Embarrassed to go jogging because of pervs.



  • shererorama
    care less of what other people around you say. dont want to hear them honk or yell? try headphones and loud music....
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Ermaigod!!!! People are looking and honking at me! Let me post a thread for more attention . . .

    I think if she wanted attention she might have a photo of herself up. Maybe flexing in a mirror?!

    or pose for a Cleavage shot.......

    Or grease up her old body.

    Old body huh? Lets see what you look like at 45. And fyi-not an ounce of oil in that pic

    Sure, sure. I'll come back here in 20 years and let you know...I'd wager by that stage I might have something better to do at 45 than sit on forums picking things apart.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Ermaigod!!!! People are looking and honking at me! Let me post a thread for more attention . . .

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Ermaigod!!!! People are looking and honking at me! Let me post a thread for more attention . . .

    I think if she wanted attention she might have a photo of herself up. Maybe flexing in a mirror?!

    or pose for a Cleavage shot.......

    Or grease up her old body.

    Old body huh? Lets see what you look like at 45. And fyi-not an ounce of oil in that pic

    Sure, sure. I'll come back here in 20 years and let you know...I'd wager by that stage I might have something better to do at 45 than sit on forums picking things apart.

    because you're on the right track now?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I'd be more worried about pervs in message boards.

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I'd quite like to start running outside, but I'd have to go on busy roads with other people and cars. I'm scared that people are going to take the piss. I already get honked at by pervy old men and stuff randomly while walking sometimes. Ugh, it just creeps me out and makes me angry. Unless I wake up super early and go while not many people are around I don't see a way to avoid this... help!

    Yeah I walk/jog outside in the middle of the night for mostly these reasons.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    sunglasses_and_ocean_waves Posts: 2,757 Member
    You're the one who decided to click on this thread. If the topic frustrates you so much, why did you click on it?

    Ignore the dirty old men and the losers who defend them. For all we know, they *are* the dirty old men with other people's pics. :tongue: Never give losers the time of day.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    I'd quite like to start running outside, but I'd have to go on busy roads with other people and cars. I'm scared that people are going to take the piss. I already get honked at by pervy old men and stuff randomly while walking sometimes. Ugh, it just creeps me out and makes me angry. Unless I wake up super early and go while not many people are around I don't see a way to avoid this... help!

    Yeah I walk/jog outside in the middle of the night for mostly these reasons.

    I think I'd be terrified jogging at night!
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    I'd quite like to start running outside, but I'd have to go on busy roads with other people and cars. I'm scared that people are going to take the piss. I already get honked at by pervy old men and stuff randomly while walking sometimes. Ugh, it just creeps me out and makes me angry. Unless I wake up super early and go while not many people are around I don't see a way to avoid this... help!

    go to the local high school track. or a all girls gym
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    I run in daylight on busy roads with earbuds in. I crank the music loud enough so that when I don't care to be honked or howled at, I don't hear it.

    I agree!!!
    I run at night time and use two bras it helps with keeping them puppies at bay :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Years ago, when I ran along roads and streets I frequently had pervs honking, cat-calling and offering rides. I had a creeper chase me in his car once, but when I crossed the road and hopped a ditch, his fat *kitten* couldn't keep up and he left. That was the last time I ran on public streets. Too many pervs with easy access and a quick get-away.

    For the last twenty years I've been running on dirt trails in the hills. I take different routes and vary the times and days and I know the place by heart. I usually have another person with me, but sometimes I like to be alone. Sure, there could still be perverts out there, too, but there are far fewer because they'd have to go out of their way to search for victims in the back country. It's just not convenient. The only people I see are other runners or hikers, not wierdos cruising in cars. Not gonna stay home and live in fear, but I do like to minimize some of the risk.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'm confused. I would think it complementing when people whistle and love it when little teeny-bobbers hoot at me but I guess everyones different. I guess your gonna have to get a treadmill? Someone said run on sidewalks. Don't do that. It's killer on the joints. Run on trails, grass or peoples lawns if your in the city but avoid the pavement and cement.

    My wife gets hooted at a lot and it doesn't seem to phaze her at all. She just throws it back at me when I mention I was lucky enough to get hooted at. She gets probably 4 times the hoots.

    People's lawns? That's acceptable over there? I'd be slightly annoyed if runners wore a path across my lawn.

    But I'm always yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

    (...*grumble*mouthy whippersnappers*grumble*...)
  • slim_goody
    slim_goody Posts: 8
    creep life, its thee only life I knooow...creep life I be honking to and fro..rofl
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    I'm confused. I would think it complementing when people whistle and love it when little teeny-bobbers hoot at me but I guess everyones different. I guess your gonna have to get a treadmill? Someone said run on sidewalks. Don't do that. It's killer on the joints. Run on trails, grass or peoples lawns if your in the city but avoid the pavement and cement.

    My wife gets hooted at a lot and it doesn't seem to phaze her at all. She just throws it back at me when I mention I was lucky enough to get hooted at. She gets probably 4 times the hoots.

    Hmmm well I find it kind of degrading when old men think they have the right to shout something pervy at me from their vans...

    Thanks for the tips though!
    Um.....ignore them and freaking RUN????? Easy answer. Sheesh.
  • Matt24442
    Matt24442 Posts: 324
    I'd quite like to start running outside, but I'd have to go on busy roads with other people and cars. I'm scared that people are going to take the piss. I already get honked at by pervy old men and stuff randomly while walking sometimes. Ugh, it just creeps me out and makes me angry. Unless I wake up super early and go while not many people are around I don't see a way to avoid this... help!

    go to the local high school track. or a all girls gym

    what are you doing? telling girls to go where guys arent...2S8ctZY.gif
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Nooblet! First off, I'm guessing you're an Aussie, cos you speak the same dialect as me :)

    Second, can you acquire a large dog or two to run with? I used dog walking as a way to get into running last year, about 9 months of jogging through dodgy-ish suburbs, never had a problem - but did break up a robbery once!

    I like to listen to music when I walk/run, not so loud that I can't hear what's going on around me, but enough for a distraction and motivator. Plus, a bit of Rage Against the Machine or Prodigy fills me with enough bloodlust that I pity the fool who'd try anything!

    I look like a complete slob when I exercise - baggy clothes and tomato face - and paired with an f-off aura, for some reason no-one feels the need to approach...

    You just have to own it. People have as much psychological power over you as you give them.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'd quite like to start running outside, but I'd have to go on busy roads with other people and cars. I'm scared that people are going to take the piss. I already get honked at by pervy old men and stuff randomly while walking sometimes. Ugh, it just creeps me out and makes me angry. Unless I wake up super early and go while not many people are around I don't see a way to avoid this... help!

    Yeah I walk/jog outside in the middle of the night for mostly these reasons.

    I think I'd be terrified jogging at night!

    just give up
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Ermaigod!!!! People are looking and honking at me! Let me post a thread for more attention . . .

    I think if she wanted attention she might have a photo of herself up. Maybe flexing in a mirror?!

    :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    Ignore them. How hard is that?
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    You people live in weird places. Then again, I'm not a woman or a creep who yells at them. So I don't really know how common this.

    You'd be surprised. I'm not really sure why they feel they need to make comments but here in NY, it's more odd when it doesn't happen. It's still creepy though :huh:

    It was new to me because I'm used to the gym where everyone minds their own business. Shrug. It really does suck.

    It's kind of a paradox. You don't want to get yelled at, but since it is supposedly normal, not being yelled at could be taken as insult. You have to be really ugly to not get yelled at. Maybe these guys are just trying to boost the woman's self esteem and don't really find her attractive, but are just doing a service.


    no paradox...just because a woman is jogging doesn't mean she's put herself on display. Like I said, if I could just get that darn dog to run a straight line next to me without taking any sharp turns that I don't initiate, I'd be grinnin like a mofo at anyone who had the balls to say something...
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