it's 2013, why are women playing mother to their husbands?



  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I don't buy the "but I don't know how" bs.
    Neither did I. I never wanted to learn how to cook. I don't particularly like cooking either, but fast food & TV dinners aren't a way of life. Grow up & learn the basics at least. Not everyone is always going to be there all the time.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member

    I am a man and I do all the cooking in our household and have done the cooking for most of my life.
    I taught my kids how to cook and to experience the kitchen as an exciting place where they can develop their creativity and passion.
    I also do a very substantial part of the housework - which I don't think it particularly unusual.
    kind regards,


    Then what are you doing here? Get back in the kitchen!
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member

    I am a man and I do all the cooking in our household and have done the cooking for most of my life.
    I taught my kids how to cook and to experience the kitchen as an exciting place where they can develop their creativity and passion.
    I also do a very substantial part of the housework - which I don't think it particularly unusual.
    kind regards,


    Then what are you doing here? Get back in the kitchen!

    Oh you are hilarious!
    I don't need to spend all day in the kitchen.
  • AnnieMeredith
    AnnieMeredith Posts: 20 Member
    Me and my boyfriend eat VERY differently because we have VERY different needs. I put on weight very easily and he has a hard time not being underweight. When we're at his place, he makes me my food, and food for himself, and when I'm he's here I make his food.
    there is nothing old fashioned or degrading about that and our different needs do not say anything about us as people.
  • I cook 3 meals a night. My husband is a meat (preferably steak or sausages) and 2 veg (potato and frozen mixed vegetables) kinda guy. I figure he works 10-16 hours a day the least I can do is feed him something he likes. Or listen to him bit(h all night

    My 14 year old is a vegetarian so she eats mushrooms, spinach, brussel sprouts, tofu ect ect (My husband will not eat any of this)

    My 3 year old is waiting on surgery for tonsils and adenoids and only eats soft foods and chicken breast. All other meats she will chew and spit it out, Her tonsils are more then double normal size.

    My 13 year old and I will eat a mixture of what everyone else is eating. Sometimes I feel like a chicken stir fry and no one else likes them so I'll make 4 meals a night. I'm already in the kitchenso it's no big deal to me over how many meals I make.
    Plus the kids do all the washing up so I like making a mess for them

    My husband can't cook, if I don't cook he will get take away. Last time he tried to cook the spaghetti was oily and meat hadn't been drained. It was like eating a ball of oil. Gross. He does the bbq every weekend though
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    The zombie apocalypse is coming, so I hope everyone knows how to cook equally.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    The zombie apocalypse is coming, so I hope everyone knows how to cook equally.

    The hell do I need to know how to cook for? If the zombie apocalypse comes, we return to 'survival of the fittest', and there are millions of wide assed, bad shots out there that I can take all of the food I need from.
  • Snoozypaws3000
    Snoozypaws3000 Posts: 133 Member
    I don't expect him to cook
    He doesn't expect me go climb onto a 40 foot roof to clean the gutters out

    Happy with our bet
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    My girlfriend comes from a traditional Chinese family. It's taken her a year to get over the fact that I cook and (sometimes) clean. She was confused and even a little nervous the first time she cooked for me (at my house) and, after dinner, I told her to sit down and relax while I cleaned the kitchen. She still does the laundry, though I do share that, and cleans the house (the kitchen is all mine though) because that is her contribution to the housework, etc.

    btw... IMHO, any guy that is truly incapable of cooking, is probably also incapable of wiping the drool running down his face. Cooking is really easy (cooking GREAT food is a bit tougher). They are simply too lazy or too afraid to try. (Yes, there are exceptions to this). BUT... if the couple has an understanding that the guy won't cook... it certainly won't affect my night's sleep!

    Now, if you'll excuse me, since my gf is away I'm going to get started on my Cajun-buffalo chicken breasts... yum!

    Haha.. it was some of the same with me and my "new" BF (been together 3,5 years now, lived together for 2,5). I have two teenagers and am/was used to keeping track and control of the household by myself. He INSISTED to get to be a part of everything and actually still gets grumpy when he's not included in the jobs to be done. He's fully capable of keeping house by himself too, so it's just been an adjustment for me. I still do most of the cooking though, but that's mostly because I'm home earlier.

    This works for us. I'm very happy with sharing everything with him, makes me feel that I'm not all alone with all the work.
    What works best for others is a totally different matter. And that's THEIR business..
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Look, feminism is about having the CHOICE to play traditional roles or not. It is not a rejection of all things done in the home by a woman.

    A married couple is tasked with caring for one another. It is up to each couple to decide how to do this, according to one another strengths and weaknesses; it should have nothing to do with traditional gender roles. It is not wrong for a woman to cook and a man to install gutters, any more than the reverse is wrong.
  • She_Squat_I_Watch
    She_Squat_I_Watch Posts: 11 Member
    I'm going to order me a cookbook because my
    lady isn't into the manly foods I like like to eat daily such as
    chicken patties and fries
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    I LOVE cooking. Last night, hubby and I had rib eye steaks. He prefers his done under the broiler, I prefer mine fried (Or on the BBQ). He prefers french fries with his...I like boiled new potatoes. Daughter doesn't like steak and I know this so I got her a bit of turkey that I cooked up for her. It takes a bit of effort on my part, but like I said, I enjoy it...and everyone helps with the clean up! I'd rather they enjoy what I fix for them than watch them pick at it and not eat. This works for us...but I suppose not for everyone.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    i do shift work, he long hours, so its whoever is there policy, don't generalize!!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Why does anyone feel the need to defend their home life? Is everyone getting fed? Yes? Then who cares?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Look, feminism is about having the CHOICE to play traditional roles or not. It is not a rejection of all things done in the home by a woman.

    A married couple is tasked with caring for one another. It is up to each couple to decide how to do this, according to one another strengths and weaknesses; it should have nothing to do with traditional gender roles. It is not wrong for a woman to cook and a man to install gutters, any more than the reverse is wrong.

    ^^^^^^^^^^ THIS x10000000000000000000000000000000000000

    my husband works hard, I'm currently looking for work (part time) and I'm part time homeschooling (my kids are at an Arabic school and I'm supplementing what they're not learning from the British curriculum at home). So why shouldn't I cook for him if that's what suits us? It'd be very un-egalitarian of me to demand that he cooks his own food seeing as he does a lot more work than me. Even when I get a part time job he'll still be doing more work than me as he'll be paying for someone to mind the kids and help with the housework (which is the best way to do daycare in the Gulf) so I'll still be doing less work than him and this takes care of more than his share of the housework too.

    Equality is about having a choice, not replacing one forced situation (all women being homemakers/stay at home mums) with another (all women being under social pressure to return to work regardless if they're suffering from or at risk of post-natal depression, or simply would prefer to be at home with the baby, etc). Equality = women having a free choice between being a stay at home mum or homemaker (with or without kids) and going to work, and being equally respected and supported whatever they choose. And also IMO men should have the choice to be stay at home dads or homemakers and be respected for it. The choice in these matters is down to the individual couple/family and what works for them.
  • kitza101
    kitza101 Posts: 99 Member
    Look, feminism is about having the CHOICE to play traditional roles or not. It is not a rejection of all things done in the home by a woman.

    A married couple is tasked with caring for one another. It is up to each couple to decide how to do this, according to one another strengths and weaknesses; it should have nothing to do with traditional gender roles. It is not wrong for a woman to cook and a man to install gutters, any more than the reverse is wrong.


    I do most of the cooking in my house, but the reason why is because I love it and I get sick and tired of my husband's inability to notice that a piece of meat with vegetables every single night is boring to me - which is what I'd get if he did most of the cooking ;)

    However, I cannot stand doing the vacuuming and my husband finds it relaxing - so it's all fine. In a marriage you often divvy up these kinds of tasks, as often there is a person who enjoys doing them more than the other. Provided both people are happy with this arrangement and have open communication about their roles in the household, I don't see the issue?
  • alitap
    alitap Posts: 38 Member
    I'm going to assume you don't have kids and you're not married.

    I'm Married, and my wife and I share those responsibilities in the house. We either make separate meals, or share cooking responsibilities during the week/weekend. Of course, I don't believe just because she has boobs she is my servant and I can't figure out how to cook or clean.

  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I'm going to assume you don't have kids and you're not married.

    This I love to look after my man and kids
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I have a partner and 2 boys. Im going to teach the boys to cook from an early age. Im getting the 2 yr old a toddler cooking set for his birthday so we can make cakes and biscuits together. My partner will put something in the oven and forget, then remember and the meal comes out like charcoal! I prefer to cook so then I know whats in the meal and that its healthy. Id rather he didnt do stuff around the hosue seeing as he was 27 and living with his parents and his mum did all his cleaning and ironing. He can do things if he has to but I like to do it myself so I know its done properly
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    I live in a household where 99% of the cooking is done by my step papa ....he LOVES cooking for his family (trust me) ...even christmas dinner is cooked by him, this year he went and made a real christmas cake...bless (my mum offers to do the dishes- putting them in the dishwasher :laugh: )
    my step paps cooks because he loves HIS kitchen and no-one can clean it quiet the way he does :smile:

    I then have a bf of 4years who again does all the cooking (and his good!)...can I cook, yeah, do I cook when I feel like it.

    It's 2013.....why do we give a **** whose role it is to do anything or be in the kitchen ?! let **** be !
    Just like some men like to cater to their other halves needs, some women like to do the same !