Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Heather-Yes we are going to the Melting Pot. I've never been there. My roommate said it's soooo good!! Looks like you are back on track and kicking butt! Great job!!

    Yummmmmmmm. Soooo goood (and so expensive! :laugh: I know I joke about being cheap, but, man... I really really am).

    Thanks for the elliptical tip, Heather. I haven't been paying much attention to my form, I guess. I'll see if I'm doing something weird that's causing it next time. I think my hips are weird. My right one pops/grinds at times. *shudder* I hate that feeling. I can deal with any of my other joints popping -- I even like it most of the time, but my hip is just too much for me. :laugh:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Quick check in from yesterday. I've been a bit lazy at work this week, so I've got to make up for it all today!

    Cals - Over, but only by like 135 - not too bad since we went to a cocktail party
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - walked 1.5 miles, not great, but better than nothing
    Proud - At the party last night I decided that I wanted a beer, but I chose an Amstel Light over a Blue Moon (so tasty!). I knew that the Blue Moon wouldn't be worth the extra calories. That Amstel Light was so delcious and totally refreshing. So worth the 95 cals! Also saw some friends last night I hadn't seen in over a month, they commented on my loss and told me I looked great. Can't beat hearing things like that!

    Wish I could comment more, but work calls...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    elmox-Way to work with what you've got! Still want beer but working it in with a differet kind to fit your calories! That's impressive!!!

    LittleSpy-Whenever I do running or elliptical my right hip always hurts! I just try and do lots of extra stretches before and after that focus primarily on the hips.

    Well the Melting Pot is out. I didn't know you needed a reservation and they are booked. LOL I swear it's not my day! I'm going to save my dress for when I hit under 200 pounds and go out just me and my roommate I think. It should still fit in 12 pounds...just wont need the big girl panties, right?

    Edit: Which means I am not going to sabotage my weight in tomorrow!!1 :bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Sorry to hear you can't go to the Melting Pot. It's so delicious and worth it even though it is a bit expensive. Aren't there any other fancy schmancy restaurants you can go to tonight instead?

    Julie: My right hip used to pop and grind and feel like it was working it's way out of socket. Sometimes it would be painful, so I could never run or walk too long without feeling it. That was until my boyfriend "readjusted" my hips by using a technique his chiropractor used on him. After he did that, I haven't felt ANY pain or discomfort whatsoever. I always figured the problem was due to one leg being slightly shorter than the other, but apparently my hips were out of alignment. It's been a year and a half now and all is still good!

    Elmox: I love Blue Moon. It's among my favorite beers but way too easy to go overboard on! I still haven't found a light beer I'm in love with because I just adore the craft beers way too much! I'll keep trying, though.

    So I might be stalking a bit today because it's really quiet at work. I think people are starting their holiday weekend a bit early. Plus, we're in a slump at work anyway so it's extra slow. Boring...at least it's almost lunch time.

    Oh, since I'm blabbing away, has anyone tried the Crystal Light Sugar Free Hard Candies? Omg they're delicious and only 40 calories for 4 pieces. So far they're successfully keeping me away from the Girl Scout Cookies in my desk drawer.
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Elmox: I love Blue Moon. It's among my favorite beers but way too easy to go overboard on! I still haven't found a light beer I'm in love with because I just adore the craft beers way too much! I'll keep trying, though.

    I just drink one because I am not going to bother drinking it if it's not beer that I like. :smile: I figure it's about 175-200 calories for either the stouts or the lambics that I like.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Those sound sooooo yummy!!! I may have to look into those!! We tried to go somewhere else. This whole night was for my friends graduation. I've been going back and forth with her and my roommate all morning. Finally my friend that is graudating said we willj ust do it another time. So I gave up. I got so frustrated that I didn't want to bother anymore. I'm perfect fine with going to the gym instead so I can hopefully see that 50 pound loss tomorrow! I'll find somewhere to wear my dress to! :bigsmile: It's okay I'm a full blown stalker again today. We've had like 5 customers or something. Good times!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jess - Sorry that your even got cancelled! That really SUCKS!! But as you said now you can work on hitting your 50 lbs mark tomorrow!! I know you can do it!!

    Julie - I did Boxing at home on my Wii. I did Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. I love boxing!! Don't know if I am really that good at it if I ever went to a class but it does help with coordination! I haven't had any problems with joints hurting on the elliptical (yet) but my knee seems to pop and feel weird when I am trying to do some cardio. When I did the Last Chance workout my knee was popping and making noises that I had never heard and I was trying to just do the low impact positions. I am thinking it is due to my weight so if I keep losing it should get better. Sorry, I kind of got on a tangent there. I agree with Jess and Heather on strecthing before hand and seeing if that works.

    Heather - I have tried the Crystal Light candies and they were pretty good. One of the ladies had some at work and I had never heard of them so I tried one and they were pretty tasty. I have been in three-quarters stalking mode today. I have been keeping up with the posts but just about everytime I am about to comment someone needs something from me. Can't they see that I have better things to do!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I just got home from taking my son to work this morning. I guess yesterday was his last day as today was only for makeup finals. He is officially a senior... my daughter will be a freshman next school year and I also turn 40 this summer. UGH I feel so damn old.

    I went to a new pond store today and had to drag myself out of there. It was so much fun and I can't wait to go back. They had EVERYTHING you could think of from frogs to plants, to fish to bird things.. Wow.. just loved that store. We did not get as much hail as Denver yesterday but we did have a few funnel clouds and some pea size hail so, needless to say I was cussing the weather last night. Thankfully the hail did not last long or do too much damage. So, here is a pic of the pond from a different angle.

    I am excited to see how things grow this year. With a little luck it should be even better next year. I still have to dig up some Iris and acclimate them to the water, move the houseplants outside and get my thyme planted in the new flagstone patio area. Thanks for all your kind comments! I guess I just love to garden and one of my goals is not have ANY grass when it is all said and done. Each year we tear out a little more and add something new but, this year we tackled 4 projects instead of
    1. We redid the dog area (they have their own part of the yard so, they can be dogs)
    2. we put up what my husband calls a bbq hut. It kind of looks like a two layer deck with a roof over it similar to a gazebo but with 4 sides.
    3. Dug all the flagstone paths out of the yard and used the flagstone as a patio transition between the pergola and bbq hut
    4. Made the pond 4 times it size and added a waterfall.

    Well.. I need to get to work this afternoon. I have the dreaded client (who probably needs counseling), He just makes me crazy.. but I guess EVERYONE needs a little therapy.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I just had a quick skim through the posts....
    blue - sorry about your fall & LOVE the zen challenge
    Jess - rollercoaster of a week, huh? you'll have a chance to rock that dress soon!
    Cogirl - that yard looks AMAZING !!!
    and about one million other things. Sorry I'm a bit awol.
    I'll check in tomorrow but ay not be posting much for a while.

    I miss you all already and I don't even leave until Wednesday !!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    Wow, your marriage was arranged by your parents? That is very interesting. Guess our parents do know best if you fell in love so easily!!! That is pretty neat! Oh yes the schools have air conditioners it is a law if I am not mistaken that they HAVE to have working air conditioners in the schools due to the extreme heat. We are still using our air condidtioners well into Sept. There are times that I have had my air on in Oct. Not too often Oct is usually pretty comfortable no air or heat needed cheap electric bills.

    Momma: It is so weird how we *meet* I never noticed him , but he use to see me leaving the house every morning. He asked his father if he saw me before and gave his father the my address. He asked his friends too. So when his family came to ask...his father thought it was my older sister he wanted. He was like no the younger one. My sister looked/ and still looks better than me, physically. I was more blessed all over, chunky. I walked out of the back room and my parent were talking with them. I didn't know what was going on. A few days pasted by ( my father was doing his research on his family), then when my dad felt he was a good person by everyone he ( my dad) talked too, he came to ask me what did I think of the guy who was over a couple days ago. I forgot for a moment. So I said, not sure. Why? My dad said because he came to ask for your hand in marrage. I told him are you sure it's not for my older sis. He said no. It's you. So i was stunned, did know what to say. So he ( dad) said I will let you think about ti for a couple days. He is going to come over on Thursday. It was Tuesday when he told me..and it was Saturday when his dad came to ask. So when Thursday came around, I didn't know what to say...scared to death. He walked into my parent's home and I don't know what happened...I felt something. I couldn't explain it. I was going to say NO. but something in me said Yes.

    That day I served turkish coffee to his family (tradition) and I was shaking all over the place. I noticed he was nervious too when he reach to grab the coffee his hands was shaking too. That day we didn't talk just looked at each other across the room, more like him looking at me..I was too shy to even look up. A couple days later we were engaged.

    That is when we began to actually talk to each other. We were both shy. He told me that he noticed me for the longest but didn't know who was my parents (. He use to wait to see if i would leave that morning just to catch a glimps of me. He would be on his way to work).

    When we were engaged, he would leave his work go home and do his man things and be at my house till 12 am. I was still very uncomfortable sitting next to him, but once we really got to *know* each other it became easy.

    6 months later we were married but so many people ( on my side of the family) tried to stop the wedding because we were from two different countries. He was from Jordan and I was from Palestine ( well my family is from Palestine - I was borned and raised here in AMerica). A lot of people disowned me because of this, but I think I made the right decision based on what my heart said.

    Now, 15 almost 16 years later, we are truly soul mates. we are the best of friends.

    When people ask "how did you guys meet" and when we say " arranged marriage" they assume that everything was set up and the onlly thing we did was attend the ceremony... that we didn't see each other ( until the wedding day) and we went through it based on our parents judgement...don't get me wrong that does happen in some countries but no not this marriage.
    we got to really know each other before we tied the knot.

    SORRY I am rambling...and for my post being too long. I don't I have ever shared personal things on a post before...But I feel we are close Friends :smile: almost like sisters:heart::drinker:

    By for now. I have to log my food for the day.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Whew ... just sped through all the posts.

    Lildeb: I know I'm way late to the conversation but I wanted to put in my 2 cents that I loved BlueNote's suggestion ... I wish I could use it with my 16-yr old ... I may just try! Also, I wonder if some of the kids at school have picked up on how much it is upsetting your daughter if they threaten to 'tell on her' ... that may be making the situation worse if they know how to push her buttons. Maybe you could think of suggestions to give her on how she could have handled the situation better - although I'm not sure what the best advice would be since the best thing would be if she hadn't done something wrong in the first place so that she could be 'told on' ... but maybe it would have been better to 'tell on herself' to the teacher so that the other child's threats didn't mean anything? I try to give my kids suggestions of what they could have chosen to do differently when they have done something wrong. But like other's have said - you are a GREAT mom - we all struggle through it. Sometimes I feel so guilty about how I handle something with my kids - especially my teenager. She can just push my buttons so that I react to her before counting to ten. I know my mom has always told me I was the experiment - being the oldest child.

    Cogirl: Your pond has inspired me to work on ours! It was very pretty when we first bought our house almost 5 years ago ... now most of the decorative rocks around the edges have fallen in or pushed around the yard, the frog fountain barely spits, and the area around the pond has become the spot to pile all the yard tools. I am going to re-beautify our pond! I was very proud of myself last weekend for doing some gardening. I love pretty gardens but have never really enjoyed working in them - my parents had large gardens that we HAD to weed when I was growing up, so I have always asked my husband to do most of the gardening work. Last year he was quite crabby about it and didn't do what I wanted. Then I realized that maybe I should be doing more to help with it if I want it to look a certain way - and he probably had every right to be crabby. So I spent the weekend planting and weeding (and moving the plants that he put in the wrong places last summer). It was very satisfying. Next on to the pond!

    I am not having a good day with food. My work project that has kept me very busy all week is coming to an end. It culminated in my having to work every 2 hours all night long last night to keep running various computer processes until I was finished. And then in between getting up to do my own work ... my husband's work called twice when I was actually sleeping - once at midnight and once at 3:30am. So needless to say I didn't get much sleep at all.:yawn: I got up anyhow and went to step class -which I was very proud of ... TOO proud of I think because after that I stopped and bought a 24oz diet pepsi (I haven't had a diet pepsi during the week for I think 3 weeks ... have been working very hard on breaking that habit), and also a large muffin. Then I proceeded to lunch at Wendy's for a cheeseburger and fries. None of it even tasted good or was the least bit satisfying. I'm dissapointed :angry: - even though I didn't track all week I was happy with myself for listening to my body most of the time and not doing any binge eating while I was busy and stressed. Well ... I'm done with the bad eating and back on track today!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Pos - Thank you so much for sharing!! That is a beautiful story and I feel blessed to have read it.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Oh and ...

    Jess: I hope you find somewhere to wear your new dress ... if not tonight - then maybe this weekend?

    Lilspy: Your post about your boyfriend talking to you outside the bathroom made me laugh!

    Positively_me: That is a sweet story about you and your husband! :heart:

    Bluenote: I hope you are feeling ok ... I know when I fell at step class I was sore for almost a month!

    ... had to edit for misspellings ... I usually have a few but boy I can tell I'm tired today.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstapaul-Sounds like you had one heck of a night! So proud that you got up and went to step class. That's awesome!!!

    POS Me-What a great story!! I love it! Thank you for shareing it with us! I feel like y'all are my sisters too!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Pos_me, I loved reading your story! Thanks so much for sharing. :smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: What a bummer that your evening won't go the way you wanted, but I really think WHEN you hit the 50 pounds lost tomorrow, you'll be a little glad you went to the gym instead. I'm rooting for you!!

    Pos_Me: Thank you for sharing your story! I love hearing how people met their significant others. If I were you, I'd just go with "it was love at first sight" when people ask how you met your hubby because it sure sounds that way on both sides. So what if you needed a little help in having the courage to get to know one another? I don't see how that's much different than being introduced by family and friends.

    Oh! I forgot to tell you gals that my sister, who used to watch me exercise while eating junk food, is now wearing a size 8! She was a 12 when she started and has even been able to get into a few size 6 (in roomier dress pants). Anyway, she's been giving me the jeans that get too small for her, which is great except she's short so I can only wear her pants with flats. Well, she gave me a pair of size 10s the other day and I finally tried them on last night and they fit! I was able to pull them up, button and zip them with no effort. I won't wear them in public yet because they give me a bit more of a muffin top than I'm comfortable showing in public, but I think about 5 lbs. more and they'd be great! Wahoo!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok so the whole money issue is fine I just have to deal.But this morning was a deal breaker for me.I go outside at 8am this morning to find my neighbors dogs digging holes in my yard all the while my neighbor is sitting on his lawn mower drunk watching his dogs do this.So I go all psycho chasing the dogs off.Well I come out an hour later to find the dogs digging up my plants in my garden which really pissed me off.I went all crazy on those dogs throwing rocks and cursing at them.I just think it is so rude of people to allow their animals to destroy other peoples property I mean what the hell are you kidding me?My neighbor sat there and watched in a drunken state LOL.Which he is most days anyways.I have called animal control on them like so many times I can't even count and animal control doesn't care.Their little dog has snapped at my baby girl and the bigger dog knocks her over all the time.I told them the other day if that dog so much looks at my girls the wrong way or crosses over into my yard I will take matters into my own hands.I am a very nice person and I always try to keep the peace but you don't mess with me or my family.And you don't be disrespectful and rude and allow your dogs to trash my yard just because you like to keep your yard trashy.I don't allow my dog Bella to go in their yard and trash stuff.When she goes out she goes on her chain.Thats the way I think it should be with their 5 dogs they have.They need to be tied up!!!On top of that their dogs come over and pee on all my plants and POOP in my yard and then I am stuck cleaning it up because I don't want my girls stepping in it when they play outside.Just really ticks me off how rude my neighbors really are.OK VENT OVER!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Awww, thanks for the sweet comments:blushing:

    I can't chat long today but i will be back tomorrow.

    Check in 5/27/10
    Calories: great! on target :-)
    Exercise: burned 798ish doing: 20 minutes walking on the treadmill, 30 minutes elliptical, and 10 laps in the park.
    Water: 88oz.

    Proud: stayed on track today. No binge eating today. I am about to have my coffee and relax on the couch wiht the kids. can't get any better than that :)

    ZEN challenge: yup! 7:28 - 7:35 pm
    600 calorie burn challenge: yup! 798ish..forgot how much exactly, but i know it was more than 700
    Sodium: under 1000 ( yesterday i went over board with the soft baked pretzels and cheetos my lips are feeling it all day - still swollen :-( )
    Fiber: 30g

    Have a great evening girls ! ANd best of luck for the weigh in tomorrow....hope everyone is a big loser! LOL
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ok so the whole money issue is fine I just have to deal.But this morning was a deal breaker for me.I go outside at 8am this morning to find my neighbors dogs digging holes in my yard all the while my neighbor is sitting on his lawn mower drunk watching his dogs do this.So I go all psycho chasing the dogs off.Well I come out an hour later to find the dogs digging up my plants in my garden which really pissed me off.I went all crazy on those dogs throwing rocks and cursing at them.I just think it is so rude of people to allow their animals to destroy other peoples property I mean what the hell are you kidding me?My neighbor sat there and watched in a drunken state LOL.Which he is most days anyways.I have called animal control on them like so many times I can't even count and animal control doesn't care.Their little dog has snapped at my baby girl and the bigger dog knocks her over all the time.I told them the other day if that dog so much looks at my girls the wrong way or crosses over into my yard I will take matters into my own hands.I am a very nice person and I always try to keep the peace but you don't mess with me or my family.And you don't be disrespectful and rude and allow your dogs to trash my yard just because you like to keep your yard trashy.I don't allow my dog Bella to go in their yard and trash stuff.When she goes out she goes on her chain.Thats the way I think it should be with their 5 dogs they have.They need to be tied up!!!On top of that their dogs come over and pee on all my plants and POOP in my yard and then I am stuck cleaning it up because I don't want my girls stepping in it when they play outside.Just really ticks me off how rude my neighbors really are.OK VENT OVER!!

    I totally understand where you are coming from. Some people should not be pet owners. You can put some vinegar in a spray bottle of water.. about 1 tbl to a quart. Dogs hate it.. just spray them in the face. it will not hurt them but they will learn that they get a non favorable result when them come into your yard. If they are still stuborn get a can of pepper spray.

    As far as the poop.. I would be a nice neighbor and return the poop on the neighbors front door step. Better yet.. put it in a brown paper bag and set it on fire.. then ring the door bell and run.. lol.. ok.. sorry having a fun moment here.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lstpaul - I have been doing that , her counselor was telling me to do that...Ask her about other choices that she made.

    Colorodo - I love the pond it is great!!!

    Awestfall - Sorry about the $$ situation, and the dog situation...i would be furious.

    Julie - You know at the gym some of the machines say i burn more and some others say a lot lower...like my arc trainer always says more than HRM but the bike says less...I just go by my HRM probably all evens out..

    My dinner was soo much higher than my normal dinners but needed something quick so went to the store and got something (better than getting fast food) , but still with that and my exercise i will be all okay.

    So today went okay, I made Serena clean the house, i had 11 things on her list,. She complained that she was tired and everytime i told her she should of made better choices...but my house is picked up now :smile: Now for tomorrow not sure what we are going to do ...i am off work i am not going to sit here to stare at her all day
This discussion has been closed.