Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Pos _me...........-1.4.........68%

    Grrr. Up 0.6 today. Not drinking enough water or doing enough cardio. Also it always seems like I bloat at TOM but also sometimes halfway through when I'm ovulating.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Pos _me...........-1.4.........68%

    Not a huge loss for me but TOM is still hanging on for dear life so I'm bloated....maybe I'll lose at the weekend, we'll see. WIth the holiday and guests for the 3 day weekend I may not have the best eating this weekend.

    Have a great Memorial Day everyone

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Looks like TOM is hitting everybody hard this week. Wonder where mine is?

    LittleSpy-Hope your able to get your work done and go home and rest up.

    Cris-You look so amazing in your pictures. You've come so far! Very proud of you.

    LilDebbie-Hope your day goes good with your daughter today! Sounds like she's learning!

    Heather-I forgot to tell you. I got some of the chocolate SOY milk! YUMMY!! OMG So good!! I need to do some research on it though. My roommate told m SOY has lots of estrogen in it. Not sure if this is true. I have to watch estrogen because my Mom had breast cancer. But in the meantime till this one is gone. Yummy!!

    So I have to share that I went to go put on my old jeans this morning. They are a no more. Tooooooo baggy!! So I pulled out the skinny jeans I was given by one of the lovely ladies of this discussion board and they fit..perfect! Yep. I wore skinny jeans to work today. :bigsmile: With my camo ballet slippers :laugh: :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    My TOM is after the Momorial day weekend. hopefully it will arrive on Wednesday...LOL

    Litspy: so sorry you are in so much pain. I feel for you girl :( I hope you finish your work early and go home to rest:frown:

    Litdeb: Hope your plans with your daughter goes well:flowerforyou:

    JEss: way to go on your **SKINNY** jeans...ROCK THEM!!!

    Heather: I have not tried any low calorie candie...Maybe I should. Thanks girl!

    As for me, I am still bloated from Wednesday's soft pretzel fest. My lips (and body) are still swollen from all the salt. The weird thing is a knocked off the layer of salt that was on the pretzel, but I'm guessing there was a lot inside ( when it was made). I will think twice before I have a Philly soft pretzel again. But Icouldn't resisted a hot, soft pretzel...ugh! It cause too much damage to my body.

    I am trying to drink a lot of wate to wash it all out. what do i do with my burning lips? I applied lip bom..and it's not helping :(

    OK. enough rambling...
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Pos _me...........-1.4.........68%
    cogirl................ -.5......... .20%

    Tom just flirted with me at the beginning of the week. Now he is here in full force and making life not so fun. I am definetly retaining some water. So, next week should go better assuming I don't over do it this memorial weekend with all the cookouts we have lined up.

    Well.. need to get my son to work and then I have to get to work. I will check back in a little later! Have a great day ladies!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I need to do some research on it though. My roommate told m SOY has lots of estrogen in it. Not sure if this is true. I have to watch estrogen because my Mom had breast cancer. But in the meantime till this one is gone. Yummy!!

    I haven't done a significant amount of research but I will say the research I have done has influenced me to shy away from excessive consumption of most heavily processed soy products (I was previously strictly vegetarian for about 5 years so.... I love and have consumed a LOT of very processed soy). On the other hand it has been scientifically suggested that less processed soy products have numerous health benefits.... so... you know... Crapshoot. :laugh:

    My opinion here, but I think that, like almost everything, processed soy in moderate amounts is going to be fine. I'm still going to eat tofu on occasion because I love it so much. Oh yum -- I just realized what I want for dinner tonight --homemade barbecue tofu. :laugh:

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I need to do some research on it though. My roommate told m SOY has lots of estrogen in it. Not sure if this is true. I have to watch estrogen because my Mom had breast cancer. But in the meantime till this one is gone. Yummy!!

    I haven't done a significant amount of research but I will say the research I have done has influenced me to shy away from excessive consumption of most heavily processed soy products (I was previously strictly vegetarian for about 5 years so.... I love and have consumed a LOT of very processed soy). On the other hand it has been scientifically suggested that less processed soy products have numerous health benefits.... so... you know... Crapshoot. :laugh:

    My opinion here, but I think that, like almost everything, processed soy in moderate amounts is going to be fine. I'm still going to eat tofu on occasion because I love it so much. Oh yum -- I just realized what I want for dinner tonight --homemade barbecue tofu. :laugh:


    Thank you for this! :drinker: My mom is so paranoid about how much estrogen I get now. I even had to change birth control pills to a lower estrogen one. Good times!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thank you for this! :drinker: My mom is so paranoid about how much estrogen I get now. I even had to change birth control pills to a lower estrogen one. Good times!

    I think it's good to be cautious.

    IMO, the evidence so far is pretty inconclusive about most of the health benefits as well as the health risks of soy. On the other hand, the health risks of alcohol consumption are very well established and the health benefits are pretty much nonexistant... but I still LOVE to drink beer. :wink: Sometimes I make decisions that aren't soley based on how physically healthy something may or may not be for me and I'm okay with that.

    Sometimes I think it's funny that people freak out about stuff like this but then fail to realize so many things we do are so much more horrible for our health. In one way I understand that if you recognize you're already doing things that are "bad" for your health, you probably want to avoid adding MORE "bad" things to that list, but on the other hand.... I feel like no one really conclusively knows whether most things are "bad" or "good." My mom, an RN, is still in a tizzy about how bad for me RUNNING is and makes sure to express her disapproval nearly every time she talks to me, yet she rarely says anything to my brother about the fact that he's an extremely obese alcoholic. :ohwell:

    So, until there is good conclusive evidence that something is bad for me, if I really enjoy it, I'm probably going to keep consuming it or doing it. And sometimes, even if there *is* a humongous amount of well done scientific research essentially *proving* something is bad for me, I'm going to do it in moderation -- because I wanna. :laugh: I mean, I'm all about living a long time, but let's be honest. Most of the really really fun stuff to do is pretty bad for you. :wink: And I'd personally rather live a possibly slightly shortened really fun life than a really really long boring life. But you know, that's a decision I've made for myself. :laugh:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Pos _me...........-1.4.........68%
    cogirl................ -.5......... .20%
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I cleaned up the weigh in post and I hope no one is offended. :flowerforyou: Remember, I am officially off school as of today and I am bored. LOL :tongue: My 1.5 loss from Tuesday stuck, thank goodness, because I had a similar love affair as Pos_Me with some bar pretzels to celebrate my ending of school. :ohwell:

    lildebbie.............1.6 = .58%
    Jess....................1.8 = .84%
    Pos _me...........-1.4 = .68%
    Littlespy..............0 = 0%
    Miranda..............0 = 0%
    Meokk...............-0.8 = .43%
    cogirl................ -.5 = .20%
    momma...............0 = 0%
    bluenote..........-1.5 = .38%
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Ladies, glad to see you here in the day time blue. I am sorry about all your hurts today. I hate that!!!!! Hope you feel better soon. Take some Ibuprofen!!!!!!

    I have a bleach headache. I cleaned all the bathrooms with about half a bottle of bleach. I need to quit that. I am going to kill my kids! I don't clean it with bleach everyday I just get a desire to clean it all down with bleach once in a while just to really disinfect everything. Even though the cleaner I have says it kills 99% of germs. *****rambling**********

    Any how I am worried about this weekend. I made a fantastic macaroni salad with shrimp in it. I am so cheap the low fat mayo was a dollar more than the regular, so I bought regular. I mean every stinking dollar counts when you have only 1 income and 4 babies. I did buy myself yes myself and no one else a 24 pack of diet pepsi:embarassed: :embarassed:

    Blue sorry I have not been posting my zen moments. Just to let you know I take a 1-2 minute zen time every time I pee or shower. I shower 1 time a day and pee 10 so I know that I have gotten all those zen moments in!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I have had 5 black olives for breakfast then I sat down and drank a cup of coffee. I was putting in what I have had today and I though ewww that sounds kinda gross. It is not even 10 am here but I am thinking I should go eat something with some substance
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Wow I was scared I was going to log in and have like 3 pages of posts to read...kinda quiet around here today! Hope everyone is ok!

    Elmox- I think your story about outsmarting the rain is hilarious! I think you are now officiallly a true New Yorker!:laugh:

    Mstahl- That bread with garlic sounds fantabulous! I am seriosuly obsessed with garlic bread...well garlic in general:tongue:

    Pos- me- Ooooo you could be the next one under 200! Hooray! :drinker: Keep up all your hard work and you'll be there soon! As for the c25k thing I download my own music using an app Jess recommended

    JLB- You sound miserable! Get well soon! ps- Id rather die sooner and have fun...my 2 cents :devil:

    Jess- CONGRATS ON SKINNY JEANS!!!:flowerforyou:

    Blue- I look forward to seeing you during the day time! Any jokes for us today?

    Momma- Not a fan of olives so your bfast does sound gross!

    PS TO ALL- Thanks for the nice comments on my dress, love you guys! :love: :flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    LW- 197.6lbs
    CW- 195.2lbs
    Loss of 2.4lbs....Very happy with that!!!

    lildebbie.............1.6 = .58%
    Jess....................1.8 = .84%
    Pos _me...........-1.4 = .68%
    Littlespy..............0 = 0%
    Miranda..............0 = 0%
    Meokk...............-0.8 = .43%
    cogirl................ -.5 = .20%
    momma...............0 = 0%
    bluenote..........-1.5 = .38%
    Cris20056..........-2.4 = 1.21%

    I dont really plan on being all that good this weekend. I am drinking beer and eating burgers...so be it!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am Italian (sicilian) I :heart: :heart: Love:heart::heart: olives. I am lucky I only ate 5!!! 25 cals per 4 olives!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-I guess I see it as cut out the "bad" things where I can and if I really enjoy them, oh well! Something is going to kill us eventually. I enjoy my beer too much to give it up! :tongue:

    Cris-Be bad this weekend! I plan to, again! I gotta let Brooks N Dunn go out with a BANG! :drinker:

    Momma-I fraeking love olives!

    Elmox-I say after 4 years you are considered a New Yorker...I considered myself a Texan years ago! What made you move to New York? I have a friend that lives there half the year and in Dallas half the year. Weird!

    bluenote-Can't wait to be hearing from you throughout the day! I have been doing my zen just not posting it.

    It's pretty boring at the bank today. I think everybody took today off. Oh well! Just makes for a long day. I still have this horrible cough. Think it may be time to go to the doctor. YUCK!! I have the urge to be bad again and go out for lunch and not eat what I brought. Oh how weekends bring such naughtyness!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Before I forget...I was looking at my numbers this morning and I noticed I haven't lost much Fat, but my BMI dropped and my Muscle % dropped. Does anyone know if I should be concerned I'm losing muscle?
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am bored but I need to finish cleaning for my long weekend. I just enjoy my weekends so much more when everything is clean. I am going to take my dining room table out and sweep and mop underneath it. Then I am going to move my livingroom furniture around , dust and vaccume under it as well. Let me see, I am going to change sheets and vaccume my bedroom I think I am going to make the munchkins change their own sheets. Then I may mow the back yard. My neighbor just mowed my front yard. I may bbq him a burger today and allow him to have some of my fantastic mac salad. :tongue: I think I may clean all the base boards as well and then I can have a guilt free dinner! Yum!!! It is not too bad anyways. I am making 93/7 ground beef burgers and I bought whole grain burger buns. Mac salad has mayo but it doesnt hurt in moderation. Can you all tell I am bored and have had too much coffee. I am rambling yet again!!!!:embarassed: I need adult companionship, I am with children most of my days until hubby gets home.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have had 5 black olives for breakfast then I sat down and drank a cup of coffee. I was putting in what I have had today and I though ewww that sounds kinda gross. It is not even 10 am here but I am thinking I should go eat something with some substance

    Sounds DELICIOUS to me. That could be the TOM talking (though I'm pretty sure it's just me).

    I just busted my *kitten* getting all my work done at work (well, all that I planned to do for today anyway) so that when I left for lunch I could just go home and be in pain there. I feel a little better but still not really good enough to be at work (to give you some idea of how much of a pu**y I'm not -- I've called into work sick two days in the 2 years I've worked here). Anyway, yeah, since my supervisor is on vacation, and the other person in benefits is facilitating training most of the day, I was trying to hold off for the only other person in our department to go to lunch & come back before I left. I let him know this around 11.30am hoping he'd decided to go to lunch at 12 instead of his usual 12.15 or 12.30 so I could get out of here 30 minutes sooner. BUT NO. This jerkface doesn't go to lunch until 1:06 which is officially the LATEST he has EVER gone to lunch in the 2 years I've worked here.

    And I will be having a happy meal for lunch. :laugh:
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