I need a girl's advice regarding a man's problem.



  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    How is this an important thing to bring up at all? The girl had the confidence to wear a bikini, something many of us do not have. Don't destroy her confidence for your own curiosity.
  • HMK3
    HMK3 Posts: 4
    If you are just curious about it, google it. If you want to get into a relationship with her, I would assume this 'loose skin' would not be an issue for you. If she's not complaining about it, why do you need to approach the subject? Leave it alone. If you want to get in a relationship with her and this is a problem for you, don't get in that relationship. Good Luck whatever you decide to do. :smile:
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    If you like your man-parts and want to keep them~Mind your own business!!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Why the heck would you bring that up with her? =/ I'm sure she is very aware of it and doesn't need you commenting on her loose skin. Where on earth did you get the idea that you need to approach her about the subject? If a guy I knew did that to me, I'd probably never want to speak to him again. It's just not cool. We are well aware of our body flaws and don't need somebody else commenting on it as well. Thats just a way to make her resent you or feel even more embarrased about her body and around you.
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    Do not mention it.
    Are you friends or what is your relationship between you?

    If she is someone you want to get to know, in time I'm sure the subject will come up.
  • ashleycball
    I would mind my business and shut my mouth. It's really not your place on this one. and 9 times out of 10 with us ladieswe know when we look bad and may just not care and i'm sure she knows about the skin. Tread lightly my friend lol
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    If you are asking her cause you are worried for her health - ask subtly

    If you are asking cause you are merely curious - STFU!

  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Curiosity killed the...blank!

    If she brings it up, be subtle and listen. Offer advice if she sounds like she wants it, or offer to workout together. ONLY if she opens up to you. That's a crazy sensitive subject for a woman. Asking how she got all that extra skin... not good.
  • AnnaMC1977
    AnnaMC1977 Posts: 241
    I have that due to GAINING too quickly. And I admit, it's terrible looking. What's worse is when my fiance gets o drunk and tells me how he really feels errr...how disgusting I look and how I should have surgery to get rid of the skin..as well as a breast lift to make everything proportional, it makes me feel like crap...and very insecure. Please leave her be. Let her bring the subject up...it's quite humiliating to be asked about it.
  • HMK3
    HMK3 Posts: 4
    This is a good comment. You're cracking me up. :laugh:
  • fitpilatesqueen
    If you are just friends then why is it any of your buisness how she got that extra skin? It is none of your concern.
    If she is more than just a friend then why is it a problem? How people look shouldn´t be an issue as long as you love them or like them. It is her problem to live with and probably painful as well so I wouldn´t go into that kind of talk unless you are very very close.
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    Wow. Unless you somehow meant that she appears dangerously thin, in spite of this loose skin, man... BUTT OUT. Regardless of how they lose weight, some people drew the short straw when it comes to genetics, and their skin simply does not shrink back that well. Not a single woman, or person for that matter, would like to have their major weight loss accomplishments acknowledged with comments that, essentially, read between the lines as "wow, I can tell you've lost a lot of weight because of all of your loose skin!" So unless you see her running to the bathroom after every meal, and/or have definitive proof that she has the eating habits of an anorexic, she probably falls within the wider spectrum of what doctors would consider reasonably healthy, and you should keep your thoughts to yourself.
  • iamshells
    iamshells Posts: 46 Member
    Hahahahahah perfect clip
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Shame... seems your a nice guy wanting to help her. If you get to know her better maybe you can bring it up. Feel free to give me tips on the subject though. My arms have lots of loose skin I just started weights and strength training...

    Zara :-)
  • Pudgebrownie
    How is this an important thing to bring up at all? The girl had the confidence to wear a bikini, something many of us do not have. Don't destroy her confidence for your own curiosity.

    Another great post.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    Ok here is the thing: I have a friend who I have known for about a year. For that time, I really never saw her in skimpy clothing but she looked very skinny and in shape...she also claimed she was a vegan and dident eat very much on top of that fact.

    The other day I saw her in a bikini at the pool and I was shocked. She has a ton of loose skin around her stomach, arms and breasts. Obviously my first reaction was a TON of weight loss really quickly...and since I've only known her for 1 year..I know she has at least kept this weight off for that period of time. That being said, I dont know if its weight loss or not, just my guess.

    I know she does 0 exercise and that could cause this loose skin to happen if she lost a ton of weight. I also dont know if she lost it naturally or had surgery and I am afraid to confront her about it and make her angry or self conscious about it.

    So my question for you ladies is...how would you want a guy to approach you regarding this topic if this were you? My objective is two fold. I want to figure out what caused this loose skin and I also want to be able to talk to her about it without her getting defensive or depressed about it.

    Also, I've never really seen "Skinny Fat" just heard about it...and what she has is how I pictured it...but it really does look bad...it looks like she just has too much skin for her body.

    I'd appreciate any advice you can give me.
    Why do I feel this is a two-part topic..
    Next week's follow up topic will be titled, "I need advice on how to ice my nuts, because a girl, that used to be a friend, just used mine as a soccer ball."
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    lol.. it's really bugging u huh? Depends if yall are "good" friends. Close girlfriends wouldn't even bring it up. Maybe you can ask her round about questions and she might mention it. like you are losing weight and have ____ to go. It's so hard, you know what I mean. She might respond that she lost a lot. If not I wouldn't bring it up. She cant be too worried about it if she was wearing bikini?? Or you could take picture with her and point out your flaws and she might bring it up. Otherwise if you want to stay friends dont flat out ask her.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    DON'T SAY ANYTHING! There is just no tactful way to bring up her appearance without hurting her feelings or making her feel self-conscious.

    Talk to a health professional about it if you just want information. Otherwise, if you really just have to know, talk about your fitness journey and see if the topic arises on it's own. If it doesn't, just let it go.

    I think Rachael on Friends said it best (paraphrasing): we all have things that we don't like about ourselves, and to learn that people we care about not only notice them too but think about them enough to ask other people about it is devastating.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    Why do I feel this is a two-part topic..
    Next week's follow up topic will be titled, "I need advice on how to ice my nuts, because a girl, that used to be a friend, just used mine as a soccer ball."

    Holy crap this is funny...
  • IrishSin
    IrishSin Posts: 20 Member
    just me personally but i say just be blunt! if your thinking of this around here there is going to be a level of awkwardness in the air and as chic's we tend to pick up on these things. Having lost 100lbs in the past year I can say I have excess skin too I did exercise and continue to do so but when you loose a large amount of weight it tends to take a lot to not have excess skin. If she were that worried about it I don't think she would have been wearing a bikini... She would have found other attire for swimming that hid the skin if she were to self conscious about it. I think your best bet is to just be blunt and say " I dont want to upset you but ........." and go from there. I personally would think better of a male friend for just being honest with me rather than not asking at all. I mean come on she knows what she looks like perhaps this was her way of getting you to ask so that she could let you in on a part of her life that she had not previously shared with you.