Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in

    Cals - 1700
    Water - 54 oz
    Exercise - 400 cals burned !! (35 min at arc trainer and 7 min bike)
    Proud - I am proud that I didn't let TOM kick my but this week...i kicked its but and worked out everyday!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I was so busy at work today and then left early to get ready for my little sister's graduation...its been a long day.

    We had dinner reservations at this italian place so I looked at their menu last night and figured out what I would eat so I could work my calories around it today. Well when we get there the menu is totally different! Luckily I had estimated about 800 calories for dinner so I had a lot of choices that would still keep me in my calorie range. I ended up getting a fillet mignon which my son ate more than half of...so I dont think I did too badly.

    I wore my new dress and got lots of comments on it. I felt pretty comfortable in it but I am still def not a girl that will wear dresses "just for fun".

    Jess- Im sorry your plans fell through! I am so so so hoping you see that 5-0 tomorrow!

    Jlb- you would have died at the prices at this restaurant. The cheapest meal on the menu was 20.75- a grilled chicken breast with veggies. Even the appetizers were $10+...I hate restaurants like that, its such a rip off. I was pretty shocked at the prices...

    Pos me- your story is so cute! I love it! You guys are def my friends/sister...Im glad you feel the same way

    Heather- Congrats on your size 10!!! OMG!!!

    Ok, Im sure I missed lots of people but its almost 11pm and Im exhausted, you all know I love you! I missed stalking today!


  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in:
    calories- not sure but I think it was under 1300
    water- I think so, but its a close call, I drank diet coke at dinner instead of water
    excercise- none...booo
    sodium- eh, I think I did ok..hard to log when I dont cook the food
    proud- that I wore a dress and felt good about it
    zen- I tried to do it at work and I lasted about 3 mins...ugh I need to take more me time!

    Good night!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :glasses: Yay! A lot of you logged your Zen like I had asked you to! Golden Zen Award goes to all who were accountable for their Zen!!!!! :glasses:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    trying to post before and "halfway"...so embarassing:

    BEFORE: (255lbs+):



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    ugh I got some to work but the other ones wont size down!!:explode:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Chris you look great!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks Jess,,,,ugh I cant believe I posted those before pics for the world to see....
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lildeb - yes, those 270s are going to fly by! Congrats!
    jess - I don't think you sound evil at all. I agree completely - he had his chance. And congrats on the roomie's compliment - you deserve it! So sorry about the event being cancelled! You gals will find a good reason to wear those dresses, I'm sure. I am not a big fan of the Melting Pot - WAY too expensive for me to do all of the cooking of my meal! :tongue:
    raider - I'm rooting for you for the Memorial Day goal! Keep your eyes on the prize!
    awestfall - oh my ouch! I am praying for you with your bills. Is your hubby on workers' comp? You mentioned he missed work because of them...? I'm all for COGirl's vinegar and water suggestion since it is safe for the neighbor's dogs. I had a similar problem living next to some inconsiderate undergrads. Their front yard was literally a Cheech and Chong sized poop fest. Animal Control did nothing. I wrote to my congresswoman in my ward and after the third crabby email, she finally did something about it!
    momma - we just got out of school today. Pos_me - are you in Boston? I don't know who else goes as late as July..? And Momma - that sun on your ticker is there to tell you that you only have three pounds til your 40 by 40 goal you set! Wooohooo!!!
    litspy - congrats on the early rise to the gym! Thanks for the reminder - I forgot to log my Belgium White.
    pos_me - wow, an arranged marriage? You don't hear of those too often anymore. Thank you so much for sharing your story - it was so beautiful that I had tears in my eyes reading it. I did not know your family is from Palestine! I learned a lot about you today, and for that, I thank you. :heart:
    elmox - I wished I'd have read your post before consuming the high calorie Belgiums tonight. :embarassed: Good job!
    heather - I have not tried those, but I did try the Baskin Robbins sugar free cookies and cream hard candies; at 10 cals a pop - woah, delish!!!!!!
    COGirl - we got hail yesterday in Lou as well.
    lstpaul - way to go on the gardening! That burned a lot of cals, I am sure! I love your sentence about your frog not spitting. :laugh:
    cris - I am so proud of you for making the 3 mins. of Zen at work. Tomorrow, shoot for 4! :flowerforyou: And O___M____G___!!!! What a transformation! UNBELIEVABLE! I swear you look like an entirely different person now! I am so proud of you I am crying over here! :heart:

    Well, no one told me the day AFTER the fall I was gonna hurt so badly that I didn't give a rat's *kitten* about getting up on my bad knee anymore. :grumble: My entire body aches! I am rug burned on my elbow so badly I went back today to find part of my elbow in the carpet. And, to top it off, my PT would not see me tomorrow until I went back to the ortho. surgeon to get my knee and elbow checked out. Ugh. So off I went today - diagnosis: I have a pinched nerve in my elbow and in my knee! A pinched nerve in your knee? WTF? I had to cancel my PT session for tomorrow. :angry: No one puts Nancy's PT in a corner! :angry: I am so addicted to the physical therapy that I am having withdrawals tonight for the missed appt. tomorrow! :mad:

    Zen, zen, zen. :glasses: F*** Zen I need opiates! :smokin:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    quick check in....

    but first I just saw those photos and Cris - you are looking GOOOOD.
    You actually look a lot younger in the current photos to me as well. Shows how all that hard work really is worth it.

    Pos me - love your story

    calories - 1103
    water - 80+
    exercise - 30 mins walking
    zen - 2:25 - 2:40 ish....I needed it

    night night :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    bluenote, your posts always make me smile. Remember that you popped right up after the fall. You'll be back at it in no time!

    Cris, I am crazy proud of you. You are so gorgeous and it does take courage to post pictures of ourselves at our highest weight. However, your amazing progress is going to push someone (not including us - you do that everyday!) to keep trying and not to give up hope.

    Quick check-in for the day:
    Cals - have some exercise cals leftover, but not much = 1352 cals
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - 45 min of yoga and 30 min of walking (I added this up throughout the day - lots of 1/2 mile walks here and there today) = approximately 275 cals
    Zen - I had some time before yoga started - 6:45-6:50.
    Proud - I outsmarted the rain today. I was at the park for yoga and with about 15 min left, a storm started coming. I didn't have my umbrella with me (it was back at the office, a 1/2 mile away). The sky opened up and it poured. I had no money for a cab, no umbrella. I also had plans for after yoga, so getting soaked on the way back was not an option. I realized that I could take one subway to another, with a few avenues of walking underground. Then I could take the train downtown and it would put me about 2 blocks from my office. There's a bunch of scaffolding on the streets right now, so I only had to cross the street uncovered. My plan was brilliant! I made it back to the office totally dry (minus a few drops) and very proud of myself for my quick thinking. I've been living in NYC for 4 years now. I wonder if outsmarting the rain through public transportation makes me a "real" New Yorker... :laugh:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I was catching up on posts yesterday when my co-workers stopped by to kidnap me! We went out for drinks to celebrate my new job... I was being good - vodka gimlets aren't too bad. But I'm pretty sure the FIVE baskets of garlic balls were NOT good for me :grumble: Bread dough chunks fried in butter with garlic.... dipped into ranch dressing. :noway: :ohwell: :embarassed:

    alcohol=bad choices
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy Check in everyone!!!!

    Well not the # i wanted to so but still a lost...i had a loss of 1.6 lbs this week :grumble: :grumble: I was 275.3 ...come on .3 more lbs and i would of met my memorial day goal..i was under that yesterday grrrrrr...hopefully the next few days i will stay under that

    so here it is

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    FINALLY!!! Okay so I suck at life and didn't go workout. I was so emotionally exhausted from my day that I didn't wanna go. I was really naughty. I went to dinner with my roommate and we shared the Triple Dipper at Chili's. And then Mike came over to cheer me up! :bigsmile: BUT I'm still down 1.8 pounds!! YES!!! Which means I lost exactly with MFP said I should this week. I'm happy with that. 1 pound away from 50!!! SAWEETT!! It's gonna be a good day!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess way to go !!!! You are almost there !!!

    Chris - that dress is hot !!! you look great!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Morning gals!!!

    Not the number i was hoping for, but I am still happy with it :)

    Pos _me...........-1.4.........68%

    Congrats LItdeb and Jess on your loss this week. Great JOb!!!

    I am offically 204.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks again for the kind words, you're all so sweet:heart::blushing:

    Awestfall: I would be pissed too with the money situation and then the dog situation. Take Cogirl advice. Wish you luck girl :smile:

    Jess: Consider yesterday a rest day...LOL:laugh:

    Cris: like I said in the other post, you are beautiful in the before and after pic. Amazing progress, Congratulation girl!!!:flowerforyou:

    Bluenote: nope, I don't live in Boston. I live in PA (Pennsylvania)..outside of Philly...suburb area. My kids had to make-up for all the snow we had. The last day of school was suppose to be 6/16/10 but now it's 6/21/10. Not too bad right.
    When looking at me people don't think I am Palestinian decent, but I consider myself ( since i was born and raised in America) half /half...(Half Palestinian and Half American). One day I will post a Pic of the my whole family. I am too shy right now:embarassed:

    be back later!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks :smile: I was hoping for 3 oh well...maybe TOM had a part to play in that...

    Good going to you...funny with the percentages they all look like huge numbers fromt he percent..looks like i lost 57% in a week ..woohoo..i am just silly today don't mine me.!!!

    Trying to plan out my day with the "suspended one" ...lst night i told her how she made me not get to do the stuff i wanted to do beceuase she is home, looks at me with her sad eys saying "i am sorry"...then putting her to bed and she goes "you are the best mommy in the world" i really thinks she feels bads (which she should by the way)..

    Trying to think of what to make her to do today..she didn't do any writing stuff because she was cleaning my house yesterday that will be a big part of today..I am getting her to do the book too...

    Thinking of going and getting my drivers license today...I have only been back in TX since august , so aybe i will get it now :smile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I have a question to those who are doing C25k and podcast.

    Do you use the already downloading music for the podcast or do you set up your own music?

    I want to set up my own music for the minutes I have for week 5. I did week 4 w/o any music and it was kinda challenging. I calculated the time to run/walk, but I could wait until it was done. I never used the podcast for my first c25k..but I think it will be easier to use it for my second time around.

    Any kind of help is greatly needed.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Pos _me...........-1.4.........68%

    I just lost my post so I'm irritated.

    The abbreviated version is TOM is making me really sick and I spent all evening yesterday in the fetal position on top of a heating pad. I'm INSANELY bloated but still weighed in under 200 pounds this morning. And I've lost .5" from my hips and .25" from each thigh (and of course I can't take waist measurements because of the bloat thing) in the last 3 weeks. :smile:

    Congrats to the losers so far!! I probably won't be on much because I'm just trying to get this work done so I can go home and go back to sleep.
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