The brave and the human



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I know that im late to the party but I just saw this thread today.
    I get told all the time how beautiful I am, how great my shape is, etc but I don't see it. I only see so many flaws. Too many to count, actually so I had a hard time pinpointing just one aspect to put here.

    In the end, my manly muscular legs won out. 26.25 inches.


    But, you know what? They're d@mn strong and I'm trying desperately to learn how to love them along with the rest of me!

    Edit: That was huge. Just adjusted image size.

    I understand completely. But you have to start loving yourself somewhere. You have great legs! They aren't manly! They are strong and look great and toned and awesome!! I look at mine and think thunder thighs, but they aren't. And neither are yours!

    ETA: I freakin love the knee highs!!
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    So... I feel your pain, but in a slightly different way.
    I don't have smoooooooth legs.. I get the bumps too from hair follicles that don't always come in as desired. I have mitigated some of that by trying to do a quick shave in the shower every morning (use conditioner - super fast, rarely nicks, and cheap like borscht).

    My bigger problem is my scars.

    I live in MOSQUITO LAND... my god these creatures carry you off in the summer. I react to their bites, and by mid summer my legs are a mess of bumps in various stages of healing. By fall, my legs are covered in scars. I've struggled with it all my life and nothing helps it. I tend to wear pants even when it's hot because I am ashamed of people asking me what is wrong with my legs.

    So, together, we have to find a way to stop caring and smile through it. :-D

    At least know you are not alone!

    i, too, have hair follicle scars! they're, strangely, on my belly button area, and i was SO self-conscious about them that i decided to get a cover up tattoo...which i love! but i still see my scars through them. also, i can't shave my bikini area without causing ingrown hairs....and i have a plucking problem. i pluck at hairs...and then sometimes cause infections. it's bad. i know. either way, i feel terribly uncomfortable showing my bikini line to ANYONE. good thing it's not bathing suit season yet, and i'm as single as single can be!!!

    sandy, i scar EVERYWHERE!

    OMG the bikini area is the worst! WHAT TO DO!?! shave - bikini rash... don't shave - horrible jungle... nuh uh!


    Also, awesome thread :)
  • abrandnewme18
    I'll bite.


    I made the picture full-size, which was really hard for me. This picture was taken of me on May 2012, but I didn't know it existed until January 2013, when one of my friends tagged me in it. Btw, I'm the super pale one who is close to the camera. I was just so embarrassed that I untagged it immediately. The sad part is that I used to look back on that day and smile, but now I can only think about this darn pic!

    I'm not wearing makeup in the pic, but that's not why it's embarrassing and just depressing. I was just having fun with my friend and smiling for the camera, trying to look cute. I just couldn't believe my face had gotten so fat, my eyes looked so weird, my eyebrows were messed up, and my teeth even looked a bit yellow! It's sad how just one photo can really affect you. But oh well. Life goes on and hopefully I'll have better couch-friend pics in the future! Even though I hate it, I keep the wl pic in my WLP folder to help motivate me.

    Anyways, thanks for posting this topic mireygal! I'm glad I posted! And thanks to everyone who posted as well! What a great topic!
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    I once cut my hair off. This one was after four months of letting it grow. This picture reminds me of a time when I was unhappy. I also never have photos without makeup. Makeup is my security blanket. I feel like I look so old and so tired in this photo.


    Are you kidding me? You have a lovely face and great hair, and there's an intriguing air about you. I do a lot of art, and I think you'd make a great artist's model.
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    Here are some pics from the Holi event at my college a couple of years ago. HATE these pics, even though the event was awesome. I look so fat. Looking forward to attending another Holi once I am in shape.


    The sad thing is, I thought I looked awesome that day until I saw these pics :laugh:


    I'm the one with the short hair.
  • pippywillow
    pippywillow Posts: 253 Member
    I love this thread!
    This is my first time replying to anything on here.
    Here's a pic of me at my heaviest around 320, I'm at 298 now, and I already have a lot more energy.
    Oh and my husband hates this pic too :(

  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'll bite.


    I made the picture full-size, which was really hard for me. This picture was taken of me on May 2012, but I didn't know it existed until January 2013, when one of my friends tagged me in it. Btw, I'm the super pale one who is close to the camera. I was just so embarrassed that I untagged it immediately. The sad part is that I used to look back on that day and smile, but now I can only think about this darn pic!

    I'm not wearing makeup in the pic, but that's not why it's embarrassing and just depressing. I was just having fun with my friend and smiling for the camera, trying to look cute. I just couldn't believe my face had gotten so fat, my eyes looked so weird, my eyebrows were messed up, and my teeth even looked a bit yellow! It's sad how just one photo can really affect you. But oh well. Life goes on and hopefully I'll have better couch-friend pics in the future! Even though I hate it, I keep the wl pic in my WLP folder to help motivate me.

    Anyways, thanks for posting this topic mireygal! I'm glad I posted! And thanks to everyone who posted as well! What a great topic!

    Honey... you are gorgeous! the smile, the eyes, you are the kind of person I'd love to hang out with and have fun with... you look like such a happy person! (And huggable too.. hope that is ok).

    I didn't see ANY of the things you mentioned... not even ONE.
    NOT ONE.

    Did you hear that?

    NOT ONE.

    All I saw is the smile and the laugh in your eyes, and I smiled back.

    Don't hate this pic, hun. You look wonderful!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Here are some pics from the Holi event at my college a couple of years ago. HATE these pics, even though the event was awesome. I look so fat. Looking forward to attending another Holi once I am in shape.


    The sad thing is, I thought I looked awesome that day until I saw these pics :laugh:


    I'm the one with the short hair.

    Was it a color run? I'm doing one in June and cannot wait!
    I think you look awesome after SEEING the pics! I mean really? This pic screams "I'm fun and awesome and I run through color for fun!"

    It shouts that you have personality and drive and motivation, and I think you ROCK.

    And you are beautiful. So love this pic, k? :-D
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I love this thread!
    This is my first time replying to anything on here.
    Here's a pic of me at my heaviest around 320, I'm at 298 now, and I already have a lot more energy.
    Oh and my husband hates this pic too :(


    I give you a million hugs for making this your first post! You win for bravery!!!
    You've already lost 22 pounds! that is awesome!

    So... you know what I see in this pic?
    I see...
    - a couple that cares for eachother (look how close your chairs are to eachother).
    - a super cute kid
    - people who truly SMILE (my favorite feature on someone)

    Do you have weight to lose, yes, but you still have a radiance about you. You aren't unattractive... I feel drawn to you.
    I am so happy that you are here, and that you are being brave to make this change.

    YOU TOTALLY HAVE WHAT IT TAKES! Based on this post alone, I believe that with my heart!
    Look forward to seeing you succeed, and thank you for posting here!

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Can I just say how much I love this thread? I look at all the pictures and go "what are they f'n talking about?" And then I look at my pictures and wonder how crazy I'm being about all the flaws I see. I feel so much less frustrated with myself after looking through the posts for 5 minutes.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Can I just say how much I love this thread? I look at all the pictures and go "what are they f'n talking about?" And then I look at my pictures and wonder how crazy I'm being about all the flaws I see. I feel so much less frustrated with myself after looking through the posts for 5 minutes.

  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I just got this sent to me.. and I'd never seen it before.

    If this is not the epitome of BRAVE and amazing and human and wonderful.. I don't know what is... please take the time to watch this clip of one man's journey from despair, to hope.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    wish i could check out facebook at work
  • pippywillow
    pippywillow Posts: 253 Member
    I love this thread!
    This is my first time replying to anything on here.
    Here's a pic of me at my heaviest around 320, I'm at 298 now, and I already have a lot more energy.
    Oh and my husband hates this pic too :(


    I give you a million hugs for making this your first post! You win for bravery!!!
    You've already lost 22 pounds! that is awesome!

    So... you know what I see in this pic?
    I see...
    - a couple that cares for eachother (look how close your chairs are to eachother).
    - a super cute kid
    - people who truly SMILE (my favorite feature on someone)

    Do you have weight to lose, yes, but you still have a radiance about you. You aren't unattractive... I feel drawn to you.
    I am so happy that you are here, and that you are being brave to make this change.

    YOU TOTALLY HAVE WHAT IT TAKES! Based on this post alone, I believe that with my heart!
    Look forward to seeing you succeed, and thank you for posting here!

    Thank you so much for that motivation! I'm excited to be here, and I do really feel like I'm on my way. Now that I'm doing it for my health and more energy, not just to look better.
  • abrandnewme18
    I'll bite.


    I made the picture full-size, which was really hard for me. This picture was taken of me on May 2012, but I didn't know it existed until January 2013, when one of my friends tagged me in it. Btw, I'm the super pale one who is close to the camera. I was just so embarrassed that I untagged it immediately. The sad part is that I used to look back on that day and smile, but now I can only think about this darn pic!

    I'm not wearing makeup in the pic, but that's not why it's embarrassing and just depressing. I was just having fun with my friend and smiling for the camera, trying to look cute. I just couldn't believe my face had gotten so fat, my eyes looked so weird, my eyebrows were messed up, and my teeth even looked a bit yellow! It's sad how just one photo can really affect you. But oh well. Life goes on and hopefully I'll have better couch-friend pics in the future! Even though I hate it, I keep the wl pic in my WLP folder to help motivate me.

    Anyways, thanks for posting this topic mireygal! I'm glad I posted! And thanks to everyone who posted as well! What a great topic!

    Honey... you are gorgeous! the smile, the eyes, you are the kind of person I'd love to hang out with and have fun with... you look like such a happy person! (And huggable too.. hope that is ok).

    I didn't see ANY of the things you mentioned... not even ONE.
    NOT ONE.

    Did you hear that?

    NOT ONE.

    All I saw is the smile and the laugh in your eyes, and I smiled back.

    Don't hate this pic, hun. You look wonderful!

    aww thank you!:D i guess it's not too bad of a pic. i've probably had worse :p
  • bananapancakebella
    This thread has definitely taught me that whatever flaws I think I have, no one else will even notice them or think of them as flaws! Beautiful people in this thread!
  • cindygretz
    This was taken just a few weeks before my son left for boot camp in June '11. I can't believe how huge I was. He on the other hand looks amazing considering four years earlier at the end of his freshman year he was 70lbs heavier. For 7 or so years previous this is the only time I'd submit to having my picture taken... with him.

  • diamondrose26
    diamondrose26 Posts: 7 Member
    I'll bite.


    I made the picture full-size, which was really hard for me. This picture was taken of me on May 2012, but I didn't know it existed until January 2013, when one of my friends tagged me in it. Btw, I'm the super pale one who is close to the camera. I was just so embarrassed that I untagged it immediately. The sad part is that I used to look back on that day and smile, but now I can only think about this darn pic!

    I'm not wearing makeup in the pic, but that's not why it's embarrassing and just depressing. I was just having fun with my friend and smiling for the camera, trying to look cute. I just couldn't believe my face had gotten so fat, my eyes looked so weird, my eyebrows were messed up, and my teeth even looked a bit yellow! It's sad how just one photo can really affect you. But oh well. Life goes on and hopefully I'll have better couch-friend pics in the future! Even though I hate it, I keep the wl pic in my WLP folder to help motivate me.

    Anyways, thanks for posting this topic mireygal! I'm glad I posted! And thanks to everyone who posted as well! What a great topic!

    Honey... you are gorgeous! the smile, the eyes, you are the kind of person I'd love to hang out with and have fun with... you look like such a happy person! (And huggable too.. hope that is ok).

    I didn't see ANY of the things you mentioned... not even ONE.
    NOT ONE.

    Did you hear that?

    NOT ONE.

    All I saw is the smile and the laugh in your eyes, and I smiled back.

    Don't hate this pic, hun. You look wonderful!

    aww thank you!:D i guess it's not too bad of a pic. i've probably had worse :p

    I agree I do not see anything wrong here! But I am the same way about my face at certain angles. Goes to show that others don't see what you see wrong with yourself - and I love this thread!

    I'm sure this was asked before but I'm new - how do I post pics? Do they have to be on a site somewhere to be linked? Thanks :)
  • bethanykf
    bethanykf Posts: 68
    I just got this sent to me.. and I'd never seen it before.

    If this is not the epitome of BRAVE and amazing and human and wonderful.. I don't know what is... please take the time to watch this clip of one man's journey from despair, to hope.

    This thread is amazing and that video is also amazing. What an inspiration. I had to watch with no sound (everyone's sleeping right now), but my goodness. Just wow.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    This was taken just a few weeks before my son left for boot camp in June '11. I can't believe how huge I was. He on the other hand looks amazing considering four years earlier at the end of his freshman year he was 70lbs heavier. For 7 or so years previous this is the only time I'd submit to having my picture taken... with him.


    I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond!

    It is so sad how our perceptions of ourselves allow us to restrict the things we participate in. I am glad that you allowed this pic, and that you shared it with us!

    You look so proud of your boy, and he clearly loves his momma. That's the first impression I have of this picture.
    I don't think you look huge. Is there weight to be lost, yes, but it cannot change that smile or the closeness between you too.

    Congrats to you AND your son, and I hope boot camp went well!