Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh how i wish i could have peace on the toliet ....they find me !!! If i lock the door they just bang on it...okay the little one more than the big one.

    Blue - Congrats on getting up on your bad Knee. Thanks for the suggestion i really i may do that...i like that idea of the book.

    I am sooo freaking excited this morning !!! My Scale was fluctuating this morning between 274.4 -then 275 then 273.9 ...I will take all of those !!!!! The 1st one was 274.4 and I was soo freaking excited....Hoping it sticks to tomorrow and I will definitely have met one of my mini goals !!!! (i seem to set them and then never meet them or meet them way after I set them)...

    I am going fly through these 270's I just know it !!

    LilDebbie-That's great news!!

    Bluenote-Hope your knee is feeling better today! Awesome job getting up on your bad knee!

    The scale was kind to me this morning as well. So far I'm down a 1.4 pounds in "official" weight loss. Not weight I gained...I'm so excited!! :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well... got rained out.. we are under yet ANOTHER tornado warning right now (even got to see a funnel cloud about 10 mins ago. So, here is a pic of the pond, waterfall and planting bed that I have been working on for the last month as of right now. Getting so close to being done.


    I will post another pic tomorrow from a different angle. Darn thunderstorms...

    I couldn't see this yesterday at work! AMAZING!! Wow!! You are so talented!!:flowerforyou: Looks great!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Morning Ladies!!

    blue - That is great that you got up using your bad knee!!! Sorry you feel but at least you are looking on the right side of things! :bigsmile: Hope the swelling in your left knee gets better soon.

    lildeb - That is AWESOME!! This morning when I got on the scale the scale was up 1 pound. :grumble: I apparently did better food wise and exercised yesterday and gained the 1 pound that I lost back. :grumble: :grumble: Hopefully I can lose the pound today by drinking ALOT of water!

    Check in 5/26
    Calories; Under by 250 or so!!! ( Ididn't eat any of my exercise calories for the first time!!!)
    Sodium: Over but only by 100
    Water: 120 oz or so
    Exercise 20 mins boxing and 10 mins walking
    Zen: 9-9:05

    After seeing the scale this morning and it being up I am going to try and see if I can fit in some exercise tonight after work and before dinner. I am so close to my Memorial Day goal and I really really want to meet my first goal on time! Even if I don't meet it I will soon because I am only 2 lbs away.

    Well, off to do some work I go.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok I need to vent big time!! so this morning I wake up check the balance in my account because I am waiting on my husbands payday to deposit and I see a big whooping $637.01 for his payday for two weeks.Granted I know he had doc appt and missed work some because of them but I just don't get how I am suppose to make a car payment $300,pay utilities which turns out to be another $200 plus my cell phone which is another $140.00,and by groceries and still have money for gas when thats all he made besides that there are other bills I need to pay on top of those.I am so upset right now.See he is supposed to be getting a raise but the guy who has to approve it is taking his sweet a** time which today really pisses me off.Ok I am done venting
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Coloradogirl: YOu yard look amazing. Are you some kind of landscape designer? I plan on doing the front yard...for the first time since we move into our house ( 5 years ago). We ( husband and I ) always add mulch and plants, but this year we plan on doing the sidewalk and add flagstone walls around the plant area. Can you come and do it..or help two amateur? LOL. I think you have amazing talent. I can't wait to see the other pics.

    Cris: can't wait to see what you bought from Kohls....I LOVE THAT STORE. There is always some kind of sale..and the clearence section is fantastic!

    Jess: I need to try that sandwich...sounds delish! and your piggies must look amazing too. Have fun @ the party tonight

    Bluenote: Glad you are OK. I hope your left knee get better:flowerforyou: ...good for you getting up on the bad knee:heart:

    Momma: I do the same thing, hide in the bathroom, ususally i take a magazine/book and read...that is my quite time. My kids will come knock and ask what am i doing... I usually say " what does a person do in the bathroom"...they walk away every time..sometimes i hear " are yo going to be long?" I will let you know when I finish. I love my quite time..usully lasts 10 - 15 minutes.
    Wow, school is ending early for your children. My childrens' last day of school is June 21. And my daughter graduates Middle school June 18.

    Good Luck on your garden :-)

    Litdeb: I love the suggestion Bluenote gave.

    Also, Maybe you should introduce her to journaling her feelings or what she is feeling at that moment before she acts them out. I know my daughter had a journal that she still has...and recently started reading her stuff and the things she use to write. when she was little ( 5/6 years old) At the end of the day she would take it out and write what happened that day. she would write things in that that she would forget to mention...maybe because i would say something to her if she would tell me (judging her). But it was much easier for her to write it down and have me read it. don't know why. Opens thedoors to communication. Best of luck girl!

    before i forget....CONGRATS on seeing a loss on the scale. Hopefully it sticks by friday's weigh in.

    Raiderape: don't worry you will meet your Momorial day goal. The pound you gain is most likely water weight from sodium. drink plenty of water and before you know it it iwll be all gone.

    Awestfall: sounds frustrating indeed. Can you call your hubby and ask what went wrong? It's probaby some kind of mistake. Good luck girl:heart:

    check in 5/26

    calories: over and over my exercise calories....i should have Never eaten 2 soft pretzels...each pretzel was 400 calories. Plus, i ate a couple handfuls of cheetos.. I though i did good but when i logged it on I was OVER big time. lesson learned...log than eat!
    Exercise: Week 4 day 2 (c25k) 26 minutes, 25 minutes 4.0 walking treadmill, gardening 30 minutes, and housecleaning 45 minutes = 987 calories
    water: 100+

    Proud: that I logged my bad food mentioned above...even though it was bad. Back on track...I will lose the pound i gain and another...

    600 calories burned: yup! burned 987!
    ZEN challenge: done! 10:30 - 10:35 pm.
    Sodium: way way over, 3000..stinking pretzels and cheetos
    Fiber: 28

    check back in a few!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    phew..I didnt have a million posts this morning.

    Lildeb- I also love blue's book idea, sounds like a great option! I'll be using that method WHEN the time comes. It comes for us all...You are def flying through the 270s!

    Blue- You never stop amazing me! Congrats on getting up on you BAD knee!!!

    Toilet- yup, I sit there for like 30 mins. I dont use the downstairs one anymore because my son just bangs on it and DF keeps asking me what Im doing. The upstairs one is much more quiet..I keep a cosmo (the magazine not the drink :wink: :laugh: ) in there and play bejeweled on my phone..oh and update my mfp log, ha!

    awestfall- I hear ya with the bills, Bobbys has been laid off for 2 weeks now. Although I do make good money it is not nearly enough to pay everything on my own. Looks like we will be dipping into vacation/wedding/christmas fund to support ourselves. :sad: Like all things this too will pass!

    pos_me- I love love love Kohls. I never really went there until a few months ago when I got a $100 gift card. I bought all my son's summer stuff there with just that $100! I went in there for my dress yesterday and was in and out inf 15 mins!! :heart: it!you are rocking the c25k and the excercise...987?! so impressive! keep it up girl!

    checking in for yesterday-
    calories: 950 (uhm going out tonight)
    water- yes
    sodium- 1735
    excercise- not a darn thing :sad:
    cals burned- :sad: :sad: :sad:
    proud- I wanted to over eat after my step son's baseball game because I was bored and I just chugged lots of water and went to bed instead. Im proud that Bobby and I had a talk about the issues (mostly from him being laid off) instead of letting it simmer then having a big pow wow later, and Im PROUD that I bought two dresses cause I looked good in both!! Hooray!:drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    awestfall-I'm so sorry to hear about your hubbys check being smaller then expected. That's very frustrating! Hope you are able to find a way to make ends meet. :flowerforyou:

    POS Me-I LOVE Kohl's too! I can't stay away from that darn store. They keep sending me coupons and ugh...since I have a Kohl's card I always get discounts. And now I can fit into some of the clothes in the "womens" department and not the "plus" size so they are some really cute stuff!! I'm not use to being able to find cute clothes for so cheap! I love it. I shop too much! :blushing:

    So...I told you guys the other day the guy I use to date came back saying how he was so sorry and missed me and that whole song and dance. I wasn't going to lie to him so I told him I had a date last night with someone else and that we had been talking and everything. The guy just keeps asking questions making himself jealous. Is it awful that I don't feel bad? :laugh: He emailed me first thing this morning "So how was your date" kept wanting to come over before I left saying how he was so jealous someone was taking me out that wasn't him. I've never been in this position before! He had his chance. Sorry charlie! :tongue: I sound evil...:drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I forgot to check in for yesterday

    Calories:1214...a lil over
    Water: 10 cups not so good
    Exercise: Does being owned at pool count?!
    Calories Burned: I had to defend myself. I had to burn of burned something! :laugh:
    Zen: I forgot. 10 minutes tonight for catchup!
    Proud: I almost backed out of my date. Darn nerves! But I didn't. I went and I had fun! :bigsmile: AND my roommate made a comment last night how I was "getting all skinny on her". Made my day. She sees me daily so she doesn't notice the changes like others who don't see me as often do.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    This is no fair!!!!! I live on the west coast and you all are talking a couple of hours before the sun is even rising around here:laugh:

    Ann, that is difficult!!!!! I hope everything works out. I am sure that it will:flowerforyou:

    Jess, I would maybe let mr. jealous know that you are done, thanks for asking. I don't see anything heartless about that. Personally, when I was younger and dating I had no problem moving on until I met my husband. So he just is NOT the right one for ya!

    Pos_, yeah we get out early we also start school like Aug. 10 or 11th so I think that is why we get out so early. Besides the fact when California is acting right it is starting to get too HOT for school. I live in the central valley and we get a lot of days over 100* So I think part of the reason is the cost to keep the school at a bare-able temp. That does not seem to be the case now. Considering that we are struggling to get into the 70's every day this week and the fact that it has been raining. Yeah, I am complaining in this process:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Raiderape- You can do it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lildeb, WHOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO Great JOb!!!!! I know you made that memorial day goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    :brokenheart: :frown: :sick: :brokenheart: :sick: :frown: :brokenheart: Oh my I just saw the sun on my berry ticker, when that thing gets to the end I am 40! I don't feel 40!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I don't want to be 40!!!! Don't get me wrong I don't want to die either, but can't I stay in my 30's a little bit longer?:sick:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay.I am rageing pissed! :explode: The event tonight has been CANCELED!! I got an email saying they canceled it and refunded my money. I bought a $40 dress that I cannot return!! :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I can't wait to go back and read all the posts! Guess what -- I did NOT get to go to the gym last night! THREE people didn't show up for work (that's 50% of the people scheduled to drive) at my part-time job. On top of half-staff, we were busier than we've been in a couple months. I was so active at work for nearly 4 hours I know I burned off a lot of calories. I just logged 30 minutes of walking 2.0mph because that's all I needed to log to cover my dinner after I scaled back my portions to make up for not going to the gym.

    I GOT UP AT 6AM THIS MORNING! And I went to the gym. And I loved it again. Only 4 or 5 people there with me so morning time is a winner. I checked out the locker room today to make sure there were showers (and there are of course). It did take me 20 minutes to get to the gym and probably 25 minutes to get home because of traffic. I could save about 30-35 minutes and about 7-8 city gas/wear&tear vehicle miles if I took a shower at the gym and went straight to work from there. The gym is so empty then I'd be the only one in the locker room. I may try it out soon to see how I feel about it.

    I wore my HRM today and it told me I burned a lot more on the elliptical than the machine said (the machine does take heart rate, weight, age, sex, into account just like my HRM). Machine said 320 cals burned in 30 min. My HRM said 460!! I think I trust the machine more so I'm going with it (better to lowball it IMO anyway). Then I did 10 minutes worth of stregth training -- chest presses & leg curls, and then I ran 5.5mph for 10 minutes. I'm too scared to wear my FiveFingers at the gym so I probably won't do any longer distance running there for now. :laugh:

    TOM is here full-force today. I figured. Bloated like nobody's business.I didn't weigh myself before the gym this morning but after I had eaten & drank about a liter of water, I weighed 199.2 when I got home. I don't know if I'll be logging a loss this week since TOM will still be full force tomorrow but I have DEFINITELY lost weight! Based on what I know about how much water I retain during TOM, I'm down maybe even 2-3 full pounds! I think my body is a very happy body right now. I think I've finally figured all this out for myself (for now at least). I have so much energy and I feel so *strong.* Sounds kind of stupid, but I was walking the couple of blocks to my car yesterday after work and I realized how easy it was to walk really fast. I almost felt like I was just floating along -- it required no effort whatsoever. I honestly used to walk quickly to my car and then have to sit there for a minute to *catch my breath* because I had gotten winded walking like 1/8 mile.

    Calories: 1393 ("goal" was 1402)
    Exercise: 4 hours at an active job -- logged 30 minutes walking 2.0mph as a low estimate of extra cals burned at work
    Water: I have 10 cups logged but I think it must've been more
    Proud: I was able to keep my calories down since I couldn't make it to the gym before it closed.

    PS -- When you guys started using the elliptical -- did your hips get sore? I think it's just working muscles I'm not used to working but my hips feel kind of achey.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    POS Me-I LOVE Kohl's too! I can't stay away from that darn store. They keep sending me coupons and ugh...since I have a Kohl's card I always get discounts. And now I can fit into some of the clothes in the "womens" department and not the "plus" size so they are some really cute stuff!! I'm not use to being able to find cute clothes for so cheap! I love it. I shop too much! :blushing:

    I get tons of coupons because I have a charge card too. The one I love is the "save 10 dollars on 10 dollars or more" I use that wiht my 15 - 30% days on clearence items...Love - love that place!

    Sorry I can't help wiht your dating situations beucause I had an arranged marrage. He comes to my parent's house, sees me I see him, talks to my parents, parents talks to me- see what i think. He comes to the house again ( invited dinner) see each other again..and make a final decision a week later...(sleep on it thing). I say yes, we get engaged the following week. We talk get to know each other..see if we are compatable. and then plan a wedding or leave each other. we liked each other and 6 months later we were married. ..Before Momorial Day we were engaged and on Momorial day weekend was our first date, and in November we got married. We planned to do it next summer, but we were too much in love:blushing: ...sorry TMI..

    Momma: Wow! I wouldn't go to school in 100+ weather...plus if ther eis no AC. Have fun wiht the kids :-)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay. Well I'm still mad but we're not going to let the night go to waste. Were gonna go to dinner instead at some fondue place. I wont have time to go to the gym regardless so I'm going to be way over on calories today I'm sure. Gonna hit the gym super hard tomorrow. It's going to absoultely kill my weigh in tomorrow. And I was down 1.5 pounds for an actual weight loss this week. I haven't lost anything on weigh in days all month. So that bums me out. Guess I should be happy my new dress wont go to waste. :grumble:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534

    POS Me-I LOVE Kohl's too! I can't stay away from that darn store. They keep sending me coupons and ugh...since I have a Kohl's card I always get discounts. And now I can fit into some of the clothes in the "womens" department and not the "plus" size so they are some really cute stuff!! I'm not use to being able to find cute clothes for so cheap! I love it. I shop too much! :blushing:

    I get tons of coupons because I have a charge card too. The one I love is the "save 10 dollars on 10 dollars or more" I use that wiht my 15 - 30% days on clearence items...Love - love that place!

    Sorry I can't help wiht your dating situations beucause I had an arranged marrage. He comes to my parent's house, sees me I see him, talks to my parents, parents talks to me- see what i think. He comes to the house again ( invited dinner) see each other again..and make a final decision a week later...(sleep on it thing). I say yes, we get engaged the following week. We talk get to know each other..see if we are compatable. and then plan a wedding or leave each other. we liked each other and 6 months later we were married. ..Before Momorial Day we were engaged and on Momorial day weekend was our first date, and in November we got married. We planned to do it next summer, but we were too much in love:blushing: ...sorry TMI..

    Momma: Wow! I wouldn't go to school in 100+ weather...plus if ther eis no AC. Have fun wiht the kids :-)

    Wow, your marriage was arranged by your parents? That is very interesting. Guess our parents do know best if you fell in love so easily!!! That is pretty neat! Oh yes the schools have air conditioners it is a law if I am not mistaken that they HAVE to have working air conditioners in the schools due to the extreme heat. We are still using our air condidtioners well into Sept. There are times that I have had my air on in Oct. Not too often Oct is usually pretty comfortable no air or heat needed cheap electric bills.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess-- thanks for the review of the Orchard Chicken Salad Subway Sandwich. What a mouth full (what a pun!)! :blushing: Unlike the rest of you I don't miss dating. I actually really never did it much. And I secretly freaked about that a little bit last week after I got engaged (Yeah, I'm already over it :laugh:). I used to have some pretty bad social anxiety and that kept me from doing much of any of that kind of stuff. I dated some in high school but seemed like everyone was scum so I gave up and fell in love with my guy friends instead. :laugh: I'm a "one of the guys" kind of girl. I still am 100%, I just notice my guy friends flirting with me a lot more now (They have no shame. I thought df was going to kill one of my "friends" at the party we went to a couple weeks ago because he would NOT back off me until Scott found a way to work "Julie and I are getting married next month" into the conversation. :laugh: :tongue:). And that STINKS about the event being cancelled!! Short notice much? I wonder why. You WILL find somewhere else to wear your fabulous dress! Wanna come to the Flying Saucer with me Sunday & drink a lot of beer? That's where I've decided to wear the dress I bought! :laugh: I don't care. It's my birthday and I will wear a dress and opaque tights and chucks if I wanna. :tongue:

    Jesyka -- I'll echo the rest and tell you I have also battled depression and serious anxiety problems since I was about 12 or 13. It peaked in college for me and there were times things were very very bad. Part of why I got my degree in psychology is because I suffered from issues myself and seem to be able to empathize well with others having similar issues.

    Lildeb -- I love what Momma said to you about your daughter and about being a mother. She's right -- please don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing the best you can and it sounds to me that you're doing a WONDERFUL job with her. You care so much and you're so actively trying to help her. As sad as this will sound, I simply don't see that kind of dedication from many other parents. :heart: I was a pretty sedate kid but once I got in trouble in kindergarten for pushing another kid. The REASON I had pushed him is because a few weeks before when we had actually gotten outside recess (we almost NEVER got to go outside in kinder), he had pushed me down and I scraped my knee so I had to miss the entire outside recess (which we never got to have). He didn't get in trouble for it and I was *SO MAD* at him for weeks that I took an opportunity to push him back when he was in front of me in line one day. :laugh: I also got in trouble in kindergarten for throwing leaves off the bus. The thing is, I was trying to do a GOOD thing and clean the stinking bus to help. So, I was picking up the leaves and throwing them out the window because that's where leaves belong -- outside. They yelled at me for so long... and I had just been trying to help. What I'm saying I guess is I feel like kids are so misinterpreted a lot of times. I think it's great to ask a child why they did something. I feel like no one ever really asked me for a reason when I was a kid -- people just told me whether what I did was good or bad, but never asked why I did something. :ohwell:

    Cogirl -- can't wait to get home so I can see your pictures! I saw Denver on the Weather channel last night -- all that hail was NUTS!!

    Cris -- Wow to the boobs! Holy moly. I feel so bad for my friends because they have so much back pain because of them. It's sad. Can't wait to see pics of you in the dresses! Isn't being in a fitting room funny now? I know when I tried on dresses last week, I thought every single one looked good on me!! :laugh: I'm so used to just shopping for stuff that FITS. I've never cared about whether or not something actually looked good! :tongue: Now I have a horrible time trying to make decisions about what to buy because I can base it on which one looks the best on, and what color it is, and which is most comfortable, and which is cheapest (:wink:). Too many variables! So much easier when I only had to worry about whether or not it actually fit...

    Pos_me -- Thanks for sharing about your marriage! I didn't know how the arranged thing worked. It sounds a whole lot less stringent that I bet most of us Westerners think. I don't know what I thought about arranged marriage - I guess I never really thought much about it. I'm so glad I learned something cultural today! :smile:

    Raider -- where are you boxing? At home or at a boxing gym or..? I feel like I'm interested in it -- seems like such a great way to vent frustration. :laugh:

    Bluenote -- Thank you for clearing things up for me! My mom TOOK FOREVER in the bathroom when I was a kid!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: She always took *baths,* too. Funny that now she takes showers. I hadn't put it together that she was just taking a bath so she could lie there and enjoy a little peace and quiet for a minute or two. Duh! :tongue: Everything make sense now. :laugh: (I am so proud of you for getting up from the floor by yourself with your bad knee!!!).

    Momma -- I'm with you using AC through September and October. Oh the heat is unbearable here in the summer. We've had a nice break for a week or so but we're back in the 90s again today. I don't mind the 90s. The 90s are wonderful. I just can't take the 100s with horrible humidity -- the kind of humidity that makes it feel like you're walking through hot set Jello when you walk outside. Blech! November & March are my 2 cheap electric & gas bills.

    You guys are so funny with all the toilet talk. I have tried and tried to enforce a rule in my house that df is not to speak to me while I'm on the toilet. Yet, every time, I SWEAR he stands outside of the door trying to have a conversation. WAY TMI ahead, but he'll even come up to the door, knock, ask "are you pooping?" and then when I say "yes -- talk to you later!" HE JUST KEEPS TALKING TO ME! Why even bother asking if I'm busy doing very personal stuff if you're just going to keep talking anyway?! Then if I say "Can we talk when I get out of here?" he lingers for a minute like I've hurt his feelings. Then sometimes he just stands outside the door and makes fart noises if I've been in the bathroom longer than it normally takes me to pee. Yes, I'm apparently marrying a 31 year old man with the mentality of a 4 year old.
    Oh goodness. I'm in fits of giggles at work just thinking about the ridiculousness of it all -- the use of the word "poop", the talking to me through the door, the whole ordeal is absolutely embarrassingly unnecessary. Thank goodness I only go to the bathroom a few times a week. :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jess-- thanks for the review of the Orchard Chicken Salad Subway Sandwich. What a mouth full (what a pun!)! :blushing: Unlike the rest of you I don't miss dating. I actually really never did it much. And I secretly freaked about that a little bit last week after I got engaged (Yeah, I'm already over it :laugh:). I used to have some pretty bad social anxiety and that kept me from doing much of any of that kind of stuff. I dated some in high school but seemed like everyone was scum so I gave up and fell in love with my guy friends instead. :laugh: I'm a "one of the guys" kind of girl. I still am 100%, I just notice my guy friends flirting with me a lot more now (They have no shame. I thought df was going to kill one of my "friends" at the party we went to a couple weeks ago because he would NOT back off me until Scott found a way to work "Julie and I are getting married next month" into the conversation. :laugh: :tongue:). And that STINKS about the event being cancelled!! Short notice much? I wonder why. You WILL find somewhere else to wear your fabulous dress! Wanna come to the Flying Saucer with me Sunday & drink a lot of beer? That's where I've decided to wear the dress I bought! :laugh: I don't care. It's my birthday and I will wear a dress and opaque tights and chucks if I wanna. :tongue:

    Jesyka -- I'll echo the rest and tell you I have also battled depression and serious anxiety problems since I was about 12 or 13. It peaked in college for me and there were times things were very very bad. Part of why I got my degree in psychology is because I suffered from issues myself and seem to be able to empathize well with others having similar issues.

    Lildeb -- I love what Momma said to you about your daughter and about being a mother. She's right -- please don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing the best you can and it sounds to me that you're doing a WONDERFUL job with her. You care so much and you're so actively trying to help her. As sad as this will sound, I simply don't see that kind of dedication from many other parents. :heart: I was a pretty sedate kid but once I got in trouble in kindergarten for pushing another kid. The REASON I had pushed him is because a few weeks before when we had actually gotten outside recess (we almost NEVER got to go outside in kinder), he had pushed me down and I scraped my knee so I had to miss the entire outside recess (which we never got to have). He didn't get in trouble for it and I was *SO MAD* at him for weeks that I took an opportunity to push him back when he was in front of me in line one day. :laugh: I also got in trouble in kindergarten for throwing leaves off the bus. The thing is, I was trying to do a GOOD thing and clean the stinking bus to help. So, I was picking up the leaves and throwing them out the window because that's where leaves belong -- outside. They yelled at me for so long... and I had just been trying to help. What I'm saying I guess is I feel like kids are so misinterpreted a lot of times. I think it's great to ask a child why they did something. I feel like no one ever really asked me for a reason when I was a kid -- people just told me whether what I did was good or bad, but never asked why I did something. :ohwell:

    Cogirl -- can't wait to get home so I can see your pictures! I saw Denver on the Weather channel last night -- all that hail was NUTS!!

    Cris -- Wow to the boobs! Holy moly. I feel so bad for my friends because they have so much back pain because of them. It's sad. Can't wait to see pics of you in the dresses! Isn't being in a fitting room funny now? I know when I tried on dresses last week, I thought every single one looked good on me!! :laugh: I'm so used to just shopping for stuff that FITS. I've never cared about whether or not something actually looked good! :tongue: Now I have a horrible time trying to make decisions about what to buy because I can base it on which one looks the best on, and what color it is, and which is most comfortable, and which is cheapest (:wink:). Too many variables! So much easier when I only had to worry about whether or not it actually fit...

    Pos_me -- Thanks for sharing about your marriage! I didn't know how the arranged thing worked. It sounds a whole lot less stringent that I bet most of us Westerners think. I don't know what I thought about arranged marriage - I guess I never really thought much about it. I'm so glad I learned something cultural today! :smile:

    Raider -- where are you boxing? At home or at a boxing gym or..? I feel like I'm interested in it -- seems like such a great way to vent frustration. :laugh:

    Bluenote -- Thank you for clearing things up for me! My mom TOOK FOREVER in the bathroom when I was a kid!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: She always took *baths,* too. Funny that now she takes showers. I hadn't put it together that she was just taking a bath so she could lie there and enjoy a little peace and quiet for a minute or two. Duh! :tongue: Everything make sense now. :laugh: (I am so proud of you for getting up from the floor by yourself with your bad knee!!!).

    Momma -- I'm with you using AC through September and October. Oh the heat is unbearable here in the summer. We've had a nice break for a week or so but we're back in the 90s again today. I don't mind the 90s. The 90s are wonderful. I just can't take the 100s with horrible humidity -- the kind of humidity that makes it feel like you're walking through hot set Jello when you walk outside. Blech! November & March are my 2 cheap electric & gas bills.

    You guys are so funny with all the toilet talk. I have tried and tried to enforce a rule in my house that df is not to speak to me while I'm on the toilet. Yet, every time, I SWEAR he stands outside of the door trying to have a conversation. WAY TMI ahead, but he'll even come up to the door, knock, ask "are you pooping?" and then when I say "yes -- talk to you later!" HE JUST KEEPS TALKING TO ME! Why even bother asking if I'm busy doing very personal stuff if you're just going to keep talking anyway?! Then if I say "Can we talk when I get out of here?" he lingers for a minute like I've hurt his feelings. Then sometimes he just stands outside the door and makes fart noises if I've been in the bathroom longer than it normally takes me to pee. Yes, I'm apparently marrying a 31 year old man with the mentality of a 4 year old.
    Oh goodness. I'm in fits of giggles at work just thinking about the ridiculousness of it all -- the use of the word "poop", the talking to me through the door, the whole ordeal is absolutely embarrassingly unnecessary. Thank goodness I only go to the bathroom a few times a week. :laugh:
    THANKS Littlespy !! That was a much needed laugh at your expense about your fiancee talking to you when you POOP!! I about died of laughter although my husband does the same thing to me.And I purposely hid in the bathroom on the toliet when my children are driving me crazy.So it takes me 30 minutes to pee some days LOL:laugh: :noway: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-That is HILARIOUS!!! My roommate will walk in my room and sit on my bed and hold a conversation through the wall. I guess that's what happens when you've been friends for 20 years.

    I went ahead and recorded my weigh in today. I've worked my *kitten* off for 2 weeks and I earned my 1.4 pounds or whatever it was! But I probably wont show a loss tomorrow. We will see. Sometimes it takes a day or two for my sodium filled days to kick in. I'm going to start drowning myself in water!! I cant let it ruine my day!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cogirl: I love your waterfall. It's so pretty and peaceful!

    lildebbie: Congrats on getting a ring on. It won't be long and you'll be sporting your wedding ring!

    irandamay: All of my sports bras are Champion brand from Target. They were all about $12-16 each and all are synthetic, moisture wicking material. I like having several, so I went the cheap route. I used to have a sports bra from Victoria's Secret that I liked, but can't wear it now since I'm about 10 lbs. heavier than I was when I bought it.

    Jess: I'm glad your date was fun but it's a bummer that you work opposite shifts; that makes it hard to date. Returning ex needs to realized you're a hot commodity and he can just wait around until you're ready. He deserves to be put through the ringer for what he did to you in the past anyway. I agree that he sounds like he' NOT the one, so keep looking for Mr. Right!
    Ooh, you mentioned going to a fondue place tonight...are you going to the Melting Pot?? If so, I'm SUPER jealous!

    Julie: Yes, my hips used to get a bit sore on the elliptical but I realized it was because I was being too stiff-legged at first when I was unsure of the machine. Once I relaxed and put a little more bend in my knees it helped. I have hip flexor issues, so it helps to do some side bends and side lunges before I do anything too scary like the elliptical or rollerblading.

    Yesterday was another good day sodium and calorie-wise. Yay! My "unofficial" morning weight with TOM is 191.8 today so I'm really hoping I'll be down at least a little bit tomorrow morning. I have my meals planned for the day so as long as I stick to them, I'll be doing well.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 70 calories
    Sodium: Under by 224!
    Water: 16 oz.
    Exercise: Walking at volunteering
    Proud: Stayed under on sodium again!

    I didn't log any of my calories from walking around the riding arena for three hours, so I might have an even better deficit than I've accounted for.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Yes we are going to the Melting Pot. I've never been there. My roommate said it's soooo good!! Looks like you are back on track and kicking butt! Great job!!
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