Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Mamma - I would hold off doing a jog/walk back to back if you can. I'm thinking that even if you feel great, your knees and leg bones are probably maddly rebuilding and re-inforcing areas that haven't seen stress in a few years!

    Too late!!! I did what I thought I read was week2 , cause I am a dork and I did not go back to confirm it. and I walked 3minutes ran 2 minutes. :ohwell: Running for 2 is a little harder than 90 seconds. Whoooo I am going to make sure I read what it is before I do it next week. But anyways I did this and I still feel pretty good. I usually walk brisk 5-7 days a week,
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    momma - *hugs* and thanks for sharing your story. Losing one is hard enough, but to lose two family members so close together? Very very difficult. And as for the +6 - well, I had that last week too and trust me,

    Thanks!!!! You are the best
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am a stalker today. I am shutting off my computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I'm going to check in now for today because i am not sure if i will be back later...

    check in: 3/24/10
    calories: under by 200
    water: yup! all 13 cups
    exercise: no, not yet..but will walk with my family later on tonight
    proud: that i am acutally getting this weight loss thing..i am so motivated to get ths weight off...

    Have a wonderfull weekend girls! and remember to stay on the plan..no binging!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Mstahl, you got me thinking.......
    I'm under 200 now and your height but I am still in size 16's and my collar bone is not showing and I can't run for more than a minute and I can't play tennis for an hour.......:grumble: :grumble: Are the other ladies just much younger than us? Maybe that's the difference. :tongue:
    So for dinner tonight it's "dust, anybody, no, dust"
    If you have seen the show "little britain" you'll know what I'm talking about, the rest of you need to see this skit, it's hilarious and sometimes shocking. They spoof a weight watchers style meeting. Warning, this comedy is not everyone's cup of tea so please don't get mad at me if you find it offensive.
    I'll link to a relatively tame one....
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ok.. logged on to catch up on the posts and on the right side of the screen there is an advertisement for Dairy Queen... I mean really... come on.. we have a hard enough time without the "health" site letting a fast food chain come in to advertise..
    :explode: :noway:

    thanks for letting me vent
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    It's funny how clothes size and body shape and weight and fitness is so different on each of us...

    I'm 5'3" or maybe 5'4" at the most- and per this thread I actually weigh less than LittleSpy, and I think I might be taller? But OMG can she kick my BUTT in running and squats and DVD workouts!!! Plus she fits into size 12s! I'm guessing she must have a MUCH higher ratio of muscle to fat than I have! Chris looks like she's heavier on paper too- and again - she can kick my BUTT in exercise running etc, but I think she's said she isn't seeing the change in clothing size that she expected. And I bet I can't stay on a bike for 45 minutes like BlueNote!!!! Let's not even talk about Awestfall...

    Of course today I'm sitting here wearing a size Medium top (so RANDOM that it fits!) and size 18 pants! The 18s are a little lose but they fit better than some 16s I've already shrunk out of!

    Today I got back from my lunch time walk and I was beat. I walk almost every day but still I'm tired out at the end. I get up to get a glass of water and you'd think I was 80 with all the groans and whining I'm doing! None the less I'm excited to get to the track tomorrow and do another day of the 5K101 program!

    Mamma - I would hold off doing a jog/walk back to back if you can. I'm thinking that even if you feel great, your knees and leg bones are probably maddly rebuilding and re-inforcing areas that haven't seen stress in a few years!

    Talk to you all later!!! Miss you!!!
    Mstahl- I am 5'4 and as of today I weighed in at 228.8 but I logged it as 229 because of so many readings on my scale this morning.Is it possible for digital scale to be off??? Anyways I agree with you on size and shape and how different we are.Last year when I weighed in at 212 I was able to squeeze into a size 14 there is no way I could have worn a size 12 at that weight even if I wanted to.I think its awesome that jbl aka littlespy can.I can now where a size 16 and its not as tight as it used to be.I just believe its different bones structures and all in where you carry your weight too.I can wear smaller pant sizes because I have no butt literally its flat.Right now it looks huge because of my disproportioned hips lol:laugh: :laugh: that and I carry all my weight in my stomach and hip area.My legs are athletically thin (not to brag but they are small).I know this is not what my body should look like because I used to be so small.People always comment on how small my legs are.I do squats everyday and I run religiously everyday now.Enough said just rambling now but I totally know what you mean .
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Mstahl, you got me thinking.......
    I'm under 200 now and your height but I am still in size 16's and my collar bone is not showing and I can't run for more than a minute and I can't play tennis for an hour.......:grumble: :grumble: Are the other ladies just much younger than us? Maybe that's the difference. :tongue:
    So for dinner tonight it's "dust, anybody, no, dust"
    If you have seen the show "little britain" you'll know what I'm talking about, the rest of you need to see this skit, it's hilarious and sometimes shocking. They spoof a weight watchers style meeting. Warning, this comedy is not everyone's cup of tea so please don't get mad at me if you find it offensive.
    I'll link to a relatively tame one....
    Well I know jbl I believe is 25 and Cris is 27 I think and me well I'm 29 soon to be 30. Wow I just noticed that the three of us are 2 years apart exactly lol.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok.. logged on to catch up on the posts and on the right side of the screen there is an advertisement for Dairy Queen... I mean really... come on.. we have a hard enough time without the "health" site letting a fast food chain come in to advertise..
    :explode: :noway:

    thanks for letting me vent
    Love your new profile pic!!! So pretty!! And yes I do agree with the fast food thing I mean really do we need to see that.;We may want it but we don't need to be reminded.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Whew lordie mae I think I finished reading everything. LOL We are busy MFPers today!
    awestfall - OH what precious girls! I had a little tear coming down when I read your post. I love that your girls are seeing you as a role model and want you to be healthy.
    jesyka - I love greek yogurt, and so will you! Littlespy & I think mstahl got me on it and I am so glad! And, girl.....WOOOOHOOOOOOO ON THE 8!!!!!!!!
    lildeb - any news about hubby's job yet? I am praying for you! I am also thanking God for the successful tube implantations today for your sweetpea!
    meokk - uh huh, those Cadburys get me every time. I swear they call out my name when I go into Walgreens!
    heather - that is the first I heard of shopping online and having it shipped to the store to pick up to avoid shipping fees! What a great idea!
    cris - your fiance scored major points with that roll over comment! Good for you!
    pos_me - I did the same thing and drank more water and had a great weigh in like you! Drink drink drink! Thanks for the smoothie recipe. And, BTW, that 30 ticker is lookin' mighty good on ya! :wink:
    littlespy - I love that you're loving tennis! What fun to get to work out with the bf!
    mstahl - I TOTALLY understand the whole validation at your job thing. I bet it did feel good to get a chance to really be honest and say what you feel. Good for you.
    momma - *hugs* and thanks for sharing your story. Losing one is hard enough, but to lose two family members so close together? Very very difficult. And as for the +6 - well, I had that last week too and trust me, it's not fat! It'll come off - drink more water.
    jess - thanks for the JM article.
    By the way Bluenote thanks for the comment about my girls.I love them so much!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    You guys are funny. Let me be clear: I will NOT be wearing size 12s in public any time soon!!! Yes, I can certainly put them on & get them zipped & buttoned, but in mstahl's words, they're TIGHT and not in a sexy way. :laugh:

    I'm comfortably a size 14 at the moment, according to the clothes I've tried on at several different stores & the pants I bought at the thrift store last week, which are, the ONLY size 14s I own.

    I, like mstahl, am 5'3.something". I'm a "thick," "stocky," "muscular" build meaning I'll very likely never ever ever be a size 0, 2, or 4. Like, I'm pretty sure it would be UNpossible. :tongue: I have always been overweight, so I likely do have a good bit of muscle built up from carrying around so much extra weight for 25 years (yep, I'm 25 -- will be 26 in 2 months).

    Even at 270+ pounds, I was a tight size 20 & I had broken down & bought 1 pair of 22s. Now I'm a "large" in most ladies' tops (which blows my freaking mind :laugh:) and right now, I'm even wearing "large" pants. I keep thinking the clothes are mislabeled or something, but I keep trying on different larges and they all keep fitting! :noway: Blows my mind (in a very good way).
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    You guys are funny. Let me be clear: I will NOT be wearing size 12s in public any time soon!!! Yes, I can certainly put them on & get them zipped & buttoned, but in mstahl's words, they're TIGHT and not in a sexy way. :laugh:

    I'm comfortably a size 14 at the moment, according to the clothes I've tried on at several different stores & the pants I bought at the thrift store last week, which are, the ONLY size 14s I own.

    I, like mstahl, am 5'3.something". I'm a "thick," "stocky," "muscular" build meaning I'll very likely never ever ever be a size 0, 2, or 4. Like, I'm pretty sure it would be UNpossible. :tongue: I have always been overweight, so I likely do have a good bit of muscle built up from carrying around so much extra weight for 25 years (yep, I'm 25 -- will be 26 in 2 months).

    Even at 270+ pounds, I was a tight size 20 & I had broken down & bought 1 pair of 22s. Now I'm a "large" in most ladies' tops (which blows my freaking mind :laugh:) and right now, I'm even wearing "large" pants. I keep thinking the clothes are mislabeled or something, but I keep trying on different larges and they all keep fitting! :noway: Blows my mind (in a very good way).
    I know what you mean though.All my XL pants are going to have to go.Because everytime I go for a run in them my pants fall off.LOL!! Yesterday me and my baby girl were running around the house outside and my pants and underwear(I know TMI) fell off.So glad the neighbors weren't out so embarrassing but at the same time rewarding because now I can go down to a large.I didn't think it would be possible that I could were a large again but I will be getting a size large in my exercise pants next time.I can see it now if I don't get a smaller size next time I go running at the park my pants and underwear will fall off and everyone will see.LOL:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :blushing: :blushing:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    OMG there were a lot of posts to catch up on ...

    Lildebbie - glad surgery went well for your little one ... that can be so scary
    Momma - don't let a bad weigh-in get you down ... you know it's water weight
    Cris - what a nice comment to hear from your fiance about shrinking!
    Awestfall - what a sweet thing for your daughter Paige to say!

    and happy Friday to everyone else that I forgot to comment on!

    I hope I grabbed the latest weigh-in list to add mine to ... I gained a pound, but I will weigh again tomorrow after I work out and I know I may see a lower number because that is when I did my weigh-in last week.

    LilDebbie.............- 2.8 = 0 .98%
    meokk...................- 0.8 = 0.45%
    jess41684............- 1 = 0.45%
    snowflakes...........-1.4 = 0.75%
    Positive...................- 3 =1.38%
    LittleSpy/jlb............-0.4 = 0.19%
    hajohnson...............-2.6 = 1.35%
    Awestfall..................-1.6= 0.69%
    Cris20056..................-4= 1.81%
    Cogirl........................... ? = 0%
    madgoth.................... -1.5!!! I will let mari do the math!
    Jesyka .........................-8=3.5%
    mstahl..........................-5.4 = 2.91%
    bluenote................... -3.5 = .81%
    lsptaul.......................+1=0% (I like your math momma!)

    Congrats Jesyka ... it looks like you will probably need to come up with our challenge for next week.

    p.s. I just fulfilled the weely pilates challenge and did 25 minutes of an on demand pilates video ... man that was hard :embarassed: - I could only do probably 1/2 of it but at least I made the effort. I guess I should probably try to add something like that in more often!

    Have a great weekend all! :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello everyone...today has been not a good day for me eating, i am actually very ashamed of myself :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Cals - Way way over
    Water - nada
    exercise - nada
    proud - not much really.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Check in for today:
    calories - about 100 under exercise cals
    exercise - 30 day shred and sit ups/squats
    water - 100oz
    proud that I did some wedding org that I've been avoiding, I know it's not weight loss related but it is stress related!!

    Awestfall - you are hilarious, I'm nearly there with you, work out pants falling down, but I'm doing 30 day shred in my living room!!! Now I will always think of you running around your yard half naked trying to pull your pants back up :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Lildebbie - don't let it get you down, tomorrow is another day. You had a lot going on today and probably ate rotten hospital food to top it all off. I'm so happy to hear that the operation went well, you can celebrate tomorrow by cooking up some healthy meals and drinking your water ,:tongue::tongue:

    Thanks Little Spy, I feel a bit better now but you must be much leaner than me for your weight. I was in 18s at 223 and those were almost too tight. I'm 5'4". Just got to step up the exercise I suppose, I'll get there :drinker:

    EVERYONE - Thank you for doing my torturous challenge this week even if you only did 5 minutes, I'm proud and happy that you tried!!!:drinker: :heart: :drinker: I was a bit hard for me but I'd like to try again once I get rid of another 20lbs or so.
    Congrats on all of your losses this week, Mstahl, cris, bluenote and jesyka - you rock!!!!!!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks Little Spy, I feel a bit better now but you must be much leaner than me for your weight. I was in 18s at 223 and those were almost too tight. I'm 5'4". Just got to step up the exercise I suppose, I'll get there :drinker:

    My best friend (we're brutally honest with each other) told me she never would have guessed I weighed over 230 pounds. I had to prove to her that I weighed 212 when she was down to visit a couple weeks ago. She's 5'7" and 170 and I'm just 1 size bigger than she is now at 5'3.5" & 210. She's really athletic, too, so it's weird. I mean, I know I've got a lot of muscle, but I've got a LOT of fat, too! :laugh:

    But anyway, this is why I have so much trouble figuring out what my goal weight should be. I just keep saying "I'll figure it out when I get there." :tongue:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    hey, hey!

    I am 5'5 and right now 217lbs--I am between a size 18 and 16. 16s are too tight and 18s too loose. I wore a size 14 when I was 180lbs. I guess my explanation for that is that I have a humongous (sp?) behind. Its the Brazilian booty, there's no getting rid of that baby! I dont mind though cause its what attracted Bobby to me:laugh: :noway:

    I have never ever ever worn a size 12 (as an adult) and Ive gotten down to 169lbs before and it still wouldnt fit...so yea...
    But at 180lbs I also wore a Medium sized shirt (M shirt 14 pants...ugh..total pear)

    checking in for tonight 3/26/10:
    calories- under by 120
    water- yes 100+
    sodium- 1430
    excercise- did 15 mins on the treadmil (walk/run) 25 mins on the bike, and i really should start week 6 of sit ups:grumble:
    proud- not really, I have been a real biotch to Bobby today, I blame TOM, but I feel bad.

    I hope everyone has a good night!


  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    PS- I kept referencing 180lbs because that was what I had mainted for like 6-7 years prior to getting pregnant. I felt like I looked good then but I was def not healthy...I am really thinking about changing my goal to 160 instead of 150 but I am going to wait until I get closer

    Ok now good night for real
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    ok.. logged on to catch up on the posts and on the right side of the screen there is an advertisement for Dairy Queen... I mean really... come on.. we have a hard enough time without the "health" site letting a fast food chain come in to advertise..
    :explode: :noway:

    thanks for letting me vent
    I was gonna say the same thing! Ditto! Grrr!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I'll be so happy when I can actually go IN to a brick and mortar store to buy clothes! :tongue: Even Lane Giant doesn't fit! :laugh: But it will someday!!! :bigsmile:

    check in:
    cals: great
    water: 90 :noway: and lovin' it!
    exercise: 40 + 10 bike, arms, plus I walked a mile today ::sweat-laden, red-faced smiley::
    proud: I feel great today and spent the last day of my break in the sunshine walking! :happy: