Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Alright, so since I'm new at this challenge bit I kinda cheated lol. I was first thinking with all the talk this week about the 30 day shred I'd make the first circuit our challenge, but then thought that not everyone will have her video...Then I started searching.

    I've found this cardio blast workout...It seems a fair amount like the 30 day shred. It's about a half hour work out and I figure it will be quite a challenge if applied the same way Jillian does, push yourself as hard as you can handle, without taking any breaks.

    Accomplishing this full workout all at once, without the breaks should be enough of a challenge this week, But I'd also like to throw in making sure we all get at least our 8 glasses of water as recommended [taking from topics mentioned this week :)]

    Here's the link..


    Littlespy-I'd say your milkshake was well earned [and I bet it tasted great :D] With all the activity you had today I'd say you deserved it!

    Cris-Hope you enjoyed your outting with your BFF :) And here's hoping that the scale shows you that 215, or stays at 214 [or lower :happy: ] so that you can achieve your goal wayy early!!

    Checking in..

    Calories-All exercise calories left over [making up for yesterday :laugh:]
    Exercise-90min walk
    Water-Only 3 glasses
    Proud-That I went to the farmers market and got a bunch of fresh fruits and veggies to snack on :) YUM!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in!

    Oh I started off so well!

    Calories - over by a few (including my exercise calories)
    Water - fine
    Exercise - 15 minutes jogging (in 5, 3 minute sessions) 45 minutes walking plus 60- minutes on a bike! Over 1000 calories (and then I ate them:ohwell: )

    Proud- I burned the 1000 calories that I over ate yesterday! (and now I'll have to burn them again tomorrow:sad: )

    Found a new sushi place in Akron -omg so good! I wanted to stick to the Sashimi that's not too unhealthy but some of their sushi rolls were out of this world!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I didn't weight on on Friday morning because I am totaly disgusted with myself. I had that great week, where I lost 8 pounds. Then, I could not stop shovelling the food into my face. I just feel sick about it. So, I have actually gained 4 pounds this week. Has anyone heard of PGX ? Apparently, it is an all natural appetite supressant. It is some kind of super fibre that bulks up, and makes you feel full. I have to try something. I just can't seem to stay on a plan for more than one week. All suggestions are welcome.

    sutts, never worry about your weigh-in with us. Weigh-ins are for you to keep yourself in check and also for us to help you celebrate the success and lift you up when it's not so great. Many of us have had weeks like you're going through, where we have a huge loss then gain some the next week. It's OK! Like the gals tell me on here, there is no way you gained 4 pounds in one week. It is mostly water weight and will come off soon.
    As for the supplement, I do not take any of those types of things so I cannot help you there. When you say "I have to try something", can you look back and review the week and see what changes you can make to not repeat that cycle again? Just a thought... :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My scale spit out 207.2 many times in a row this morning. But, I'm not counting it because 1) I slept FOREVER (Oh, it was so nice) so I know I had to be dehydrated and 2) I'm eating at Pawleys Front Porch tonight. Yeah.. 1/2 pound cheeseburgers, sweet potato fries, and fried pickles. Hey, eating more is what my body obviously wants and I'm happy to oblige. :wink:

    I'm not even going to try to weigh myself tomorrow. :laugh:

    I'm eating a healthy breakfast, mowing the lawn, and working out before I go and since I can't eat nearly as much as I used to, I'm sure I'll actually be okay calorie wise. But the sodium... I'll be drowning myself the rest of the week trying to flush it all out. :tongue:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Sutts -What BlueNote said :bigsmile: Sometimes on Friday we just add our name to the list, put in a "0" and say we were unable to suffer through the weigh in so we're going with a zero.

    I was down in the 170s last week! Granted it was due to a little dehydration and some low volume of food in my gut system (I, for once, wasn't full of Shi#~) but I TOOK THE NUMBER!

    (edited because I accidentally saved changes before I was done!)

    I'm going off my water pill. I've been on it for a few years because my legs would swell up like troll legs. Now that my weight is down I'm going off of it to see if my exercise and lower sodium intake is enough to keep something similar to an ankle in sight! I know that between my bounce up from the 170s due to getting more food in this week, and going off the water pill I'll be seeing number that I don't want to face for at least two weeks. But in the long run (and isn't this about the long run?) I'll be healthier if I'm off that medication. It will also allow my doctor to better determine what's going on with my high blood pressure. My doctor is the one that suggested I try going off the water pill...

    On a happier note- I slept in forever this morning! Partly because last night Mrs. Fig was soooo cute snuggled into our bed with Ken, that I decided to try letting her sleep with us for the night. She's over 130 lbs... we have a queen sized bed but it wasn't quite big enough for all of us. At one point she got off the bed to sleep on the cooler hard wood floor - ahhhhh I could stretch out WITH covers! Then she got back in bed with us around six AM and I was pinned between her and my DH and couldn't get out from under the blankets for my hot flashes - grrrrr but she was soooo snugly and cute! Once she was ready to go outside with the other dogs around 8, I went back to bed and SLEPT - very nice!

    Now I'm having my "breakfast" of Greek yogurt with honey and giant fresh strawberries! I'm using the yogurt as a dip and omg is it fabulous! Later we'll head up to the track and I'll try to make some ground up for Friday/yesterday's sins...

    Have a great Sunday! (was going to go to church but bed was just too nice!)
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey! I want free clothes!!! I need 18s tooo!:sad:


    Jesyka- have you thought of a challenge yet? no pilates pleaseeeeeeeeee!:laugh:

    checking in 3/27/10:
    calories- under by like 20
    water- not yet but gonna work on it
    sodium- way over I think around 3000
    proud- that I didnt blow the day

    My BFF who now lives in NC is in town and we went to Panera's and while I did eat what I normally would I made sure to eat lightly the rest of the day. Gonna try to make an apperance at the gym tomorrow to pay for it

    oh and I saw a 214 on the scale today...I hope when TOM leaves that I will be at least at a 215 which is my April 30th goal!! Yippeee!!

    Good night gals,

    Cris - Love the new profile picture.You can so tell your face is getting so much smaller.You look GREAT!!! Are you still doing 1200 calories and not eating any of your exercise cals.By the way how long do you exercise a day?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oooooph! Just remembered that I didn't log the wine or the 1.5 spring rolls from last night. POOF! Over by 500.:noway:

    how depressing.:sick:

    and it's raining...:cry:

    I think I'll just go back to bed. :yawn:

    NOT - off to the gym soon!:tongue:
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    So I attempted to start the 30 day shred today...

    I made it through the first 5 minutes, made the mistake of trying to do it while my toddler was up and running around. But let me tell you...I cannot do a push-up to save my life! I tried the modified, on your knees stature and I managed one real one. I so hope that this gets easier and that I'll be able to at least complete the modified push-ups. I however will NOT be moving on to anything else on the video until I do!!

    Msthal- Yay for going off your water pill. Hope your body cooperates with you and that you don't have any issues from it :) Ah sleeping in, how I really really miss that! I'm nursing my newborn so sleep is a very broken aspect in my life right now, and then my toddler is up and going by 7am :laugh: I had the same thing for breakfast this morning! [though instead of greek yogurt it was fat free vanilla yogurt, but strawberries dipped in it YUM!! Tastes better than chocolate :D

    Littlespy-Enjoy you're dinner tonight, I'm sure that drowning yourself all week will be more than worth it lol!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I'm checking in early tonight, for it is my last day of spring break :cry: and I have a lot of things to do. You know, the list you make before you go on vacation/break of things to do, then you try desperately to finish as many as you can the night before you go back to work? Yeah, that list. :tongue:
    Where did the week go?!?!?!?!? :sad: :sad: :sad: :brokenheart: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    check in:

    cals: OK but again over on sodium by 900 this time - ugh!
    water: 90
    exercise: the full monty - bike, arms, pilates (my muscles!!! :grumble: )
    proud: today I helped carry some heavy equipment up two flights of stairs. I was winded for sure, but it wasn't like I was dying like I had been in the past! :drinker:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    BlueNote- I'm so proud of you for helping carry heavy stuff up two flights of stairs! That's freaking awesome! At 212 I was totally winded after walking MYSELF up two flights let alone carrying heavy stuff! ROCK ON!:drinker:

    OK I am lame. I got up and dressed in work-out clothes today then played on the computer and tried my best to stalk MFP but not so much activity here... finally at like SIX PM we went up to the fitness center to officially join (we've been on a free two - week trial) and since it's Kent State's spring break the rec center closes at 7! So we had an entire half hour to walk before it closed. No biggy right? We could have walked outside even though it was cool and drizzly because heck - I wear a t-shirt to walk at lunch in the freezing snow!


    We went out to eat. Which we couldn't afford financially OR calories - but yeah. I didn't do horribly bad but still wtf am I doing to myself!

    Tomorrow it's up at 5 for at least 30 minutes on the elliptical then off to the rec center for my week 3 day 3 of the 5K101- and some swimming if we have time! And NO MORE slacking I say!

    Checking in:
    Calories- over
    water - under (way way way under)
    exercise - and entire 30 minutes of walking - whoot.

    Proud - that we joined the wellness center! I didn't think Ken would want us to get the joint membership and he did! I'm so excited that we're putting this into our weak budget because it's the first time we've really put our health first! Even if he just walks on the track at least he'll be going up with me! And I'll be able to swim and use their bikes to train for my mini triathlon in July!!! So excited!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Mstahl-Sorry you had a low motivation day, I'd blame it on the crappy weather we got today...Rainy days have a way of making ya feel sluggish...I'm blaming my day on that lol

    Bluenote-WOW!! You accomplished quite the workout today! and then to carry heavy loads up not one but TWO flights of stairs! You go girl!!

    Checking in for 3-27-10

    Calories-Under by 300
    Exercise-My lame attempt at day 1 30 min shred...equaled a whole 5mins :grumble: lol
    Water-4 glasses, still workin on it
    Proud-That I'm NOT going to give up on the shred...those push-ups will not get me down!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies -

    This weekend was crazy...

    We did give the puppy back,, we got her from my step sil and she still has all his brothers so i know she will get a good home for him. I have had issues in the past with all short hair type of dogs. I knew this when we got him, but figured he was soo little that it wouldn't be as bad. The dog we had for 10 years was a long hair dog and never have issues. our good friends have 2 basset hounds and a dauchend and when I am there i am horrible and can't breather same thing at my bil house, he has 2 short haired.

    We are now looking at rescuing one ,a long haired one. There was a couple at the pound here that will be put down :( if nobody adpots them. We may go look tonight.

    I admint i ate horrible this weekened, no exercise and no water..and TMI showed up last night.....so scale was not nice to me up like 5lbs from friday OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know a lot of it is water weight as there is no way i gained that many cals.

    Hubby's job is driving me crazy...I relaly really hope he hears a good thing about this job. He has been working 6-2:30 for like 2 months and for some odd reason he works 8-4:30 today, i schedule my daughter counsleing appt at 4:00 so he can take her so i don't have to take off work, but now i will today..then he freaking has to work easter..he doesn't ever work sunday's but has to work this sunday easter...pluse 1/2 on saturday..you would think OT..but noooo...He works everyday this week but 1/2 on wednesday and saturday...sorry to ramble i am just soo done with his company...everybody send me good wishes he gets this job :):)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls :)

    wow! this group was even active..lol...on the weekend!

    Congrates to this weeks biggest loser...Jesyka...wow girls 8 pounds:flowerforyou: I will do the challenge for this week. I hope it's not as bad as the pilates assigned last week..boy was that a killer..even the beginning level

    MstahI: sorry to hear about your weekend...i would blame the weather too. the weekends weather here was horrible..so is today, rainy and cold! what happened to all the nice weather???

    cris, Littlespy: congrates to your weekend drop on the scale..lol...Satruday morning i weight myself and i was 213 too..i was 214 on friday..but today when i got on the scale i was 215..but i have not gone to the bathroom in 4 days..so i am bloated..ugh.

    awestfall and momma: I stayed on the plan...i didn't binge once...thanks to the weekend rule..how did you girls do? great i hope!

    someone mentioned height, weight and age this weekend...well my height is 5' 7"' and my pants size is 14-12...when i first started i was a size 18 (but it was very tight)..my weight ( as of today) is 215 and my age is 31..someone mentions the 2 years apart between our ages...wow what a coincidence..lol

    I will check back later...i have to go fill out my food and exericse diary...
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hello ladies -

    This weekend was crazy...

    We did give the puppy back,, we got her from my step sil and she still has all his brothers so i know she will get a good home for him. I have had issues in the past with all short hair type of dogs. I knew this when we got him, but figured he was soo little that it wouldn't be as bad. The dog we had for 10 years was a long hair dog and never have issues. our good friends have 2 basset hounds and a dauchend and when I am there i am horrible and can't breather same thing at my bil house, he has 2 short haired.

    We are now looking at rescuing one ,a long haired one. There was a couple at the pound here that will be put down :( if nobody adpots them. We may go look tonight.

    I admint i ate horrible this weekened, no exercise and no water..and TMI showed up last night.....so scale was not nice to me up like 5lbs from friday OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know a lot of it is water weight as there is no way i gained that many cals.

    Hubby's job is driving me crazy...I relaly really hope he hears a good thing about this job. He has been working 6-2:30 for like 2 months and for some odd reason he works 8-4:30 today, i schedule my daughter counsleing appt at 4:00 so he can take her so i don't have to take off work, but now i will today..then he freaking has to work easter..he doesn't ever work sunday's but has to work this sunday easter...pluse 1/2 on saturday..you would think OT..but noooo...He works everyday this week but 1/2 on wednesday and saturday...sorry to ramble i am just soo done with his company...everybody send me good wishes he gets this job :):)

    Don't stess too much about your weekend's craziness...Today is a new day!

    Hopefully you will hear some great news about getting the new job :heart: