Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I made low carb stuffed peppers (used cauliflower instead of rice) and low carb brownies...............

    Tried posting the pics, but it won't let me for some reason.

    I will post my supper pics in my profile.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Lioness can I get the brownie recipe? I'm allergic to peppers unfortunately but I just make the meatballs from the stuffing and cook them in sauce. I like the idea of using cauliflower for the rice.:smile: Might try doing zucchini boats that way. YUM!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    This is a posting by Barbiecat , she post on a numbers of thread. And is a very good friend Thought I would copy and paste it here She lost a total of almost 80 lbs this year alone. My hat is off to her.

    VWhat is clean eating?
    The 80 Percent Principle

    In a nutshell, eating clean is the practice of eating whole, natural foods. These include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. It also means staying away from the junk that typically makes up the Standard American Diet (SAD). These types of food include man-made sugar, bad fats (hydrogenated and trans-fat), preservatives, white bread, artificial sweeteners, and any other ingredients that are unnecessary. An easy way to remember whether a food is clean is: If man made it, don’t eat it. (Try buying as many foods as possible that contain only one ingredient.)

    According to physique experts (fitness models and body builders), the body is a product of 10 percent genetics, 10 percent exercise, and 80 percent nutrition. That means that in order to improve the way we look and feel, the most important thing that we can do is focus on nutrition!

    Anyone who wants to eat cleaner can develop some or all of the following habits:

    * Eating 5 to 6 small meals per day
    * Eating every 2 to 3 hours
    * Combining lean proteins with complex carbohydrates at every meal
    * Never skipping a meal, especially breakfast
    * Eating whole foods
    * Eating healthy fats
    * Drinking lots of water
    * Eliminating refined sugar and processed foods
    * Eliminating alcoholic beverages (another kind of sugar)
    * Carrying a supply of healthy foods when away from home
    * Making healthy choices when dining out
    * Sticking to reasonable portion sizes at all times
    * And exercising for both fat loss (cardio) and muscle gain (strength training).

    (Adapted from http://www.eatingcleanworks.com and the Eat-Clean Diet books by Tosca Reno)
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Lioness can I get the brownie recipe? I'm allergic to peppers unfortunately but I just make the meatballs from the stuffing and cook them in sauce. I like the idea of using cauliflower for the rice.:smile: Might try doing zucchini boats that way. YUM!

    Amy -

    Here is the link to the brownie recipe..................


    As for the stuffing part of the stuffed peppers............. Onion, garlic, grass fed ground beef, sea salt, black pepper to taste, home made tomato sauce and I used cauliflower instead of the rice, about a half of a head or a bit more and grated it with the cheese grater and I added a bit of sharp cheddar cheese in it too.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    This is in tribute to Barbiecat on her marvelous lost this year. I found this post this morning from Barbie and copy and will paste it here. Barbie, love you and Jake.
    It works.

    What is clean eating?
    The 80 Percent Principle

    In a nutshell, eating clean is the practice of eating whole, natural foods. These include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. It also means staying away from the junk that typically makes up the Standard American Diet (SAD). These types of food include man-made sugar, bad fats (hydrogenated and trans-fat), preservatives, white bread, artificial sweeteners, and any other ingredients that are unnecessary. An easy way to remember whether a food is clean is: If man made it, don’t eat it. (Try buying as many foods as possible that contain only one ingredient.)

    According to physique experts (fitness models and body builders), the body is a product of 10 percent genetics, 10 percent exercise, and 80 percent nutrition. That means that in order to improve the way we look and feel, the most important thing that we can do is focus on nutrition!

    Anyone who wants to eat cleaner can develop some or all of the following habits:

    * Eating 5 to 6 small meals per day
    * Eating every 2 to 3 hours
    * Combining lean proteins with complex carbohydrates at every meal
    * Never skipping a meal, especially breakfast
    * Eating whole foods
    * Eating healthy fats
    * Drinking lots of water
    * Eliminating refined sugar and processed foods
    * Eliminating alcoholic beverages (another kind of sugar)
    * Carrying a supply of healthy foods when away from home
    * Making healthy choices when dining out
    * Sticking to reasonable portion sizes at all times
    * And exercising for both fat loss (cardio) and muscle gain (strength training).

    (Adapted from http://www.eatingcleanworks.com and the Eat-Clean Diet books by Tosca Reno)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just checking to see if this works.It didn't

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Amy, I haven't tried mashed cauliflower. Will have to buy some when it is on sale. I cooked the greens again last night and add vinegar and poured off the water and they weren't as bitter. Maybe my taste buds are getting acclimated.

    How do you make tomato sauce from scratch?

    Marie, I try to eat clean most of the time but sometimes .....

    Hope every one has a good day.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Amy, I haven't tried mashed cauliflower. Will have to buy some when it is on sale. I cooked the greens again last night and add vinegar and poured off the water and they weren't as bitter. Maybe my taste buds are getting acclimated.

    How do you make tomato sauce from scratch?

    Marie, I try to eat clean most of the time but sometimes .....

    Hope every one has a good day.

    Here is the website I used to make the home made tomato sauce. I grew up in a family that was always canning veggies and making our own tomato juice, tomato sauce (this can be made into spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce with a few seasonings.....), jellies, jams, preserves, canned or frozen corn, green beans, okra, etc.....................

    We have ran out of Jelly already this year, so I am waiting on berry season to roll around as my husband won't eat store bought jellies any more since I started making our own from scratch......................

    Same with the tomato sauce. My aunt has a BIG garden so I got plenty of tomatoes last summer.............
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Here is my lunch several weeks ago ot with my Alice, My daughter
    Whats is wron with this. ??? too many carbs at once. Carrots and blackeyes peas. Good thing I did not have any of their delicious rolls or cormbread. the green beans and brocolli is fine tho.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Marie -

    I don't see anything wrong with that meal. It is not a HIGH carb meal, but a moderate carb meal. As long as your blood sugar didn't spike, there was nothing wrong with what you ate.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes Lioness The carrots and blackeyes peas are both carb and I only get 11-20 per meal.And that is 30. So over by 10 g of carbs. But this was before I started Met B plan. The other veggies don't count on carbs. Just the starchie ones.
    I am going to make it one day. I sure like the forum that they have. I have met some real nice girls and guys.
    Have a nice weekend.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Yes Lioness The carrots and blackeyes peas are both carb and I only get 11-20 per meal.And that is 30. So over by 10 g of carbs. But this was before I started Met B plan. The other veggies don't count on carbs. Just the starchie ones.
    I am going to make it one day. I sure like the forum that they have. I have met some real nice girls and guys.
    Have a nice weekend.

    Well, I think you have found something that is working for YOU. That is all that matters. Just like the Primal plan is what seems to be working best for Amy and myself................

    There are so many varied forms of controlling carbs, it is about finding a plan that works for the individual.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Ivy I use frozen cauliflower to make the mashed cauliflower. A little over a dollar a bag at Wal-mart.

    Lioness thanks for the link!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Marie, your meal was nice and healthy. I'm following the insulin resistance diet which limits carbs to 30g every two hours. Sometimes I have 4g for breakfast and 46 for lunch but I usually exercise after lunch and dinner.

    Today I was out with a friend and only consumed around 600 calories for the day. For some reason I feel better when I fast. I get hungry but I feel fine. When I eat I get dizzy. So there is that temptation to just not eat at all but I know that is not a good thing. Plus I like food.

    Have a great night.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Hello fine ladies! Life is trucking along at a rather fast pace for me these days and I just haven't been on the computer much. I caught up on the posts. Everyone's idea's for food substitutions are so delicious sounding! I will be trying them! And congrats to everyone for the weight loss! You all rock!

    I had such a awsome day yesterday. We had a Woman's Day of Dance fair yesterday in Greeley. Myself and 10 other ladies went and met for coffee and then went over to the fair. They had free exercise and dance classes that you could try. I tried Nia, which is a low impact dance and it was so much fun, it was somewhat like dancing to african music meets native american music...very cool. Then I took a salsa class. That is much easier than I thought and we even paired off and did a couples salsa dance...that was a blast! Then I did a Jezzercise class...that one just about killed me! lol Very good workout but very high impact and very high energy. Then I did a yoga class....love my yoga! Then I did a Zumba class. With all of them combined I worked out for approximately 1 1/2 hours! I felt it too let me tell you. Then last night I went midnight bowling with some friends....bending over to throw the ball was a serious challenge! lol I'm such a dork. But it was a great day and I enjoyed every bit of it!

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I am going to put some laundry away, take a nap, make some dinner and go to choir practice. Sounds like a nice quiet afternoon! Which is good because I think I need it after yesterday!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Diana, you really danced it up. It sounds like fun. Wish we had something like that here.

    Hope everyone had a happy sunday.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    That dance day sounds like fun. Here they only have festivals with tons of very bad foods nothing as healthy as a dance intruction festival.

    Ivy have you talked to your doctor about the dizziness?

    Please keep my sister Mary in your thoughts and prayers her mammogram showed a mass and she is going to see a surgeon tomorrow. The doc who read the mammogram said it looked like cancer to him but that the surgeon would be able to biopsy to know for sure.
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Hey guys:love:

    just popping in to say a quick hiya!!! miss y'all!! :flowerforyou:

    i do hope everyone is doing well along the journey (woot! low carbers!!) !!! :drinker: Amy, i will keep you, your sister and her doctors in prayer.
    sorry, i havent had a chance to click into chat in a long while (again) but i'm still here tredging along!! fighting the good fight right alongside ya'll!! :wink: dont give up on you!! (even when those sweeet treats are calling you by your full name:tongue: )

    dropping off a positive note for this week and to start the month off right!!!

    “Getting Past Mental Roadblocks

    If you don't feel motivated to achieve your goals, it is likely due to mental roadblocks that hold you hostage.
    Read the following 21 Mindset Tips and prepare your mind for success:
    1. Success comes first in the mind, so visualize yourself accomplishing your goals.
    2. Remember, you are the only person who can hold you back.
    3. Forgive yourself and love yourself despite past failures.
    4. Decide what is important in your life, and focus on that.
    5. Conquer each negative thought the moment it enters your mind, when it is weakest.
    6. Give up the idea that things won't go right unless you worry about them.
    7. If you bring the body of your dreams to the point of resolve, then you'll soon be living in it.
    8. Look towards your future, if you believe the best is yet to come then it will be.
    9. You become what you think about most.
    10. The margin between success and failure is very small and easily bridged by determination.
    11. Start your day by accomplishing your hardest task first.
    12. Set small attainable goals, rather than one monumental goal.
    13. Convince yourself that exercise is fun, and it will be.
    14. Know your big reason why.
    15. Create a motivating play list of songs to use as the sound track to your workout sessions.
    16. Every decision you make leads you either closer toward achieving your goal, or farther from it.
    17. If you think you're a fat person, then you'll stay fat. If you think you're fit, then you soon will be.
    18. Once you've set your goal, your attitude either pushes you toward accomplishment or failure.
    19. If you don't know exactly where you want to go, you will likely end up someplace else.
    20. You can have the body of your dreams, but first you must give up the belief that you can't.
    21. You can only have two things in life: excuses or results. “

    TTYS!! have a great week:flowerforyou:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Amy I will keep your sister in my prayers.

    Amy I have several issues that cause dizziness and it's hard to pinpoint which one it is. I go to my endocrinologist at the end of the month and may ask her for a glucose meter to find see if it is my blood sugar.

    ClassiC glad to see you back & that you are still fighting. Thanks for the positive words.

    My body couldn't give me the 0.6 pounds I neded to no be longer morbidly obese (BMI under 40) it is exactly 40 now! Hopefully I can officially say that by the end of the week I am just obese.

    Hi Marie, Diana, Lioness and everyone I missed.

    Have a great afternoon
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Amy -

    I am so sorry to hear this. Your sister is in my thoughts and prayers.