Putting your KID on a leash



  • 3LittleMonkeyMom
    You have a kid that bolts in parking lots/public locations you will think about using one!

    YES. I used a backpack leash with my oldest. He would jerk free and take off running...not thinking.
    Me with a newborn and husband deployed, you bet your bottom dollar my child had a leash until he would stay with me.
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    I ABSOLUTELY have used one and don't feel the least bit guilty! And how dare anyone call me a lazy or uncaring parent! I considered it an extension of my arm or hand when I took my children to high traffic areas like the zoo where they wanted to walk and feel like they were exploring rather than sitting in a stroller or be carried. I have also used the child backpack which I know some people find offensive as well. But guess what? Tough! Believe me, my children have not been harmed or emotionally damaged by the use of these items.
  • Hotpinkmama
    I think it depends on the kid and the setting.Sometimes if you have multiple kids under a certain age and are at a crowded place it could be helpful. But I have to say they look a little silly. There was the funniest Modern Family about this topic though:D
  • kdawn130
    kdawn130 Posts: 18
    If people could raise their children properly, leashes would not be needed.

    Aww yes - you must be one of the very few fortunate parents whom have the perfect, most well behaved children. Without the help of Ritalin of course.
  • cbendorf13
    cbendorf13 Posts: 87 Member
    I would never put my kids on a leash. It is called parenting, watch your kids when your out somewhere. I have 4 young kids and I have figured it out...if parents need to put their kid on a leash it is definately because they aren't well behaved/trained to stay close to their parents.

    No kids, but I agree..If your child is well trained he/she wont misbehave, and if you watch him/her closely and keep him/her near and incheck, they wont be snatched by anyone.

    Kids are curious by nature that is why we "train" them. They are not born to know they shouldn't cross a street. Training children is like training your muscles it takes time and we make mistakes. Children have been snatched from their beds here in California. I don't think anyone could prepare for that.

    You are twisting what I said..by snatched, I meant kidnappers don't really go up to people in public and snatch a child who is being closely watched. no need to talk about when they are in bed, we are talking about when the parent is there(around) not when they are in bed, noone lets their kids sleep with a leash on(I hope).

    I know they are curious and that's why we train them. EXACTLY! so train them to know that when we go out don't misbehave! I was a child and I was trained well, I was curious but my mother didn't have me running wild in stores, I knew better.

    I was not trying to twist your words. I was trying more to make a point that in a world where children can be taken any time anywhere you can prepare only so much. If you have a child, especially one with a disability you will do anything in your power to keep your kid safe and I don't feel you should be judged or deemed a bad parent.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I think NOT! lol I would never.
  • dkweathington
    dkweathington Posts: 69 Member
    My parents used one with my brother when we went to Disney World. It is a good way to make sure they don't wonder off or get snached up by someone in a big crowd. He was 4 at the time. I think it is also far a parents peace on mind. I dont think there is anything wrong with it. i guess it is a person to person thing. everybody thinks differently.
  • maddmama
    maddmama Posts: 1
    I wonder how many folks against using a child harness consider that it may be for the child's safety? Too many sickos out there take off with innocent children every day, you bet if I felt like I needed one for my son that he'd be in one.

    And what is with so many folks judging the parents these days? Any sane parent wants what's best for their family and we do the best we know how. If they're not being abused (and a harness is NOT abuse), why judge them?
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I use a leash.. a muzzle is next on the list.

    Seriously though, we live in San Francisco, The streets are crazy busy and my 2 year old son likes to take off.. I also have a 4 year old, (who is no longer on a leash). It;s the leash or my son potentially running into traffic.. I'll take the leash.

    What I personally find ridiculous is when I see kids who are 4 or older and perfectly capable of walking (with or without a leash) being pushed by their parents in a stroller. that drives me nuts. But, I get it.....some parents are lazy.

    My daughter is 3.5 and ride in the stroller on our walks for the mot, but we are out walking for anhour or more. You can't expect a 3 or 4 year old to walk for an hour.

    LOVE all the judgment in this thread about other people's parenting decisions.
  • katicasi82
    katicasi82 Posts: 121 Member
    I don't have kids, my mum had four, three of us had no leash but my lil brother was a runner...one day he ran on front of a car and it was leash time for him!
  • babybluefire
    babybluefire Posts: 100 Member
    My mother had one to use when she took all three of her small grand kids out. She just got over breaking both her ankles and to this day cant run fast. And one of the grand kids was a bolter. So a leash on the 2yo bolter or possible watch him run into the street because she was physically unable to chase him.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Crowds, 3 kids, one adult, 2 kids a little too young to listen well, toddler who'd rather walk than ride in the stroller. Yeah, I have one.
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    No leashes, ever for your kid. Disciplne your children people! Aargh, pisses me off to see that type of latitude afforded to kids.

    Tell me all about your children. I would love to hear your discipline technique.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'd rather parents use a leash than let their kid get hit by a car.
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    I think every situation is unique and I believe it's unfair to judge someone without knowing the circumstances. I never used one, but as a single parent of 3 kids, 2 with special needs, 1 of whom had very high needs behavior issues it might have reduced my stress levels a bit. When my kids were growing up, the issues I faced as a parent were so severe that my stress levels were always excessively high, and I had no support from family.

    I learned a long time ago, that as a parent it makes no matter what decisions you make, there will always be someone who decides you are a bad parent for it.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm not a mom, but I don't think leashing your children is a good idea at all. Your parent's did not have to put you on leash when you were a child because you knew your limits and you knew when you got too far away from them that you were in trouble! I know a family with 5 children (4 of which are grade school age an under) and I have never seen their kids on a leash. I also have a sister who has three kids (2 under the age of 5) and her oldest is autisitic, and he can be outo f control at times, and she never used a leash. Both are complicated situations and I feel if they can avoid leashing their children, then just about anyone can. Obviously if you have a child with an extreme mental illness that doesn't understand the concept of personal safety then it may be needed. But I really don't see the point in having an average child attached to a leash, it just shows that the parent is not doing an adequate job of limit setting with their children.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I was volunteering at a kids consignement sale once and I noticed, without fail, the kids on the leashes were the worst behaved children there. My guess is because the parents are too lazy to discipline their child off the leash, a) on a leash is easier than disciplining, b) the child isn't disciplined enough so they are horribly behaved anyway.

    Just what I observed. I'm sure there are people here who will say they've used them and their kids are fine.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I never used one for my son, but I understand why some parents do. As a teacher, I often work with students who are ADHD, ODD, and have other severe behavioral problems. These children are often very impulsive and do not listen to directions. Sometimes the stimulation from being in public, may cause them to run off or do other things that would put their safety in jeopardy. Using a leash is not a reflection of these parents parenting skills. They are probably trying to keep their children safe.


    Our son has ADHD and is very impulsive and w never used a leash. I just pay very very very close attention to him.

    When we were getting out of the car when he could walk, the rule was, as soon as you started to unbuckle him from his carseat, you *HAD* to have a hand on him somewhere. Your hand stayed on him until he was plopped in a cart.

    We used a stroller until much later than should be as well for places that did not have strollers. I moved him to a bike trailer style once he got big enough.

    To each him own, but to us, a leash was not teaching him anything. At least we were able to teach him (after many many many months of screaming almost being dragged into the store) that he had to HOLD our hand when walking.

    Even now at 5.5, my kid rides in the cart. He has to, he has no fear of what will happen if he wanders away, noone is a stranger to him, and he is just too impulsive.

    It's not worth it.

    He was also tube fed for around 2.5 years, so he could NOT get away......ever. Even after that he had pretty "severe" eating issues (due to being tube fed) which made us even MORE hyper aware of his whereabout constantly.
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    I have four children and in certain situations we have used them for example a carnival, the mall, really high traffic areas. Honestly I could care LESS what you think because knowing my babies are safe is more important to me than people's dirty looks. Someone cant easily snatch them if they are attached to me. Judgments like these are a waste of time especially if you have never had small children.
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    I'm not a mom, but I don't think leashing your children is a good idea at all. Your parent's did not have to put you on leash when you were a child because you knew your limits and you knew when you got too far away from them that you were in trouble! I know a family with 5 children (4 of which are grade school age an under) and I have never seen their kids on a leash. I also have a sister who has three kids (2 under the age of 5) and her oldest is autisitic, and he can be outo f control at times, and she never used a leash. Both are complicated situations and I feel if they can avoid leashing their children, then just about anyone can. Obviously if you have a child with an extreme mental illness that doesn't understand the concept of personal safety then it may be needed. But I really don't see the point in having an average child attached to a leash, it just shows that the parent is not doing an adequate job of limit setting with their children.

    As you said.... you are NOT a mom!