

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Oh my goodness! I am such a flippin nit wit!!!:explode: I was waiting until I received my HRM today to finish the rest of the lawn. Well the hrm came and dummy me didn't have it set correctly and after 100 min. of huffin and puffin, I check the total calories burned and it said O!!!! All because I didn't put my height in. I am so mad at myself! :mad: Just to make sure it works, I got on the treadmill for 15 min and check the hrm again and then it said I burned 103 calories. Oh my God, it took me 3 hrs in a 2 day period to cut this big *kitten* yard. :sad: MFP said I burned 745 or 775 something like that,so I know I burned more because the hrm said 103 for the treadmill and MFP said 81. Now I have to wait another week to cut the grass again. :noway: Geezzzzz!

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, just a quick check-in Conner had to go to hospital last night, doctor said he has a little jaundice. He told My son and DIL to take him for a walk in the sun with nothing on but diaper for about 10 -15 min. a couple times during the day and to bring him back tomorrow to have more blood drawn. I am babysitting :heart: Matthew and :heart: Rowan all day and I am exhausted. :yawn: Rowan had me up at 5 and we have been going all day. It is really hard to do gardening with a 2 1/2 year old and and a 4 month old, but I did manage to get 12 pepper, 4 tomato, 6 cantaloupe, 6 brussels sprout and 6 jalepeno pepper plants in the ground, shoveled and filled a wheelbarrow full of dirt, raked and weeded the garden as well as mulch the rest of my flower garden. Plus I took them for a 2 mile jog-walk pushing them in the tandem stroller through grass and over a wooded trail. Think I will feed them, bathe them, put them to bed and DIE:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: .....LOL LOL
    :bigsmile: Only 2 more weeks of the Biggest Loser at work I am in 2nd place by 8oz.
    :bigsmile: Tomorrow my daughters are treating me to a pedicure, manicure and lunch at a Mexican Restauraunt. I will do extra Leslie Sansone 4 miles and try to order wisely:bigsmile: . Everyone have a great weekend, Rose
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Barb was it you who uses a Gazelle? How long hav you had it? Been mildly interested, but unwilling to pay.... stumbled over one at a yard sale and when he said $10 I couldn't say no... ;)
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Barb was it you who uses a Gazelle? How long hav you had it? Been mildly interested, but unwilling to pay.... stumbled over one at a yard sale and when he said $10 I couldn't say no... ;)

    Yes. I do have one. To get the calories burned for it, if yours doesn't have the computer that calculates things for you, use the website:
    where you can put in your weight and select Gazelle in the activity field.

    There are choices as to the level of activity. Once you select that and hit the go button, it will give you a table below with the calorie burn for a particular time. The nice thing about the MFP exercise database is you can make an entry in the cardio exercises for--ie 30 minutes and calories burned, and when you go back to the exercise database and use that entry and use another amount of time, the MFP database will put in the correct calories for the time selected. I experimented with this when I did my own entry for Gazelle, I found the MFP entry is correct to within a calorie or 2.

    You will find that about every 10 lbs. of weight lost, you will need to recalculate the calorie burn on the fatburn website, as it will change enough that it would be worth noting. For that reason, when I put my entry into the database, I specified a weight, so I would know which one I was choosing in future. I seem to recall reading somewhere that when an entry is made by an individual in the exercise database, it is visible only to them. The way to check this would be for you to search "Gazelle" in the database and see if you get anything. If not, that confirms what I just said, as their IS an entry in there that I put in several months ago.

    I like the Gazelle because I can burn about twice the calories in the same amount of time on it as spent walking @ 3 mph.
    Hope I didn't tell you more than you wanted to know!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Re your uncle..if he seems to get lethargic the minute he hits home, consider something in the environment that might be affecting him. Not sure what to suggest you look for, but some things come to mind, such as mold, or other allergens. Do you notice when you are there that you feel differently? The symptoms you described for him previously don't sound like carbon monoxide..and if that were the case, the hospital should have caught it when he was there. Maybe it is a mental thing....he doesn't do well along and needs a change in living arrangements or maybe a live-in caregiver.. Just musing to see if I can hit on anything that might help.

    Sorry your HRM gave you a tizzy, but remember. Your body did RECEIVE the BENEFITS of all that exercise--regardless of how it was recorded in your diary!!!:drinker: :drinker: Have fun with your new "toy."

    The last sentence in your post
    And so to bed ...Zebbedee said (Did you have the magic roundabout in the U.S ?)
    ..I am sure there is a story behind it, but I must confess to being mystified, so this might be one of those cultural references that didn't make it outside the UK??..or else I am just a little "thick" and missed something. Good luck with good choices.:flowerforyou:

    Sorry to hear about Conner. Hope he recovers quickly.

    Yesterday, I was in JC Penney and discovered I could squeeze into a SIZE 12 elastic waist pant they had on sale!!:drinker: :drinker: The 14 fits now, so I got one pair as I am down to 2 pairs of pants that fit again, and then because I know that summer clothing is usually totally picked over by the time summer actually arrives, I bought 2 more pair in a 12 for "the future."

    They also had bathing suits on for 50% off. Although I hadn't planned to get one until later, I decided I better get with it so I can start working with my mom on her water exercise program, so went back today and tried on several. I finally found a one piece that was not cut too short in the torso, and fit fairly well but the top was too big. It was a misses 16, and I figured a 14 would be the correct size. Of course, the store in my town didn't have one.:grumble: The clerk was able to place one on hold at a location about 20 miles from me in Oregon. So I drove down there tonight, and when I got there, it did fit better, but my curiosity got the better of me, so I went and found a 12 in the same style, and IT FIT!!! So to my surprise, I bought a SIZE 12 bathing suit.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Pretty amazing, when you consider the last one I purchased was a 24W!!:laugh:

    Today Rosemary and Thomy both took their state of Wash insurance license exam and they both passed, so now I have to get it in gear and get my testing done in the next couple of weeks so we will all be able to complete our company training at about the same time.

    It is late and I am ready to call it a night, :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: so

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone

    :smile: Jackie - I remember the Magic Roundabout it always ended with “ Bed said Zebedee “ didn’t it. :bigsmile:
    I’ve just heard on the news that the ash cloud has changed direction again and is coming our way (UK) :frown: haven’t heard which airports its affecting yet, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that your family can get to LA. :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Rose Good luck in the biggest loser at work, you sound as if you have been very busy looking after the grand kids , planting veggies and even managing to get in a 2 mile jog pushing a stroller. Made me exhausted just reading about it. Enjoy your pedicure you certainly deserve it.

    :flowerforyou: Barb I think my uncle could do with someone to pop in every day to make sure he’s taken his pills check he’s eating properly etc. Lately when he’s at home all he does is sit around all day and doesn’t move. He needs to get out into the fresh air and go for small walks. (His gas fire has been taken out , so at least we know it’s not carbon monoxide) Family offer to take him out places, but he never takes them up on their offers, he'd rather sit at home doing nothing. Maybe he's a bit depressed. I don't think there's anything in his flat, as I feel ok after being there. He also seems to like his own company too so I'm not sure what the problem is.

    :smile: Talking about my uncle I had better go and see how he's doing, I need to pop to the shop for some bits and bobs for dinner so I'll check on him on the way.

    I was a bit under my calorie total yesterday although I seemed to be eating plenty. Hope I can do as well today - bearing in mind that I'm going to my mums at tea time. :smile:

    Better get on it's 9 am already and all I've done is walk the dogs and check out mfp :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Happy Sunday :heart:

    Viv :heart:
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning everyone :smile: I think today is going to be a rest day for me. I have to get ready for church in a little while, but after that, I don't have any plans at all. I may get on the treadmill for a few min. I don't know yet. My hips are achy and so are my fingers from all the mowing, but I won't be doing that again for about a week. My landlord was here yesterday to cut the back half of the yard, and I asked him if he would let me do it and he said yes and kinda seemed amused :huh: I hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew. Our yard consists of 2 very long lots, but it is very good excercise for me. Hopefully I will get over the blisters on my heal and thumb :laugh: and the aches and pains :grumble:

    Barb.... You must have felt great on your bathing suit purchase. A 24W to a size 12 is awesome! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    The in laws have already bought another adorable puppy. I don't think I could have so soon after the death of one, but that's just me. Their new one is a cream color 8 wk old peek a poo. I am not much on poodles, but I have to admit, he is as cute as a button. Plus he is pekingnese also. I hope BIL has learned he lesson about the feeding of dogs. NO ICECREAM ETC!!!!

    Well I am going to go for now. I have to decide on what I want for breakfast. It's not my favorite meal of the day but the most important. Until later, I hope you all have a good day :smile:


    P.S, What does BFN stand for?
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Robin – Congratulations on the “150’s”! I’ve had a “Marley” type dog. Sorry if mentioning the movie caused you any ill feeling. Good luck with your furniture, etc.

    Michelle – I just said a prayer for PJ and you family. I hope it turns out OK.

    No cats were harmed in this story -
    Kiowa, my true MarleyDog, use to break out of my yard and go steal neighbor's kittens and bring them home and into my home through the dog door. He'd bathe them, share the dog food with them and nap with them. 25 kidnapped kittens in the 13 years I had him. He'd even break into homes if he saw the kittens through the window. I am lucky to have lived through the irrate neighbors who thought their kittens had been killed and eaten. After they calmed down most saw an advantage of having a large dog who loved cats in the neighborhood. Kiowa never let any cat killers near his friends. He did not kidnap cats, just kittens. But all neighborhood felines where his friends and he loved napping with them.

    If they were getting "tree'd" he could hear them and would rush (through fences) to their aid and protection. Nothing kept him in if he wanted out. Two days before he gave up on life he took out my screen door going to feed the horses with me. I sure do miss everything about him except fixing things.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Jackie--I just HAD to see what The Magic Roundabout was so I did a search--here's a clip that's on Youtube--too cute!


    Rose--Your garden sounds wonderful! This is the first year ever for me to have one so I went VERY small--2 each of tomatoes, peppers and zucchini as well as a row of lettuce and another of cucumber. I want to be sure I don't 'burn out' and I hope to have a larger one next year! Up until now all I was able to do was a container garden!
    I am sure Connor will be fine soon. Jaundice seems to be quite a common thing for newborns to have and they always get over it fairly quickly so I hope the same is true for Connor.
    Great job being in second place so far for the Biggest Loser contest!

    Barbara(auntiebk)--I loved the gazelle I used to have! It was so much fun. I had to give it up a few years ago when I moved because it took up too much space--it was not a folding one! I'd love to get another some day!

    Barb--a size 12! Thar's impressive! I am actually thinking of getting a bathing suit this year--I'm not at my goal but I am SO much smaller that I am looking at the ones with the shorts-type bottom (my thighs are lumpy!). I haven't been swimming in YEARS!

    Donna--BFN=bye for now. Took me having to ask my (then) teens what all the little shortcuts meant!

    I'm hoping to have a good day--no--I AM going to have a good day today! I know all of you will, too!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good Morning all,

    I am getting ready to add some new stuff to my workout rotation. I bought ChaLean Extreme for strength training and the Zumba DVD's for aerobics. They should be here next week. So I ended up at 7400 calories burned this week. I am not sure how it gets so high. I just would much rather workout than clean the house or do nothing. I got my garden stuff planted Friday and yesterday. Mostly herbs that I use cooking. I had to replace them all because of Bodi. and we have a zuchinni and an artichoke and a couple of tomatoes. Lots of strawberries and blueberries. A ton of pepper plants, bell green, yellow, orange and red as well as a jalepeno. I am looking for a serrano or someother hot one but haven't found one yet. I planted beans and sugar snap peas yesterday as well. I have a postage stamp size yard so most of my stuff is in containers but I still love it.

    Kathy- I know you will have a great day. :drinker:

    Jeannie - thanks for the cat story. I love Marley dogs and I wasn't upset about the movie, it just really hits close to home. I love dogs soooooo much.:love:

    Donna I wish my yard was bigger because I love the burn from mowing the lawn. Breakfast is one of my favorite meals I had raisin bread stuffed french toast this morning with a slice of bacon only 290 calories. :wink:

    Viv I hope your uncle gets to the point he wants to do some living again.

    Barb WTG on the size 12 swimsuit. Great work and progress you should be so proud.:flowerforyou:

    To everyone else - Have a great Sunday and an awesome week. we can all do this because we are all doing it together. Thank you all for your support. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Happy Sunday!

    Today is my littlest grandson's second birthday! Where does the time go?

    Kudos to Mimi, Reb, Rj, Myny and all of my other mfp friends for their persistence in maintaining mfp so successfully. You guys inspire me to keep going. I still don't have a lot of computer time available, but I can't think of going a day without loggin on to check in and check out the posts and comments Once I'm back in Victoria I can spend a lot more time posting and keeping in touch with everyone.

    Be safe and be happy:bigsmile: ainslieglen.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Did you know......

    That the brain does not recognize the word NOT? We all know about the experiment of being told NOT to think about a PINK ELEPHANT, don't we? When told NOT to think about a PINK ELEPHANT, what do we see in our mind? A PINK ELEPHANT!!

    For the same reason, when you say you will NOT have an O'Henry candy bar, the brain pictures an O'Henry candy bar. And mostly what the mind pictures, is what it wants. Instead, experiment with turning the negative into a positive and tell yourself: I will have a glass of water. Did you see a picture of a glass of water?

    Have a great Sunday and I will turn my negatives into positives. Mary has it right when she says: "Here is to good choices"

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Many thanks Barb!

    Sarch for Gazelle in mfp db found none, so unlike our foods, our manually added exercises are not shared.

    Will go to that website today!

    Thanks also for the tip, just added Gazelle Edge, 2.5 mph, @147 lbs... And when I can go faster I'll make a new entry in the db.

    Sorry you can't get computer off to change battery, mine pops right off. Mine's an "Edge" is yours?

    Many many thanks!
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Morning ladies and happy Sunday!

    :flowerforyou: Barb - 24W to Size 12 --- WTG and You ROCK!!:glasses:
    :heart: Jeannie -- Loved the kitten-napper story! How you must miss him!
    :flowerforyou: Rose -- Sorry to hear about the jaundiced grandson. Sunshine will set him right!

    Hope everyone has a great day. As Mary reminds us...it's all about choices.. I like Rebel's idea about positive thinking...so for right now I WILL go for a walk! Talk at you later!!
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Hi! I am back again :laugh: Are ya all tired of my posts yet?:laugh: I just got back from church alittle bit ago and it was great as it usually is. I just love it when the spirit touches you and the tears of joy and saddness flows.

    I know you ladies don't know me that well, but, oh no, a but lol, but I have been reading posts from everyone and some talk about the mistakes our kids make. Well, let me tell you my story.:noway: I have 3 grown children. I would love to say that they are perfect, but they are not, and neither am I. What?!! No, all kidding aside, I am so worried about my son, who is the youngest and the only boy. He is only 21 and is already an alcoholic! I am not exagerating either. He has had 2 underage consumption charges, assault charge,due to drinking, a DV charge,due to drinking, (him and his then girlfriend) and a double DUI/OVI charge, and that's just what I know about.:cry: Mothers Day he called me in the morning to wish me a happy mothers day. I thanked him although I knew he had been out partying all night and was buzzed pretty good. He asked what I was doing, and I told him getting ready for church. He showed up here 5 min before it was time for me to leave. I ended up giving him a ride to one of his "friends" house and not going to church. Needless to say I was very hurt, I felt like he disrespected me on of all days, mothers day because I have told him a thousand times that I want him to quit drinking and that I don't even want him around me when he is drunk, he's not the son I know and love when he is in that condition. I ended up telling him to not come around me until he decided to straighten up and fly right. That was last week and I still haven't heard from him. I was told by his aunt this morning that he was very drunk for the past 2 days. Not what I wanted to hear at all. The thing is.... I know he is wasting his life. He is very very smart. There is actually nothing he couldn't do, if he puts his mind to it. He is signed up for a phsycology class this fall. He would do good in it too, except I know from past things he has started, that he will fail in it because he will drink instead of study etc. Okay, that is about my youngest.

    My older daughter (36) and I don't even speak to eachother because she thinks my life is a waste! I am no good in her book because I don't own my own house and don't have alot of things that people my age should have. Sure, I have made some bad choices in my life, but I must have done a pretty good job in raising her, she has a good life. She raises her girls good. I must have taught her something. The thing with her is that she is very snooty and I am just me, I don't try to act like something I'm not.

    My youngest daughter (32) is handicapped with a medium case of C.P.. She is the most loveable person in the world and I love her dearly :heart: Her name is Tracie and she lives in a group home. I hated for her to live there at first, but that place does more for her than I ever could. She is always doing things as a group, she goes to dances, shopping, and the list goes on and on. I go and get her and she spends the night and she is always here at home on the holidays. Don't get me wrong, she is a redhead and does have a temper, but she is still a sweetheart. She won't hesitate one bit to tell someone off if she don't like something that someone has said or done :laugh:

    Well I guess that is all I have to say about my kids. Probably too much info, but I guess I needed to get it off of my chest. I don't want any kind of sympathy at all. I just want to be honest and that's all.

    I think I will get off of here for awhile and get on the treadmill if this blister on the back of my heel will let me :grumble: Besides, I got to put this new HRM to work :laugh:

    You ladies all have a good day :flowerforyou:

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I've been missing you all this weekend. I just read all the posts. Yowser. There were a lot. I enjoy getting little glimpses into all your lives. Thanks!

    This has been sort of a party weekend - dinner on Friday at my sister's to celebrate her birthday, then nibbly stuff and margaritas on the deck yesterday (more celebration), and going out to lunch with sisters and mom today for an early celebration of my birthday. I'm going to have to watch it it I want to make my goals for the month!

    Yesterday was the first time in awhile that I've been over on calories. I feel ok about it - it was calories well-spent. But I don't want to make it a habit. It feels so good feeling healthier (and thinner). That's better than a margarita any day.

    I'm afraid this is one of my gabby posts. But I like this bunch!


    Randy, Congrats on the 1 pound loss!!!!!!!! Woo hoo. :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Pmjsmom, I figured there were probably a few singles on here. Glad to have company! :happy: Single status has its pros and cons. Sure beats a bad marriage though! The externals make a difference to happiness for sure but I think it’s mostly an inside deal – whether married or single. Good luck with your 18 year old. Those were the bad old days in my household too. Fortunately, most kids return to the way they’ve been brought up. It’s a scary time though. My warm wishes are with you. :flowerforyou:

    Laura, you are facing a tough situation having to move your mom plus doing all the work. You are doing great on the weight despite the stress. That’s a big accomplishment. :flowerforyou:

    Jeannie, the scale WILL move if you’re taking care of the eating and exercise part. I get superstitious about it sometimes and think that no matter what I do, I won’t (can’t!) lose the weight. :grumble: It’s crazy how taking care of the eating and exercise does work! :laugh: I loved your story about Kiowa. What a sweetie. And what an amazing story.

    Jackie, logging is key. Keep at it. Pretty soon that 1 lb will become 2 then you’ll be on your way. I know what you mean about opening your mouth. Thank goodness with MFP I can edit before I hit “Reply!”

    Ainslieglen, I’ll bet that 11.5 pounds does show. I get the funniest comments. The other evening someone I hadn’t seen for a year or more said, “You look really good. You must be getting some sun!” :laugh: Sometimes people know you look better but can’t quite pinpoint it. (The sun!) You are doing so well.

    Kackie, welcome back! You’ve got it about 2 glasses of wine not being better than 1 (or as good). :drinker: I always remember someone’s comment that the first bite is always the best bite. That hit home with me. I used to try to get to that “perfect” taste and never could get there. Now I savor that first bite, knowing it really will taste the best. It’s all downhill from there.

    Terri, you sound like you’re having a ball. Almost as good as the Bahamas. (Well…not quite.) :ohwell: You made me laugh out loud with your comment , “…for those who are doing well--kudos...however, it too will probably pass!”

    Barb, sounds like you’re on track too with healthy eating. It feels good! BTW, size 12???!!! Awesome. :flowerforyou:

    Robin, you are awesome! Jogging 30 minutes is a good accomplishment. (I can’t imagine!) You’re hitting the Big 5-0, huh. Gosh, that sounds so….young! You look great. :flowerforyou:

    Birdie, it doesn’t seem to matter how old they are, our kids are always kids to us. (At least that’s true for me.) It IS hard to see them fall on their faces. And hard too to keep the mouth closed! My son had to sell his house on a short sale too and he’s coping fine. Sort of like starting over, but still fine. :smile:

    Wizzywig, your uncle is lucky to have such a kind niece. It sounds like you’re doing great with walking and healthy food choices. That’s awesome. :flowerforyou:

    Donna, congrats on the loss – way better than a gain! I just read today that obesity is catching (so are loneliness and happiness). Maybe eating healthily is catching too! You made me laugh with your story about the HRM. The good thing is, even if you didn’t see the number, you were still burning calories!!! :laugh:

    Michele, congrats on all the exercise. Way to go! I’m sorry about PJ’s struggles. Sometimes I want to get a dog then I realize how heartbreaking and expensive they can be.

    Cindy, don’t beat yourself up. There’s never as good a time to start as now (or Monday!) I do much (much, much) better if I talk nicely to myself. The browbeating never seems to work but the positive talk does. You sound like you’re on the right track. :flowerforyou:

    Renny, I can just picture on that bike. Isn’t it great that we’re having weather that lets you get out and ride. That’s on my list too but probably not for another 20 lbs or so. I can picture the nice glass of homemade red too! Sounds good. I’m amazed at how far I can stretch one glass of wine now. I can make it l-a-a-a-a-s-t. It’s also amazing that I enjoy it as much as drinking a couple of glasses faster. So many discoveries! You are almost half way to your goal. What a terrific job you’ve done. :flowerforyou:

    Rose, you wore me out just reading your post. You are just amazing. Enjoy your mani-pedi. You deserve it! I’m sure Connor will be back in the pink soon. :flowerforyou:
  • rolaurent
    rolaurent Posts: 1
    Hi I just started and feel happy to have found this group.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone ....... It's been ....:glasses: SUNNY....today in N.Wales!!! Or at least that's what everyone said the yellow "glow" was.

    :noway: I'm not admitting to what the scales said this morning but once again ...if you think of a number, double it, take away the number you started with ....I'm there!!
    I've logged in and am ...just ...in the calories. Late Sunday tea went well. Great to have a relaxed family meal ...both of us "Nanas" having a good chin wag over a glass of wine!!! Chilling out now as they've just left. The grandkids went in the hot tub ......
    Grandad no.1 refereed for a while and then we left them to it.
    :smile: Tomorrow ..I have a quick talk, organised by the Carer's Group ,on Art courses available at the local college. I'd love to do something with my artistic side and maybe this might just give me an idea. Otherwise I'll continue to plague friends and relatives with my "Works" ...... they're too polite I think to say no thanks!!

    Having mentioned it, I too googled the Magic Roundabout ...just to do that nostagia thing!! but ...the You tube bit I saw didn't have Zebedee saying "Time for Bed". As a 6th former at school in the late sixties, we avidly followed this children's programme as it had a "Cult" status.:smokin: Dylan the pot smoking rabbit and Brian the snail were ..."Cool Man"
    When my boys were growing up we had your Sesame Street on TV and I just loved Big bird. They don't make programmes like that any more or do they??

    :flowerforyou: Anyway ...before I go... welcome to rolaurent. I do hope you'll do better than me!! I try ...honest I do but not as hard as most!! I do so enjoy being part of this great group. Check out the huge losses of the members and you can realise it can work ...if you want it to. :huh: I'm just lazy ...so it's don't do as I do ...do as they say!!! and you'll be fine.

    :heart: Jackie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Barb - isn't it amazing how fast clothing goes on sale? Here it is, not even 4th of July, and ALREADY the bathing suits are 50% off. Wonder why they just don't mark the clothes down in the beginning? Congrats on the size 12! I've had one bathing suit for years and years, it isn't sagging. Another one I had for only a few months and already the color was fading and it started looking like I had a load in my pants. Needless to say, that one went into the garbage! Now the one I've had for years and years, the other day I put my finger thru the lining in the crotch. Now you go figure why one would last forever and another one not! I bet the smaller size one fits you much better.

    Up again early this a.m. Have hydrocortosone will travel....lol On the bright side -- the itching isn't getting any worse, and, in fact, I think it's getting somewhat better. At least I can go for longer and longer periods of time before the bad itching starts up again

    Well, today (Sun) is going to be a day off for me. We're going to have company. A guy Vince used to work with is coming here, then Jessica will be back from TN along with her friend, Bryan is here. There is no way I will be able to track my food! Jessica's friend will leave tonight since he has to work tomorrow but Jessica is supposed to spend the night here. PJ goes for his surgery tomorrow. I think we've pretty well decided that if the vet calls us during the surgery to tell us that the cancer is in his intestine, there probably isn't any good reason to wake him up. Also, I'm supposed to have a meeting here tomorrow. I THINK (remember, I'm only the mother, so I don't know much) Bryan is going to start moving into his apt tomorrow. So between all that's going on, I don't know how I can possibly find the time to exercise today, not sure about tomorrow.

    For dinner tonight I'm going to buy these grilled chickens, I'm making sweet potatoes for me and mashed potatoes for Vince, have to buy some veges, a salad (I've already cut up the cukes, washed the lettuce and tomatoes, bought the shredded carrots). I made these lemon bars for dessert. Tomorrow the gals who are coming to the meeting are bringing a "mini-lunch" so I'm not even going to attempt to keep track of that.

    You know, I, in a sense, wish I could start a garden, even a small one. But this red clay! To me, I love everyting about NC EXCEPT the red clay. If they had normal dirt here, I'd be in love with this place. We don't have a yard yet (when the house was built that was the yr of the bad drought so they couldn't put in a lawn. Then we bought the house knowing that we were going to be building a 2-car detached garage so we figured "there isn't any sense to putting in a lawn since it'll just get torn up". Our next project is my inground pool. Hey, if Vince can get his garage -- I can get my pool. It won't cost anywhere near the amount of the garage (at least, that's the way I'm looking at it.)

    Donna - thank you for sharing about your children. You are a much better person than I am. I love my chidren dearly, but I'm feeling like "2 out of 3 ain't bad". Just don't think I can bring myself to talking about it just yet. One day, I will.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I've done good today staying within my calories and even got my exercise in before I went to Church.

    By the way, I mentioned way back that I wanted a hula hoop. My daughter found one at Wal-Mart that has water in it. I can actually do it. And its fun. My reason is wanting to get my waist size down into a healthy range. I'm glad i didn't cave in any buy one of those weighted ones for $40 off the internet.

    Michelle: You can always get some pots and plant some things in there. Oh, and I also saw at Walmart in the gardening section a kit for a small raised bed. We live in an area with wells so no food grinders in the sinks. Hubby got one that he has set up outside for me and we run all the compost-able bits though it before it goes into the compost bin. The stuffs decomposes really fast that way. For red clay you need lots of soil amendments!

    We have been feasting on the fresh spinach out of my garden and lettuce too. I'm thinking we will have spinach salad for supper.

    Heres a link to local farmers in your area: http://www.localharvest.org/csa/ Its like a co-op that you invest in and each week you can go & pick up fresh veggies.

    I picked up Ali Vincent's book "Believe It, Be It " at the Library yesterday. She was the first female Biggest Loser. It's an interesting and pretty quick read. Lots of inspiration. I didn't watch her season but I do love that show and am a big fan. I am hoping the last girl makes it to the end. I just get inspired at the progress and the mental changes those people make.

    Renny: Thanks for the comment about "Thinking Positively" We all need to be reminded of that, me especially.

    I'll check back in in the morning after I buck up and face the scale!

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, :cry: Conner was admitted to the hospital today with jaundice because his levels were too high when the kids took him to the hospital for blood test. :heart: Hopefully he will be home in a few days.
    :heart: Thank you to everyone for all the good thoughts and prayers.
    :heart: I had a wonderful day with my daughters. :huh: My lunch totaled in at 1300 calories but with very careful planning and exercise I have over 300 calories left.
    :smile: I will try to catch up on posts tomorrow. Everyone have a wonderful evening, Rose