Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Well I know jbl I believe is 25 and Cris is 27 I think and me well I'm 29 soon to be 30. Wow I just noticed that the three of us are 2 years apart exactly lol.

    I'm 21 and SERIOUSLY outta shape...So it's not age! :laugh: Meokk and Cris, I seem to be around your body types going by height weight and sizes

    Now to catch up on todays eventful postings!

    LittleSpy-Sounds like you had an amazing time playing tennis!! I almost cried when reading about your self consciousness around others cause of your weight. I'm the same way. I felt so awkward and embarrassed last night just buying a scale...I really can't wait until I get to feeling more comfortable like you are beginning to, that's so great!

    Heather-190 on the scale! that's great! It's awesome that you have your spouses support in your weight loss journey. We can all use all the support we can get!

    Awestfall- 1.6lb loss yay! Your kids sound awesome! I honestly think the best praise comes from our kids

    Cris- Hope the sinus infection goes away for ya soon! I know how miserable they can be. And WTG with the 4lbs loss!

    Momma-Water weight sucks! But the great part is it'll be gone in no time. Don't let it OR TOM keep you down!!

    Lildebbie-Happy to hear your little one's surgery went well...everyones entitled to an off day, especially with how hectic yours was

    Msthal- 5.4lb loss that's Amazing!! You must feel so great!

    Bluenote- The same goes for you and your 3.5lb loss!! you go girl!

    I don't think my loss should really be counted this week. I know that it's gotta be mostly water weight, I'm only 5wks post postpartum and you ladies have been at this far longer, having big losses like some of you have had this week is a big thing!!

    I realized though today, my 1month old is 8lbs. Thinking of that in relation to my weight, it's like losing one of her...She feels heavy after a while, I can't imagine what that did to my body or how much lighter I'll feel when all the excess is gone!

    Check in for tonight

    Exercise- 90min walking
    Proud-I'm still going at this!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess- I know after i had both of my babies, i lost a lot of weight quickly. With my last one i think I was like 290-300 at delivery, about 270 -275 pre-preancy when I returned to work at 8 wks post partem i was like 255, depends too if you are breastfeeding too..you are doing great.

    well we got our new puppy last night...we didn't go to bed till almost 1 (way late for me and my girls). Puppy was crying so didn't really sleep good last night. The scale was not my friend this morning but i deserve that after that bad eating last night...but no more today. was up to almost 285 from 281.4 :sad:

    Hubby is going to make some fresh fruit and yogurt crepes...
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Here is a pic of our new addition :smile:

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Here is a pic of our new addition :smile:

    Awe so cute!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Here is a pic of our new addition :smile:


    What a sweetie...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lildebbie what an adoreable little puppy! What's the lil guys name!?

    I guess I'll weigh in on the pants situation. I'm 25 and last time I checked was at about 230 or 225 can't remember and I could barley squeeze into an 18 at Old Navy. I'm in desperate need of pants so I'm going to attempt to go again today. My probably is my butt is too big...sadly yes....it's all the squats, lunges and the ellipitcal machine it popped outta nowhere! I'm gonna try again today though because the 20's are too baggy and I don't like them! WIsh me luck!!

    P.S. I just want to share with everyone how excited I was. My Mom gave us our Easter baskets yesterday (Yes 25 years old and my Mom still does this! LOL) and she put protein bars in mine instead of candy. I was so excited. Everyone kept digging in my basket and going "ewwww what are these where's the candy!?" :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    We are having to return the puppy :( I am very allergic to him, at first thought it was just cause we got home late but the more and more he is here it is jsut more and more...i can't breathe and my eyes are just itching and watering, i used to have bad allergies before and hadn't had in a while , i don't know if it is dander, our old dog was long haired and never had a problem with him :(
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well I know jbl I believe is 25 and Cris is 27 I think and me well I'm 29 soon to be 30. Wow I just noticed that the three of us are 2 years apart exactly lol.

    I'm 21 and SERIOUSLY outta shape...So it's not age! :laugh: Meokk and Cris, I seem to be around your body types going by height weight and sizes

    Now to catch up on todays eventful postings!

    LittleSpy-Sounds like you had an amazing time playing tennis!! I almost cried when reading about your self consciousness around others cause of your weight. I'm the same way. I felt so awkward and embarrassed last night just buying a scale...I really can't wait until I get to feeling more comfortable like you are beginning to, that's so great!

    Heather-190 on the scale! that's great! It's awesome that you have your spouses support in your weight loss journey. We can all use all the support we can get!

    Awestfall- 1.6lb loss yay! Your kids sound awesome! I honestly think the best praise comes from our kids

    Cris- Hope the sinus infection goes away for ya soon! I know how miserable they can be. And WTG with the 4lbs loss!

    Momma-Water weight sucks! But the great part is it'll be gone in no time. Don't let it OR TOM keep you down!!

    Lildebbie-Happy to hear your little one's surgery went well...everyones entitled to an off day, especially with how hectic yours was

    Msthal- 5.4lb loss that's Amazing!! You must feel so great!

    Bluenote- The same goes for you and your 3.5lb loss!! you go girl!

    I don't think my loss should really be counted this week. I know that it's gotta be mostly water weight, I'm only 5wks post postpartum and you ladies have been at this far longer, having big losses like some of you have had this week is a big thing!!

    I realized though today, my 1month old is 8lbs. Thinking of that in relation to my weight, it's like losing one of her...She feels heavy after a while, I can't imagine what that did to my body or how much lighter I'll feel when all the excess is gone!

    Check in for tonight

    Exercise- 90min walking
    Proud-I'm still going at this!!

    Isn't it crazy how you pick something up in the amount of weigh you lost and you are just thinking "geeze...I've lost THAT much already" it makes you feel good. I picked up my 6 year old niece last night who also happens to weigh 40 pounds and I am thinking to myself "Wow! I have lost a WHOLE Jayden!" it gave the family a nice giggle!

    lildebbie-sorry to hear you have to return the puppy!! He sure was a cutie
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Aww LilDebbie - so sorry about the puppy! Any chance an antihistamine would help enough? I have given up on living without medication and I take the generic version of Zyrtec every day so I don't get all itchy and stuffy from the various gremlins in our house!

    AND LilDebbie - I can assure you that what ever shenanigans you got into yesterday I did FAR FAR WORSE! I went out after work with the girls and lets see... buffalo shrimp dipped into blue cheese dressing, garlic balls - which were basically dough balls (baked I hope) misted with garlic oil and we dipped them into ranch dressing!, blue crab dip - served up with garlic toast, more garlic balls, more alcohol... I figure I ate around 1700 calories in 3 hours. nice. I kept thinking - OH GOD! Remember there's salt in this shi# too! I'll be up 10 pounds for the weekend easy!

    Checking in:
    Calories - shameful shameful - over by 1100 at least
    Water - really good because I made myself drink a glass between my rum and diet cokes!
    Exercise - walked 50 minutes at lunch including a big long hill!

    Proud - well... uhm... that I'm just chalking last night off to a bad choice and moving forward today with great determination to kick butt this weekend!

    Jesyka - I think you won! Rapid weight loss due to baby stuff is still in fact WEIGHT LOSS!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Lildebbie what an adoreable little puppy! What's the lil guys name!?

    I guess I'll weigh in on the pants situation. I'm 25 and last time I checked was at about 230 or 225 can't remember and I could barley squeeze into an 18 at Old Navy. I'm in desperate need of pants so I'm going to attempt to go again today. My probably is my butt is too big...sadly yes....it's all the squats, lunges and the ellipitcal machine it popped outta nowhere! I'm gonna try again today though because the 20's are too baggy and I don't like them! WIsh me luck!!

    P.S. I just want to share with everyone how excited I was. My Mom gave us our Easter baskets yesterday (Yes 25 years old and my Mom still does this! LOL) and she put protein bars in mine instead of candy. I was so excited. Everyone kept digging in my basket and going "ewwww what are these where's the candy!?" :laugh:

    Jess, maybe I should mail you my size 18's ??? I have loads and really need to go shopping but have been postponing. I even have some size 18s that I never wore and I was just going to donate them. I'd be happy to do that if you're interested, those flat rate boxes are quite cheap I think.
    I :heart: your moms easter basket. So thoughtful that she made it diet friendly.

    Lildebbie - sorry you have to return the dog, sadness.

    Jesyka - It's good that your recognize that in the first few weeks you can have a much higher loss than you can maintain moving forward. I'm really impressed that at 21 you are determined to do this the right way. great job! :drinker:
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Jess-It's crazy seeing the weight you've lost manifested into something physical. Real eye opener for sure!

    Lildebbie-I'm sorry about the puppy :(

    Msthal-Like I said to Lildebbie yesterday, everyone is entitled to an off day, and it's great that you're chalking it up to one night and ready to move forward this weekend, not giving up is what it's all about!! And thanks...I'm proud of the loss, I had stalled for three weeks not losing anything. It's all about the choices you make for yourself right? If I hadn't started to get my eating, if you will, together I'd still be maintaining or gaining.

    Meokk-I thank my mom for my attitude towards weight loss. She struggles with her weight as well and knows that you have to work for your loss, that yes you can just watch your calorie intake and keep it low, but that won't give you the results you're looking for...exercise is a must [and I hate that must but I'll be letting ms Jillian Michaels kick my butt with the 30 day shred starting this week :)]
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Jess, maybe I should mail you my size 18's ??? I have loads and really need to go shopping but have been postponing. I even have some size 18s that I never wore and I was just going to donate them. I'd be happy to do that if you're interested, those flat rate boxes are quite cheap I think.
    I :heart: your moms easter basket. So thoughtful that she made it diet friendly.

    OK now, if we are going to do that, then you all need to save everything for me after you've received them from someone else! LOL By the time I need them your old clothes will be retro and will be back in style for my round of wearing! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lildeb - not sure if you've returned the pup yet, but if not, try keeping him for a few weeks and then see how your allergies do. I have had three different friends get puppies and their immediate allergic reactions were terrible but subsided after a few weeks. ??? I hope this helps.

    I have a new monitor and, wowsa, I can see everything on the screen without squinting! LOL
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    lildebbie -- the puppy is SO CUTE. I'm sorry you're allergic. I don't know if you should return him or not, only you can make that decision, but I will tell you that I was VERY allergic to the 2 of my dogs we got as puppies when they were puppies. I would almost break out in hives just holding them (which I did all the time anyway, but I'm not suggesting you should! :laugh:). I'm not really allergic to them anymore. If I've just groomed them, I'll start to get a little sneezy/sniffly but -- c'mon I have 6 dogs. If I were really that allergic to them, my allergy induced asthma wouldn't have cleared up over the last 2 years like it has. :wink: So, for me, like bluenote suggested, my allergies did get better when they grew up. Maybe because they were able to clean themselves better? Anyway, that has been my experience. But if your allergies are really bad, the best thing for you to do may be to return him (which you already have said) so he has a shot at finding another really great home as a small pup. :flowerforyou: I know you'll make whatever decision is best for you and your family (and the little guy).

    Well, I could hardly believe my eyes when I stepped on the scale this morning. It was ungodly early (5.15am) so maybe I really was still dreaming but I got a 208.0 many times in a row. Yesterday was 209.8. Sooooooo...... I have my fingers crossed with high hopes this eating more thing is really doing the trick!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    hey lil deb.. just to weigh in on the allergy and puppy topic.

    I am allergic to anything that has fur... pretty much.. I can not tolerate the dander. Some dogs/puppies have worse dander than others hence the fact some dogs I can tolerate and others drive me nuts. I can not really pet or snuggle with our dogs unless they have been freshly bathed (it too was worse when they were younger) without getting hives and it affecting my eyes, nose and breathing.

    but, I found this stuff called "missing Link" you can buy it at petco or Petsmart. It comes in a powder form and it pretty much vitamins for dogs. It really really helps the dogs coats and helps keep down the dander. In addition to the Missing Link we also use "Iams" dog food. I can tell such a HUGE difference when we tried to use something else.

    I also take Allegra for my allergies along with "oregano oil" for my sinuses. I hope this helps! Good luck with the new little family member (if he gets to stay)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lildebbie what an adoreable little puppy! What's the lil guys name!?

    I guess I'll weigh in on the pants situation. I'm 25 and last time I checked was at about 230 or 225 can't remember and I could barley squeeze into an 18 at Old Navy. I'm in desperate need of pants so I'm going to attempt to go again today. My probably is my butt is too big...sadly yes....it's all the squats, lunges and the ellipitcal machine it popped outta nowhere! I'm gonna try again today though because the 20's are too baggy and I don't like them! WIsh me luck!!

    P.S. I just want to share with everyone how excited I was. My Mom gave us our Easter baskets yesterday (Yes 25 years old and my Mom still does this! LOL) and she put protein bars in mine instead of candy. I was so excited. Everyone kept digging in my basket and going "ewwww what are these where's the candy!?" :laugh:

    Jess, maybe I should mail you my size 18's ??? I have loads and really need to go shopping but have been postponing. I even have some size 18s that I never wore and I was just going to donate them. I'd be happy to do that if you're interested, those flat rate boxes are quite cheap I think.
    I :heart: your moms easter basket. So thoughtful that she made it diet friendly.

    Lildebbie - sorry you have to return the dog, sadness.

    Jesyka - It's good that your recognize that in the first few weeks you can have a much higher loss than you can maintain moving forward. I'm really impressed that at 21 you are determined to do this the right way. great job! :drinker:

    If you are willing to do that I am more then willing to do take them!! I went to Old Navy and the 18's fit!! They were a little snug but I think its mostly just because TOM is about rear it's ugly head! Send me a message if you are really interested and I can send ya a money order or something for it. Just let me know how much. I would be more then happy to send off my old clothes to anybody. I know lildebbie actually doesn't live too far from me!

    LittleSpy-That's awesome that you saw 208! Looks like the eating more is paying off!!

    Jesyka-That is fantastic that you have such a great attitude. I love all Jillian Michaels DVD's. I even bought a few of the Biggest Loser ones. Thought they were fantastic for an at home workout.

    LilDebbie-I had the same problem when we first got our cat and just took the Walgreens brand of Zyrtec for about 2 months everyday and now it doesn't even faze me. Could just be temporary.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey! I want free clothes!!! I need 18s tooo!:sad:


    Jesyka- have you thought of a challenge yet? no pilates pleaseeeeeeeeee!:laugh:

    checking in 3/27/10:
    calories- under by like 20
    water- not yet but gonna work on it
    sodium- way over I think around 3000
    proud- that I didnt blow the day

    My BFF who now lives in NC is in town and we went to Panera's and while I did eat what I normally would I made sure to eat lightly the rest of the day. Gonna try to make an apperance at the gym tomorrow to pay for it

    oh and I saw a 214 on the scale today...I hope when TOM leaves that I will be at least at a 215 which is my April 30th goal!! Yippeee!!

    Good night gals,

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Woot! Apparently, in celebration of my 208, I thought I should treat myself to a chocolate cream pie shake from Sonic. :laugh: It's okay -- I worked outside with kids all morning (lots of walking, jumping, bending, squatting). And then played tennis for 2 hours. Plus I'm counting it as dinner so I'm way under on calories today.

    So, I still suck hard at tennis but, yeesh, I'm in so much better shape than my friends. :ohwell: I thought my bf tired out fast on Thursday but my friend who used to play tennis & I thought was in pretty good shape go tired really fast - so tired she just stopped playing and went and sat down next to the fence after like an hour. Then I played "ironman" (raquetball term?) against my bf and her husband. Yep. Lil' ol' me against 2 big athletic men. :tongue: And, I gotta say, I sucked, but.... not as much as they did. :laugh: I think Matt (friend) was commenting to my bf about my energy level or something because I picked up like "yeah... she.... exercise bike... treadmill....." (it was really windy so I couldn't hear very well).

    Anyway, I just think it's really funny that... well, I guess that my endurance/stamina is so much better than people I wouldn't have considered to be very out of shape. Makes me happy for me but kind of sad for everyone else. :indifferent:

    We were invited out to dinner by another couple to an AWESOME burger joint (featured on Diners, Drive-Ins, & Dives a few months ago, actually) so... yeah, that's like all I get to eat tomorrow. :laugh: So, yeah, that 208 may not be sticking around afterall, but I'll get it back in a few days.
  • sutts
    sutts Posts: 35
    I love the puppy. I had a mini daschund when I was growing up and it looked exactly like yours. Too cute!!
    I didn't weight on on Friday morning because I am totaly disgusted with myself. I had that great week, where I lost 8 pounds. Then, I could not stop shovelling the food into my face. I just feel sick about it. So, I have actually gained 4 pounds this week. Has anyone heard of PGX ? Apparently, it is an all natural appetite supressant. It is some kind of super fibre that bulks up, and makes you feel full. I have to try something. I just can't seem to stay on a plan for more than one week. All suggestions are welcome.
    Way to go, Bluenote, so glad that you are down and back on track!!
    LittleSpy - way to go, 208 is great. The treat was deserved, too.
    Everyone on this board is amazing and achieving great things.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    All this talk about puppy, I was all like "what, what, what!!!" someone got a puppy??? And I had to seek out the little one....So cute!!!!