How many carbs do you eat per day?

How many carbs do you eat per day and still loose weight? I know everyone is different... I'm just curious. :)


  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I am a 61 year old man who is 200 lbs and does strength training workouts. I do between 150 and 200 per day. Carb are the last of my priorites when hitting my macros. First is protein, second fats and carbs with what's left. Protein in critical for maintaining lean muscle mass, fats for maintianing balanced hormones.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I am a 61 year old man who is 200 lbs and does strength training workouts. I do between 150 and 200 per day. Carb are the last of my priorites when hitting my macros. First is protein, second fats and carbs with what's left. Protein in critical for maintaining lean muscle mass, fats for maintianing balanced hormones.

    ^^THIS^^ I hit my protein and fats first and healthy "slow carbs" are what fills in the blanks. I get around 150 grams per day, some days more and some less.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Between about 150g and 250g depending on the calorie target I have for the day.
  • livingdeadlifter
    I stick to about 125 or less most of the time. I try for below 100 but I haven't cut out ALL grain foods, so if I have oatmeal, potato, or fruit, it will probably be closer to 125.

    I'm 5'4", female, I like to lift weights 3-4 days a week and do cardio 2 days a week. I have more carbs on days when my workouts are more strenuous. I hope that helps!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    i try to stay around 80g a day...I read for woman trying to lose weight they should not go over 100g a day.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    i try to stay around 80g a day...I read for woman trying to lose weight they should not go over 100g a day.

    Where did you read that? It is just not true. I have never been under 100g - often over 200g and have had no issues losing weight.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I try and keep it at or near my allowance for the day. I find if I don't eat enough I have trouble with my hypoglycimia.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    i try to stay around 80g a day...I read for woman trying to lose weight they should not go over 100g a day.

    Where did you read that? It is just not true. I have never been under 100g - often over 200g and have had no issues losing weight.

    I they are a low carb diet I meant
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    i try to stay around 80g a day...I read for woman trying to lose weight they should not go over 100g a day.

    On a low carb diet I meant :smile:
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    130g - 140
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    i try to stay around 80g a day...I read for woman trying to lose weight they should not go over 100g a day.

  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    i try to stay around 80g a day...I read for woman trying to lose weight they should not go over 100g a day.


    and I quote ~~

    "Carbs per day for weight loss

    The number of carbs per day for weight loss ranges from from 20 to 50 or sometimes up to 70 grams. However, 70 grams daily is usually only for those who are engaging in weight training in addition to cardio exercise. The usual low carbohydrate range is 20 to 60 grams daily. You determine how strict you need to be; the best way is to experiment and discover what amount works well for you as an individual.

    Refined processed carbohydrates are a major cause of weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, heart disease, and many other diet related diseases."
  • livingdeadlifter
    I think what probably matters more than the number is the quality... I'd say try not to go necessarily low or high carb or anything. In terms of carbohydrate sources, just eat a LOT of vegetables, some fruit, oats or other whole grains if you tolerate them, legumes if you tolerate them, etc. Eating unprocessed is key.

    You can eat low carb and eat really healthy: for instance, sticking to mostly vegetables, protein sources, Greek yogurt, fats, a bit of fruit, etc. That might be called Paleo-esque eating. It's very healthy.

    You can also eat low carb and eat really badly: if you only eat processed food and rely on things like shakes and protein bars all the time... it's not the best for you, even if your carbs are low.

    Maybe instead of concentrating specifically right now on carbohydrates or even calories, go for minimalism. Stick to low/unprocessed foods and I guarantee you you'll feel better and maybe lose weight without trying too hard!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I ate (on average) 250g of carbs a day and still lost weight quite easily.

    And they weren't all 'good carbs'. I continued to eat pasta, potatoes, candy, cake, cookies, white rice, white bread, etc the entire time I was losing.
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    I don't really pay attention to my carb intake. I just happen to end up in the 130-200 range. I haven't noticed it affecting my weight loss.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    i try to stay around 80g a day...I read for woman trying to lose weight they should not go over 100g a day.

    Where did you read that? It is just not true. I have never been under 100g - often over 200g and have had no issues losing weight.
    I think this is personal, tho. I currently eat 150-250, but I'm in maintenance. I need to eat under 150 to lose, and I usually stick closer to 100 trying to lose and don't eat pasta or bread or white rice. I just find it easier, but I'm particularly sensitive to carbs. Everyone is different, tho, so you probably need to experiment with your own levels. Atkins is much lower (low carb diet), but if you go as low as 20-50 it makes going back to eating more later a challenge. I chose Atkins as my weight loss plan in the past and was always able to lose on it but gained once I went back to eating normally. When I say normally, tho, I quit really counting carbs when I quit "dieting" and I think that was the main reason I gained. If you go that low, you have to ease back up until you stop losing/start gaining to find the level for you.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I eat approx. 170 g per day. I lift heavy 3 times per week and run 10 miles per week and cycle everywhere.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My dietician set my carb goal for a 62 year old sedentary woman at 45 gm for each meal and two snacks wtih 15 gm in each snack. This si from a dietician in a hospital
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    i think its all about what you are trying to accomplish...

    some eat lower carbs just to lose weight...the research i have done makes me eat low carb because I am a type 2 diabetic...i have to eat low carb....if i eat too many my blood sugar spikes uncontrollably ...
    so i try to eat less than 50 ...i think everybody needs a little carb to fuel the brain and a few other things..

    when im humming, i eat near 30 a day...i use the net carb thing too...
    i subtract the fiber from the total carbs. to ge the net carbs...

    good luck
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    i try to stay around 80g a day...I read for woman trying to lose weight they should not go over 100g a day.


    and I quote ~~

    "Carbs per day for weight loss

    The number of carbs per day for weight loss ranges from from 20 to 50 or sometimes up to 70 grams. However, 70 grams daily is usually only for those who are engaging in weight training in addition to cardio exercise. The usual low carbohydrate range is 20 to 60 grams daily. You determine how strict you need to be; the best way is to experiment and discover what amount works well for you as an individual.

    Refined processed carbohydrates are a major cause of weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, heart disease, and many other diet related diseases."

    To clarify, the main causes of insulin resistance, heart disease, and many other diet related diseases is obesity. There is a correlation between high refined carb intake and weight gain - not a causation. If you are at a caloric deficit, this is not a issue. Some people find it easier to stay at a caloric deficit to stay low carb, but it is by no means necessary.

    You are quoting a low carb diet. You can absolutely lose weight with moderate/high carbs and even include refined processed carbs. From a health perspective, you should ensure that you have a balanced nutrient diet of course.

    Out of interest, where is this quote from?