want to throw up and feel like I was starving. He pulled into Chick-Fil-A where (this sums it up) he was having a fit because the driver in front of us was stopped in the middle of the parking lot and the words "I hate people" came from his mouth. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwhich, fries and a vanilla crackshake....or um.... milkshake.

    DH is really a good guy, but patience is not a strong suit, and listening to him pushed me over the edge. I ate my misery away. LOL. I did feel a little better after I ate, we had to run a few errands and I was pretty good then. After the drive home, where of course all other drivers on the road were one again idiots, I once again felt nauseous. I came in the house, slammed a hand full of chex mix, a fiber one bar and a 3 pieces of banana bread.

    DH is working like a maniac on wiring lights for our back yard. I loffered to help, thank goodness he said no. He is better off alone for awhile. He is wound tight today. Holy crap!

    Ok, confession time over. My binge could have been worse. The crackshake was a mistake, I already indulged last night at dinner with hubs, but whatareyougonnado? I am going to attempt to pull myself together and refrain from eating unitl dinner.

    Actually come to think of it.... part of the reason I might feel like crap today could very well be becasue of the way I ate last night. Hmmmm, maybe I'm on to something. So, when in doubt, medicate your 'I feel like crap over food' with, what else, more bad food! :noway: Kidding. I think I need some fruit and veges.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hi all...I hope you all have a nice Valentine's celebration. DH and I went out to dinner last week before the surgery. I am still very tired and am going to close my eyes for a few minutes. I got back on my eating wagon today, now if only I can get up the energy to exercise. It is exciting to hear you guys talk about a half marathon. I am trying to do a 5K and would love to do one in the spring. We got about 4 inches of snow in SC but it is mostly melted now. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Actually come to think of it.... part of the reason I might feel like crap today could very well be becasue of the way I ate last night. Hmmmm, maybe I'm on to something. So, when in doubt, medicate your 'I feel like crap over food' with, what else, more bad food! :noway: Kidding. I think I need some fruit and veges.

    One of the many things I love about out team....think, and make changes! Love ya girl!:heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hello all! Hope you are doing your AB work as designated by our Great and Powerful Oz!! :tongue:

    I have............and tum tum is not too happy! LOL. I actually love these challenges as it is getting me back to NORMAL! WOOT!
  • jessica_benson
    I am tired of working out and seeing no results. I am having a very hard time with portion control. I feel hungry all the time lately. Good Job to all of you who are doing good. I need your help and advice. :ohwell:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    I am tired of working out and seeing no results. I am having a very hard time with portion control. I feel hungry all the time lately. Good Job to all of you who are doing good. I need your help and advice. :ohwell:

    Be patient sweetie. It's one of the hardest things to remind yourself. I understand 100%, trust me. The thing with working out is that it takes a lot of persistence and results that are noticeable do not happen overnight, or the next week, or sometimes the next month, but they DO happen.

    As far as feeling hungry, spread your calories equally over the day, eat every 3 hours or so. Plan your meals ahead of time for the entire day and make sure you measure. The first day or so will be hard and before you know it, you won't feel nearly as hungry. It takes your body a little to adjust.

    The biggest thing- don't give up. Keep telling yourself you can do it- because you CAN! :flowerforyou:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member

    Actually come to think of it.... part of the reason I might feel like crap today could very well be becasue of the way I ate last night. Hmmmm, maybe I'm on to something. So, when in doubt, medicate your 'I feel like crap over food' with, what else, more bad food! :noway: Kidding. I think I need some fruit and veges.

    One of the many things I love about out team....think, and make changes! Love ya girl!:heart:

    What I love about the black team, all day I kept thinking to myself, "Why do I feel like dirt?' It didn't occur to me until I was on here venting! It's like thinking out loud. Sure it might not be the way I ate.... but I'm willing to bet it very well could be! The biggest thing was the 1/3 of a blooming onion that I ate. I haven't had anything deep fried for a LONG, long time. Ok, so the fatty ranch dressing, big steak and cheesecake for dessert weren't so great either. :noway: But I did get steamed veggies for my side. :tongue:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Actually come to think of it.... part of the reason I might feel like crap today could very well be becasue of the way I ate last night. Hmmmm, maybe I'm on to something. So, when in doubt, medicate your 'I feel like crap over food' with, what else, more bad food! :noway: Kidding. I think I need some fruit and veges.

    One of the many things I love about out team....think, and make changes! Love ya girl!:heart:

    What I love about the black team, all day I kept thinking to myself, "Why do I feel like dirt?' It didn't occur to me until I was on here venting! It's like thinking out loud. Sure it might not be the way I ate.... but I'm willing to bet it very well could be! The biggest thing was the 1/3 of a blooming onion that I ate. I haven't had anything deep fried for a LONG, long time. Ok, so the fatty ranch dressing, big steak and cheesecake for dessert weren't so great either. :noway: But I did get steamed veggies for my side. :tongue:

    Oh I KNOW why your tummy hurts now!! :laugh:

    For me it has been a series of slap your forehead moments, and self awareness that has gotten me to where I am now.

    When I thought of 40 pounds to lose........I wanted to give up. Remember I lose 1/2 a week.........due to age, injury and metabolism........Each time one of you all post I get an AHA moment!

    I am durn proud of you and what you have accomplished so far!!!!