Is this the worst that can happen to me?



  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Try to tell that to someone with an eating disorder.

    And WHERE did I say that someone with a life threatening eating disorder has no place to complain or worry? I'd call that a "life threatening" concern and major priority.

    WOW, people really need to learn how to analyze content better.

    You're generalizing a mental state and saying that worrying about the amount you consume isn't something that should cause mental stress and that it is silly.

    To some people, it's not silly. Not everyone's mind works in the same way.

    Is what I was saying.

    But thanks for being rude.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Which is better?

    Arby's or Nathan's
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    it isn't fair to make a blanket statement regarding how people should feel on their journey. Of course there will always things that could be worse, but at the moment, for someone that is working hard and taking steps to improve their health, their frustrations are valid and should not be seen as any less important because they are not on a level of what you would consider to be a devastating situation. To each their own.
  • MrsSausage58
    MrsSausage58 Posts: 143 Member
    There are just certain people in the world (mostly young women, sorry) who act like every setback, no matter how trivial, is a Major Life Crisis. It's not even that they necessarily even truly feel that way, but raising the OMG!!! alarm gets them attention and sympathy and maybe they think it makes them more interesting. They're called drama queens. I choose not to have those people around me in real life, but there's not much that can be done about the internet. All you can do is roll your eyes and move on.

  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Making others feel bad for feeling the way they do isn't the way to go. I have never, ever heard of anyone being helped just by someone saying 'Oh yeah but, so and so is so much worse off than you'.

    Helping people put things into perspective is good. Making people feel bad for feeling the way they do is bad.

    This, yes. I couldn't put my finger on it, but this.

    OP, I get your point. And yea, it's good to have perspective in life. But your post definitely came off (IMO) as a Jewish mother level guilt trip that really wasn't inspiring at all.

    Jewish mother level guilt trip?
    Are you Jewish?

    Nope. :smile:

    ok, I thought you were talking from experience lol jk.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Making others feel bad for feeling the way they do isn't the way to go. I have never, ever heard of anyone being helped just by someone saying 'Oh yeah but, so and so is so much worse off than you'.

    Helping people put things into perspective is good. Making people feel bad for feeling the way they do is bad.

    This, yes. I couldn't put my finger on it, but this.

    OP, I get your point. And yea, it's good to have perspective in life. But your post definitely came off (IMO) as a Jewish mother level guilt trip that really wasn't inspiring at all.

    Jewish mother level guilt trip?
    Are you Jewish?

    Nope. :smile:

    ok, I thought you were talking from experience lol jk.

    lol Nope, but the "Jewish Mother Guilt" is a well-known comedic tool :wink:
  • shanonwho
    shanonwho Posts: 6 Member
    Completely agree with OP.
  • janesworld
    janesworld Posts: 17
    Try to tell that to someone with an eating disorder.

  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I once had an English professor whom I hated, but taught me one very important life lesson. My feelings are MINE. If I feel upset, no one can tell me not to be upset. If something makes me laugh, no one should question it. You might think I'm weird, but that's okay, you're allowed to feel that way. No one can take my feelings away from me. Just because you don't understand doesn't make my feelings wrong or invalid. So, if being 300 calories over upsets me and I feel the need to post about it, it's not within your rights to tell me otherwise. My feelings are mine...go get your own.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    I once had an English professor whom I hated, but taught me one very important life lesson. My feelings are MINE. If I feel upset, no one can tell me not to be upset. If something makes me laugh, no one should question it. You might think I'm weird, but that's okay, you're allowed to feel that way. No one can take my feelings away from me. Just because you don't understand doesn't make my feelings wrong or invalid. So, if being 300 calories over upsets me and I feel the need to post about it, it's not within your rights to tell me otherwise. My feelings are mine...go get your own.

    You once had an English professor you hated....?

    I understand your point and I agree, but that example is kind of funny.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Making others feel bad for feeling the way they do isn't the way to go. I have never, ever heard of anyone being helped just by someone saying 'Oh yeah but, so and so is so much worse off than you'.

    Helping people put things into perspective is good. Making people feel bad for feeling the way they do is bad.

    This, yes. I couldn't put my finger on it, but this.

    OP, I get your point. And yea, it's good to have perspective in life. But your post definitely came off (IMO) as a Jewish mother level guilt trip that really wasn't inspiring at all.

    Jewish mother level guilt trip?
    Are you Jewish?

    Nope. :smile:

    ok, I thought you were talking from experience lol jk.

    lol Nope, but the "Jewish Mother Guilt" is a well-known comedic tool :wink:

    I had no idea. I am glad I know now. :)