
  • bazuukajoe
    bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
    Hey everyone. I bought Turbo Jam for my wife while I was doing P90X. I've been doing some Turbo Jam lately, and have a few questions.

    1. Which DVD/Workout are you supposed to do first? Is it at your sole discreation what order/when to do each workout is? I bought our copy from eBay, and the oringal worksheets weren't included, and I can't fing any info online.

    2. How long does it take before you get the moves down, on average? I've only done the Learn and Burn 2 or 3 times and I'm completly lost for most of it, lol. Thanks!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey everyone. I bought Turbo Jam for my wife while I was doing P90X. I've been doing some Turbo Jam lately, and have a few questions.

    1. Which DVD/Workout are you supposed to do first? Is it at your sole discreation what order/when to do each workout is? I bought our copy from eBay, and the oringal worksheets weren't included, and I can't fing any info online.

    2. How long does it take before you get the moves down, on average? I've only done the Learn and Burn 2 or 3 times and I'm completly lost for most of it, lol. Thanks!

    There really isn't an order to Turbo Jam DVD's, however if you got the set with 5 workouts in it (Cardio Party 1, 20 Minute Turbo Jam, Learn and Burn, Turbo Sculpt and Ab Jam), but sounds like you started with where I'd suggest...Learn and Burn. I would say it took maybe 5-6 tries of the same DVD to get the moves down. Somedays I still struggle through them!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    We made it safely to my parents house last night as the big snow storm was starting. Might be stranded here for a couple days...who knows! But, I brought my Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD and rocked that out this morning. I might do a workout tomorrow morning too, depending on how early I get up!

    Berta, I am just like you. I do not do well when tempted with sweets! Thank goodness, the place I work is VERY health conscious, so not many people bring in sweets. Where I have trouble is when I visit my parents or my in laws, as everyone in the family just pigs out on sweets, so they comment if I'm not doing the same and I usually cave. But, I'm expecting a little of that, and will keep it to today and tomorrow and get back on track on Saturday with a kick butt workout. Don't be too hard on yourself...it's only 2 days vs the many, many good days!

    I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas!!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey jammers! So last night I totally skipped dinner/eating. I really was not hungry, and even though I worked out more I couldn't force it. My body needed to detox or something..idk! But I decided to start fresh in the AM..so today I had my normal wheatgrass/protein shake and headed to the gym for about an hour of elliptical work! WOO! I feel good, I am getting BACK ON TRACK today! I have already PROMISED myself NO SWEETS TONIGHT at my family xmas eve gathering/dinner. I am NOT! Should be easier since my guy is coming along^_^ I had my normal oats for breakfast-YUM and I sure was hungry for them!:laugh: Lunch/snacks are going to be lighter because I'm not sure exactly what is on the menu for dinner at my aunts....:grumble:
    Thanks Erika-I know you are right about the eating...I really just need to buckle myself down more..I feel I've been really really lazy this week and theres no reason for it! UGH! But yea, I guess a few bad days won't ruin it all!
    I am going to complete some CE and Extreme Abs today as well and burn up those extra bad calories for this week! Have a great day everyone and MERRY X-MAS EVE! Have a Happy Holiday and be careful all those who are driving!
  • Hey everyone. I bought Turbo Jam for my wife while I was doing P90X. I've been doing some Turbo Jam lately, and have a few questions.

    1. Which DVD/Workout are you supposed to do first? Is it at your sole discreation what order/when to do each workout is? I bought our copy from eBay, and the oringal worksheets weren't included, and I can't fing any info online.

    2. How long does it take before you get the moves down, on average? I've only done the Learn and Burn 2 or 3 times and I'm completly lost for most of it, lol. Thanks!

    I did learn and burn first, and I think my next one was cardio party 1. After that I just randomly tried different ones.

    I only did learn and burn once. I didn't get the moves right away, but I discovered once I let go of trying to do all of the moves "right" and instead just did what felt good it became much easier and I started to figure it all out. I was lost too for a while, and felt kind of silly actually, but it gets better the more you try and just let yourself go. =)
  • Happy Christmas Eve everyone!

    I didn't workout yesterday (though I did spend the majority of it sewing, and my hand cramped up, does that count? :laugh: )

    I've been a slightly lax on what I've eaten today, but I haven't had the desire to eat a large amount of anything, which is good (because usually the quantity of food is my downfall). My husband has work off today and tomorrow, which is wonderful because he's had a stressful busy semester and we have gotten very little quality time. My first urge was just to stay in bed all day watching anime and eating cookies with him. But I made myself get up and workout.

    I did TJ Ab Jam and Lower Body, a 30 minute standing ballet/pilates workout (Kari Anderson's REACH, if you've heard of it) and some misc upper body strength training. I did a little cardio too but started to feel kind of sick, so decided to be happy with how hard I pushed myself during the strength workouts and did some light stretching.

    I hope everyone has a great Christmas!
  • bazuukajoe
    bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for all your answers! It helps a lot!
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    merry christmas everybody. Yesterday i did good. I did my CE and then off to two houses to eat. The first house did not have the food ready, not even appetizers so that is good. Actually the smell of the turkey was making me nauseus that is also why i did not wanted to eat. when we went to the second house. it was late and the food was cold so not too tempted to eat. ate a lil maybe a quarter of a plate so i did good last night. today is supposed to be my off day but i am going to squeeze 20 min cardio because its off to two more houses. all this food is making me sick i want the holidays to end. :sad:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Well, I made it through Christmas! I did excellent on Christmas Eve, and was doing good on Christmas until I got bored...when I'm bored at functions with the in-laws, I eat! I ate...probably not that bad, but my body DID NOT like it! I was miserable all night...yuk. Doesn't help that my MIL and SIL love to drench things in butter, and I just can't handle that much butter. For dinner, all I had to pick from that wasn't soaked in butter or mayo was fruit, green beans and a salad I made...otherwise it was all bad, bad, stuff!

    I'm ready to get back to normal today...thank goodness. Will hit the elliptical soon to get my body back into the routine!

    Have a great day!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! So X-mas went well! I actually stayed at my given calorie range-touuugh after your body is used to eating more! haha! (I took yesterday as a total rest day.)..But I actually did well, all my own food for breakfast/lunch/snacks-No picking at parties either! I stayed away from snacks/desserts at x-mas eve dinner too! After my cookie raid at work earlier in the week I'm proud to say I only had ONE x-mas cookie-My bf made them and he really wanted me to try one..haha..it was delicious, and since I was actually under on calories for yesterday I enjoyed it:tongue:
    Today I hit the gym, and it felt good! WOO! I ran the treadie for 40 minutes then it was my Body Flex class:happy: After the gym I also went next door to a clothing store and did some shopping--a big mistake with all the sales:blushing: ! When I got home I ate my breakfast oaties and a bit later did some Turbosculpt with my mom! haha, it's been awhile since we worked out together and I haven't done that one in awwwhile! This afternoon I have been lounging-and man do I feel lazyy! I just can't figure out something to do! It would probably be a mistake to my body to workout any more for today, so that's out...I guess relaxation is a good thing...
    Tonight is church and just being home I think..I wish I had bigger plans for the evening though:ohwell:
    Erika-I know how hard it can be eating at events/family things-My family doesn't eat healthy either which drives me crazy! I definitely eat when I get bored too..I am fighting it right now:grumble: But good job with trying to keep it healthy!
    Have a great day everyone!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Jammers! Well, the weekend is coming to an end, and I'm ready to get back on schedule! I had a kick butt workout on the elliptical yesterday and did TurboSport so far today. I need to make up for the bad eating on Christmas Day to get me back on track!

    This week will be interesting, as I only work a couple days and am off the rest. Hopefully I can still get my butt out of bed for regular workouts!

    Hope you all had a great weekend!!!
  • LeanLisa4U
    LeanLisa4U Posts: 16 Member
    I am back to Jamming! Still doing the 30 Day Shred with Jullian Michaels, but no one inspires me like Chalean.So I am adding Turbo whenever I can. So glad to find everyone here.

    Gained 5 pounds this week (oh please let most of it be water retention for all the salty junk I ate:noway:

    Back on track with eating today. And I can do it again tomorrow!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Girls!
    Today was a good day! I woke up and got in TurboKick Round28 as usual:drinker: Then I went to church (we ended up going to a family friends home last night to visit) and afterward did my grocery shopping with my mom. Haha, it's so funny when I think about it because grocery shopping is a highlight of my week:laugh: When we got back I did CE Burn1 and Extreme Abs which felt amazing! I also got some of this Immaculate Bakery Co. cookie dough (I love this company because they use ALL NATURAL ingredients and are basically clean!) while grocery shopping (as if I didn't eat enough cookies with the holiday-stupid me!:grumble: ) but I made half of the batch for my boy who came over tonight for dinner and a movie:wink: I did try to send him home with the rest but he wouldn't take them off my hands. BUT I have promised myself that I HAVE to be good and just work them into my calorie allotments..:smile: I think that will be okay...
    Anyways, tomorrow it's to the gym bright and early for spinning, then work allll day:sick: It's a short week for me as well Erika- only a couple days then off again because of the holiday!:tongue:
    Hope everyone had a super Sunday! Check in tomorrow!!
  • I've been teetering back and forth between doing okay and doing rather badly as far as eating goes this past week. I haven't weighed myself in two weeks. The first week because it was my TOM, and this last Sunday just because I was too lazy ( the scale I use is not in my own home). I will however face up to it in the next few days, even if it is not my regular weigh day. I'm going to give myself a day or two of settling back into normal eating and water consumption first though. Why is it that when my sodium level goes up higher than normal I have even LESS of a desire for water?? :huh:

    I haven't exercised in a few days, but I did go roller skating yesterday for the first time since grade school. Technically it was my first time ever skating, considering when I went as a child the most I would ever do was pull myself along the wall. I fell a LOT and I can feel it today. I have several giant bruises and my wrist is in quite a bit of pain, but I think it was worth it. When I got there I couldn't skate at all and when I left I was just extremely terrible at it. =D The only really bad part of it (besides the music that was so loud it vibrated in my chest) was the little girl who yelled at me that I can't skate as I (very slowly) passed her at the half wall thing. It brought up my inner bullied fat kid. I know that some kids are just cruel, and I shouldn't even give it a second thought. I guess at least I tried. I'm sick of never learning to do the things I want to do just because I'm afraid of looking stupid while trying.

    Aaaanyway. I'm jumping back onto the wagon with a vengeance now. I'll let myself relax a little bit on New Years Eve during our annual family movie marathon, but other than that no more slacking. I don't know what exercise I'm going to do today yet, but I'm planning to hit the cardio pretty hard today.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Jammers!! Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas! Christmas in Minnesota was great, but I am really feeling the effects of not eating as healthy. My mom doesn't cook healthy at all--- but I didn't go too overboard. My weakness was the chocolate/peanut/marshmallow clusters. Ugh. I don't want to see anymore of those! I did pretty well, but I am getting back on the normal routine today and upping my exercise routine for the week. I'm leaving again on Friday for Arizona for the Fiesta Bowl! I am really looking forward to getting back into the regular routine.

    I did bring Turbo Kick Round 32 and 33 with me to Minnesota and I did a workout each day I was there! It definitely helped me to eat better throughout the day by starting out with the workout. I haven't stepped on the scale yet...but I'm hoping the damage wasn't too much.

    Have a great Monday!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey jammers! It sounds like everyone had a pretty great Christmas! Yay! Besides my lapse with cookies last week I've been sticking to it now!:drinker: I get in a funk sometimes where I just feel like I CRAVE like a crazy person and want to eat everything in sight..then I do ok for awhile..it's strange:ohwell: ....
    Anyway, today I hit the gym early for my spinning class! Had a great workout too! The weather was SO nasty today, I kept looking out the window at work thinking ugh..I don't want to have to drive home in this......Got home safely though, just took a biiiit longer:noway: ..
    Tomorrow is the gym early for some treadie time:happy: Tuesday's are usually my longer running days, and so I plan on eating good tomorrow!:laugh: The gym also means I get to see my boy^_^
    Have a great night girls! Keep up the fantastic work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    Hey turbo jammers. Well ive been MIA because my kids started to have fevers these couple of days. It comes and goes. Today they seem ok but it seems to only hit them at night. Been keeping up with my workouts but my eating is not that good. Due to the holidays been eating around and stuffing myself. The good thing is that I stuff myself with meat and veggies. I dk what is wrong with me but lately I do not crave or want sweet stuff. Im the type of person that needs something sweet after I eat and lately I look at it and dont want it. I guess its my body transforming. Well today Im doing Burn it off and recharge. I need the recharge bad, my body is so sore. Have a good day you guys.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning! This morning I opted for the extra 1.5 hours of sleep vs morning workout and I'm so glad I did! My body needed the rest. I'll do some cardio tonight, but not sure what yet!

    Great job on the workouts everyone!
  • Hi everyone. =)

    Erika - I'm glad you let yourself have the rest you needed! It's good to let yourself recharge once in a while. I think you're awesome for just being able to workout in the mornings anyway! I'm zombie-ish for the first couple hours after waking. I'd never be able to push through a workout.

    Last night I ended up doing TJ Cardio Party 2 and a 30 minute aerobics video. This evening I did a 40 minute pilates ball workout and TJ Cardio Party 1. I wanted to do another 20 minutes of low impact aerobics but I felt too weak and kinda sick. I'm a little bummed about that, but I'm still good on calories so I guess I shouldn't beat myself up.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening Jammers!
    I am loving hearing all the successes of the day! Way to go!!!!:drinker:
    Today I hit the gym for a long run- a solid 6.25 on the treadie!! I loved every minute of it:love: , feels soo good!
    The rest of the day was work and a little shopping afterward--I surprised my boy with a track jacket haha..(he's always freezing at work!) Needless to say, I popped on over to his place with it, on surprise:wink:, and he loved it:bigsmile: Man, I love doing things spontaneously...:laugh: : Finally home, ate some dinner and here I am!
    Tomorrow I am off of work, so I'm hitting the gym a little later in the AM, then gonna do my CE and abs afterward or after lunch. Tomorrow night my mom and I are off to the Transsiberian Orchestra concert! I had gotten her and I tickets for it for her X-mas gift, I am super excited!!:happy:
    Have a great night all! I'll check in tomorrow I'm sure!
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