Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma, I would try week 2. Thing is though, I'd be really careful about doing it too many days a week. If you want to go ahead and do it today, go for it, but give your body a rest from high-impact exercise tomorrow. Since you're just starting to really run, you may only want to do it 3-4 days a week. Your bones & joints have to have time to strengthen and if you don't give them that time, it's possible you could really injure yourself. Trust me when I say your knees will thank you in a few weeks. :wink:

    So, just listen to your body and if you start to feel increasing pain each time you run, give it a rest until you don't feel that pain at all anymore. I learned the hard way, remember? (Cris, too!!)
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Now that I have read all of the posts I say Congrats to all of you!!! Your a bunch of losers and I am sooooo proud of you all.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend just in case I do not get by to check. TOM is not going to ruin my weekend!!! I am going to go eat some breakfast then I am going to get some work done around here. By the way I tasted my beans I made for the potluck and they were FANTASTIC, if I don't say so myself. My hubby owes me big time. Thanks for all the sweet comments about my girls and some of you have some pretty awesome girls too.
    TOM will not ruin your weekend I will not allow you to let it.Keep reminding yourself what your doing here and why when you go to overeat or grab some junk this weekend.We can do this!! No binging!! Lets not screw up this weekend.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I was planning to skip to week 2 but I figured since I was doing it 2 days in a row that maybe week 1 would be best. I plan to do week 2 on Monday then I am going to put myself in a mon/wed/fri schedule it works best for me. I can run out and exercise on Sat. but my husband and I keep Saturdays for each other. We will probably take a bike ride. Sunday I try to take off from exercise, sometimes we will take a leisurely walk, nothing hard core.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Now that I have read all of the posts I say Congrats to all of you!!! Your a bunch of losers and I am sooooo proud of you all.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend just in case I do not get by to check. TOM is not going to ruin my weekend!!! I am going to go eat some breakfast then I am going to get some work done around here. By the way I tasted my beans I made for the potluck and they were FANTASTIC, if I don't say so myself. My hubby owes me big time. Thanks for all the sweet comments about my girls and some of you have some pretty awesome girls too.
    TOM will not ruin your weekend I will not allow you to let it.Keep reminding yourself what your doing here and why when you go to overeat or grab some junk this weekend.We can do this!! No binging!! Lets not screw up this weekend.

    Sounds like a plan!!!!!!!!!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I hope nobody mines but i did what awestfall and litdeb did and added my whole weight loss total from when i began this weight loss journey a year ago...i did manage to go as low as 202 but i also gained weight...hopefully one day i ill see 160 ( cross my fingures)...
    of course we don't mind!!! Own it girl!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Momma: I'll pretent that +6 = 0% because we know you'll get rid of it shortly. No worries!

    So I know I said I was done checking in for today, but I'm back!

    I just attempted C25k but failed but I didn't give up. Running outside is so much harder for me than running on the treadmill, especially with the wind being as strong as it is today. My legs honestly would have been able to handle it because they weren't tired at all, but my lungs couldn't handle running straight into the wind. I walked 5 min, jogged 12 min, walked 1, jogged 5, walked 3, jogged 5 and then finished with a 5 min. walk. I'll consider it interval training. Anyway, I stilled burned 448 calories in 38 minutes, so that eliminates the calories I ate for breakfast plus some.

    I'm hoping to take advantage of the pool and/or exercise room at the hotel and will be going to a yoga class they're offering tomorrow morning at the conference. The 190 on the scale has boosted my motivation again!

    Have a great weekend!
    Does 190 feel awesome?? Oh how I can't wait to get there. Congrats on that by the way
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I know some of us have had a few bad and plateau weeks before and some are currently having that now and I came across this and thought I would share! I know some of you don't really care for Jillian Micahels but I thought it was a good motivational article!

    From LOSING IT! With Jillian Michaels
    Friday, March 26, 2010

    It's Not Just About Looking Good
    Who doesn't want to look totally hot? If you asked 100 people who were starting to exercise for the first time (or returning to regular workouts after a long time off) what their main motivation was, the majority of them would say something like, "I want to look good," or "I want to fit into a size __ again." And hey, whatever gets you on track initially is good enough for me. But when that scale hasn't budged in a few weeks, it's time to remind yourself that there are lots of other reasons to make exercise a habit.

    Research has clearly linked coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancer to lifestyle. Apart from aiding in weight loss, physical activity offers a positive, healthy way to release anxieties and alleviate tension, which can help reduce your risk of many lifestyle-related diseases. Exercise also supports mental well-being: Physical activity actually changes your brain chemistry, which directly influences your mood and frame of mind for the better. Among other things, physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, which act on the brain as natural tranquilizers.

    In addition, exercise will boost your confidence. As you start working out and getting stronger, your sense of strength in other aspects of your life will naturally flourish. Bottom line: The more physically fit you are, the longer you'll live and the better your quality of life will be.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Okay so I know some of us have had a few bad and plateau weeks before and some are currently having that now and I came across this and thought I would share! I know some of you don't really care for Jillian Micahels but I thought it was a good motivational article!

    From LOSING IT! With Jillian Michaels
    Friday, March 26, 2010

    It's Not Just About Looking Good
    Who doesn't want to look totally hot? If you asked 100 people who were starting to exercise for the first time (or returning to regular workouts after a long time off) what their main motivation was, the majority of them would say something like, "I want to look good," or "I want to fit into a size __ again." And hey, whatever gets you on track initially is good enough for me. But when that scale hasn't budged in a few weeks, it's time to remind yourself that there are lots of other reasons to make exercise a habit.

    Research has clearly linked coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancer to lifestyle. Apart from aiding in weight loss, physical activity offers a positive, healthy way to release anxieties and alleviate tension, which can help reduce your risk of many lifestyle-related diseases. Exercise also supports mental well-being: Physical activity actually changes your brain chemistry, which directly influences your mood and frame of mind for the better. Among other things, physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, which act on the brain as natural tranquilizers.

    In addition, exercise will boost your confidence. As you start working out and getting stronger, your sense of strength in other aspects of your life will naturally flourish. Bottom line: The more physically fit you are, the longer you'll live and the better your quality of life will be.

    How True. My oldest brother was thin and looked healthy!! He did not exercise that I am aware of had high blood pressure and died in his sleep when he was 35 yo from a massive stroke. I am now 4 years older than he when he died over weight and with high blood pressure myself. My brother left a 10 yo without a father. I do not want to do that to my little ones. He was 15 years older than I. This hurt my dad so terrible to lose his oldest child. Then my dad who was also thin but did not take care of himself died the year after my brother. I was 21 years old. My sister only 14. I experienced dad embarassing me in front of boys and threatening them:laugh: She was not able to because he never cared enough about his own body to take care of it.

    edit to add, both of us girls had always dreamed of walking down the isle with our dad. My younger bro had to give me away(he was more than happy to get rid of me:laugh: )
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I have to share this with you gals!! My true inspiration.
    My five year old daughter Paige comes up to me yesterday and says mommy you are looking amazing and I am so proud you can run with us now.Mommy you need to hurry up and lose some weight and give me some money so I can buy you clothes that don't fall off.I love you so much mommy and you will be skinny soon.My 3 year old Amelia runs with me everyday and she reminds me when its time to exercise if I haven't done it yet.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks for that Jess. :smile:

    I know for me, yes the slow-to-no weight loss bugs me, but really not as much as I thought it would. Not once has "quitting" crossed my mind, though. I mean, quit what? Quit my life? I love what I'm doing now -- I eat yummy food (just not as much of it & more veggies & fruits & less crap than before) and I :heart: the exercise I do. I can't even describe how much more energy I have and how much better I feel in general. I also have a better outlook on life overall. I feel problems I've dealt with my entire life no longer being problems. I'm more confident, I'm (a little) less self-conscious. I enjoy going out & talking to people again. I'm better at my photography job. I take better care of my dogs, I keep my house more clean. I haven't really been sick since last winter. My relationship with my bf is better. The list goes on and on and on. None of that stuff is influenced by what the scale says -- it's influenced by how healthy I am and how I *feel.* And, especially relatively speaking, I feel freaking fantastic!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Momma: I'll pretent that +6 = 0% because we know you'll get rid of it shortly. No worries!

    So I know I said I was done checking in for today, but I'm back!

    I just attempted C25k but failed but I didn't give up. Running outside is so much harder for me than running on the treadmill, especially with the wind being as strong as it is today. My legs honestly would have been able to handle it because they weren't tired at all, but my lungs couldn't handle running straight into the wind. I walked 5 min, jogged 12 min, walked 1, jogged 5, walked 3, jogged 5 and then finished with a 5 min. walk. I'll consider it interval training. Anyway, I stilled burned 448 calories in 38 minutes, so that eliminates the calories I ate for breakfast plus some.

    I'm hoping to take advantage of the pool and/or exercise room at the hotel and will be going to a yoga class they're offering tomorrow morning at the conference. The 190 on the scale has boosted my motivation again!

    Have a great weekend!
    Does 190 feel awesome?? Oh how I can't wait to get there. Congrats on that by the way

    I second that! CONGRATES Heather!!! WAY TO GO GIRL!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I hope nobody mines but i did what awestfall and litdeb did and added my whole weight loss total from when i began this weight loss journey a year ago...i did manage to go as low as 202 but i also gained weight...hopefully one day i ill see 160 ( cross my fingures)...
    of course we don't mind!!! Own it girl!!

    Thanks girl! I knew you gals would not mind. I am up for the weekend staying active and watching every bit of food that goes in our mouths..lol
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I have to share this with you gals!! My true inspiration.
    My five year old daughter Paige comes up to me yesterday and says mommy you are looking amazing and I am so proud you can run with us now.Mommy you need to hurry up and lose some weight and give me some money so I can buy you clothes that don't fall off.I love you so much mommy and you will be skinny soon.My 3 year old Amelia runs with me everyday and she reminds me when its time to exercise if I haven't done it yet.

    You have a team of supports backing you up...don't let them down. Way to go on your progress!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks for that Jess. :smile:

    I know for me, yes the slow-to-no weight loss bugs me, but really not as much as I thought it would. Not once has "quitting" crossed my mind, though. I mean, quit what? Quit my life? I love what I'm doing now -- I eat yummy food (just not as much of it & more veggies & fruits & less crap than before) and I :heart: the exercise I do. I can't even describe how much more energy I have and how much better I feel in general. I also have a better outlook on life overall. I feel problems I've dealt with my entire life no longer being problems. I'm more confident, I'm (a little) less self-conscious. I enjoy going out & talking to people again. I'm better at my photography job. I take better care of my dogs, I keep my house more clean. I haven't really been sick since last winter. My relationship with my bf is better. The list goes on and on and on. None of that stuff is influenced by what the scale says -- it's influenced by how healthy I am and how I *feel.* And, especially relatively speaking, I feel freaking fantastic!

    Well said!!! You own every bit of accomplishment. You go girl!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have to share this with you gals!! My true inspiration.
    My five year old daughter Paige comes up to me yesterday and says mommy you are looking amazing and I am so proud you can run with us now.Mommy you need to hurry up and lose some weight and give me some money so I can buy you clothes that don't fall off.I love you so much mommy and you will be skinny soon.My 3 year old Amelia runs with me everyday and she reminds me when its time to exercise if I haven't done it yet.

    That is so great!! You have your own little cheering squad! My niece is the same way. She tells me how much she likes when I go outside and run and play soccer with her now. She's a mean little kid when she wnats to be and can say some pretty hurtful things for a 6 year old. She used to tell everybody they were fat and now she tells me she can see my tummy shrinking. She's a piece of work! Sounds like you got some great kids!! Doesn't that make you feel great!?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I have to share this with you gals!! My true inspiration.
    My five year old daughter Paige comes up to me yesterday and says mommy you are looking amazing and I am so proud you can run with us now.Mommy you need to hurry up and lose some weight and give me some money so I can buy you clothes that don't fall off.I love you so much mommy and you will be skinny soon.My 3 year old Amelia runs with me everyday and she reminds me when its time to exercise if I haven't done it yet.

    You have a team of supports backing you up...don't let them down. Way to go on your progress!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Momma- everything I read says to take a break between days. I dont think its so much beause you wont be able to handle it or because you will be sore, its mainly like JLB said to prevent injury. Here is the link to the c25k program if you dont already have it: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml , it has the schedule on it so you know when to run and when to walk...lol I know you had trouble with that last time :laugh: :wink: I am also on a MWF schedule and rest weekends!:smile:

    Jess- thanks for the article

    awestfall- OMG your daughters are so cute. I am such a sucker for my son, I am going to be in so much trouble when he starts talking because I KNOW the first time he says 'I love you' or something sweet like your little girls did I am going to sob like a baby:laugh: :laugh: :heart:

    I wanted to share something that happened last night. Bobby and I went to bed and he rolled over and went to put his arm around me and he waaaay over estimated where my back was because it used to be so much further back. His reaction was like "Holy @#%@% you shrank!" :laugh: :love:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hello again,
    yet another way to use yogurt...lol

    I had the most amazing breakfast/lunch. In a blender I added ½ cup of blueberries, 5 medium strawberries, somewhat thick plain (low fat) yogurt, protein powder mix ( 1 scoop), ½ tablespoon flex seeds ( about 10 grams), and 1 teaspoon jell-o gelatin dessert ( powder mix).

    It came out really thick/fluffy mousse. The best part was it was only 370 calories, 10 g. fat, 8 fiber…
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hello again,
    yet another way to use yogurt...lol

    I had the most amazing breakfast/lunch. In a blender I added ½ cup of blueberries, 5 medium strawberries, somewhat thick plain (low fat) yogurt, protein powder mix ( 1 scoop), ½ tablespoon flex seeds ( about 10 grams), and 1 teaspoon jell-o gelatin dessert ( powder mix).

    It came out really thick/fluffy mousse. The best part was it was only 370 calories, 10 g. fat, 8 fiber…

    That sounds yummy!! Might have to try it out!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Alright, I'm not really sure on how to do the weigh in on here lol...But I checked again this morning and I was still at 216lbs :D I was really thinking I had imagined it, but I seem to be losing a bit, and dropped a bunch of water weight. 225lbs last Saturday brings me to an 8lb loss!! Had I not found this site and you ladies for motivation...I'd still be maintaining, if not gaining on my 225.