MyFitnessPal Newbie says: Rum & Diet Coke? Gimme A Break!!



  • MikesterAZ
    MikesterAZ Posts: 67 Member
    The original post totally reminds me of this guy


    OMG I'm famous on the internet, thoughtchoo knew!! And haters, lighten up!! It's called "snark", i do it for attention so thanks for playing my egocentric little game. I win!!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Because it's just absurd. Drinking is not supposed to be healthy, and it doesn't exactly taste good to begin with either so why make it worse with a diet soda? And since when is carbonated synthetic chemicals any healthier because it includes fake, instead of real, processed sugar? I hate to tell you this but either one can be used to fry the acid off your car battery cables. So it's just ridiculous that I type in "Rum & Coke" to the search feature and get this big list of all these drinks with Diet Coke and have to totally scroll down to get the real thing. Like you have to be kidding me. THAT MANY PEOPLE have ruined a perfectly good drink in desperation to get thin? Gimme a break!! Who drinks that often, anyway?!?!

    Did someone say that rum and diet coke is healthy? Plenty of people drink on a daily basis. Even athletes. I'm guessing you must live in a dry county or something. A lot of people consume a large percentage of their calories in liquid form.

    Also, you can use your smart phone MFP app to scan a bar code on any packaged food to add it to your diary. It's much easier than trying to manually search through the database for what you need.
  • MikesterAZ
    MikesterAZ Posts: 67 Member
    If you think that is crazy, breast milk is in the database, so apparently a member logged it into his/her diary at some point.

    Kind of makes the whole diet coke thing seem tame. :bigsmile:

    OMG no you di'n't!!
  • It's not about calories if I'm drinking I'm getting trashed which usually ends in drunk munchies. I just think rum tastes better with diet same for Jim Beam with regular coke it's way too sweet for me.
  • VeggieKelli
    VeggieKelli Posts: 232 Member
    Why bother with the coke at all :drinker:

    soooo this ^^^ :)
  • Bola17
    Bola17 Posts: 120 Member
    Breast milk!! This is funny - do you think it comes low or not fat ? :laugh:
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    I was actually trying to log a rum and coke today and it took me forever to find it without diet coke. >_<

    If you like diet coke, that is your thing. I'm one to cut calories where I can. I'm just surprised that rum and diet coke is in there 15-20 times before rum with regular coke.
  • MikesterAZ
    MikesterAZ Posts: 67 Member
    I was actually trying to log a rum and coke today and it took me forever to find it without diet coke. >_<

    If you like diet coke, that is your thing. I'm one to cut calories where I can. I'm just surprised that rum and diet coke is in there 15-20 times before rum with regular coke.

  • hiddenaudacity
    hiddenaudacity Posts: 122 Member
    I don't really get this tbh...however every small thing makes a difference. Personally when I drink I'll have vodka and soda water with lemon juice. I honestly will gain a lot of weight drinking wine, but when I have vodka with water my weight doesn't change too much. Also reduces hangovers cos it keeps ya hydrated ;)

    It's really not that funny trying to make healthy choices whilst drinking. That's why they have light beer and all that stuff. I think it's a good idea.

    Although I try and restrict drinking to weekends and I don't log it lol.
  • coffeeQ2hrs
    coffeeQ2hrs Posts: 52 Member
    I don't like regular coke.

    right? stuff makes my teeth hurt!! so. much. sugar. lol

    then again the aspartame in diet coke is terrible too.

    i agree, if you really like rum and coke, splurge and treat yourself every so often.

    all in moderation, right?
  • vanillarama
    vanillarama Posts: 101 Member
    Regular coke tastes like syrup.. I think the real problem is people that combine alcohol and food. What's the point of that?

    Do you just mean hard alcohol? I don't think pairing wine or beer with food is pointless at all. A curry and an IPA or wine and fish, etc. - fantastic!

    Also an aperitif can be really nice.

    For me, I don't understand people who drink just to get drunk, but hate the taste of alcohol. Then you end up with all these weird drinks like Smirnoff Ice and Bacardi Breezers which I'm pretty sure you can use for embalming.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    You'll have to live large for the rest of us.
  • LivingInPuglia
    LivingInPuglia Posts: 122 Member
    Some people prefer the taste of Diet Coke to regular Coke. I, for one, think regular Coke tastes nasty. Diet coke has a better taste, so I would drink Diet Coke. It isn't about the cals.
    I agree
  • vanillarama
    vanillarama Posts: 101 Member
    When's the bar fight?
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Bc drinking rum straight up wouldn't be very good..

    I be takin' offence to that.
  • tray71
    tray71 Posts: 17 Member
    6oz of cola 70 calories. shot a rum 70 calories. total 140kcal
    60z of diet cola 0 calories. shot a rum 70 calories. total 70kcal.
    you can easily save 350 kcal in a night of drinking.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I prefer diet coke as a mixer. I can taste the bourbon more with diet coke.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Why bother with the coke at all :drinker:
    Tortuga Rum Straight, babi :drinker:

    That it be, good wench, that it be!
  • tray71
    tray71 Posts: 17 Member
    Only 5 drinks
  • tray71
    tray71 Posts: 17 Member
    only 5 drinks
    6oz of cola 70 calories. shot a rum 70 calories. total 140kcal
    60z of diet cola 0 calories. shot a rum 70 calories. total 70kcal.
    you can easily save 350 kcal in a night of drinking.