Concealing & carrying pistols while running/working out



  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Yeah, nothing bad ever happens to people in Europe and Canada. Nothing. Ever.
    Well of course bad things happen to people in Europe and Canada. Bad things happen everywhere, but I have never, ever heard of anyone carrying a weapon whilst they were jogging - that's insane. The cops over here don't even carry guns so why should I if I'm out jogging?

    Well the cops here are carrying guns because of the war that's going on. We will have a lot less violence in America once the government gives peace a chance and stops declaring war on her own people.

    Umm what? No that's not the reason cops carry guns.

    The more and more I think about it, the more I wish I had a gun. I will probably take a safety class and learn about them before actually purchasing one. We have a few (hubby has a shotgun and an AR15) but I would like one that I can carry in my purse that is mine. I would like to think that I will never need to use it. But I would rather have one and not need it than need it and not have it.
  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    Yeah, nothing bad ever happens to people in Europe and Canada. Nothing. Ever.

    Not one person has EVER been assaulted in Europe or Canada

    When a so few people are attacked in a country of 30 million people in almost 4 million square miles, yes, I feel confident saying nothing happens here in Canada. The probability of getting hurt is so so small that there is absolutely no need for weapons of any kind.
  • Not judging. Just it's illegal in the UK to carry a weapon. We may speak ( sort of) the same language but it's posts like this that make me realise how different our lives can be.

    It's just the idea that even "normal" people are literally running around with guns and knives quite happily, makes me wonder how the crazies are.

    I rarely even see an armed policeman here, unless for a SUPER high security risk. I live in Central London.

    It's just unfathomable.

    Above anything else, I see so many people who are terrible drivers despite the fact they drive almost daily and then think they're better than 90% of other drivers. I dread to think how these people would react to being allowed to carry weapons that they wouldn't use as regularly. How often would it be misused? misfired? badly maintained? Badly aimed?

    No wonder all the horror films have to upgrade to loonies with chainsaws when knives & guns are every day

    You're right. The London Riots last year where way over stated and were just a bunch of angry protesters holding signs in the streets and giving up on afternoon tea in protest. Right?

    Looks like London is a peaceful happy place made up of Rainbows and Unicorns.

    Imagine the London riots plus guns - you think it would have been BETTER?

    The idea of normal people going running with guns strapped to them is absolutely mind-boggling and terrifying to me, and reminds me that for all our similarities, the UK and America are very different places.

    If I was running in a rough area I might take a rape alarm I guess.

    Actually, it might have been a lot better of people thought they might get shot for acting stupid.

    Here's the thing, the bad guys here have guns, so it's only smart if the good guys here have guns as well to protect themselves and others.

    The idea that you can't own a gun or that your cops don't carry guns blows my mind, so I guess we're even.

    As as far as " normal people going running with guns strapped to them is absolutely mind-boggling and terrifying " to be honest, you wouldn't even know 99.9% of the time unless the person carrying told you. That's why we conceal carry. If you see my gun, it's going to be a bad day for someone.

    Like I said, very different countries :)

    I love America and visit often, so don't think I'm criticising. Guns are just bloody scary if you haven't grown up around them.
  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is why I'm happy to be Canadian.

    this x 100
  • I couldn't imagine living in a society that is so full of fear. The difference between American's and the rest of the first world is that you expect the worst from people, and everyone else suspects the best.]Case in point - It later came to light that those 'hooligans' were in fact working for the stampede and giving away free tickets.

    The US has far and away the most gun holders, and at the same time has the highest murders with firearms in the "developed" world. This would be the opposite trend of what one would expect if guns made you safer.

    Looking around at the caliber (no pun intended) of people out there, it scares me to think that in the US some of those people could be legally carrying a firearm.

    EDIT - Forgot the link -->
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    As an early morning cyclist, I had a gun pulled on me one winter in Baltimore. I was wearing a balaclava because it was cold, as I approached running with my bike on my back (steps, carry training) I was making a lot of noise, now this idiot fired toward me but not either directly at me or his gun went off "accidentally". This was on the edge of my university campus and we had a student recently mugged at gun point. So you can believe I was upset and when the cops got there - we both got taken in.
    Once this whole thing got cleared up the university pressed charges against mr trigger-happy.

    I wouldn't carry personally. Well, maybe in Caracas or Sao Paolo.

    I live in Europe - I think I read somewhere that all of last year the English police fired guns at criminals less than 40 times? I think Munich it was less than 5, for the entire year?
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I couldn't imagine living in a society that is so full of fear. The difference between American's and the rest of the first world is that you expect the worst from people, and everyone else suspects the best.]Case in point - It later came to light that those 'hooligans' were in fact working for the stampede and giving away free tickets.

    The US has far and away the most gun holders, and at the same time has the highest murders with firearms in the "developed" world. This would be the opposite trend of what one would expect if guns made you safer.

    Looking around at the caliber (no pun intended) of people out there, it scares me to think that in the US some of those people could be legally carrying a firearm.

    And where are you getting these "facts"?
  • Remora makes some nice holsters for concealing. No clips, they stick on their own.
  • montanadanni
    montanadanni Posts: 184 Member
    I see some naive people here thinking bad things won’t happen to them. Well, I am sure that’s what the others thought when they were assaulted. I am from Montana, our crime rate is very low but I plan for the worst. We also have quite a big population of wildlife here, just another reason to pack. I pack a Kimber Carry .45. I prefer the 1911 style because it has a lot of safety features, if you don’t know how to handle guns well I suggest a revolver would be best for you. Very easy to handle and fire.

    A well fitted shoulder holster is nice. I have used a hip holster that is used on the inside of the band it works well but is harder to get to. I have seen the thigh ones as well… never tried but they seem to look good. I have not had any pain with mine, I did have discomfort but if you get the right holster and adjust it well then it should be minimal.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I'm not at all against guns, but I would think that a good pepper spray dispenser might be a better option. An accidental discharge is nonlethal, as is a case of mistaken intent. It's lighter, easier to holster, can be pulled just as fast, and aim is not really an issue when under stress.

    Obviously it's a different tool, but it's something more folks can carry and use safely.
  • And where are you getting these "facts"?

    Whoops, my bad. I meant to put the link in at the bottom of the post. I'll edit it to include it, and also put it here. Note that I found other sources, but this site had the cleanest display. Some organization had also done a very nice line graph over the last 50(?) years, but of course I can't find it when I need it.

    Link -->
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Not judging. Just it's illegal in the UK to carry a weapon. We may speak ( sort of) the same language but it's posts like this that make me realise how different our lives can be.

    It's just the idea that even "normal" people are literally running around with guns and knives quite happily, makes me wonder how the crazies are.

    I rarely even see an armed policeman here, unless for a SUPER high security risk. I live in Central London.

    It's just unfathomable.

    Above anything else, I see so many people who are terrible drivers despite the fact they drive almost daily and then think they're better than 90% of other drivers. I dread to think how these people would react to being allowed to carry weapons that they wouldn't use as regularly. How often would it be misused? misfired? badly maintained? Badly aimed?

    No wonder all the horror films have to upgrade to loonies with chainsaws when knives & guns are every day

    You're right. The London Riots last year where way over stated and were just a bunch of angry protesters holding signs in the streets and giving up on afternoon tea in protest. Right?

    Looks like London is a peaceful happy place made up of Rainbows and Unicorns.

    Imagine the London riots plus guns - you think it would have been BETTER?

    The idea of normal people going running with guns strapped to them is absolutely mind-boggling and terrifying to me, and reminds me that for all our similarities, the UK and America are very different places.

    If I was running in a rough area I might take a rape alarm I guess.

    Actually, it might have been a lot better of people thought they might get shot for acting stupid.

    Here's the thing, the bad guys here have guns, so it's only smart if the good guys here have guns as well to protect themselves and others.

    The idea that you can't own a gun or that your cops don't carry guns blows my mind, so I guess we're even.

    As as far as " normal people going running with guns strapped to them is absolutely mind-boggling and terrifying " to be honest, you wouldn't even know 99.9% of the time unless the person carrying told you. That's why we conceal carry. If you see my gun, it's going to be a bad day for someone.

    Like I said, very different countries :)

    I love America and visit often, so don't think I'm criticising. Guns are just bloody scary if you haven't grown up around them.

    Its different in America specially out in the middle of no where. I live .2 miles from a nature preserve we have mountain lions in the woods right next to where I run, bears occasionally dig thru the gas station trash cans, and a drought going on they are coming out of the woods chasing the deer and what not that are coming closer and closer to humans. Its also a fact of life for me that if i call the cops it may be 15 min or more till they get to me which may be after they finish whatever call they are on adding even more time. So yeah the wild life alone makes it a really good idea to carry if you know how to use said weapon properly and can do so safely.
  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    I couldn't imagine living in a society that is so full of fear. The difference between American's and the rest of the first world is that you expect the worst from people, and everyone else suspects the best.]Case in point - It later came to light that those 'hooligans' were in fact working for the stampede and giving away free tickets.

    The US has far and away the most gun holders, and at the same time has the highest murders with firearms in the "developed" world. This would be the opposite trend of what one would expect if guns made you safer.

    Looking around at the caliber (no pun intended) of people out there, it scares me to think that in the US some of those people could be legally carrying a firearm.

    And where are you getting these "facts"?
  • OMFG!!! That is not a pistol in my shorts, and I am pleased to see you!

    Has the world gone mad?? Guns on a fitness site. I just despair!
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    Would never cross my mind here in the UK to do such a thing, makes me grateful I don't have that concern.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Pepper spray, bug spray, hair spray can all stop an aggressive person. But I recommend a gym or local YMCA. Beyond that, carry unconcealed and no one will mess with you.
  • I see some naive people here thinking bad things won’t happen to them.

    Statistically speaking, you're naive thinking bad things WILL happen to you... and even more-so to think that a gun will solve anything.
  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member
    This thread makes me love living in Canada even more than I already did. Yes, we have some areas of cities that have higher crime, but our gun & concealed weapons laws are a lot different, and I doubt many Canadians would be trying to figure out how to run carrying a gun!

    Maybe you should find a different area to run instead of worrying about this.
  • RayLeone
    RayLeone Posts: 4 Member
    Try a fanny pack, they make some specifically for concealed carrying. SIG Mini .380, comes with me when hiking with dog in area where there are coyotes.
  • I would just move to a differant area that is safer. I own a gun and I can honestly say I have never even thought about having to take it out on my run or walk. I live in a pretty calm area. Maybe you should look into getting a gym membership.