Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    AUGUST CHALLENGE- choose for yourself:

    1. One Nutrition Goal
    2. One Exercise Goal

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sorry didn't get to the posts - caught me napping! You're all familiar with the format by now except for a few newlings.....!

    Monday check in - am so sore from my last swim because I attempted to swim the Butterfly and did it for 2 lengths but now my shoulders are really,! I'll never do that again, not an Olympic swimmer, not made for that stroke.

    Also I spoke to the seller of the table I bought and they'll give me my deposit back - hooray! And no more browsing Craig's List - that's a bad habit that stops right now!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Monday check in - am so sore from my last swim because I attempted to swim the Butterfly and did it for 2 lengths but now my shoulders are really,! I'll never do that again, not an Olympic swimmer, not made for that stroke.

    Also I spoke to the seller of the table I bought and they'll give me my deposit back - hooray! And no more browsing Craig's List - that's a bad habit that stops right now!

    I tried that stroke on Saturday, it about killed me! :smile: Hooray for getting your deposit back!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Kris - Hope all goes well at the Dr and you get the all clear for zumba!

    @Carmel - I've found that problem as well. My old stand by favorite just don't taste...right... any longer. I eat something and wind up thinking I should have just had a piece of fruit or some raw veggies, that it would have tasted better. Good job on avoiding after church yummies!

    @Tiger -Grats on the 1.5 lb loss!

    @Doomcakes - I used to have the same problem on the weekends. I try REALLY hard now to keep the same schedule (pretty much). I get up a little later but I eat my meals and snacks the same time I would at work. I had a heck of a time NOT spending the weekend playing Guild Wars 2. THe minute I start gaming I start looking for junk to munch on.

    @Mom2cubs - Welcome back to the wagon! :wink:

    @Linder -hang in there, you're a great daughter but don't forget to take care of YOU!

    @MNWalking - HOpe all his well with your BF and he's on the road to recovery.

    @Kah - Keep trucking and good work on that gym challenge.

    @Raven - Hang in there. I've been in a major funk lately as well. This too shall pass!

    @Tekavincent - I had similar experiences as a child. (I guess this counts as my Sunday share) My dad had two forms of communication. He was either mad at you and didn't speak to you..and I mean wouldn't acknowledge you spoke or that you were there... OR he was just cruel. The moment we would sit down to dinner and I started eating he would start telling me that if I kept eating he'd have to put in a double door to fit me in the house. That he was going to sell my pony/horse because it was cruel to make it carry my "fat *kitten*" around. That I'd never find a husband because I was so fat. That he couldn't believe how fat I was compared to my brothers or how much prettier my (female) cousins were. I don't mean sometimes. I mean every. single. meal.

    @Susan - I do something close to that. I make mini goals. My current one is 12 lbs by OCtober 15th. It seems so daunting to say that I still have to lose NINETY FOUR POUNDS.... The mini goals seem more manageable.

    @Call - Welcome!

    @Nichol -That sounds like a great idea! I'll keep it in mind for when I'm sick of cereal. I tend to eat the same thing for breakfast until I'm just sick of the sight of it.

    @Robin - I so glad you got your deposit back!

    @Deb- Welcome~

    @Cathesh - Grats onthe weight loss. You are really working your butt off for this (literally) and it's paying off for you. Keep on trucking!

    @Toots - Good on you for handling your concern for your sons weight in such a considerate manner.

    @Bella - Same thing as Linder, dont forget to take care of YOU as well. You are such a good daughter/sister.

    @Mona - Thank you for your son's (and your) sacrifice and willingness to be away from home for our safety. Glad he'll be home and closer to you soon. He must be so proud of you and the work that you are doing towards becoming a healthier you. I just love your posts, when I'm done reading them I always want to give you a big hug.

    @JTConst - Congrats and here's :drinker: to more energy and less pain as we all get healthier.

    Monday Update:

    I've stayed under calories all week (with the excpetion of last Monday's movie popcorn). I didn't do the excercise I should have. Only got Yoga in on two days last week but I started this morning strong with it. I didn't WANT to get up but I got myself up and moving, chanting "justdoitjustdoitjustdoit" all the way into the living room and turning on the DvD. I haven't weighed myself because my ankles are swollen and I feel bloated. I KNOW that means the scale won't have moved and I'll just be uber frustrated if I get on it. I'll wait until I feel ....thinner.... before I get on it again. I bit the bullet and ordered a bathing suit (scary) and as soon as school starts I'll join the local aquatic center (next week). Providing the suit fits and I don't chicken out (and wind up fetal and crying) when I see myself in it. I'd like to start swimming 3 days a week and up it to 5 eventually.
  • emilym_3
    emilym_3 Posts: 62
    Monday-Feeling pretty good, took a nice hike on Saturday!
  • Annie219
    Annie219 Posts: 110
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
    Monday check-in: Body is aching from all that walking yesterday... supposed to do more jogging today but not sure if I'm up to it.

    Also, school starts in a week and I never feel prepared. Starting to stress out big time as I always do. Which means I don't eat. Then I binge later in the day - not good...
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Monday Check in: I've officially finished my first week of the eat more to weigh less program. I was eating 1500-1800 calories per day with running 50-60 minutes 3-4 days a week. I am now eating at above BMR(basal metaboilc rate) but below TDEE at 2458 calories per day. I have gained 5 pounds so far but was eating at 2700 calories(which I lowered for a slightly quicker weight loss. I plan to add weight training to my workouts 2 days a week to gain lean muscle mass which will burn some of these calories. I'll keep you posted.
    The increased calories seems extremely even to me but everything that I've read points to me losing muscle and shutting down my bodily functions slowly. Both of which I don't want to do. I'll keep you posted with any success\failure.
    Drink your water and good luck to eveyone!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Monday check-in...Well I didn't log this weekend because my phone wasn't working and I had no access to a computer. Stayed with my bf this weekend but when I took him to work on saturday I went home to take my little sister back to school clothes shopping. I bout some new shirts and leggings and my sister MK got me to try on a pair of jeans that were a size 26 and normally if I try on jeans they are a 28 and tight (:cry::embarassed:) I did not want to try them on but she made me and to my surprise they FIT! :noway: And not only fit but fit comfortably and looked good on me. I didn't get them even though MK begged and pleaded with me and offered to put some of her stuff back, which I wasn't having because she needed some new clothes. Everything in the store goes on sale in a week or two and I get paid next friday so if they are still there I shall get them. So you know for those of you who shop at Fashion Bug it is going out of business so stay on when things might go on sale!

    The weekend didn't go well for me in terms of food. I feel like instead of saying something to my bf about how I feel like he still isn't being supportive or understanding to what I am trying to do that I just give in and eat what he is eating. I don't like confrontation and I love my bf so much. I think I just need to get over it and eat healthy around him and not care about his sighs and eye rolling and weird looks. Not like he cooks anyways.

  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Monday check in - spent the weekend with my family, if that won't make you binge on a mountain of junk food I don't know what will. I'm being mouthy, I didn't do too awful until we got home. Took my freshly repaired truck out to go the gym and the water pump let loose. It was a pizza and truck fixerupperology until the wee hours.

    It was my nephew's birthday so I took a yard sale model sailing ship, added little led lights to it, painted it up some, made a brass plaque with his name hammered into it (Captain Stevie). I made one heck of a night light. I was so in love with this thing that I want one for all my nephews - just so's I can play with them :blushing: . Every once in a blue moon I surprise myself.

    I'll try to catch up on my post reading tonight.

  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    raven - stay with it - as you say, there's lots of ups and downs to this lifestyle change. Your moods may fluctuate too, but stay with it - you don't want to quit and be like you were - forever.

    @Robin Oh lord no. lol I'd go insane if I stayed like this forever. (Though some might say I am already lol!) No, even as edgy and even downright grumpy as I've been for the past few days, I'm sticking with it. I don't like huffing and puffing walking up hills or not feeling like taking my dog for the walks he so enjoys; or playing with him as much as I should. I don't want to be lazy anymore. I'm in this for the long haul [happy cheer]
    @Raven - Hang in there. I've been in a major funk lately as well. This too shall pass!

    @MyM0wM0w That's true. I'd say if anything, it's my body still trying to get accustomed to the changes I've made. I'm sure we'll pull through it triumphantly. We can do it! :D
    Monday check-in: Body is aching from all that walking yesterday... supposed to do more jogging today but not sure if I'm up to it.

    Also, school starts in a week and I never feel prepared. Starting to stress out big time as I always do. Which means I don't eat. Then I binge later in the day - not good...

    @Vidvox I'd say listen to your body on that one. If you're not feeling up to it and force yourself to do it anyways it may not have as many of the benefits as it would if you're fully wanting to do it.

    Also if stress makes you not eat and then binge later, might try looking at what specifically is making you get stressed in the first place. Is it a certain class? Or certain people? The hours? If you can define exactly what is stressing you, you might be able to find a way around the trigger and ease it some.
    Monday Check in: I've officially finished my first week of the eat more to weigh less program. I was eating 1500-1800 calories per day with running 50-60 minutes 3-4 days a week. I am now eating at above BMR(basal metaboilc rate) but below TDEE at 2458 calories per day. I have gained 5 pounds so far but was eating at 2700 calories(which I lowered for a slightly quicker weight loss. I plan to add weight training to my workouts 2 days a week to gain lean muscle mass which will burn some of these calories. I'll keep you posted.
    The increased calories seems extremely even to me but everything that I've read points to me losing muscle and shutting down my bodily functions slowly. Both of which I don't want to do. I'll keep you posted with any success\failure.
    Drink your water and good luck to eveyone!

    The weekend didn't go well for me in terms of food. I feel like instead of saying something to my bf about how I feel like he still isn't being supportive or understanding to what I am trying to do that I just give in and eat what he is eating. I don't like confrontation and I love my bf so much. I think I just need to get over it and eat healthy around him and not care about his sighs and eye rolling and weird looks. Not like he cooks anyways.


    @Vinsonh42 I can relate :/ It's not my fiance that isn't supportive, it's my brother. He always has to make comments and roll his eyes when I mention trying to lose weight (I really don't think he thinks I can do it). It's hard to overlook sometimes, but maybe you should talk to him about it. Maybe let him know how it makes you feel- After all, he may not realize that he's even doing things like that and making you feel that way.
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    I keep seeing "bump" on these forums - can someone tell me what it means? I'm thinking "fist bump", but not sure ...
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    I keep seeing "bump" on these forums - can someone tell me what it means? I'm thinking "fist bump", but not sure ...

    With this thread it can usually be one of two things. Either people trying to bump it up to the top of the forum page, or just saving their spot to post later so they don't have to go to the last page of the previous thread to find the link again.
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    @Raven he knows he's doing these things. I know he isn't doing it to upset me and I have told him before how I felt about it. I just don't fell like reiterating myself every time something like that happens.
  • Great Job -- Keep up the great work I am on day 1 so I have a ways to go :smile:
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Just found the thread and think it's a great idea!
    Monday check in: this weekend went pretty well because I had a gig on Saturday night. That was three sets with 45 minutes of music in each set (each set is actually an hour, but I only count the time I'm dancing/moving). I drank a pitcher of water in that amount of time, mostly because I was sweating like mad. Performing is a great workout for me.

    Did really well on food -- even got to enjoy some sashimi on Sunday before watching True Blood. Now it's back to the gym tonight for more cardio, most likely a treadmill night. Looking forward to trying Water Aerobics this Thursday.

    I'm looking for more friends who have a lot to lose, so if you do and you want another person in your corner, friend request me! :)
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    Monday Check in: Not really much to report. I'm in retail so I work most weekends. Been still hitting the gym every other day, 1/2 hour at a time, goal of keeping my heart rate between 155 and 163. Been doing good at it, have noticed that its taking more effort to get my heart rate up to that which is good.

    A little frusterated but talking myself through it because the scale went up a lb, but I've been eating under calories every day so I know it cant be fat, must be water retention. Keep having to tell myself the scale will move again, that it only seems to move once a week and its ok, but it still gets to me a bit.