Eating pizza, pop tarts, & ice cream while losing weight



  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    See? You know nothing about the diet I USED to follow. You know, the one that allowed a certain amount of so called treats. It was THAT which led me to binging.

    Negative, Ghost Rider, it was the lack of discipline and self control that led to the binging. Address the self control issue and the rest of weight loss is shockingly easy.

    Actually, you are dead wrong. There are people with real problems where food is concerned. And believe it or not, there are ingredients in processed food that drives the appetite for many, (but perhaps not all). I removed the junk, and my problems were gone. Anytime I reintroduce the stuff, the same never ending hunger returns. You don't have to understand it. Not everyones body handles every thing the same way. Medication for example, one person can take sudafed and feel like a million bucks. Another might have a deadly allergic reaction, another might get a migraine from the stuff. The same goes for any thing that goes into the body. Some are gluten sensitive, some are not, some allergic to peanuts, some are not. I think you get the point.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    OP (who is currently at his goal. 158 lbs lost! Bravo, Mage. Never noticed your ticker until now) posts a thread detailing how you can still eat all the foods you love and still lose weight, as long as the majority of your diet is composed of nutritious foods that help fuel your body and meet your macros. And has solid effing proof to back it up; his success.

    Two folks (both not at goal. One not even remotely close to goal), come in essentially say, "NO, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG. THAT'S HOW YOU GET FAT. NO PROCESSED FOODS EVER EVER!" Care to provide proof that your way is better, ladies? Oh wait, that's can't.

    Yea....'bout that. I think I'm gonna go have a couple bowls of ice cream and some Chinese take out. Afterwards, I'm gonna admire my obliques and quads in the mirror.

    OP, keep on keepin' on. But cm'on. Replace the poptarts with a REAL pastry, please.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    How did you people who eat so perfectly all the time end up here in the first place? Just wondering.

    if you want to know, I came looking for ways to stop binging. And I was able to uncover a solution. I have not binged in about 4 months. And before you go there, my binges were sometimes on vegetables or fruit, sometimes peanut butter and potato chips, what ever was within arms reach really.

    you need to lose 40lbs. in 4 months you've lost 5lbs. yet you say you came here solely to prevent binging.

    seems legit.

    maybe, just maybe, the reason you're binging is because of your overly restrictive diet.
    See? You know nothing about the diet I USED to follow. You know, the one that allowed a certain amount of so called treats. It was THAT which led me to binging. Have a candy bar! after all IIFYM. But then I could NOT stop eating. JUNK was triggering me to binge. My hunger has normalized, and now I can eat and not stuff myself endlessly. So, again, IF this "IIFYM" thing works for you, great! But it is not the solution for everyone. I like feeling good, not like a hungry, bloated, sluggish beached whale. Therefore I eat what makes me feel good and what tastes good to me. And about my pounds lost, I have lost in inches, but not much in pounds.

    Just because you have trigger foods, does not mean everyone does. Stop projecting.
    SOOOOOO answering a question is projecting? I did not say anything about ANYONE else. I am telling what goes on with ME. Get over it.

    I do not think you get the concept of projecting.

    Do YOU? It is not "projecting" to state that what apparently "works" for some will not work for her. That was an unkind thing to say to her.

    I don't get it...if you don't like it FINE...DONT DO IT!

    why come in here and start arguing?
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm in the same boat as the OP. I eat icecream (full fat with matcha powder yum yum yum), chocolate cake (made myself two huge ones for my birthday), pizza, mcdonalds, fondue, raclette, bacon, cheese!, rösti and chocolate, can't forget the chocolate, etc. etc. pretty much every other day if not every day.

    I still managed to lose the weight, cut the body fat, lose two clothing sizes, reduce my resting heart rate from 75 to 53, increase my lifts from 3 lbs dumbbells to 80 lbs squats/deadlifts and run for over an hour at 6 mph. So yeah, all that food? It won't poison you, it won't kill you, you won't keel over from sniffing its fumes. You just have to figure out a way to fit whatever you want to eat be it "healthy" or "unhealthy" into your caloric goal.

    Seriously, so many absolutists and food fundamentalists in this thread.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    See? You know nothing about the diet I USED to follow. You know, the one that allowed a certain amount of so called treats. It was THAT which led me to binging.

    Negative, Ghost Rider, it was the lack of discipline and self control that led to the binging. Address the self control issue and the rest of weight loss is shockingly easy.

    Actually, you are dead wrong. There are people with real problems where food is concerned. And believe it or not, there are ingredients in processed food that drives the appetite for many, (but perhaps not all). I removed the junk, and my problems were gone. Anytime I reintroduce the stuff, the same never ending hunger returns. You don't have to understand it.
    Innerestin' how it only works like that for a select few special snowflakes. Very, very innerestin'.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I like pizza, poptarts, and ice cream. I'm going to try combining them.

    I am sure you can do something with pop tarts and this:


    This :p
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    OP (who is currently at his goal. 158 lbs lost! Bravo, Mage. Never noticed your ticker until now) posts a thread detailing how you can still eat all the foods you love and still lose weight, as long as the majority of your diet is composed of nutritious foods that help fuel your body and meet your macros. And has solid effing proof to back it up; his success.

    Two folks (both not at goal. One not even remotely close to goal), come in essentially say, "NO, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG. THAT'S HOW YOU GET FAT. NO PROCESSED FOODS EVER EVER!" Care to provide proof that your way is better, ladies? Oh wait, that's can't.

    Yea....'bout that. I think I'm gonna go have a couple bowls of ice cream and some Chinese take out. Afterwards, I'm gonna admire my obliques and quads in the mirror.

    OP, keep on keepin' on. But cm'on. Replace the poptarts with a REAL pastry, please.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Sure you shouldn't give up the foods you love, but eat them in moderation. Eating ice cream everyday is not moderation and is ridiculous, for anyone actually even someone not trying to lose weight.

    Eating the foods you love in moderation is exactly what he recommended.

    How is eating ice cream every day not moderation? Please. There are a lot of us on MFP who eat ice cream almost every day and lose weight and have great body composition.

    Interestingly, if you pick out the most successful people on MFP in terms of achieving phenomenal body composition and health, they eat a lot of food people like you would consider "bad" or "unhealthy." People like Sara and Taso and Magerum are the absolute models of fitness success, and they eat things like ice cream daily.

    Take your lessons from the people who display astonishing personal success and not what your preconceived ideas of "good" and "bad" food are.

    I think whether it is moderation or not depends on what your calorie goal is.

    If your calorie goal is 2800 or so a day, then sure, you could fit a serving of ice cream in there daily. If your calorie goal is 1400 or so, then eating a full serving of ice cream daily might make it difficult to get some of the micronutrients you need.

    Just wanted to point out as well that success can be had both ways. Most of the people I know personally (not on MFP) who have the best body composition and health of the people around me, are the ones who don't really eat fast food/sugary sweets and the like.

    I prefer to avoid them altogether since I find it easier and because I feel much more full and satisfied for the same amount of calories when it's primarily veggies/protein.

    You're pretty. Hi.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I'll eat anything as log as its cooked from scratch from raw ingredients in a kitchen by me or another human.

    you don't get any extra credit for unnecessary food restrictions.

    eat that way if you want to eat that way, but know that you don't have to if you don't want to.


    It's preference not a prison sentence :)
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member

  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Run everyday like I do. That's what I do and I can eat anything I want without it affecting my weight. It helps me maintain my weight.

    You are a man. Just like there are weight-lifting rules for women, there are dietary suggestions for women. Since women have 2 to 3 times the amount of leptin circulating in their blood as men do AT THE SAME LEVEL OF BODY FAT, they are much more likely to end up with leptin-resistance as men if they are not very careful with their diet. Nature, it seems, wants women to be plump (for the purposes of reproduction, no doubt) while it wants men to be strong and lean. We have a different set of recommendations to follow.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    How did you people who eat so perfectly all the time end up here in the first place? Just wondering.

    if you want to know, I came looking for ways to stop binging. And I was able to uncover a solution. I have not binged in about 4 months. And before you go there, my binges were sometimes on vegetables or fruit, sometimes peanut butter and potato chips, what ever was within arms reach really.

    you need to lose 40lbs. in 4 months you've lost 5lbs. yet you say you came here solely to prevent binging.

    seems legit.

    maybe, just maybe, the reason you're binging is because of your overly restrictive diet.
    See? You know nothing about the diet I USED to follow. You know, the one that allowed a certain amount of so called treats. It was THAT which led me to binging. Have a candy bar! after all IIFYM. But then I could NOT stop eating. JUNK was triggering me to binge. My hunger has normalized, and now I can eat and not stuff myself endlessly. So, again, IF this "IIFYM" thing works for you, great! But it is not the solution for everyone. I like feeling good, not like a hungry, bloated, sluggish beached whale. Therefore I eat what makes me feel good and what tastes good to me. And about my pounds lost, I have lost in inches, but not much in pounds.

    Just because you have trigger foods, does not mean everyone does. Stop projecting.
    SOOOOOO answering a question is projecting? I did not say anything about ANYONE else. I am telling what goes on with ME. Get over it.

    I do not think you get the concept of projecting.
    I know what projecting is. I am not projecting, I was discussing with another poster, this subject. I haven't criticized anyone, projected any thing onto anyone, or tried putting anyone through the ringer. But the usual crowd who come in only to pick apart other people are right on schedule. I said once and I will say it again, YOU eat what YOU like, and I will eat what I like. Enjoy your self.

    First post from you:
    Just because "it fits your macros" that does not mean it is nutritious or good for you in any way. Eating this way is just fine for those who would like to make room for this stuff. I don't get that much enjoyment from junk so I tend to not eat it often. A pack of pop tarts and pizza make me feel drained, bloated and irritable. I like to feel good after I eat.

    Calling food people eat "junk" is pretty much criticizing.
    No. You are now grasping at straws. People who LIKE it call it junk too. LOL... nice try though!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Not trying to pick on anyone but this is seen in some studies and seen all the time on these boards.

    "All-or-Nothing Dieting & Eating Disorder Risk

    In 1997, a general physician named Steven Bratman coined the term orthorexia nervosa [21], which he defines as, “an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food.” It reminds me of the counterproductive dietary perfectionism I’ve seen among many athletes, trainers, and coaches. One of the fundamental pitfalls of dichotomizing foods as good or bad, or clean or dirty, is that it can form a destructive relationship with food. This isn’t just an empty claim; it’s been seen in research. Smith and colleagues found that flexible dieting was associated with the absence of overeating, lower bodyweight, and the absence of depression and anxiety [22]. They also found that a strict all-or-nothing approach to dieting was associated with overeating and increased bodyweight. Similarly, Stewart and colleagues found that rigid dieting was associated with symptoms of an eating disorder, mood disturbances, and anxiety [23]. Flexible dieting was not highly correlated with these qualities. Although these are observational study designs with self-reported data, anyone who spends enough time among fitness buffs knows that these findings are not off the mark."

    ^^^^This is total B.S.^^^^ An invention of those who are angry at others who prefer to nourish their bodies properly. :tongue: Fake psychology (by an M.D. no less) is so annoying.

    there's nothing fake about it. you can't turn around in here some days without bumping into a young woman (and now more frequently, man) who has a full blown ED like anorexia or bulimia that started because they were told that eating "bad" foods would make them unhealthy. that paranoia about some foods has turned into fear of all foods because somewhere, at some time, some diet scammer has demonized EVERY food that exists.

    carbs = bad
    fat = bad
    gluten = bad
    processed food = bad
    meat = bad

    Totally this. ^^

    I weigh my ice cream until it fits into my day, then I put the container away and enjoy what's in my bowl. If I have enough room, there's a Pop Tart in there, too.
  • likepepsicola
    likepepsicola Posts: 117 Member
    I do the same thing. Not everyday because I'm lactose intolerant (insert crying gif here) but if I don't have THOSE "junk" foods, then it'll be something else. I can't live strictly on a diet of typical healthy foods because I have IBS. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc cause me severe pain. Even eggs hurt my stomach, lmao. I still eat those foods because I do genuinely like them, but very small portions. I get the best results on foods like chicken, fish, protein bars, sushi, salads, sandwiches, cheeseburgers, fries, chips, cookies, chocolate, candy, cake, etc. So yeah maybe I'll die of a heart attack or diabetes when I'm 60, but at least I won't live the next 35 years experiencing constant severe, debilitating stomach pain. That being said, currently at age 25, 4'11", & 92 lbs my fasting blood sugar ranges from 60 - 70 & my blood pressure tends to always read around 100/60, so I'm not too concerned.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member


    LOL I thought the same thing.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Run everyday like I do. That's what I do and I can eat anything I want without it affecting my weight. It helps me maintain my weight.

    You are a man. Just like there are weight-lifting rules for women, there are dietary suggestions for women. Since women have 2 to 3 times the amount of leptin circulating in their blood as men do AT THE SAME LEVEL OF BODY FAT, they are much more likely to end up with leptin-resistance as men if they are not very careful with their diet. Nature, it seems, wants women to be plump (for the purposes of reproduction, no doubt) while it wants men to be strong and lean. We have a different set of recommendations to follow.

    Weight lifting rules for women????

    Dietary suggestions for women????
  • mnflame
    mnflame Posts: 24
    To throw a few cents in, as a beginner... labeling people as "slobs" if they eat (even in moderation!) processed foods or "junk" foods, scoffing at the idea that someone who wants to be lighter or healthier could ever even WANT to eat these things, etc.-- these are ALL reasons why people get driven away from healthy lifestyles or lifestyles of moderation, why they give up on diets or eat "bad" foods in private and overeat.

    Vehement judgment of folks for what they choose to eat-- even in moderation!-- is what gives people that "Oh crap, I slipped up and ate something I wanted, I may as well give up forever, I'm worthless and stupid" mentality that basically leads into MORE problems... and an unhealthy relationship with food.

    It's pretty much been demonstrated that it's a bad plan to tell teens how bad and wrong and dirty and worthless they are if they have premarital sex because it creates a lack of self-worth and a whole host of issues. Why would it ever be okay to do that same darn thing with food?

    ^^So much this!