Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America?



  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    You know, I didn't read all the replies, but here's my answer:

    My husband is masculine. No doubt. But I'm the boss. Pure and simple.

    Until we get into the bedroom. Then he's the boss, and he damn well be a good, hard boss.

    Wait, what?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I would say the crisis in the States, from what I have seen (mostly on here, admittedly, but I have been over there a few times as well) is that there is too much emphasis on masculinity in the US. You all seem obsessed with things being bigger - muscles, cars, food, buildings - than anywhere else (a very male trait!), I find the bodybuilding culture you seem to have quite weird. And the fact that strip clubs etc are seen as totally normal. You just don't get that here in the UK.

    To us in Europe, you seem like a very misogynistic and male-dominated culture.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Also, interesting thought. How many "skater bois" suddenly appeared after Avril Lavigne? :laugh:
  • Rayand22
    Rayand22 Posts: 18
    These are the guys that young girls think are hot these days...




    lol does that answer your question?
    Yeah...cause these guys are sooooooo masculine:


    ...and your grandparents generation:


    The difference is that yeah girls loved those guys back in the day but most men didnt try to act and dress like them. Men hated boy groups back then and now men love boy groups. Its not the same.
    Men don't love boy groups. Your argument is based on a false premise.

    I know many who love One Direction, Beiber, Katy Perry, and many more. Men back in the day hated this kind of music.
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    I don't think there is a masculinity problem in America. I think there is an maturity problem.

    Agreed, and with both sexes.
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member
    I'm just going to mosey on in here with my weight loss ticker and hope for the best. (I'll add that the real problem is that there are people who don't consider the concept of a "masculinity crisis" ridiculous.)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Neither person should "dominate" the relationship. It's not masculine for a man to dominate his partner. It's not a matter of manliness; it's a matter of mutual respect. Someone who insists on having their way no matter what their partner wants and being unquestioned in the process is someone who's not mature enough to handle a healthy relationship, regardless of their sex.

    That kind of sums it up. Relationships are partnerships. Or should be.
  • Rayand22
    Rayand22 Posts: 18

    Men don't love boy groups. Your argument is based on a false premise.

    But I would argue that they often try to imitate them. Not boy groups per say, but prominent male figures in pop culture.

    Great answer. That is so true. I do not want a man that I can beat up, I want a man that can protect me and make me feel safe. These hipster guys are just too wimpy.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member

    Men don't love boy groups. Your argument is based on a false premise.

    But I would argue that they often try to imitate them. Not boy groups per say, but prominent male figures in pop culture.
    Um...Who? My oldest son is 15 and he thinks that "One Direction" which is the group in the picture is dumb. He makes fun of boy bands.

    Anyway, if girls swoon over boyish lads then a boy who imitates them is not un-masculine, he's smart. He's providing his target market with the product they desire.
  • AmericanCowboy76
    AmericanCowboy76 Posts: 99 Member
    I am a strong believer that the man leads the household but is not the tyrant of the household. A smart man involves is woman in each discision while making the final choice. A smart man honors his woman as part of him. Just my idea. Before my wife passed we were very happy, very in love and this is how our house worked. We had ups and downs but it worked well for us. I was president of the house and she was vicepresident. Now as for the rest. Cant stand this metrosexual crap. Men should be men.
  • katsmit2
    katsmit2 Posts: 54
    After reading a guys post from yesterday "needing advice not related to fitness" I I would say yes. This was a 30 yr old man asking for advice on how to get himself to love again and how he doesn't know if he'll ever find it again.

    I wanted to pull his man card............yes there is a masculinity crisis! Grow a pair and start acting like men again. Sweep a woman off her feet...........treat her like a queen............and reap the rewards!!! There's a few details to work in the middle too but c'mon guy's!!!!

    THIS -
  • Rayand22
    Rayand22 Posts: 18

    Men don't love boy groups. Your argument is based on a false premise.

    But I would argue that they often try to imitate them. Not boy groups per say, but prominent male figures in pop culture.
    Um...Who? My oldest son is 15 and he thinks that "One Direction" which is the group in the picture is dumb. He makes fun of boy bands.

    Anyway, if girls swoon over boyish lads then a boy who imitates them is not un-masculine, he's smart. He's providing his target market with the product they desire.

    Oh wow, if your son is that way then the whole world must be like him. Topic is closed now. Everyone, he has the answer.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am a strong believer that the man leads the household but is not the tyrant of the household. A smart man involves is woman in each discision while making the final choice. A smart man honors his woman as part of him. Just my idea. Before my wife passed we were very happy, very in love and this is how our house worked. We had ups and downs but it worked well for us. I was president of the house and she was vicepresident. Now as for the rest. Cant stand this metrosexual crap. Men should be men.

    See, I can't stand men who think that the ownership of a penis gives them the right to tell me what to do.
  • ZoeyRobinson
    I totally agree!!!

    My last boyfriend called me crying at 3am because he died his hair and it turned out the wrong shade!

    Another boyfriend called me because he didn't know how to deal with the fact he locked his keys in his car. I drove 45 minutes away and called the locksmith and when the locksmith arrived my boyfriend cried "Please don't call my mom!"

    Both men I am talking about were in 23 and 27 years old.

    There is a reason I am single. I am sick of always making decisions and if there were a fight not one of my exes would have even stood up for me. Because a group of men were harassing us and my boyfriend ran (about 1/4 of mile) back to the car and dove in and locked it. Left me with a group of 15 mean circling me and i had to defend myself.

    I have also had men refuse to open the door for me. I have even had doors slammed on me. I always open doors for people (men, women) because it is polite. But men NEVER open or hold the door for me.

    And a man in skinny jeans is not a man!!! And yes, these men usually have camel toe. MEN SHOULD NEVER HAVE CAMEL TOE!!!

    That felt great to get off my chest. LOL THANK YOU!
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    These are the guys that young girls think are hot these days...




    lol does that answer your question?
    Yeah...cause these guys are sooooooo masculine:


    ...and your grandparents generation:


    The difference is that yeah girls loved those guys back in the day but most men didnt try to act and dress like them. Men hated boy groups back then and now men love boy groups. Its not the same.
    Men don't love boy groups. Your argument is based on a false premise.

    I know many who love One Direction, Beiber, Katy Perry, and many more. Men back in the day hated this kind of music.
    Boy bands were always and still are the subject of derision. Not universal derision. Nothing is ever universal, but consensus derision.

    People often romanticize the time when they were adolescents and point the finger at the current generation. This is often selective memory. This is the kind of thing that has my mom going on and on about how slutty teen girls are today but forgetting that she was once a pregnant teen girl. "But, but, that was different. We weren't pursuing guys. It just happened." Uh huh I say.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I think both/all genders need to get over themselves and be accepting but...


    ...I'm just gonna wait for the fireworks.
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    These are the guys that young girls think are hot these days...




    lol does that answer your question?

    How are they any different from New Kids on the Block or even the Beetles with their long hair and fancy suits or even Elvis?? Every generation has their teen idols. This is such a dumb thread and I should have never entered this black hole, but I got sucked in. I have a lot more to say, but I am not gonna waste anymore time on idiotic banter.
  • drea85an
    drea85an Posts: 130
    These are the guys that young girls think are hot these days...




    For real! You can say it for every generation, especially celebrities. They are supposed to be feminine so teens aren't intimidated. That is the point.

    lol does that answer your question?
    Yeah...cause these guys are sooooooo masculine:


    ...and your grandparents generation:

  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    Yes. And in Canada as well.

    The end.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member

    Men don't love boy groups. Your argument is based on a false premise.

    But I would argue that they often try to imitate them. Not boy groups per say, but prominent male figures in pop culture.
    Um...Who? My oldest son is 15 and he thinks that "One Direction" which is the group in the picture is dumb. He makes fun of boy bands.

    Anyway, if girls swoon over boyish lads then a boy who imitates them is not un-masculine, he's smart. He's providing his target market with the product they desire.

    Oh wow, if your son is that way then the whole world must be like him. Topic is closed now. Everyone, he has the answer.
    Are you saying I have the only teen son with good music taste? Sweet!