Why are girls constantly creeped on at the gym?



  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member

  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    How did you know he had a wife and daughter? Must have been a lot more conversation and more to the story that led to a hug or hugs.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member

    I met my husband on the Stair-master at the gym in 1986.

    I worked at the gym and creeped on him:love::love:

    We've been happily married for 23 years.

    So I'm a fan of gym-creeping:laugh:
    (I stopped creeping when I met him though)
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    ok I'm kind of seeing a pattern here so let me try to summarize. English isn't my first language and you literally went on and on so I might have missed something, please let me know if I did

    1) He said hi, you said hi (even though you didn't really wanted to. Next time, skip it if the guy looks creeper)

    2) He started talking to you, you talked back thinking its the cool thing do (again, something you can skip if you don't like the guy or are getting creeper vibe from him)

    3) While you guys are talking, he hugs you. Maybe because he's a horny pervert, maybe because theres problems at home. Only him and god knows I guess (again, next time, tell them to stop or step back when they get into your personal space)

    4) he talked to your sister, who I assume is a member at the gym too (I hate it when people talk to their customers. How rude)

    5) You decided to just start ignoring him after you have talked to him and even hugged him (NOT a smart move. Seriously, all joking aside, dunno if THIS guy is really a creeper or not but for your safety in future, donot do that in case you find somebody crazy)

    I have yet to read anywhere where you told the manager "hey, let me workout please and try not to disturb me and my sister while we are working out" or just plugged an mp3 player.

    You're basically willing to report and throw this guy out of a job just because he looks like a creeper? Are you serious? Please, tell him to back off like a normal and mature person. If he doesn't listen, THEN you go and report him. The reason I am telling you this is because in the offchance, god forbid, you DO find yourself a real creeper, your wrong actions can cause troubles in future

    Good luck and stay safe

    I agree with this, after rereading the original post.
  • _KATzMeow
    _KATzMeow Posts: 336 Member
    Wait..I'm being a jerk because you don't know how to hit a quote button?? Seriously?? Ok..I'm beginning to see what the problem is.

    Yes, actually, you are. Not everyone is 100% forum literate. Some of us learn as we go and make quoting mistakes. The way you handled the quoting mistake wasn't polite or genial, it was just jerky. Because you're a jerk. :)

    I really don't see how he was being a jerk. He ASKED for clarification. Just because he didn't fill the page with smiley faces didn't mean he was being snarky or mean.

    And no, I'm not defending him or any other guy here because I'm desperate. Just wanted to put it out there because I don't like to be "generalized".

    That's the thing about the internet, you gotta be careful how you word things. Honestly when I first read his comment all I saw was a jerk poking fun at some kid who can't use quotes properly.
    And when I read your reply to him, all I saw was a direct violation of the forums.

    Insulting other users is a no no.

    Pfft...what do you know about the forum guidelines?

    Wait a second...YOU'RE LEAKRAMIREZ!!! OMG!! I read about you in the forums today. I think it's awesome how supporting and motivating and giving and awesome you are.

    I sent you a FR. In fact, I've sent you a FR FIVE TIMES NOW. Maybe the MFP site is having a problem and you're not getting them. I'll send you another one just as soon as I post this. Please accept it.

    Oh, sorry OP...didn't mean to hijack your thread here.

    wait.......I just saw a thread by you that said you had TOO MANY friends! :tongue:
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    It's a good thing I don't go to the gym. I'm always checking out hot guy's pictures on mfp and I'm in my mid forties (=old!). If I were at a gym full of hot guys, I'd probs be arrested! .... Wait.... Does it work the same way when women "creep"?
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