Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    i don't think i will have to worry about getting enough cals today :grumble: :grumble:

    We met hubby at chic fila and i had nuggets (yummy) and a salad...oh yeah and the ice cream cone...my total lunch was around 700...my normal lunch is 200...we are going to the gym and at least going to burn 500 cals maybe more...so we will see...more than that cals i had already gone over my sodium at 1:00 pm..ouch...i need to start drinking water ASAP!!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Well if Meokk, a New Yorker for 17 years says it's true, I must be a New Yorker! We came up here 4 years ago for a job - I was a high school English teacher through Teach For America (www.teachforamerica.org). I taught in a Harlem high school for 2 years. For the past 2 years, I've been working FOR Teach For America in admissions. My husband is a copy editor and has been doing financial editing for the past 4 years (minus a 10 month layoff...). And Meokk, I'm always down for a drink - just not a Long Island! :laugh:

    lildebbie.............1.6 = .58%
    Jess....................1.8 = .84%
    Pos _me...........-1.4 = .68%
    Littlespy..............0 = 0%
    Miranda..............0 = 0%
    Meokk...............-0.8 = .43%
    cogirl................ -.5 = .20%
    momma...............0 = 0%
    bluenote..........-1.5 = .38%
    Cris20056..........-2.4 = 1.21%
    raiderape............0 = 0%
    elmox................-0.6 = 0.3%

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and manages to feel good about their choices. I think this weekend should be about enjoying friends and food/drink, but also making sure you don't fall into a shame spiral while you do it.

    Off to the gym - today was a holiday at work, so I've been lazy all day (it's been glorious!). Now it's time to hit the gym and prepare for the fun weekend!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Elmox-Your dedication is so inspiring! I love it! My best friends sister moved to New York a few years ago to pursue her degree in stage management or something. She loves it there!

    LilDebbie-Wanna work off some calories for me at the gym? HAHA...glad to hear you are having an enjoyable day!

    I got my packet for my next 5k. June 12th! So cited! Another Susan G Komen! I think I'm going to set a goal of 45 or 50 minutes.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Elmox-Your dedication is so inspiring! I love it! My best friends sister moved to New York a few years ago to pursue her degree in stage management or something. She loves it there!

    LilDebbie-Wanna work off some calories for me at the gym? HAHA...glad to hear you are having an enjoyable day!

    I got my packet for my next 5k. June 12th! So cited! Another Susan G Komen! I think I'm going to set a goal of 45 or 50 minutes.

    Jess - sorry i got too many to burn for me:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: My day would of been much more enjoyable by myself but it wasn't a total waste....I even got my Pedi...made serena sit there and write her letters she had to write...i asked her if she enjoyed the last two days , her response "THESE HAVE BEEN THE TWO MOST HORRIBLE DAYS" , maybe she will learn something...i can tell you she did not enjoy the DPS office today.

    Good luck on your 5k ...YOu go !!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Between house cleaning and lawn mowing I have burned 695 calories. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, I probably will not see you all until Tues. No promises though:laugh: :laugh: I could pop in before then, but I doubt it. :heart: Ya
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Just noticed that Gary Coleman died. Made me kinda sad. When I was a little girl I use to love that show Diff'rent strokes!:cry:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I am CURRENT! Whoot!

    BlueNote! I'm so sorry about your fall! OUCH! :frown: :cry:

    Jesyka - I have had issues with depression since I was in my early thirties. I got a lot of help from CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and I've used (am using) medication too! It's tough and even harder (I'm SURE) with little ones :brokenheart: Be kind to yourself!:flowerforyou:

    Chirs- OMG hottie! Your poor fiance! He must be a wreak! Here you are all hot and energized and feeling good! *giggle* :wink:

    Positively_Me - LOVE your story! I have a friend who is second generation American/Palestinian and his marriage was arranged. His story is similar except that he had aunts (or 'aunts') who acted as the search and interview front office, he was rejected a couple of times before finding his wife and she is amazing! He'll make comments about how he wishes she would wear a hijab that covered her "hideous face" so she wouldn't upset the neighborhood children, but his wife refuses to obey him. It's only funny because his wife is freaking BEAUTIFUL :laugh: and when you see them together they are so obviously in love :love:

    I am so exhausted! I can't even finish this post. I've packed up this office so I'm heading home for a nap!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK, so no one told me the SECOND DAY after the fall would be worse than the FIRST day after the fall, which was worse than the FALL day. :noway: My body feels like it was hit with a Mac truck. Which is probably close, since I hit it with 405 pounds. I will survive! I stayed home today and slept most of the day. I am finding that if I keep the elbow straight the nerve doesn't pinch as much.

    Like a lot of you, I plan to have FUN this weekend and I am drinking vodka and probably some good lagers. I am NOT denying myself anything, but I will take small portions. I have three parties to go to, plus my dad is taking me and my brother out to... you guessed it, a casino buffet. :tongue: I do plan to get my exercise in every single day.

    Have a great weekend, everyone! :heart: Remember the red, white, and blue! :heart:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Innerglow - Welcome to the group! I am in Leander (just north of Austin). You will find out that we are a very chatty group! LOL!

    lildeb - Glad that getting your DL was a good trip. Well as good as one could be at the DMV.

    blue - Sorry your still hurting pretty bad. I sure hope you start feeling better so you can enjoy your weekend.

    Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!! I will be here hopefully getting my living room completely painted!!

    Check in later!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    mm...booze! Can't wait for the weekend!! :laugh: Thanks meokk!

    I caved. I got a happy meal!! It was WONDERFUL...except my Shrek toy doesn't work. That's crap! :explode: And it was the 3 little pigs. Ironic huh? :laugh:

    I got Puss in Boots. It took me way too long to figure out how it worked. :tongue:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Had to go back and look at Cris' pictures since I couldn't see them at work earlier.
    YOU LOOK AWESOME!!! And that dress is gorgeous on you!

    I still feel like crap and I barely made it over 1200 cals today (1204) and certainly don't plan on eating anything else (and that was with 4... yes, 4 tablespoons of PB). It's fine. I'm sure I'm going to be well over for the next 3 days so maybe not feeling well today is a good thing after all. :tongue:

    I'm hitting the gym in the morning, assuming I feel a little better which I WILL because I refuse to feel like crap while hanging by a lake all day. Driving to my mom's early afternoon & will be back tomorrow night.

    I stopped by Walmart after I left work to check out ring sizes since both my engagement ring AND my wedding band ended up being too big (after we sized my finger like 20 billion times. I guess I was majorly retaining water or something...).
    Yeah.... Walmart doesn't keep anything smaller than a size 7 in stock! :noway: :huh: WTF?!
    That made me sad. I certainly don't have skinny fingers by any stretch of the imagination. And has anyone else noticed how big the clothes there run? I bought 2 cardigans on clearance today and I had to get mediums so the last time I had to buy a medium top apparently wasn't a fluke. So, no rings smaller than a 7 and a 5'4" nearly 200 pound girl wears a medium. Catering waaaaayyyyyy too much to obese America, guys. It's great to have bigger sizes because bigger people want clothes and jewelry, too... but.... to completely ostracize anyone who isn't obese is kind of this whole other thing altogether. I mean, if I lose 40-50 more pounds, even the "small" tops are going to be too big for me. It makes me really sad that "normal" sizes are so unprofitable they don't even bother carrying them.

    The women in the jewelry department seriously looked at me like I was a FREAK when I asked to try on a size 5.5 or 6 ring! :laugh: :ohwell: I thought those were pretty normal sizes... :huh: I'm just not quite used to not being able to find something in a *small* enough size. :laugh:

    Haha, but one thing that did make me laugh is the cashier looked at me like I was nuts when I put beer on the counter. She scanned it & then looked at me for a minute with one eyebrow raised & then asked to see my ID. She looked at it for a long time. Then she said "Wow, you REALLY don't look that OLD!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Then she caught herself calling me old & said "I mean... you look WAYYYYYY younger than that." :tongue: And that's something I hear pretty much every single time I buy alcohol. So I always say "Yeah, well, let's hope I keep hearing that for the next 50 years." :laugh:

    Last Friday when I bought my dress, the lady who rang me up asked me what the occasion was and I said it was for my birthday and she said "Happy sweet 16!" :laugh: And I said "Oh, you mean sweet 26" and she looked at me in utter disbelief. Apparently 26 sounds old even to the 70 year old woman at Belk. :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - Sorry about your size issues at walmart...i am not sure i will ever have that problem...who knows maybe one day...my wing is like a 10 or something like that...and that is when i got it at like 230ish.

    Check in - 1900 cals (thanks to my chick fil a lunch)
    Water - too bad i don't think i can comment
    exercise - 1 hr (40 min arc trainer + 20 min bike ) - burning 533 cals
    Proud - I was feeling blahhhh and didn't want to go to the gym but i forced myself and kicked but, i was increasing my intesity on the arc trainer i was dying but i was doing it !!!!!

    I tried a Gatorade "recover" drink after my work out ...it was not too bad...not as much as proteien as like muscle milk and stuff but thought it tasted pretty good, was like 16 g of protien at 130 cals.

    Me and hubby are doing a class togther in the morning :smile: 1st one we have done together, as he has no intersted in the water class i take , and i can't do the spin class i just can't sit my big butt on the little seat ..maybe one day...but anyway we are going to the Lift class...i know you use dumbells and some type of aerobic stuff so we will see exactly what it is ...it is at 8:30 so we have to get moving pretty early (not like we aren't up with abby getting up at 5:00)..
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome, innerglow! You will love it here. :flowerforyou:

    So we went to the buffet tonight. I did OK. Luckily it was crab legs night and I don't really care for crab legs - too much work for too little crab. I ended up with cheese pizza and asparagus. I came in under calories.

    check in:
    calories - OK
    water - 90
    exercise - 50 mins bike, small amt. of arms (my arms are killing me from the fall) & PT exercises
    proud - I didn't overdo it at the buffet. I chose not to get dessert because I wanted to come home and eat a WW icecream bar! Mmm!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Just wanted to stop by and wish everybody a happy and safe memorial day weekend. Let your hair down and have a good weekend ladies. Everybody deserves it here!! We will kick er in the butt next week! :drinker:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Quick check in from yesterday, then it's time to clean my house since we've got company coming for the weekend. They arrive in a like an hour. By the way, this is very "me" to wait until the last minute to clean my house. I woke up at 8:30 am this morning, thought about working out, and then promptly went back to bed. I'm assuming we're going to be doing lots of walking this weekend, so hopefully that will all add up.

    Yesterday -
    Cals: Ate a few of my exercise (ice cream!), but still have some exercise left over = 1363
    Water: 88 oz
    Exercise: C25K (first day of week 4 = 2 5 minute runs!) + 25 min elliptical + 25 min bike = 830 cals
    Proud: Good workout at the gym. Went to Applebee's for dinner (husband was craving the tequila lime chicken). I was going to get the Oriental Chicken Salad (my fave), but saw the calories - even for grilled = YIKES! Ended up getting the Garlic Chicken (370 cals). It was tasty, but SO salty. I was not surprised to see that my chicken, potatoes, and broccoli had 1930 mg of sodium. Needless to say, I was OVER on sodium yesterday!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    elmox - I hate that. I was so excited that Applebees got the 500 and under menu, but like you, was shocked at the sodium. I wish they would just cook the darn food and not add so much sodium. It would still taste good to me!
    Oh and, ahem... officially a New Yorker? I think NOT. You will ALWAYS be a St. Louisan for life! :smokin:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well I got all the fruits cup up for tailgating...the kabobs are ready...everything ready to be packed in the car..I'm dressed...I'm ready to party! Come on 1!! And for the first time ever, I'm wearing jean shorts to the concert...I normally wear capris or maybe cotton shorts! I love it! Maybe I'll get some sun on my pastey white legs! Tom hit me last night...HARD...and I wanted to eat EVERYTHING yesterday so I was happy to still see 212 this morning on the scale. WOOHOO!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry I didn't post yesterday but I am officially 216. So last Friday I was 223 but I am only counting a 4 pound loss because I know some of it was just water retention and also from changing my calorie plan too.So I am super excited.I will be gone all day hope you gals have a wonderful Memorial WEEKEND!! Love ya!

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Morning girls

    I ended up having wendys for dinner last night but was still at like 1700 for the day, so thats not too bad except that I chose to go to the bar for a beer with Bobby instead of the gym. So no excercise cals to speak of...luckily the scale was still at 195.2 this morning so I am super happy.

    I dont really have any plans for today so I am going to eat well. I already burned 935 calories at spin class. This was a new teacher than I normally have and she was doing this weird sit and stand thing it killed me! I was happy to see the 935 when I was done though. I am still drenched in sweat and class ended at 1030 (it is now 1230)

    Im going to try to get to the gym tomorrow morning for a quick work out then we have baseball then cook out...

    step son's got a friend coming over to spend the night...pray that I have patience...I hate sleepovers no one in the household ends up sleeping:explode: :grumble:
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