Black Team Week 2 Challenge Thread!!!-



  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member

    Why is it that every time I start a regular exercise program my body rebels? Seriously, I get started and am excited about getting stronger and then, BOOM, sinus infection or stomach bug, or <add favorite disease here>. I am beginning to think I am allergic to exercise. This morning I have both - sinus infection and stomach bug - feel like a Mack truck ran over my body (twice).

    Here is what I was told when I asked a chiropractor this very question.
    He said your body is full of toxins which lay dormant in the system....happily yucking up your body.
    When you start to exercise you shake the little b^stards up and they start moving around
    your body then works hard to get rid of them.

    So *TMI.....I had boils once, sinus infection, stomach issues........but when I pushed thru they all went away and I was much much healthier for the months and months I stayed on a program.

    So not a stupid question at all. I bet we all have stories!!

    Hope you feel better Janie....drink up my friend :heart:

    thanks Jeannie - I knew there had to be a rationale reason. I've been at the good place before (not that long ago) - I'm just so wimpy about the yuckie place.

    Am drinking like a fish and getting right back to the workouts.

    Thanks for the pep talk - that's why I love you guys so much.. :flowerforyou: :smooched: :flowerforyou: :smooched:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Thursday morning black team...I lost another pound today but I think I'll wait to change my ticker just in case I find it again before next week. Have to type a couple of hours this morning and then off to the gym. Have a great day!

    Beth...Glad to hear the good news. Will continue to pray for you and your family.

    Janie...Hope you feel better soon.

    Amanda...Still sending prayers your way.

    Marla...Love the before and after pic, you look fabulous!

    I have a question about the new HRM I bought yesterday at Costco. I paid $30 for a Mio Stride and on-line it is $80 so I'm happy with the price but still unsure about it. It says it counts your calories by using your personal heart rate, age, weight, gender and step count. Is this going to count my calories burned when I am doing the Nautilus machines or the bicycle? I haven't opened it yet and wanted to get opinions before I do. Thanks!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    good morning everyone :heart:

    just got a call from my dad and my grandmother's surgery went well. the surgeon said it went 10 times better than he thought it would. i am so relieved right now. i know she's not completely out of the woods yet, and she still has 2 weeks of rehab in a nursing home ahead of her, but i'm so happy that we get to have her with us a little longer. i had an awful night and not having heard anything for so long, i was expecting the worst. i'm headed down to MA this weekend, so i'm glad i'll be able to be with her and my family. thank you so much for your prayers and support. i love all of you. :heart:

    Glad to hear the good news!

    Prayers still coming at you and you too Amanda......and for the poor people of Haiti and the devastation they face...just horrible.
    Have a great day everyone!
  • I think I'm going to enjoy this group for me accountability is so key to my success. I recently had gastric bypass surgery and i am doing really well but I have a hectic work life right now, so I am struggling with consistent workouts! now that I am work from home I have to commit to taking the time out to go workout, I enjoy working out sometimes it's just getting there. So I think I am going to start going at 5am- when it's quiet and get it out the way. I want to commit to 4 days a week. I don't want to get lazy with my workouts since I am losing by eating less, now that I'm 6 months out I want to make sure I keep with the right foods and exercise. So I hope that this will be the extra push I need!

    Shirelle aka mscurvydiva
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Good morning BT...Beth & Amanda my prayers are with you for a full and fast recovery for your loved ones...I would also like us to say a special pray for Haiti and family and friends of those lost.

    Got in my exercise this morning, 20min on elliptical & 65 min on the treadmill...Hope everyone have a wonderful day...
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good job, Leslie-- sounds like a great workout--

    Beth-- very happy to hear the good news. Please keep us posted.

    Shuntae-- get yourself feeling better, then worry about the workouts, young lady! :angry:

    Kati-- Here's :drinker: to better days today--

    Amanda-- hugs for Emmy.

    Batman-- thanks for the spread sheet-- you're wonderful.

    Tammy-- happy typing!

    Tanya-- congrats on the loss, my friend across the pond!

    Roni-- way to go on the pushups-- 4 is a fine start. You'll work yourself up in no time.

    Lori-- I tried a pull up and my shoulders screamed for an hour. No can do until the arthritis relents-- that goes for the pushups, too, for the most part-- although I did manage some during my 8 Minute Arms tape the other day.

    Jeannie-- you are the heart and soul of MFP-- I love you to bits.

    Janie-- fight through the discomfort and conditions-- you'll feel better in no time. Ain't no stoppin' us nowwwwww--

    Shirelle-- welcome-- make sure you send your weight to Batman if you want to be on the spread sheet. Otherwise, just hang with us here-- great group here for motivation. Glad you're here.

    Sara, Sara, Sam, Tamara, Donna, Bobbi, Terry, Melissa and anyone I forgot-- here's to this week, my friends--
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,773 Member

    As a ego-busting wake up call though...I gotta tell you this. Last week after I read Andrews "pull ups success story" I decided that I was going to try to do some floor push ups. They are my fear, my weakness, something Ive always had in my mind that I just CANT do. Ive been able to do some wall push ups, but when I get to the floor NOTTA...not even a girly push up:noway: So I was feeling all confident and "Batmanny" after I breezed through the walk and got on the floor thinking I CAN DO THESE. Pfffft. I did 4:ohwell: And I swear I think I worked up more of a sweat trying to get those 4 little push ups out than I did in the whole 58 min WATP dvd!:laugh:

    Knocked my ego back down to size:blushing:
    Do 4 pushups a couple of times a week and before you know it, you'll be cranking out more. Heck do 2 everyday and you'll improve! I'm proud of you for trying!

    I never used to be able to do pushups on my toes, now I can. I could never do a pullup, I can do one on my son's Iron Gym. I should take my advice to you, put that Iron Gym on the door and a couple of times a day, just go crank out one pull up, I bet I would improve too!

    Isn't it amazing what we make ourselves believe we can and can't do? Sometimes I think that's my hangup with running, I CAN do it but I've spent so many years telling myself I was not a runner, so the whole time I'm running all I can think about is stopping. I asked myself one day why I wanted to stop, I wasn't tired, I wasn't out of breath, my legs felt great, yet all I could think about was when I could stop. I couldn't answer, I just wanted to stop 'because'. It's so silly!
    Lori--Let's do it!:smile: I will crank out a couple of push ups a crank out at least one pullup a day:drinker:

    OK! I put the Iron Gym on the door and did 2 (I surprised myself) and then about a half of one! WOOOHOOO! I will do that a couple times a day- or try to remember. As added incentive to me, I'm not going to let my kids know I'm working on it. Then I shall challenge those teenage boys in my house and watch their faces when I whip their butts! Yes, more torturing of my children. Teenage boys HATE it when their mom can outdo them.

    I woke up with the worst sinus headache this AM. UGH! I have been really tired this week, going to bed at 9:00 but then not getting the best night's sleep. This morning I woke up at 4 AM and it felt like there was a knife sticking outta my eye, it was that good. :grumble: Took some Motrin, emptied the hot water heater in a steamy shower and made myself hit the gym. I figured I'd either work it out or throw up.... either way, calories gone. :noway: LOL!

    I actually felt ok once I started sweating, kept it at only cardio, burned 700. Came home and started thinking about the headache, it came back. Got up off my keister and got to work on this house, it doesn't seem as bad if I'm busy, guess I'm not thinking about it.

    Trying to figure out where all the dirt and funk come from. Clean, clean, clean.. yet always dirty. :angry: I especially love it when I step in something sticky and my sock sticks to the floor with every step. Makes my day. Little buggers!

    Eating lunch right now... took me 3 bites to remember I didn't actually cook the other half of the sweet potato from last night.... wondered why it was so dang hard. It needed more than a heat up in the microwave. :laugh: Next on the agenda, mop sticky floor.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Lori...I love reading your posts. Your house sounds so much like mine it is funny. Gotta start my house cleaning at some time today, just not right now:smile:
  • Not sure which page I weighed in on so here goes again. .209pounds.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,958 Member
    Don't have a bunch of peeps staring over my shoulder today so I will get some mfp time in today.

    Beth - so glad you got good news.

    Amanda - still praying. Hugs my friend!

    Check out the food journal. I logged the piece of gum I had this morning. I have never, ever done this before and I'm usually good for 2 to 3 pieces a day, at least.

    I swear I need to keep a diary of all of the ways I can torture my kids. You guys are hilarious.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :sad: my daughter brought me a grilled chicken sandwich ..............or so I thought. Turned out the be a deluxe, fried chicken, club sandwich.......with mayo! :sad:

    I ate it. I am not proud, but I was hungry:grumble:

    At least I scraped off the may:tongue:

    I am going to a concert tonight........Foreigner!! WOOT! I believe I shall dance off that fatty sandwich to Hot Blooded!!!!

    Have a great day all!

    :glasses: Jeannie
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Not sure which page I weighed in on so here goes again. .209pounds.

    That's three pounds gone, is it not? Woo-hooooooooooo......never to be seen again, Miss Jessica!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    I swear I need to keep a diary of all of the ways I can torture my kids. You guys are hilarious.

    Stick with us, Kati....muahahahahaha. :devil:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    :sad: my daughter brought me a grilled chicken sandwich ..............or so I thought. Turned out the be a deluxe, fried chicken, club sandwich.......with mayo! :sad:

    I ate it. I am not proud, but I was hungry:grumble:

    At least I scraped off the may:tongue:

    I am going to a concert tonight........Foreigner!! WOOT! I believe I shall dance off that fatty sandwich to Hot Blooded!!!!

    Have a great day all!

    :glasses: Jeannie

    Whatcha doin' after the sho-o-o-o-w?
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,773 Member
    Tammy, I think most of our houses filled with kids are similar.

    Kati, absolutely, the ability to torture them is payback for all the heck they put you through over the years. It's all good clean fun! Some of mine take it better than others... my oldest son and my step daughter are fun, they love to joke around and can take my picking at them, my step son is the oldest, 14, but he is pretty thin skinned so I have to watch myself.

    My youngest is 9 and he is the resident whiner. For real, that kid whines over everything. Drives me batty. He's still a little young for torture, but man oh man, he's got his coming! LOL
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :sad: my daughter brought me a grilled chicken sandwich ..............or so I thought. Turned out the be a deluxe, fried chicken, club sandwich.......with mayo! :sad:

    I ate it. I am not proud, but I was hungry:grumble:

    At least I scraped off the may:tongue:

    I am going to a concert tonight........Foreigner!! WOOT! I believe I shall dance off that fatty sandwich to Hot Blooded!!!!

    Have a great day all!

    :glasses: Jeannie

    Whatcha doin' after the sho-o-o-o-w?

    Funny you should ask. We have a roo-oo-mmm. So I may just have a beer...teehee...
    We are goign to go dancing. It is a casino, so there are dance clubs, bands OUTside and bars, food, is it's own town.!!

    Getting ready to go now!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,773 Member
    :sad: my daughter brought me a grilled chicken sandwich ..............or so I thought. Turned out the be a deluxe, fried chicken, club sandwich.......with mayo! :sad:

    I ate it. I am not proud, but I was hungry:grumble:

    At least I scraped off the may:tongue:

    I am going to a concert tonight........Foreigner!! WOOT! I believe I shall dance off that fatty sandwich to Hot Blooded!!!!

    Have a great day all!

    :glasses: Jeannie

    Whatcha doin' after the sho-o-o-o-w?

    Funny you should ask. We have a roo-oo-mmm. So I may just have a beer...teehee...
    We are goign to go dancing. It is a casino, so there are dance clubs, bands OUTside and bars, food, is it's own town.!!

    Getting ready to go now!
    Sounds fabulous Jeannie! Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Drink one for all of us!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    :sad: my daughter brought me a grilled chicken sandwich ..............or so I thought. Turned out the be a deluxe, fried chicken, club sandwich.......with mayo! :sad:

    I ate it. I am not proud, but I was hungry:grumble:

    At least I scraped off the may:tongue:

    I am going to a concert tonight........Foreigner!! WOOT! I believe I shall dance off that fatty sandwich to Hot Blooded!!!!

    Have a great day all!

    :glasses: Jeannie

    Whatcha doin' after the sho-o-o-o-w?

    Funny you should ask. We have a roo-oo-mmm. So I may just have a beer...teehee...
    We are goign to go dancing. It is a casino, so there are dance clubs, bands OUTside and bars, food, is it's own town.!!

    Getting ready to go now!

    Funnnnnnn-- have a great time!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Tammy, I think most of our houses filled with kids are similar.

    Kati, absolutely, the ability to torture them is payback for all the heck they put you through over the years. It's all good clean fun! Some of mine take it better than others... my oldest son and my step daughter are fun, they love to joke around and can take my picking at them, my step son is the oldest, 14, but he is pretty thin skinned so I have to watch myself.

    My youngest is 9 and he is the resident whiner. For real, that kid whines over everything. Drives me batty. He's still a little young for torture, but man oh man, he's got his coming! LOL

    Lori, my eldest was a pain-- he'd read torture into everything, and act like an *kitten*-- "Mom, you're embarrassing me," he'd say when I'd be silly and talking to his friends when they were all 10-- kids we'd known for years.

    "Look, you little putz," I told him, "This is my house. I'm silly. I like being silly. I've been silly for years and I'm not about to change for you. Don't like it? Don't have your friends over."

  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Bump for later
This discussion has been closed.