Fiancé accused me of cheating :/



  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    From my POV; there's very few instances whereby a male and female can be good friends without there being some kind of interest beyond friendship from one party or the other.

    II have quite a few friends who are guys*. One has been a friend since we were 14, three since we were 18, and one since I was 45. These are long-term friends whom I love, who love me, and who are there when I need them. We're also all married to other people despite the fact that at one time we were all single at the same time.

    Life is too short to think you can't truly be friends with half the people out there.

    If your *only* reason to be a friend of an opposite sex person is to have a romantic relationship with them, then you don't know how to be a good friend, in my opinion. People are people regardless of their sexual orientation. Friendship does not rest on that.

    *I also have friends who are girls, but this post is not about that.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    This is a sign for you, to at least, pause in this relationship.

    Have you done anything to make your fiance suspicious? Have you talked alot about your trainer to your fiance? How does your fiance know of the trainer? I mean, I can see if you were constantly saying, "Oh, my trainer (blah, blah)". That would give someone pause to wonder what was going on.

    If you haven't been going on & on about your trainer (which you probably haven't), then you need to look carefully at your fiance. People are on their best behaviour when they are dating/engaged. Is he protective, jealous, controlling? This could be his test of you, to see if he can control you. People with control issues are not ideal mates. In fact, they can quickly become physically and mentally abusive.

    I've been married, pretty happily, for almost 20 years. Both you and he are going to have alot of friends throughout your lives. A good marraige accepts these people as not a threat, but as an enhancement to the other spouse's life. If you think that now, either of you become controlling and jealous of the other's friendsets (especially if there is no indication of an affair going on), then your marraige is going to either end in divorce or be a lifetime of misery.
  • missyfitter
    missyfitter Posts: 11 Member
    That's a tricky situation. First of all please know that you've done nothing wrong. Your fiancee is probably just jealous of the common things you and your trainer share and the time you spend with him.

    It might sound silly (but then again - human egos are silly alot of the time) but tell your fiancee how much you would rather you'd rather be spending the time with him than at the gym. You can also let him know how hard your working to look good for the your wedding and as his wife.

    If that doesn't work, then maybe you should switch to a female trainer in order to keep peace in your relationship.

    It may also be a good idea to seek couples counselling to make sure there aren't any other issues between you and your fiancee before you get hitched.

    I hope this helps. And congratulations on your engagement!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    My husband has accused me of cheating on him since I started looking good. I work a lot of hours some days and since I never know when I'm getting off work, he has thought I was cheating. He has put on some weight while I have taken it off. He thinks and has thought for awhile I was going to leave him. I have never given him any reason to believe I have or would cheat on him. I would leave him before I ever cheated on him. I don't plan on doing either.

    I believe it is his own insecurities, not much I can do about that but tell him how much I love him and show him every day that he has nothing to worry about.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I bet money you are getting your guts sprayed by this personal trainer, which is why it's so hard for you to let him go. You want people on MFP to justify you keeping him, well congrats. I've seen quite a few just like you offering their support. Something tells me you already knew what you were going to do. I wish your fiancé luck.

    You'd be losing money. What exactly are you basing this assumption on?
  • _reno_
    _reno_ Posts: 87 Member
    Men and women can't be "just friends"
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    Women and men can be just friends. I have male friends and my husband has female friends.

    My one friend & I worked for years at Deloitte, worked together at a company afterwards, he calls me for my birthday, and visited me in the hospital when I had a second baby. I know him and his wife and kids, and will help out that family if and when they need it. No one is jealous of the relationship, and there is nothing but friendship and respect between all of us.

    My husband has female friends, one of whom owns a beautiful house in Italy; and has invited the entire family to see.

    As you grow older and wiser, you will see that there are things as platonic friendships between men, women, different races, religions, sexual orientations, etc.
  • brittDbritt
    if i have learned anything in life its that the one accusing is the one doing.i use to think that wasnt true but i learned the hard way.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I bet money you are getting your guts sprayed by this personal trainer, which is why it's so hard for you to let him go. You want people on MFP to justify you keeping him, well congrats. I've seen quite a few just like you offering their support. Something tells me you already knew what you were going to do. I wish your fiancé luck.

    You'd be losing money. What exactly are you basing this assumption on?
    I really have nothing to base it off of other than the fact you won't let the PT go. To be honest though, I'm trolling and just making things up. But you do seen kind of nervous that I'm on to you :)

    Yikes really? If I had a good PT I wouldn't let him go because my husband was jealous, that is his problem that he needs to work through.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I thought the comment was very offensive, and I reported it to the mods.

    As did I. I guess it gets lonely out there on planet jabroni :/

    In response to your earlier comment, partner knows trainer because we attend the same gym (often together) so they have regular contact.

    I do not talk much about my trainer, but I do talk to him about my routine/gym sessions often, out of passion for lifting
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I bet money you are getting your guts sprayed by this personal trainer, which is why it's so hard for you to let him go. You want people on MFP to justify you keeping him, well congrats. I've seen quite a few just like you offering their support. Something tells me you already knew what you were going to do. I wish your fiancé luck.

    You'd be losing money. What exactly are you basing this assumption on?
    I really have nothing to base it off of other than the fact you won't let the PT go. To be honest though, I'm trolling and just making things up. But you do seen kind of nervous that I'm on to you :)

    Yikes really? If I had a good PT I wouldn't let him go because my husband was jealous, that is his problem that he needs to work through.

    Yeah. I couldn't be those silly 'principles' or 'need for personal freedom'

    I'm just totally getting my "guts sprayed"
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Not to make matters worse, but I remember an article once online about "Top 10 Signs He is Cheating" and one of the signs was if he starts accusing you of cheating. Just sayin'...
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    It's not a matter of saying something she didn't want to hear, it is a matter of saying something vulger. It's not what you say, it's how you said it.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I bet money you are getting your guts sprayed by this personal trainer, which is why it's so hard for you to let him go. You want people on MFP to justify you keeping him, well congrats. I've seen quite a few just like you offering their support. Something tells me you already knew what you were going to do. I wish your fiancé luck.

    You'd be losing money. What exactly are you basing this assumption on?
    I really have nothing to base it off of other than the fact you won't let the PT go. To be honest though, I'm trolling and just making things up. But you do seen kind of nervous that I'm on to you :)

    Yikes really? If I had a good PT I wouldn't let him go because my husband was jealous, that is his problem that he needs to work through.

    Yeah. I couldn't be those silly 'principles' or 'need for personal freedom'

    I'm just totally getting my "guts sprayed"

    You put your personal problems out there for complete strangers on the interweb. People are not always going to say what you want to hear. I guess my opinion isnt good enough :(

    Not at all.

    You are free to make whatever baseless assumptions you like about me.

    As long as you are okay with me assuming that you eat puppies and listen to Nickleback.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Men and women can't be "just friends"