Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Jesyka 8 pounds lost from 225 is 3.5%
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hello ladies...

    Cris.. that is soooo awesome about your boyfriend and the "shrinking". I bet you were doing the happy dance!

    POS I will definitely have to try that.. sounds divine!

    Mama.. sorry you lost your brother and father like you did.. that must have been so very hard!

    Lildebby... glad to hear the surgery went well this morning! Both of my kids had tubes in their ears when they were little and boy did it REALLY make a difference!

    Well.. I need to finish up lunch and get back to work..

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Fri 03/26/10 07:58 AMlildebbie.............- 2.8 = 0 .98%
    meokk...............- 0.8 = 0.45%
    jess41684.........- 1 = 0.45%
    snowflakes.........-1.4 = 0.75%
    Positive................- 3 =1.38%
    LittleSpy/jlb.........-0.4 = 0.19%
    hajohnson.........-2.6 = 1.35%
    Awestfall.............-1.6= 0.69%
    Cris20056..........-4= 1.81%
    Cogirl................... ? = 0%
    momma...............+6=0% ( I know +6 does not = 0% but let's all pretend that it does TOM is making me crazy)
    madgoth -1.5!!! I will let mari do the math!
    Jesyka ................-8=3.5%
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hello ladies...

    Cris.. that is soooo awesome about your boyfriend and the "shrinking". I bet you were doing the happy dance!

    POS I will definitely have to try that.. sounds divine!

    Mama.. sorry you lost your brother and father like you did.. that must have been so very hard!

    Lildebby... glad to hear the surgery went well this morning! Both of my kids had tubes in their ears when they were little and boy did it REALLY make a difference!

    Well.. I need to finish up lunch and get back to work..


    Thanks! It was at the time time has healed the wounds. My dad though when ever I have a baby I want him here so bad because he was anxious for me to give him grandchildren. He say's girls make sure their babies are close with their own parents and you know the old saying "mommas baby papa's maybe" Not that he ever doubted his grandchildren he just said when it comes from your girl you can be 100% positive that it belongs to the family:laugh: I was his first girl after 3 boys.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Does 180 calories on a boneless skinless grilled 6 ounce chicken breast seem right? It just seems low
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Does 180 calories on a boneless skinless grilled 6 ounce chicken breast seem right? It just seems low

    Yeah, I think it's more like 225
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Momma- everything I read says to take a break between days. I dont think its so much beause you wont be able to handle it or because you will be sore, its mainly like JLB said to prevent injury. Here is the link to the c25k program if you dont already have it: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml , it has the schedule on it so you know when to run and when to walk...lol I know you had trouble with that last time :laugh: :wink: I am also on a MWF schedule and rest weekends!:smile:

    Jess- thanks for the article

    awestfall- OMG your daughters are so cute. I am such a sucker for my son, I am going to be in so much trouble when he starts talking because I KNOW the first time he says 'I love you' or something sweet like your little girls did I am going to sob like a baby:laugh: :laugh: :heart:

    I wanted to share something that happened last night. Bobby and I went to bed and he rolled over and went to put his arm around me and he waaaay over estimated where my back was because it used to be so much further back. His reaction was like "Holy @#%@% you shrank!" :laugh: :love:
    Thats awesome Cris that you Fiancee noticed you are shrinking.You inspire me to keep going!!! My girls oh I don't know what I would do without them.The inspire me as well and yes sometimes I do get teary eyed when they say such sweet things.All 3 of my girls are so very smart.And I am sure you will have funny moments to share when your little one begins talking.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Does 180 calories on a boneless skinless grilled 6 ounce chicken breast seem right? It just seems low
    Sounds right to me.my boneless skinless grilled chicken is 120 for 4 ounces.But I don't know for sure about what type of chicken you are using
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Does 180 calories on a boneless skinless grilled 6 ounce chicken breast seem right? It just seems low

    I come up with

    Chicken - Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast, 6 oz (112g) 210 calories
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks I think I am going with the higher number.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    off to the gym.....:grumble:

    just had my yearly physical and apparently I have a sinus infection, no wonder Ive felt like crap:embarassed:

    Be back later to check in!

    Jesyka- congrats on your 8lbs!

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in from yesterday:
    Calories - Over, ate all my exercise calories and then some.
    Water - well done!
    Exercise - Walked fast for 45 minutes at lunch. (LOVE walking OUTSIDE in DAYLIGHT even if it was drizzling some!)

    Proud - That I talked to my bosses bosses boss (General Council) and told her my concerns about our department and how I love the organization and I'm hoping to move to this other job which is outside of her area and that I also love working for her but not so much the management in between... She said she thinks I'll do great in the new job, and that she too loves this organization and that she hopes I stick around and help solve problems. I felt good even if she doesn't do anything I felt good being direct and letting her know how I'm feeling. I also liked how she knew about the job from way back and spoke as if it was a forgone conclusion that I'll get the job ;-) I know I'm babbling but she's super awesome and inspiring and it was just a huge relief to have closed that loop and gotten some validation at the same time:bigsmile:

    AND I have a nice big fat loss this week!

    LilDebbie.............- 2.8 = 0 .98%
    meokk...................- 0.8 = 0.45%
    jess41684............- 1 = 0.45%
    snowflakes...........-1.4 = 0.75%
    Positive...................- 3 =1.38%
    LittleSpy/jlb............-0.4 = 0.19%
    hajohnson...............-2.6 = 1.35%
    Awestfall..................-1.6= 0.69%
    Cris20056..................-4= 1.81%
    Cogirl........................... ? = 0%
    madgoth.................... -1.5!!! I will let mari do the math!
    Jesyka .........................-8=3.5%
    mstahl..........................-5.4 = 2.91%

    Jesyka! OMG that's GREAT! I thought I might have it this week and I've been trying to post all day but about the time I'd almost get caught up reading something would happen and I had to go... Then I come on and think that while there are still a few missing (hello Mari!) I might be the winner and WHAM there you are!

    I also tend to have BIG drops after a couple weeks of nothing but bouncing back and forth a couple pounds... I am still not doing great for the month but I'm SO RELIEVED that I'm finally showing a drop! Of course this happened a few days ago when I changed my ticker but I'm still all excited to see that it's sticking around!

    LilDebbie - glad your little girl is doing fine! I was thinking about her when I got up (at 5:30) this morning!

    Momma - so glad your little ones are doing well in the science area! We need EDUCATED women in medicin! Please encourage your daughters to be doctors and researchers!

    (And plese encourage your sons to be teachers! Male teachers in gradeschools are so important!)

    Momma - remember my rule- any sudden uptick in weight is ALWAYS water but any sudden drop in weight is REAL :tongue:

    Chicken breast calories - depends so much on the size - the scrawny little ones here at the office are about 160/ breast (half breast of course) while the big thick ones I use at home are almost twice that!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Does 180 calories on a boneless skinless grilled 6 ounce chicken breast seem right? It just seems low

    To me, 180 sounds right for 6oz of *RAW* chicken. Which would probably be about 4.5oz or so of cooked chicken.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    OK, so I was concerned about the chicken calories, I know its a very serious problem:tongue:

    I looked it up and several sources state 30 calories per oz raw.

    So, I was wrong, 180 for 6oz is exactly right.
    I'm a bit mad though because whatever I have been inputting in my log is also wrong and by enough calories that I could have eaten at least one more bite of chocolate on the days I had chicken :grumble: :laugh: :grumble:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    OK, so I was concerned about the chicken calories, I know its a very serious problem:tongue:

    I looked it up and several sources state 30 calories per oz raw.

    So, I was wrong, 180 for 6oz is exactly right.
    I'm a bit mad though because whatever I have been inputting in my log is also wrong and by enough calories that I could have eaten at least one more bite of chocolate on the days I had chicken :grumble: :laugh: :grumble:

    LOL, I'm right there with you. I only had the revelation like a month ago when I was making ground beef. I was like "Well, this label is for RAW ground beef.... so why wouldn't the chicken label be for RAW chicken?" Lo and behold! :laugh:

    The 4oz portion of chicken I had been eating all this time was actually closer to 6oz. So, now I just log 6oz. Good thing there's not a humongous calorie difference. :smile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Wow mstahl WoW on that huge number this week. It also sounds like things maybe looking up in the job department. It is always nice to be recognized for the hard work that we do. Thanks for the encouragement about my girls. My 16yo is actually participating in a 4 year program in her highschool that is a forensics biotechnology program. A lot of colleges are interested in what they are doing because they are doing work that college students themselves are NOT doing. She loves it. I keep asking her how interested she would be in that line of work. She says she loves it. But aeronautical engineer is her choice at this time. This program she is doing at her school is so intense she will graduate from high school and be able to go right to a lab and work!!! Pretty awesome. She is hoping to get an internship in a lab over the summer if she is recommended by her teacher. Her teacher already said she is one of the kids at the top of her list.

    Thanks for all the chicken help. jlb the chicken is about 6 ounces uncooked. I would say by looking at it. Just slightly bigger than my palm,
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    OK, so I was concerned about the chicken calories, I know its a very serious problem:tongue:

    I looked it up and several sources state 30 calories per oz raw.

    So, I was wrong, 180 for 6oz is exactly right.
    I'm a bit mad though because whatever I have been inputting in my log is also wrong and by enough calories that I could have eaten at least one more bite of chocolate on the days I had chicken :grumble: :laugh: :grumble:

    Thanks for the help
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Whew lordie mae I think I finished reading everything. LOL We are busy MFPers today!
    awestfall - OH what precious girls! I had a little tear coming down when I read your post. I love that your girls are seeing you as a role model and want you to be healthy.
    jesyka - I love greek yogurt, and so will you! Littlespy & I think mstahl got me on it and I am so glad! And, girl.....WOOOOHOOOOOOO ON THE 8!!!!!!!!
    lildeb - any news about hubby's job yet? I am praying for you! I am also thanking God for the successful tube implantations today for your sweetpea!
    meokk - uh huh, those Cadburys get me every time. I swear they call out my name when I go into Walgreens!
    heather - that is the first I heard of shopping online and having it shipped to the store to pick up to avoid shipping fees! What a great idea!
    cris - your fiance scored major points with that roll over comment! Good for you!
    pos_me - I did the same thing and drank more water and had a great weigh in like you! Drink drink drink! Thanks for the smoothie recipe. And, BTW, that 30 ticker is lookin' mighty good on ya! :wink:
    littlespy - I love that you're loving tennis! What fun to get to work out with the bf!
    mstahl - I TOTALLY understand the whole validation at your job thing. I bet it did feel good to get a chance to really be honest and say what you feel. Good for you.
    momma - *hugs* and thanks for sharing your story. Losing one is hard enough, but to lose two family members so close together? Very very difficult. And as for the +6 - well, I had that last week too and trust me, it's not fat! It'll come off - drink more water.
    jess - thanks for the JM article.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    WOW WE'RE DOING GREAT THIS WEEK! Every point and inch counts! So does LEARNING when things aren't going as we had hoped.

    As you know (because I am high drama - sorry it's the theatrical training!), last week I gained. And gained. And gained, until I reached a +5. Well, I am not counting that weight loss again, so I am sticking with what has changed my ticker - and that is a loss of 3.5 lbs.!!!!!!! :noway: :noway: :noway:

    LilDebbie.............- 2.8 = 0 .98%
    meokk...................- 0.8 = 0.45%
    jess41684............- 1 = 0.45%
    snowflakes...........-1.4 = 0.75%
    Positive...................- 3 =1.38%
    LittleSpy/jlb............-0.4 = 0.19%
    hajohnson...............-2.6 = 1.35%
    Awestfall..................-1.6= 0.69%
    Cris20056..................-4= 1.81%
    Cogirl........................... ? = 0%
    madgoth.................... -1.5!!! I will let mari do the math!
    Jesyka .........................-8=3.5%
    mstahl..........................-5.4 = 2.91%
    bluenote................... -3.5 = .81%
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    It's funny how clothes size and body shape and weight and fitness is so different on each of us...

    I'm 5'3" or maybe 5'4" at the most- and per this thread I actually weigh less than LittleSpy, and I think I might be taller? But OMG can she kick my BUTT in running and squats and DVD workouts!!! Plus she fits into size 12s! I'm guessing she must have a MUCH higher ratio of muscle to fat than I have! Chris looks like she's heavier on paper too- and again - she can kick my BUTT in exercise running etc, but I think she's said she isn't seeing the change in clothing size that she expected. And I bet I can't stay on a bike for 45 minutes like BlueNote!!!! Let's not even talk about Awestfall...

    Of course today I'm sitting here wearing a size Medium top (so RANDOM that it fits!) and size 18 pants! The 18s are a little lose but they fit better than some 16s I've already shrunk out of!

    Today I got back from my lunch time walk and I was beat. I walk almost every day but still I'm tired out at the end. I get up to get a glass of water and you'd think I was 80 with all the groans and whining I'm doing! None the less I'm excited to get to the track tomorrow and do another day of the 5K101 program!

    Mamma - I would hold off doing a jog/walk back to back if you can. I'm thinking that even if you feel great, your knees and leg bones are probably maddly rebuilding and re-inforcing areas that haven't seen stress in a few years!

    Talk to you all later!!! Miss you!!!