Over 200 New Year New Me Part 20



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Before I forget...I was looking at my numbers this morning and I noticed I haven't lost much Fat, but my BMI dropped and my Muscle % dropped. Does anyone know if I should be concerned I'm losing muscle?

    Most folks don't want to lose too much muscle. I'm trying hard to at least maintain my muscle percentage (which would mean I'm losing muscle, but not faster than I'm losing fat). My desire to maintain my muscle is one of the reasons I eat so much, actually (along with the whole I lose weight faster or just as fast eating more thing :laugh:). It makes you strong and keeps your metabolism burning. :wink: I think *some* muscle loss is pretty inevitable when you're reducing your cals, but you definitely want your body fat percentage going down a lot more than your muscle percentage.

    Edit: That being said -- we have the same scale, right?
    Yeah, I'm not convinced of the accuracy or consistency of the body fat estimator part of it. I've tried being very consistent with my level of hydration and my level of "whatnot" weight, etc and I've gotten numbers all over the place day after day. Maybe I'm doing something wrong or maybe mine is defective or something, but that's been my experience.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Before I forget...I was looking at my numbers this morning and I noticed I haven't lost much Fat, but my BMI dropped and my Muscle % dropped. Does anyone know if I should be concerned I'm losing muscle?

    Most folks don't want to lose too much muscle. I'm trying hard to at least maintain my muscle percentage (which would mean I'm losing muscle, but not faster than I'm losing fat). My desire to maintain my muscle is one of the reasons I eat so much, actually (along with the whole I lose weight faster or just as fast eating more thing :laugh:). It makes you strong and keeps your metabolism burning. :wink: I think *some* muscle loss is pretty inevitable when you're reducing your cals, but you definitely want your body fat percentage going down a lot more than your muscle percentage.

    I just started watching the numbers so it's only dropped like 1%. How do I keep from losing muscle? More protein?

    BTW..thanks now I'm going to McDonalds for my Shrek Happy Meal! Great idea! :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Before I forget...I was looking at my numbers this morning and I noticed I haven't lost much Fat, but my BMI dropped and my Muscle % dropped. Does anyone know if I should be concerned I'm losing muscle?

    Most folks don't want to lose too much muscle. I'm trying hard to at least maintain my muscle percentage (which would mean I'm losing muscle, but not faster than I'm losing fat). My desire to maintain my muscle is one of the reasons I eat so much, actually (along with the whole I lose weight faster or just as fast eating more thing :laugh:). It makes you strong and keeps your metabolism burning. :wink: I think *some* muscle loss is pretty inevitable when you're reducing your cals, but you definitely want your body fat percentage going down a lot more than your muscle percentage.

    I just started watching the numbers so it's only dropped like 1%. How do I keep from losing muscle? More protein?

    BTW..thanks now I'm going to McDonalds for my Shrek Happy Meal! Great idea! :bigsmile:

    Just wanted to be sure you saw my edit:
    Edit: That being said -- we have the same scale, right?
    Yeah, I'm not convinced of the accuracy or consistency of the body fat estimator part of it. I've tried being very consistent with my level of hydration and my level of "whatnot" weight, etc and I've gotten numbers all over the place day after day. Maybe I'm doing something wrong or maybe mine is defective or something, but that's been my experience.

    I kind of wouldn't worry about 1% right now because mine has gone up and down several percent day to day under very similar conditions.

    If it continues dropping consistently & becomes a real trend, THEN maybe you'd want to consider eating more? Not super sure.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I didn't see your edit, thanks! I only do all the measurements once a week. So I don't know much it fluxuates daily. Hopefully yours isn't defective! Thanks for your words of wisdom as always! Hope you get to go home soon!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Mmmm happy meal.....damn it! got me too
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well after 3 pages of reading I hope I remember everything! If I miss you, know that I love you and didn't mean to forget!!

    Cris - OMG!!!!!:love::love: :love: :love: You look sooooo AMAZING!! I agree that you look like a totally different person. You are definitely an inspiration to me!

    Julie - Hope that you get to go home very soon. Horrible TOMs SUCK!!! I don't get them very often but when it is a bad one I understand. I am the same way about calling into work so I see how it can be really bad.

    Pos_me - I love your story! I am so glad that you met someone that is your best friend! Not everyone has to meet their significant other in a "traditional" way. I sure didn't met mine in the traditional way either. I met my husband on the internet!! :blushing:

    Momma - Sorry to hear about the bills and the dogs. I agree with blue's suggestion about the water and vinegar.

    Well, I am painting my HUGE living room this weekend and I started this morning. I have done most of the section between the ceiling and about 2 inches all with a brush so that I wouldn't hit the ceiling. My arms are killing me!! But I definitely got a workout going up and down the later and painting. I researched online and found out that painting burns about 200 calories an hour. There were some sites that had different amounts so I decided to go with the lowest one. Now I have to go into work for an 1 hour 1/2 meeting on my freakin' day off!!!! Why do people schedule mandatory meetings when I am off??? ARGHHHHH!!!!:explode:

    Oh well be back later.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    lildebbie.............1.6 = .58%
    Jess....................1.8 = .84%
    Pos _me...........-1.4 = .68%
    Littlespy..............0 = 0%
    Miranda..............0 = 0%
    Meokk...............-0.8 = .43%
    cogirl................ -.5 = .20%
    momma...............0 = 0%
    bluenote..........-1.5 = .38%
    Cris20056..........-2.4 = 1.21%
    raiderape............0 = 0%

    No loss for me. I gained that dang pound back but at least I didn't gain any after overeating yesterday!

    Cris - WTG on hitting the 60 lbs Lost mark!!!

    Blue - WTG on hitting the 80 lbs Lost mark!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Just saw this awesomely helpful list for those of us planning on a bit (or a lot) of a tipple over the holiday........

    • Pina Colada (6 oz): 378 calories
    • Mojito (8 oz): 214 calories
    • Cosmopolitan (4 oz): 200 calories
    • Chocolate martini: (2 oz each vodka, chocolate liqueur, cream, 1/2 oz creme de cacao, chocolate syrup): 438
    • Margarita (8 oz): 280
    • Green apple martini (1 oz each vodka, sour apple, apple juice): 148
    • Martini (2.5 oz): 160
    • Port wine (3 oz):128
    • Bloody Mary (5 oz): 118
    • Red wine (5 oz):120
    • White wine (5 oz): 120
    • Alcohol-free wine (5 oz): 20-30
    • Beer (12 oz): 150-198
    • Light beer (12 oz): 95-136
    • Ultra-light beer (12 oz): 64-95
    • Champagne (5oz): 106-120
    • Coffee liqueur (3 ounces): 348
    • Godiva chocolate liqueur (3 oz): 310
    • Wine spritzer (5 oz): 100
    • Eggnog with rum (8 ounces): 370
    • Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps (8 oz): 380
    • Hot buttered rum (8 oz): 292
    • Spiced cider with rum ( 8 oz):150
    • Mulled wine (5 oz): 200
    • Vodka and tonic (8 oz): 200
    • Screwdriver (8 oz): 190
    • Mimosa (4 oz): 75
    • Gin and tonic (7 oz): 200
    • Long Island iced tea (8 oz): 780
    • White Russian (2 oz vodka, 1.5 oz coffee liqueur, 1.5 oz cream): 425
    • Mai Tai (6 oz) (1.5 oz rum, 1/2 oz cream de along, 1/2 oz triple sec, sour mix, pineapple juice): 350
    • Rum and Coke (8 oz): 185
    • Rum and Diet Coke (8 oz): 100
    • Mike's Hard Lemonade (11 oz): 98

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mm...booze! Can't wait for the weekend!! :laugh: Thanks meokk!

    I caved. I got a happy meal!! It was WONDERFUL...except my Shrek toy doesn't work. That's crap! :explode: And it was the 3 little pigs. Ironic huh? :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    bluenote, your posts always make me smile. Remember that you popped right up after the fall. You'll be back at it in no time!

    Cris, I am crazy proud of you. You are so gorgeous and it does take courage to post pictures of ourselves at our highest weight. However, your amazing progress is going to push someone (not including us - you do that everyday!) to keep trying and not to give up hope.

    Quick check-in for the day:
    Cals - have some exercise cals leftover, but not much = 1352 cals
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - 45 min of yoga and 30 min of walking (I added this up throughout the day - lots of 1/2 mile walks here and there today) = approximately 275 cals
    Zen - I had some time before yoga started - 6:45-6:50.
    Proud - I outsmarted the rain today. I was at the park for yoga and with about 15 min left, a storm started coming. I didn't have my umbrella with me (it was back at the office, a 1/2 mile away). The sky opened up and it poured. I had no money for a cab, no umbrella. I also had plans for after yoga, so getting soaked on the way back was not an option. I realized that I could take one subway to another, with a few avenues of walking underground. Then I could take the train downtown and it would put me about 2 blocks from my office. There's a bunch of scaffolding on the streets right now, so I only had to cross the street uncovered. My plan was brilliant! I made it back to the office totally dry (minus a few drops) and very proud of myself for my quick thinking. I've been living in NYC for 4 years now. I wonder if outsmarting the rain through public transportation makes me a "real" New Yorker... :laugh:

    Congrats Elmox,
    you are now officially a New Yorker !!!!!!
    I've been here for 17 years now but about a year ago I started spending part of my time upstate too.
    Thanks god for scaffolding !!!!! saves your butt every time.
    One of these days we should get together for a drink :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- HAH on the three little piggies. I got the shrek princess (sorry dont know their names) the other day. It says yaha when you push it.

    Meook- thanks! My miller lite only has 96 calories per serving but it adds up quick when you decide to take on a 12 pack..sheesh

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    bluenote, your posts always make me smile. Remember that you popped right up after the fall. You'll be back at it in no time!

    Cris, I am crazy proud of you. You are so gorgeous and it does take courage to post pictures of ourselves at our highest weight. However, your amazing progress is going to push someone (not including us - you do that everyday!) to keep trying and not to give up hope.

    Quick check-in for the day:
    Cals - have some exercise cals leftover, but not much = 1352 cals
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - 45 min of yoga and 30 min of walking (I added this up throughout the day - lots of 1/2 mile walks here and there today) = approximately 275 cals
    Zen - I had some time before yoga started - 6:45-6:50.
    Proud - I outsmarted the rain today. I was at the park for yoga and with about 15 min left, a storm started coming. I didn't have my umbrella with me (it was back at the office, a 1/2 mile away). The sky opened up and it poured. I had no money for a cab, no umbrella. I also had plans for after yoga, so getting soaked on the way back was not an option. I realized that I could take one subway to another, with a few avenues of walking underground. Then I could take the train downtown and it would put me about 2 blocks from my office. There's a bunch of scaffolding on the streets right now, so I only had to cross the street uncovered. My plan was brilliant! I made it back to the office totally dry (minus a few drops) and very proud of myself for my quick thinking. I've been living in NYC for 4 years now. I wonder if outsmarting the rain through public transportation makes me a "real" New Yorker... :laugh:

    Congrats Elmox,
    you are now officially a New Yorker !!!!!!
    I've been here for 17 years now but about a year ago I started spending part of my time upstate too.
    Thanks god for scaffolding !!!!! saves your butt every time.
    One of these days we should get together for a drink :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    LOL MEOOK you must be really thirsty today or really need some alcohol :laugh: :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess- HAH on the three little piggies. I got the shrek princess (sorry dont know their names) the other day. It says yaha when you push it.

    Meook- thanks! My miller lite only has 96 calories per serving but it adds up quick when you decide to take on a 12 pack..sheesh


    My friend makes these things called "toga teas" and basically a long island...yep...going to a party Sunday at his place. Wont be having one of those!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    My favorite thing in college was Jungle Juice....basically cut up fruit in fruit punch/sprite/ and lots of vodka or 151 or moonshine if we could get it

    wonder how many calories are in that!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    bluenote, your posts always make me smile. Remember that you popped right up after the fall. You'll be back at it in no time!

    Cris, I am crazy proud of you. You are so gorgeous and it does take courage to post pictures of ourselves at our highest weight. However, your amazing progress is going to push someone (not including us - you do that everyday!) to keep trying and not to give up hope.

    Quick check-in for the day:
    Cals - have some exercise cals leftover, but not much = 1352 cals
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - 45 min of yoga and 30 min of walking (I added this up throughout the day - lots of 1/2 mile walks here and there today) = approximately 275 cals
    Zen - I had some time before yoga started - 6:45-6:50.
    Proud - I outsmarted the rain today. I was at the park for yoga and with about 15 min left, a storm started coming. I didn't have my umbrella with me (it was back at the office, a 1/2 mile away). The sky opened up and it poured. I had no money for a cab, no umbrella. I also had plans for after yoga, so getting soaked on the way back was not an option. I realized that I could take one subway to another, with a few avenues of walking underground. Then I could take the train downtown and it would put me about 2 blocks from my office. There's a bunch of scaffolding on the streets right now, so I only had to cross the street uncovered. My plan was brilliant! I made it back to the office totally dry (minus a few drops) and very proud of myself for my quick thinking. I've been living in NYC for 4 years now. I wonder if outsmarting the rain through public transportation makes me a "real" New Yorker... :laugh:

    Congrats Elmox,
    you are now officially a New Yorker !!!!!!
    I've been here for 17 years now but about a year ago I started spending part of my time upstate too.
    Thanks god for scaffolding !!!!! saves your butt every time.
    One of these days we should get together for a drink :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    LOL MEOOK you must be really thirsty today or really need some alcohol :laugh: :tongue:

    Ha ha,,,,,,it's so true, I really miss drinking since I started dieting. I'd still rather have 200cals of chocolate than beer though :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    def breaking the diet this weekend to have a few beers, they'll be my first since DECEMBER !!!!!!
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Holy crap, 780 calories in Long Island iced tea! :noway:

    I think I'll just stick to some lambic beers this weekend. :smile: Mmmm.... I think I'll get some cherry, apple, and peach ones. :smile:
  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I started my journey here ate 243 lbs, my highest weight ever after gaining 60 lbs with my daughter. My current weight is 208. LIke many of us here on MFP, my weight has yo-yo'd quite a bit. My daughter is now 2 and there is absolutely no excuse i'm still carrying around 30 lbs of "baby" weight. I've never been skinny, but I did get down to 170 just before I got pregnant and I felt confident. My goal is to reach 140 by my birthday next year April 30, 2011 cause I wanna be smokin' by the time i'm 24!

    A little about me....I loooove music, preferably Live, i'm a Realtor in San Antonio, Texas (if you know anyone i'd love to help them), my daughter is severely asthmatic, I just started C25K (w1d2), I can be really obnoxious although i'm shy when I first meet someone, I'm a single mother, hmmmmm......can't think of anything else but i'm glad I can share my journey with such motivating women!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My favorite thing in college was Jungle Juice....basically cut up fruit in fruit punch/sprite/ and lots of vodka or 151 or moonshine if we could get it

    wonder how many calories are in that!

    Shoot after seeing this no wonder I gained so much weight when I worked for my first bank. Working there=nightly drinking. That's when I started to REALLY gain weight. In moderation now! :drinker: :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I started my journey here ate 243 lbs, my highest weight ever after gaining 60 lbs with my daughter. My current weight is 208. LIke many of us here on MFP, my weight has yo-yo'd quite a bit. My daughter is now 2 and there is absolutely no excuse i'm still carrying around 30 lbs of "baby" weight. I've never been skinny, but I did get down to 170 just before I got pregnant and I felt confident. My goal is to reach 140 by my birthday next year April 30, 2011 cause I wanna be smokin' by the time i'm 24!

    A little about me....I loooove music, preferably Live, i'm a Realtor in San Antonio, Texas (if you know anyone i'd love to help them), my daughter is severely asthmatic, I just started C25K (w1d2), I can be really obnoxious although i'm shy when I first meet someone, I'm a single mother, hmmmmm......can't think of anything else but i'm glad I can share my journey with such motivating women!

    Well to our humble little discussion board! I'm from Dallas. Congrats on starting c25k. Several of us are doing that right now at all at different levels.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Innerglow - Welcome !!!! I am also from Dallas too !!!!

    Chiris -Congragts on hitting the bit 6-0

    Blue - Congrates on hitting the big 8-0

    So i had a fun (sorta ) morning.. We went to get my drivers license, luckily since i had a tx one before i only had to pay the renewal fee of 11.00 insteda of 25.00 woohoo...funny thing is i got my MS dL in october of 2007 (and i was close to 300 ), i didn't want to tell the people that so i told them i was 275...funny thing is today...guess what I really do weigh 275 !!!! of course she was verifing the data she had and she said height 5'7 an i said yep..she said weight about 160...umm.i was thinking do i relaly look like i am 160...but i said uhh..noo...275...was actually proud to say that today :smile: not so much as saying i really was 160 but i will get there...

    Anyway...funny i had worn the same shirt i did today that i did that in old picture (or looked like it at least) and wow my face looks soo much skinner i was really impressed.

    Oh and my other moment of the day!!!!! I wore real shorts today !!!! Meaning not knit shorts like i usally wear, they could be a little looser in the gut area but the waist fits and i have worn them all day long...they weren't real stretchy either
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