Does everyone hate their job this much?



  • joe7880
    joe7880 Posts: 92 Member
    So you've had this job for 9 months?

    No, over a year.

    My wife currently has a similar job and after 4 years, she got a promotion to a more interesting job with a much higher salary. She has a bachelor's degree from a state school with high grades (yada, yada, yada)... What I'm saying is you have to pay your dues. "over a year" is nothing in experience. If I was you I would find ways to make your job exciting and make friends with the big-shots in the office. Treat them like regular people. Then you will get places.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I can't take it anymore! I graduated a little over a year ago and was the textbook overachiever in college. Dean's list, tons of awards, straight As, ran the college newspaper, editor for the lit mag and yearbook, 5 internships/jobs during the 4 years, and always always always working and doing homework. I think I partied twice while in college! I was lucky enough to get a position 3 months after graduation but I HATE it. I'm completely underemployed and although I was told I'd have the opportunity to move up, have been denied despite asking on several occasions. Managers mark me as an essential part of the team and a wonderful employee for every performance review, though. I am SO bored. I've started coming in "late" (although not technically late -- still the first one here and I work 9-10 hours a day) and working from home (something we're allowed on occasion).

    I've started to have a physical reaction to work. I frequently cry myself to sleep, am a ball of anxiety anytime I'm home because I know I have to go back, and often hide in the office bathroom crying. I have mini panic attacks while at work (sweating, shaking, skin crawling, etc.) and am generally miserable all the time. Like I said, I'm BORED. It's not a hard job but it's so mindless (basically a secretary position) and I can't take it anymore! I'm an ambitious young woman. I know so many who would be happy and grateful to have my job so I'm not trying to sound like the "entitled youth" of today, but I've busted my butt and have gotten nowhere!! It doesn't even pay well and I'm struggling beneath my student loans.

    Since I graduated, I have applied to 700 (yes, SEVEN HUNDRED) positions. I had three interviews -- one for the job I have now and two for the railroad, which was sexist the first time and hired the VPs daughter the second time. I've applied to everything, from Wendy's to management positions. You either need 5 years of experience or can do an unpaid internship while still in college. Insane! I've called places back, sent thank you letters from interviews, changed my cover letters to suit the job I'm applying for and nothing has worked out. The career services folks at my college called me the perfect candidate and said I was doing everything right, even sending out my cover letters to the entire senior class to show how it should be done.

    Is this how all people are? Miserable and having panic attacks all the time and not caring about anything else because they are so focused on getting out of their job and into a new one? Everyone tells me this is just how it is. I don't mean to sound like a spoiled brat but I literally feel like I'm going to die in five years because of this position!! Please tell me this isn't how the rest of my life will be!

    1. It's your first job out of school not the one you'll have for the rest of your life. Learn all there is to learn.

    2. Keep looking for a new job that is more suitable to your skills.

    3. You're giving in to your mind and its conjectures. Stay strong, mentally. Shift your focus from this place being the death of you to this place being a stepping stone to where you want to be.

    4. I don't like complaining and whining. I know we're all different. Do what you have to do and when you can't do it anymore, you move in a different direction or you change your thoughts.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Nope. I love mine.

    Although the one I had for 7 years gave me anxiety attacks- every single day.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,791 Member
    Well, look at the bright side. You can retire in about 40 years.
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    Everyone should work a job that they love and everyone should feel passionate about what they do, but, honestly, at this stage of your career you've still got to pay your dues and shovel all the crap that those that have busted their butts had to once do.

    A year can seem like an eternity, but, you'll have to put in a last a few good years before you see the dividends of your work

    Hopefully you'll have smart managers that will recognize your abilities and provide you with some exciting and engaging projects at some point, but, underneath all the glitz of awesome projects is the menial, crap work needed to get to that point.

    If you want to make this bearable, just accept the fact that as a junior in the workforce, you're at the bottom of the ladder and it's just going to take a while to start the climb. You'll be better off.
  • josyjozy
    josyjozy Posts: 117 Member
    I skipped a lot of pages, but I had a similiar situation although not nearly as bad a reaction. I worked for my favorite doctor in an office full of people I loved but the job was so tedius and boring. I literally would fall asleep standing up some days. Some days I'd get up 10 minutes before I had to be there and my job didn't suffer at all. There was no room for advancement for at least several years, so I tried my best to give myself extra responsibility. Something that I'm sure is easier in some jobs than others. That did help for several months, until that got too easy too. Luckily I got to transfer to another office in a higher position and now I love my job so much. I love coming to work, I don't mind staying late. It will happen for you, you just have to find a way to make it through the right now and look ahead. Have you tried applying to jobs where your boyfriend lives?
  • mllst18
    mllst18 Posts: 188 Member
    I am in the exact same situation---

    Working a bs dead end job, while I was on the Dean's list in college. Now, I'm waiting for my husband to get his marching orders for relocation before I apply to anything serious.

  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    re bored; Awwww. And you're getting paid to be bored too!!

    re you asked several times for a promotion and you haven't been there but a year or so; Poor poor baby.

    re I was lucky enough to get a position 3 months after graduation... Darn right you are lucky!! I know kids coming out of college who need to pay off loans and can't find work!

    re I know so many who would be happy and grateful to have my job so I'm not trying to sound like the "entitled youth" of today... Yes, that's exactly what you sound like. You nailed it.

    re Miserable and having panic attacks all the time.. Nope. This is not normal. See your MD and/or a good psychiatrist. I really think that you need professional help.

    Re being bored: Awww, my life ambition isn't to get paid being bored!! I have more aspirations than that, but thanks for announcing your laziness!

    Re promotions: I have NEVER asked for a promotion. I got a raise 6 months in! I'm not crazy.

    Re entitlement: Oh, whoops! Sorry, I didn't know it was entitlement to want to be happy in life! WHOOPS! My bad.

    You ask for input and then gripe about the input that you get? My gosh, do you complain this much at work??? I hope not. Because I woudn't be suprised if they were contemplating firing you.

    Lots of people are bored at their jobs. But you know what? They put food on the table for their families and that's honorable. Whining about being bored is less than honorable. In fact, it's pathetic. Especially in an economy that people who really WANT to work can't find a job. I think that it's time to put on your big girl panties and move along wisely.

    And yes you sound like an entitled brat. No one is "entitled" to the job of their dreams and a job of their dreams right out of college. You have to WORK to get to the job of your dreams. And you haven't been working all that long. And many people don't ever get there because it involves some level of fortune as well. But all those poor people who are scratching and clawing to get by in life aren't posting on a forum in a fitness site crying about how horrible their job is, are they?

    Read what these other people are saying if you find my response so offensive. They are saying the exact same thing. Get over yourself.

    You're great! :laugh:

    1. I'm nowhere near getting fired. I got a raise 6 months in and they've begged me to stay. Thanks for trying to get in my head, though!
    2. Do you really consider what you said constructive input? How is that doing to help me?
    3. I never said I wanted my dream job right now. Can you please point me to where that was said? I said I hate my job because I would prefer to do more than fill out the same 3 forms every day. I'm telling you I want MORE work. And you're trying to tell me I have to work my way up. NO *kitten*, SHERLOCK. Learn to read!
    4. I don't feel entitled at all. I applied at Wendy's! If that's entitlement...actually, you should probably just go read a dictionary.
  • kellyo15
    ...also, now that I've read through all the pages of replies...

    You have an answer, denial or excuse for everything that the 9 pages of advice have suggested for you here. If you've applied to over 700 jobs, and not even gotten a handful of interviews, you are not as fantastic as you think. Take a hard, critical look at how you come across to others.

    Also, nobody but you said English was a bull**** major, but it's very common knowledge that you won't get hired with an English degree, at least where I'm from. You either have to continue to a master's and PhD or do something unrelated. You implied that you know that many people making ridiculous money with english degrees, and if it's that common then the problem has to be you. I've never known a single person to stop at that level of education in that field and walk into an amazing job. Sorry if this sounds harsh but I've just read through all 9 pages and I don't think you're seeing what everybody else is.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Look at the others at your work, have they been there longer than you? In the same position? Things take much more time in the real world since there aren't the same deadlines for coursework and outcomes and semesters.

    Everyone here has been here about a year. There isn't anyone else in the same position as me.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    You have a really bad attitude and I'm sure that comes through at interviews. People here gave you tons of great advice, I offered you my professional expertise among others. So at this point, I'm just hearing wah wah wah....Poor me....Get over yourself. So many people are so much worse off than you. Some people can't afford to even feed themselves right now. Get some perspective, put on your big girl pants, build a bridge and get the hell over it already. Enough with the coddling.

    Hey sweetie, I've been personally thanking the helpful people in private messages. Also, how do you know I can't afford to feed myself right now? Get some perspective yourself. I've been taking plenty of advice from here.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    re bored; Awwww. And you're getting paid to be bored too!!

    re you asked several times for a promotion and you haven't been there but a year or so; Poor poor baby.

    re I was lucky enough to get a position 3 months after graduation... Darn right you are lucky!! I know kids coming out of college who need to pay off loans and can't find work!

    re I know so many who would be happy and grateful to have my job so I'm not trying to sound like the "entitled youth" of today... Yes, that's exactly what you sound like. You nailed it.

    re Miserable and having panic attacks all the time.. Nope. This is not normal. See your MD and/or a good psychiatrist. I really think that you need professional help.

    Re being bored: Awww, my life ambition isn't to get paid being bored!! I have more aspirations than that, but thanks for announcing your laziness!

    Re promotions: I have NEVER asked for a promotion. I got a raise 6 months in! I'm not crazy.

    Re entitlement: Oh, whoops! Sorry, I didn't know it was entitlement to want to be happy in life! WHOOPS! My bad.

    You ask for input and then gripe about the input that you get? My gosh, do you complain this much at work??? I hope not. Because I woudn't be suprised if they were contemplating firing you.

    Lots of people are bored at their jobs. But you know what? They put food on the table for their families and that's honorable. Whining about being bored is less than honorable. In fact, it's pathetic. Especially in an economy that people who really WANT to work can't find a job. I think that it's time to put on your big girl panties and move along wisely.

    And yes you sound like an entitled brat. No one is "entitled" to the job of their dreams and a job of their dreams right out of college. You have to WORK to get to the job of your dreams. And you haven't been working all that long. And many people don't ever get there because it involves some level of fortune as well. But all those poor people who are scratching and clawing to get by in life aren't posting on a forum in a fitness site crying about how horrible their job is, are they?

    Read what these other people are saying if you find my response so offensive. They are saying the exact same thing. Get over yourself.

    You're great! :laugh:

    1. I'm nowhere near getting fired. I got a raise 6 months in and they've begged me to stay. Thanks for trying to get in my head, though!
    2. Do you really consider what you said constructive input? How is that doing to help me?
    3. I never said I wanted my dream job right now. Can you please point me to where that was said? I said I hate my job because I would prefer to do more than fill out the same 3 forms every day. I'm telling you I want MORE work. And you're trying to tell me I have to work my way up. NO *kitten*, SHERLOCK. Learn to read!
    4. I don't feel entitled at all. I applied at Wendy's! If that's entitlement...actually, you should probably just go read a dictionary.

    Yes, this is my constructive input. Were you hoping that I would sugar coat it for you, cupcake?
    Begging you to stay, you say? I bet. LOL
    Here's more constructive input: Use Google. Look up how to be content and grateful in life.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    You're young. This is your first job after school. I have to wonder what on earth you were expecting? Reality check. Life isn't easy. It's not going to fall in your lap, and it sure as heck won't get better is you go around as a ball of negativity. We've become a society where we expect immediate gratification and it sets us up for frustration.

    Have you thought to ask for more responsibility or things to do if you're so bored? It also shows initiative and responsibility to your employer and boosts your resume.
    Keep looking for something else, but get used to rejection, it's going to happen, a lot.
    See if you can't find other things to boost your resume. Is there volunteer work that you can do that would supplement your work experience.
    Work on your perspective. Think positive about work instead of negatively and you'll probably cut a lot of your anxiety. This negativity could also be coming across in other areas of your life, and reading in to your applications to other jobs.

    I was expecting more than filling out the same 3 forms throughout a day. Maybe I expected too much? Wendy's was a better option than this but they wouldn't take me.

    Also, I've asked for more responsibility but they say they have nothing. They say I'm already doing way too much.

    And I do volunteer on the weekends in addition to working on a business.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    ...also, now that I've read through all the pages of replies...

    You have an answer, denial or excuse for everything that the 9 pages of advice have suggested for you here. If you've applied to over 700 jobs, and not even gotten a handful of interviews, you are not as fantastic as you think. Take a hard, critical look at how you come across to others.

    Also, nobody but you said English was a bull**** major, but it's very common knowledge that you won't get hired with an English degree, at least where I'm from. You either have to continue to a master's and PhD or do something unrelated. You implied that you know that many people making ridiculous money with english degrees, and if it's that common then the problem has to be you. I've never known a single person to stop at that level of education in that field and walk into an amazing job. Sorry if this sounds harsh but I've just read through all 9 pages and I don't think you're seeing what everybody else is.

    Where are my excuses at? I've been messaging the helpful people and getting even more help from them. You know what assuming does. Sorry for fighting back at the people who wrongly assume things about me!
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Honey I was laid off and took a job paying 11,000 less a year. Im no spring chicken at almost 50 years old. I say suck it up. You have your whole life ahead of you and you are way too young to be this miserable. Living with your parents gives you a safety net. Quit this job if you hate it so much and get something else. Fast food if you have to. What I take from your story is that you may think you are a bit too good for certain jobs. With age comes wisdom. If you were older you would truly understand the blessings that you have.

    Good luck on your search for the perfect job. I really hope you find it.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Yes, this is my constructive input. Were you hoping that I would sugar coat it for you, cupcake?
    Begging you to stay, you say? I bet. LOL
    Here's more constructive input: Use Google. Look up how to be content and grateful in life.

    Thanks for the entertainment this morning!

    Please look up the definition of constructive.
    Yes, they actually BEGGED me to stay! I guess that's unbelievable if you're a poor employee but it's happened on several occasions. I've been pulled aside during meetings and they plead with me to never leave. Look at that, I must be getting fired soon according to you!
    I never said I wasn't grateful. In my first post, I pointed out that I was grateful. Can you not read or what...?
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Honey I was laid off and took a job paying 11,000 less a year. Im no spring chicken at almost 50 years old. I say suck it up. You have your whole life ahead of you and you are way too young to be this miserable. Living with your parents gives you a safety net. Quit this job if you hate it so much and get something else. Fast food if you have to. What I take from your story is that you may think you are a bit too good for certain jobs. With age comes wisdom. If you were older you would truly understand the blessings that you have.

    Good luck on your search for the perfect job. I really hope you find it.

    Why do I come across as thinking I'm too good if I worked at McDonald's and applied to Wendy's? I don't mind being the low man on the totem pole at all. I actually think that's good so I can learn. But I'm literally doing a job a robot can do right now.
  • apponly
    apponly Posts: 11 Member
    Sometimes things change in a work environment, even if it takes a year or more.

    You're going through personal professional growth, it happens to almost everyone. My mate had a job at a shoe store for a year after he obtained his Masters, and a lot of student loan debt, but he did the best he could to survive while he searched for a job in his desired field. His first job in that field he paid his dues and learned everything he could for another year until he could find a better paying position in another city. He's been there for, hm 14+ years, now.

    Personally I started in meaningless jobs to pay the bills and finally found a well-suited career path. It took me several years to develop my skills, knowledge and reputation where I could advance in pay and job titles. I had to prove my value and that takes time. Some jobs I hated where I worked for violent and mentally unstable people, in generally hostile environments, in total clusters and so forth, but eventually as you prove your worth in the face of these common obstacles, the "right" people start to take notice your applications and resumes. I now work at a job I love, and while I don't always "love" my coworkers I do love my work and my company.

    Look at it as time to build your work reputation while you earn money to survive and pay your bills. Learn to cope and function brilliantly, sparkle under these situations, because experience will show you that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

    Take this time to prove to everyone that you are worth the investment it will take to promote and train you to advance or to make you their employee if you are seeking another job.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    To the helpful people (like the above poster), thank you!!!!:flowerforyou:

    To the jerks, I wish you could see how many people are messaging me and saying they're in the same position. Have a drink and shut up.:drinker:
  • nilesbollinger
    nilesbollinger Posts: 86 Member
    Ever thought about getting into real estate? It is an amazing and very rewarding job and you can be your own boss. I work for Keller Williams who I think is the best brokerage in the country to work for. If you'd like to chat about it, add me as a friend and send me a message.

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