How to target back fat?



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Nothing works on it. It just grows there one day and it stays.

    completely untrue. a calorie deficit and strength training works. patience works too.
    It is true. Unless you are a female, you can't say for sure. Women are NOT men. Women's bodies are not the same as men's bodies. I am so tired of men who do not understand a woman's body is different who gives advice.

    I honestly didn't read past this post. I can only imagine what comes next. I only have one comment.

    You are wrong.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    So this has been said many times on here but for some reason no one seems to pay any attention to the few people that know what they are talking about. I think it may be in hope that someone will vomit out some garbage about "weighted gloves" or carrying midgets on your back and they'll choose to believe it... reiterate what some of my fallen brethren have already so heroically said on this post:

    You CANNOT target fat. It is in your specific genes what fat your body decides to get rid of first relative to the rest of your body.
    There are some similarities between men and some similarities between women when it comes to where most fat is stored and where most fat is lost at first.

    SO, OP, if you want to get rid of your back fat, you have to get rid of ALL the other fat your body wants to get rid of first before it even thinks about your back fat.

    ..In memory of Intelligence

    This was so beautiful it deserved to be said twice.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    Ditch the supplements, decrease cardio in half and replace it with lifting weight.. Not girly weight 2.5 pound dumbbells.. I mean like LIFT weights. While cardio looks like the bigger calorie burn short term, and its awesome to see a 600+ calorie burn, lifting weights will build muscle which in turn will burn more calories over a 24 hour timeframe. For every pound of muscle we have versus fat we burn an extra 50 calories a day! If you put on 4 pounds of muscle and lose 4 pounds of fat you will burn an extra 200 calories a day doing nothing different! How can you beat that? You will NOT get those types of after burn results from cardio, alone. Start lifting girl!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    unsubscribe button... unsubscribe button... unsubscribe button... where is the unsubscribe button?!?!?!?!
  • Talleifer
    Talleifer Posts: 44 Member
    not worth it

    Good thing I read it before you edited :P
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.



    1. What in the HALE is buffing and boosting??
    2. OP if you want guidance as to why you haven't lost weight during a year of exercising, you should open your diary, providing that it is accurate.
    No one can really comment

    ^ Another vote for strength training from a woman. The basics are the same for males and females.

    Cant help without seeing your diary but I would add:

    4. Small calorie deficit

    5. Enough protein.
    I am the original poster of this comment here that said, "don't listen to men" and that "women hold more fat" I also added in the post below that I forgot to mention to LIFT WEIGHTS and suggested it. It just didn't get copied along with this quote. I am a woman too. Yes, lift weights. And yes the basics of lifting are the same. That isn't what i was referring to. I said it is harder for women to lose fat based on the fact that we are women and we have babies. I am only talking about women of childbearing age who have not gone through menopause. We hold onto fat in constant preparation for getting pregnant. I said men don't "get that". I said they lose fat easier. For one they have more muscle, two they don't have bodies which hold onto fat for the event they get pregnant. Again STRENGTH TRAIN. There are a lot of sloppy readers here so quick to post a comment without reading .

    How sexist are you? Men dont understand that women hold more fat? Are you serious? Get a female trainer? WTF?

    Yes women hold more fat than men. We also look leaner at higher BF% Win for us.

    Changes nothing about how to retain LBM while losing body fat. Exactly the same process for men and women at all times of the month.
    AT the time I originally wrote this 2 hrs ago, there were two men on here saying sexist things so I told her not to listen to the men. I meant "the two men posting". YOu are very late in coming into the conversation to be commenting on a conversation which occurred hours ago. Second of all, you are 100% incorrect that a female's hormones do not play a part in what type of workout we should be doing and how many calories or carbs we should be eating at certain days of the month. 100% for a fact incorrect. There is a bucket load of information on this. Michele Berger wrote a book on it. It is called, "hormonal timing" If you want to educate yourself on it, then please do so BEFORE saying anything else about something in which you know nothing about. Once you have done your homework IF you care to do your homework I'd love to hear your comments. Otherwise give me evidence that it is exactly the same for men as it is for women regardless of what time of month it is and prove me wrong. Either way, the ball is in your court. I have done extensive research and I don't care what you chose to do from here on out.

    What sexist things....please quote them.

    How about you providing evidence that we need to train to our 'hormones' to be effective?
    This is the FOURTH time I have posted your evidence. It is in a book and all over the Internet by the name of "Hormonal Timing". You want me to do copy and pastes from websites and the book? Do you know how pointless that would be? Wouldn't you rather Google it and make your own decision. And then you want me to respond about the sexist comments I claim a man said 2 hours ago? Why do I have to explain this to you? Does this have ANYTHING to do with this subject of "back fat?" If my opinion of two men two hours ago was that they said something I took as sexist. Then that is MY business. It really is none of yours. You're only asking, bc you are looking for drama. The men are responsible for what they said. I am responsible for how I took at and you have nothing to do with that.

    Referring to a book that someone is selling is not evidence. Why don't you quote some of these studies you say are in the book.

    You make accusations, why don't you actually support them rather than deflecting.

    And yes, what did all your posts have to do with back fat I ask myself as well.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I don't know about anybody else, but I'm loving that this thread turned my FL into a bunch of sexy back shots. Begs the question: is there a How to Tone Up My Booty thread we can hop to next and get the same result?

    Also, who the hell is Michele Berger, and why is the fact that she scratched out a book relevant to anything, anywhere? Huffing? Buffing? GTFO
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Ditch the supplements, decrease cardio in half and replace it with lifting weight.. Not girly weight 2.5 pound dumbbells.. I mean like LIFT weights.

    i told her something like this. it got blown off. because i'm a sexist penis-having don draper reincarnated devil man.

    it might hold merit coming from you though. uteruses before duderuses.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Oh okay, duh! I am sorry. A woman's body is exactly like a man's. They get their period too. My apologies. They hold on to fat in prep for babies too. They also have the same exact muscle mass as women. They lose weight the same as women. It is just as easy for women to lose weight as it is for men. Men and women have the same muscle to fat ratios genetically. Men go through menopause just like women. Women get extra fat in their tummies when they lose testosterone as they age, just like a man. Women and men have the same proportions such as the same size hips. Women do not genetically have larger hips for childbirth. Gee, thanks for clearing this up. Your comment has got to be the DUMBEST I have EVER heard. All you can say is, "you're wrong" but not say why? OMG! I have heard it ALL NOW!
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    This is the FOURTH time I have posted your evidence. It is in a book and all over the Internet by the name of "Hormonal Timing". You want me to do copy and pastes from websites and the book? Do you know how pointless that would be? Wouldn't you rather Google it and make your own decision. And then you want me to respond about the sexist comments I claim a man said 2 hours ago? Why do I have to explain this to you? Does this have ANYTHING to do with this subject of "back fat?" If my opinion of two men two hours ago was that they said something I took as sexist. Then that is MY business. It really is none of yours. You're only asking, bc you are looking for drama. The men are responsible for what they said. I am responsible for how I took at and you have nothing to do with that.

    I... don't even...
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.



    1. What in the HALE is buffing and boosting??
    2. OP if you want guidance as to why you haven't lost weight during a year of exercising, you should open your diary, providing that it is accurate.
    No one can really comment

    ^ Another vote for strength training from a woman. The basics are the same for males and females.

    Cant help without seeing your diary but I would add:

    4. Small calorie deficit

    5. Enough protein.
    I am the original poster of this comment here that said, "don't listen to men" and that "women hold more fat" I also added in the post below that I forgot to mention to LIFT WEIGHTS and suggested it. It just didn't get copied along with this quote. I am a woman too. Yes, lift weights. And yes the basics of lifting are the same. That isn't what i was referring to. I said it is harder for women to lose fat based on the fact that we are women and we have babies. I am only talking about women of childbearing age who have not gone through menopause. We hold onto fat in constant preparation for getting pregnant. I said men don't "get that". I said they lose fat easier. For one they have more muscle, two they don't have bodies which hold onto fat for the event they get pregnant. Again STRENGTH TRAIN. There are a lot of sloppy readers here so quick to post a comment without reading .

    How sexist are you? Men dont understand that women hold more fat? Are you serious? Get a female trainer? WTF?

    Yes women hold more fat than men. We also look leaner at higher BF% Win for us.

    Changes nothing about how to retain LBM while losing body fat. Exactly the same process for men and women at all times of the month.
    AT the time I originally wrote this 2 hrs ago, there were two men on here saying sexist things so I told her not to listen to the men. I meant "the two men posting". YOu are very late in coming into the conversation to be commenting on a conversation which occurred hours ago. Second of all, you are 100% incorrect that a female's hormones do not play a part in what type of workout we should be doing and how many calories or carbs we should be eating at certain days of the month. 100% for a fact incorrect. There is a bucket load of information on this. Michele Berger wrote a book on it. It is called, "hormonal timing" If you want to educate yourself on it, then please do so BEFORE saying anything else about something in which you know nothing about. Once you have done your homework IF you care to do your homework I'd love to hear your comments. Otherwise give me evidence that it is exactly the same for men as it is for women regardless of what time of month it is and prove me wrong. Either way, the ball is in your court. I have done extensive research and I don't care what you chose to do from here on out.

    What sexist things....please quote them.

    How about you providing evidence that we need to train to our 'hormones' to be effective?
    This is the FOURTH time I have posted your evidence. It is in a book and all over the Internet by the name of "Hormonal Timing". You want me to do copy and pastes from websites and the book? Do you know how pointless that would be? Wouldn't you rather Google it and make your own decision. And then you want me to respond about the sexist comments I claim a man said 2 hours ago? Why do I have to explain this to you? Does this have ANYTHING to do with this subject of "back fat?" If my opinion of two men two hours ago was that they said something I took as sexist. Then that is MY business. It really is none of yours. You're only asking, bc you are looking for drama. The men are responsible for what they said. I am responsible for how I took at and you have nothing to do with that.

    Referring to a book that someone is selling is not evidence. Why don't you quote some of these studies you say are in the book.

    You make accusations, why don't you actually support them rather than deflecting.

    And yes, what did all your posts have to do with back fat I ask myself as well.
    If you truly want the answer to this then you will read it online. Had you done so you would have seen countless studies from doctors, personal trainers, etc. YOu'd rather come on here and be the drama queen. I have no respect for someone who would rather have the answers given to her than to research herself. If you don't "get it" then it's YOUR PROBLEM.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Running and cardio is good.
    Balance is better.

    Do some cardio and some strength.

    I saw the biggest improvements in my physique come when I started boxing... which added in body weight strength training. Squats, pushups, planks, punching, skipping, stairs.

    If you want a strong back, pushup and planks. If you can lift, awesome.

    I don't lift. Don't have time.

    The more muscle you build, the less fat you will end up having. Eat well. Increase your protein.

    Oh and a healthy dose of respect and humility for those who've been there and are trying to help you, that wouldn't hurt either.
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    I don't know about anybody else, but I'm loving that this thread turned my FL into a bunch of sexy back shots. Begs the question: is there a How to Tone Up My Booty thread we can hop to next and get the same result?

    Also, who the hell is Michele Berger, and why is the fact that she scratched out a book relevant to anything, anywhere? Huffing? Buffing? GTFO

    I agree. I've passed on an hour of Counterstrike just to being a big nerd and lurk this thread.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    What sexist things....please quote them.

    How about you providing evidence that we need to train to our 'hormones' to be effective?
    This is the FOURTH time I have posted your evidence. It is in a book and all over the Internet by the name of "Hormonal Timing". You want me to do copy and pastes from websites and the book? Do you know how pointless that would be? Wouldn't you rather Google it and make your own decision. And then you want me to respond about the sexist comments I claim a man said 2 hours ago? Why do I have to explain this to you? Does this have ANYTHING to do with this subject of "back fat?" If my opinion of two men two hours ago was that they said something I took as sexist. Then that is MY business. It really is none of yours. You're only asking, bc you are looking for drama. The men are responsible for what they said. I am responsible for how I took at and you have nothing to do with that.

    Referring to a book that someone is selling is not evidence. Why don't you quote some of these studies you say are in the book.

    You make accusations, why don't you actually support them rather than deflecting.

    And yes, what did all your posts have to do with back fat I ask myself as well.
    If you truly want the answer to this then you will read it online. Had you done so you would have seen countless studies from doctors. YOu'd rather come on here and be the drama queen. I have no respect for someone who would rather have the answers given to her than to research herself. If you don't "get it" then it's YOUR PROBLEM.

    You made the assertions, it is up to you to back them...that's the way it works.

    I find it incredibly ironic that you are calling me a drama queen. I also find it ironic to be accused as someone who does not actually do any research by someone who refused to support any of her claims at that!.

    How can I *get* something that is drivel?
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    uteruses before cooteruses.

    fix't ;)
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Do you smoke crack in your spare time? JW, lol, :flowerforyou:
    I do not smoke crack. Do you?


    Not even going to dignify this question with a response, you are completely out of line.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    uteruses before cooteruses.

    fix't ;)

    Aren't they the same thing? Not my favorite euphemism, but you know.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I don't know about anybody else, but I'm loving that this thread turned my FL into a bunch of sexy back shots. Begs the question: is there a How to Tone Up My Booty thread we can hop to next and get the same result?

    Also, who the hell is Michele Berger, and why is the fact that she scratched out a book relevant to anything, anywhere? Huffing? Buffing? GTFO

    *prays* please let this happen.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Oh okay, duh! I am sorry. A woman's body is exactly like a man's. They get their period too. My apologies. They hold on to fat in prep for babies too. They also have the same exact muscle mass as women. They lose weight the same as women. It is just as easy for women to lose weight as it is for men. Men and women have the same muscle to fat ratios genetically. Men go through menopause just like women. Women get extra fat in their tummies when they lose testosterone as they age, just like a man. Women and men have the same proportions such as the same size hips. Women do not genetically have larger hips for childbirth. Gee, thanks for clearing this up. Your comment has got to be the DUMBEST I have EVER heard. All you can say is, "you're wrong" but not say why? OMG! I have heard it ALL NOW!

    This exactly.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    strength training

    strength training

    strength training

    trust me, you'll love it. give up all that cardio. you don't need it. 2-3 days a week tops. the rest of the time, you should be doing dead lisfts, squats, chest press, and over head press.

    There is no way I am giving up half the cardio I am doing. I absolutely love it. I love running for miles with my thoughts and music blaring in my ears. I will try adding 2 days a week of strength training, because honestly...I think any muscle definition in women whether it is arms or stomach is too masculine for my taste.

    Don't get me wrong, I want to tighten up...but I don't want biceps or a six pack. I like looking feminine, I just want to be healthier.

    well, i think muscle definition in a woman is drop-dead sexy. i like a girl that lifts weight.

    and it takes a long time, a very long time to get a six pack or HOOGE biceps. it doesn't happen after a month or even a year of strength training. and even then, it only happens with a calorie surplus.