How many carbs do you eat per day?



  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member
    270g. Mostly slow digesting "good carbs".
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    My trainer has me set at 60%.carbs. With that said, I'm a vegetarian.
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    The people who are eating HIGH carbs and still losing weight is because you are BURNING those carbs when you exercise! Biology 101.Insulin is a Fat Storage Hormone,when you eat carbs you put that insulin to work.

    IMO,when you exercise or are active in your daily life you can eat more carbs and still lose weight.If you are sedentary I would not go over 150.But,everyone is different I say experiment and find out what works best for YOUR body.

    To answer your question..I eat from 100-250.I lose weight when I'm under 150 and I maintain when I'm above that.Just this past week My weight stayed the same.This was the first week that I stopped losing weight.The ONLY thing different is my carb levels were higher everyday.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The people who are eating HIGH carbs and still losing weight is because you are BURNING those carbs when you exercise! Biology 101.Insulin is a Fat Storage Hormone,when you eat carbs you put that insulin to work.

    IMO,when you exercise or are active in your daily life you can eat more carbs and still lose weight.If you are sedentary I would not go over 150.But,everyone is different I say experiment and find out what works best for YOUR body.

    To answer your question..I eat from 100-250.I lose weight when I'm under 150 and I maintain when I'm above that.Just this past week My weight stayed the same.This was the first week that I stopped losing weight.The ONLY thing different is my carb levels were higher everyday.

    If you are at a caloric deficit it is not relevent. Also protein is insulinogenic as well as carbs.

    I do agree however that carbs are the variable and the lower your calories, they are the ones that decrease. So I suppose it depends on your definition of high carbs - I would find it difficult to lose weight on more than about 180g of carbs if I was sedentary and still wanted to hit my other macros.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I am a 61 year old man who is 200 lbs and does strength training workouts. I do between 150 and 200 per day. Carb are the last of my priorites when hitting my macros. First is protein, second fats and carbs with what's left. Protein in critical for maintaining lean muscle mass, fats for maintianing balanced hormones.
    ^ What he said.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    Varies considerably for me; I started tracking my weekly macros (Sunday through Saturday) and so far this week I have been at 415 (+215), 129 (-120), and 156 (-112) as far as carbohydrate intake goes.

    For what it's worth, when I was going through my strongest weight loss phase in 2011, I was eating a pretty high carb proportion in general. I was at a deficit, and the weight fell off anyway. *shrug*
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    200 - 300 g carbs for me each day. I'm a pescatarian and most days eat a veg diet.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I find I do best at around 125, almost none of that is "sugars" on the labels, apart from what's in the whole fruits I eat. I found if I try to go lower than that I end up not being able to eat enough to fill my calorie needs for the day. If I go much higher than that, I get really hungry and crave more carbs. So for me it is a good balance point where I am happy enough to be able to eat like this for the rest of my life while staying healthy.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I usually hit around 140-170g or so. To those saying you can't lose weight with that level of carbs unless you're very active is completely wrong, I haven't been nearly as active as I should be lately and have not had issues. I'm still eating at a caloric deficit regardless.
  • Mikemax125
    I aim for 275-300 carbs a day. I stay between 9-12% body fat like this.....Ectomorph problems.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    You can eat a ton of carbs and still lose weight. Just stay under your cals as far as weight is concerned. Health wise I usually have under 200 on days I don't exercise. That being said I can have over double that sometimes. It all depends on my needs. If I plan on doing a 20k hike, then I'll be sure to pack myself with carbs because I'll need that kind of energy.
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Why are you people beating up jennaworksout? Because her opinion is different than yours? I eat under 30 carbs a day and I feel great! I've lost 65 pounds. The person who said it is more about the quality of carbs is right! I eat no sugar and no white flour. I eat certain fruits only. I get my carbs from my fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy veggies. I understand this is not for everyone like the hypoglycemic person but it is great for me. And I would never beat up someone just because they do something else or even believe I'm not being healthy as long as you disagree without being rude. It works because your body uses carbohydrates for energy. If you don't take in a lot of carbs your body will burn fat for energy. I don't get super hungry between meals or have crazy cravings. The OP is free to choose whichever path she wants. She only asked for opinions. This is mine. Many people will disagree and that is fine. Do what works for you!! Good luck everybody!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Why are you people beating up jennaworksout? Because her opinion is different than yours? I eat under 30 carbs a day and I feel great! I've lost 65 pounds. The person who said it is more about the quality of carbs is right! I eat no sugar and no white flour. I eat certain fruits only. I get my carbs from my fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy veggies. I understand this is not for everyone like the hypoglycemic person but it is great for me. And I would never beat up someone just because they do something else or even believe I'm not being healthy as long as you disagree without being rude. It works because your body uses carbohydrates for energy. If you don't take in a lot of carbs your body will burn fat for energy. I don't get super hungry between meals or have crazy cravings. The OP is free to choose whichever path she wants. She only asked for opinions. This is mine. Many people will disagree and that is fine. Do what works for you!! Good luck everybody!

    No-one is beating anyone up. It is called a discussion. All I was doing was correcting the incorrect statement that you cannot lose weight unless you are low carb. Clarifying and correcting is not 'beating someone up' - I am not sure why you think it is.

    No-one is disagreeing that it works for her, but making statements as if they are fact is different.

    Can I ask who is being rude?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Why are you people beating up jennaworksout? Because her opinion is different than yours? I eat under 30 carbs a day and I feel great! I've lost 65 pounds. The person who said it is more about the quality of carbs is right! I eat no sugar and no white flour. I eat certain fruits only. I get my carbs from my fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy veggies. I understand this is not for everyone like the hypoglycemic person but it is great for me. And I would never beat up someone just because they do something else or even believe I'm not being healthy as long as you disagree without being rude. It works because your body uses carbohydrates for energy. If you don't take in a lot of carbs your body will burn fat for energy. I don't get super hungry between meals or have crazy cravings. The OP is free to choose whichever path she wants. She only asked for opinions. This is mine. Many people will disagree and that is fine. Do what works for you!! Good luck everybody!

    I just hope you realize that it doesn't matter if the body is burning fat for energy. At the end of the day, a caloric deficit isn't going to make you fat, no matter how many carbs you eat.

    My opinion: If your a sedentary individual, you need less carbs (still, there should be carbs, it's not a thing to absolutely avoid). If you exercise, carbs are a great source of energy and keep me from injuring myself. I also make sure I don't dip to low because of the studies done showing that it f's with your brain.

    "Because ketogenic diets effect the central nervous
    system, it has been suspected that ketogenic diets may
    alter cognitive function. In a randomized weight loss
    study comparing a ketogenic with a nonketogenic
    hypocaloric diet, subjects consuming the ketogenic
    diet had impairments in higher order mental processing and flexibility than those following the nonketogenic diet"
    Wing RR, Vazquez J, Ryan C. Cognitive effects of ketogenic weight reducing
    diets. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1995;19:811–816

    "Trying to
    convince a devotee to stop the diet uncovers yet another
    deleterious effect; ketogenic diets impair higher order
    cognitive function. High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets
    have untoward clinical consequences for patients with
    coronary artery disease, including progression of diabetic
    nephropathy, exacerbation of gouty diathesis, increases
    in circulating free fatty acids, and increases in lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol levels." Protein.pdf

    There were many others I read...that one was the quickest google search.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Why are you people beating up jennaworksout? Because her opinion is different than yours? I eat under 30 carbs a day and I feel great! I've lost 65 pounds. The person who said it is more about the quality of carbs is right! I eat no sugar and no white flour. I eat certain fruits only. I get my carbs from my fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy veggies. I understand this is not for everyone like the hypoglycemic person but it is great for me. And I would never beat up someone just because they do something else or even believe I'm not being healthy as long as you disagree without being rude. It works because your body uses carbohydrates for energy. If you don't take in a lot of carbs your body will burn fat for energy. I don't get super hungry between meals or have crazy cravings. The OP is free to choose whichever path she wants. She only asked for opinions. This is mine. Many people will disagree and that is fine. Do what works for you!! Good luck everybody!

    No-one is beating anyone up. It is called a discussion. All I was doing was correcting the incorrect statement that you cannot lose weight unless you are low carb. Clarifying and correcting is not 'beating someone up' - I am not sure why you think it is.

    No-one is disagreeing that it works for her, but making statements as if they are fact is different.

    nancycaregive where do you see all these people beating up on jennaworksout??

    ohh wait that because there's not, and reading is hard.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I eat 20 grams or under per day...being on a really low carb lifestyle, i feel good, losing weight nicely and no more diabetes meds
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    400g carbs per day.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    i try to stay around 80g a day...I read for woman trying to lose weight they should not go over 100g a day.


    and I quote ~~

    "Carbs per day for weight loss

    The number of carbs per day for weight loss ranges from from 20 to 50 or sometimes up to 70 grams. However, 70 grams daily is usually only for those who are engaging in weight training in addition to cardio exercise. The usual low carbohydrate range is 20 to 60 grams daily. You determine how strict you need to be; the best way is to experiment and discover what amount works well for you as an individual.

    Refined processed carbohydrates are a major cause of weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, heart disease, and many other diet related diseases."

    ^^ This
  • keesh76
    I eat less than 25/30 carbs a day and weight loss is very easy for me on this.
    I've dieted for years and lost a total of 40kg and never found it as easy as i do on a low carb diet.
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    Non training days I go for 384g, on training days I go for 421g