*~*When did you meet your true love?*~*



  • In high school. He used to cheat off my papers and pinch my cheeks (I had a really chubby face in high school) and I used to steal his food at lunch. We never dated in high school, we were both dating other people. We hadn't seen each other in about 4 years when he found me on Facebook and we started talking. :) The rest is history
  • pen_thief
    pen_thief Posts: 78 Member
    Around February of 2010 on a international pen pal website :)
    I was there trying to learn some Korean and this fellow from Wales sent me a lengthy message and I could tell he had gone to the trouble of reading my entire profile. Normally I just ignored messages from guys who I could tell had ulterior motives, but he was different. He didn't come off as a creep.

    It's strange that we still haven't met in person over two years later, but we've both been through a lot with our health. He's battling what I suspect to be severe adrenal fatigue and is trying to regain his health. I'm trying to lose 100+ pounds. We talk nearly every day and often both fall asleep listening to each other. We've been through numerous ups and downs but can't seem to give each other up :P Time will tell but I am very happy right now just having him to talk to and vice versa.

    Some people who are all about the physical contact don't understand why I don't choose someone I could see in the flesh on a daily basis. I am not just going to toss out my soul mate because he can't sit across from me at the dinner table or take me to the movies. I don't want to wait forever, but we'll make up for that and then some if we can both overcome our respective challenges. If it doesn't work out, I'll find a way to move on somehow just like everyone else does. But why worry about that when I don't need to?

    Great thread, btw :)
  • I have known my husband all of my life. We went to the same church, school was on my brothers baseball team. Fast forward I was 20 he was 23 and I needed a date to a wedding. He came into my work ( gas station ) I asked him to go with me and the rest is history. We have been married for 13 years. we got married 9 months after we started to date. We have 3 wonderful kids 12,4,2. He is my best friend. Love him
  • Rage4lightning
    Rage4lightning Posts: 72 Member
    OKCupid.com in 2008.

    We met for the first time September 29th that year after sending messages back and forth for about a month. It was an old profile I rarely checked since I wasn't interested in getting into a new relationship at the time. There's a section on the profile page where they ask you who you want to contact you. Since I never took those things seriously, mine said something along the lines of "If you're a pirate, you should definitely contact me."

    He opened his message with "Well, I'm not a pirate, but I did just finish writing a game about pirates."

    I remember waiting for him outside the restaurant in my car. I was amused when I saw him pull up because we drove the same model car. When I finally met him face to face, I was stunned. He was jaw-droppingly gorgeous. He turned out to be incredibly intelligent, funny, and kind as well. So much so that I was pretty sure it was going to be our first and last date. No way could I keep this guy entertained.

    But he kept calling. And we kept seeing each other.

    We've been living together for the last 2 and a half years. I know he's planning a proposal because he's terrible at keeping secrets. :laugh:
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    I was living out in New Mexico and had just gotten out of a pretty bad long-term relationship. My sister told me about this "new" website called eHarmony, and told me I should sign up for it. I did...and honestly not to actually meet someone, but as a distraction. I was matched with some very nice guys, but there was really no spark with any of them. In June of 2003, I was matched with a guy out in Tacoma, Washington. He requested communitcation, and we moved through the steps pretty quickly. We started to email, and I loved his writing style. Not only was he a very good writer, he was snarky and sarcastic and made me laugh. We emailed back and forth for a week or two, and then moved on to the phone. Once we started talking on the phone, we didn't stop. This was way before cell phones and home phones had unlimited plans, and we both spent a LOT of money on our phone bills! After three months of talking and emailing constantly, he made the decision to come see me. I knew I liked him, but was still a bit gun shy. I met him at the airport, and saw him coming down to the baggage claim, and my heart stopped. As soon as he put his arms around me, I knew that he was who I was meant to spend my life with.

    Fast forward...we have been married 8 years this summer. We have full custody of his three children from his first marriage and have since the first year we were married...their Mom gave up custody - was done being a Mom. We also have a 6 year old son, and and 4 year old daughter, and life couldn't be sweeter. I call him "my knight in slightly tarnished armor," and I fall more in love with him every day. :heart:
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    High school, my sophomore his freshman year. it was halloween, and i was the gothic mad hatter. he ws one of the 10 rock/grunge guys in the school. i looked at him, in his black and green tripp pants....he looked at me in my top hat and trench coat. i went to eat in the art room.

    Then i walked past him every day for a month. and he started appearing outside my classes when the bell rang. we never said a word.

    Until he showed up in the art room at lunch....at which point i said ," oh sh** hes hot, i dont know what to say! hes gonns think im dumb!" so i hid in the bathroom.

    He kept coming back. and we finally said hello. he let me share his headphones and we listened to soulfly.

    he asked me out and our first date was to see underworld. this december will be 7 years that we have been together, 2 that we jave been engaged. i never thought id marry a stalker. :)
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    I don't believe in true love.

    I met my husband at Disneyland (we both worked there). I hated him for a few months first.
  • through a dating site on facebook! he sent me an email and asked if i wanted to talk on msn! I took one look at his picture and i thought oh this guy is too good looking for me hes probably a pig and only looking for one thing. I didnt respond to the email but oddly kept the email lol. He sent me a "wink" on the dating site and i sent one back and i thought it wouldnt hurt to just talk. So we talked and talked and talked somemore online and then one night he asked if he could call me and i gave him my number and we talked for 7 hours straight! I am not a talker at all so that is saying something. I still had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that this was all too good to be true. He was sweet and complimenting me all of the time and very attentive and such a gentleman. I knew from the first time we met that he was the one..i was in denial but i knew lol. He was the man i had been dreaming about in all of my other unhappy relationships. Well its almost 2 years later and nothing has changed except we are together and happy and he is my prince charming. We are not married yet but have been engaged for almost a year.

    aWW :)
  • We met April 3, 2011 at club Vibe. I remember because it was the day before his bday and he was out celebrating. I had just come from a Mike Epps comedy show and was out with a couple friends. I noticed him trying to be the center of attention, and usual thats my job! so i stepped up and challenged him. Everyone cleared the dance floor and we danced together for the rest of the night! It was GREAT. He got my number and called me shortly after my friends and I left the club clearly looking for a booty call LOL but I declined, so we talked on the phone and text all day every day for the next few weeks. Now I'm still with the man who swept me off my feet almost 1.5 yrs ago! :-))))

    Awesome!! :)
  • Met through a mutual friend in June 2010. He came up north to work for the summer, and decided to stick around. :) We started dating in July 2010, got engaged October 2011, and married April 2012.

  • I met him in a club, bought him a drink, and 6 years, 2 breakups later we're married!

    Everybody meets at clubs haha nice ! :)
  • I met my husband in 1994 at college. I was 22, he was 20. We were introduced by a mutual friend and became good friends. We started dating Valentine's Day 1996 and have been together ever since. We married in 1999. :love:

  • I met him a couple of years ago. I've know him as a friend since then. In May of last year my husband died and recently my friendship with my friend has changed. I've never known love like this. I feel like such a kid (I'm 44).

  • In August of 2009 where we both worked. We've been together since.

  • My freshman year of high school, we've been together almost 20 years....married 13 and have 2 wonderful children!!!

  • At work, we got together for 2 years, she got married had 3 kids, got divorced, we got togther had another child, currently looking to divorce, but I styill love her :sad:

    tell her!!
  • when i was flippin burgers at 15 lmaooo

  • greenbox06
    greenbox06 Posts: 101 Member
    I am a talker doesn't matter if it is a man or woman I am not shy. Most people will say won't that guy just shut up sometimes. I love to talk. I will spout off all kinds of useless information sometimes wrong( I like it when I am corrected so I can research it) So what's this have to do with my true love

    When I started going to college at 18 I saw this attractive woman in a class that started right behind mine.( went to a tech school where classes start every 8 weeks.) I kept passing by her and could not talk. I was dumbfounded I didn't know what to do. This went on for weeks. Every time she would look my way I would get all shy and walk away. So I started to tell my brother about her and he told me dude you need to talk to this woman. A couple of weeks went by and still nothing. My brother asked did I talk to her when I told him no he said " the next time I talk to you. You better tell me you talked to her or I am going to kick you A@@" Now since he is 7 years older than me and beat me up all of the time I listened. So when I saw her a couple of days later I nervously went up to her and started talking. I could not tell you what we talked about but I was a fool. The thing that broke the ice was when I mentioned that my birthday was in a couple of weeks. She said so is hers. Come to find out we have the same exact birthday. I am only 3 hours and 20mins older. That was when I FINALLY asked her out. 11+ years later we are still madly in love with each other.

    Thanks for this amazingly sweet story :')

    Thank you she now teases me and says why can't you stop talking like when you first saw me. :happy:

    By the way this thread has kind of blown up on you :bigsmile:
  • I met mine in 2009, as my marriage was falling apart, through a mutual friend on an MMO. I absolutely hated him, for no apparent reason... but he wouldn't give up, and we got to be good friends. Eventually, he won me over. :)

    Sweet story!
  • :love: 1981.