Whats wrong with Subway?



  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    because it's low-grade sub-par food that tastes terrible
    ...and in your opinion, what is "high-grade superior-par food that tastes great"?

    Well if we're talking sandwiches, then something from an authentic Italian or Jewish deli.

    Sounds yummy, wish I had one around the corner ;)

    meeee toooo!
  • EHeadings
    EHeadings Posts: 50 Member
    People hate on different food for different reasons. I like subway and think it's a better choice for me than other fast food, so I go there. I don't eat it everyday, but once in awhile is fine. Everything is fine in moderation, right? It's not like your chowing down on doughnuts or something!! :)
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I don't like Subway because I think it tastes gross. Personally, I like my lunch meat sliced very thin. Also, I try to avoid heavily process foods, which their meats definitely are. Likewise, their food has an incredible amount of sodium. Furthermore, I try to support local, small businesses whenever possible. You wanna eat at Subway? Go for it. I will continue to choose much more delicious sandwiches...including the ones I make at home
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I do not eat out often, but when I do Subway is one of my favorite choices. I eat a plant based diet, so I do not have the meat, which does have a decent amount of sodium. However, as far as fast food choices, I still think it is one of the better ones. Is the sodium a little too high? Yes. However, if you are not eating a lot of other processed, high sodium stuff that day, it's not bad. And Subway is just like every other place, you can make a meal that is incredibly unhealthy, or you can put the right combnation of stuff together and make one that is pretty good for you!
  • jessicataylor2
    The time when my weight loss was the best was when I was home for the summer working at one of my dad's Subways. I would eat a sub for lunch(either chicken, turkey, ham, or turkey and ham) on 9 grain wheat with some of the inside of the bread scooped out, no cheese, lots of veggies, pepper, and either a little oil for some fats or a little mustard. And then for dinner I'd make a steak, chicken, or turkey ham salad with a little oil as the dressing. Sometimes when I'd want the egg I'd make an egg white sandwich for lunch or make what I'd call an omelet with the egg white patty, sliced ham on top, with some veggies and a little cheese and I'd heat it up.

    I ended up losing like 5 lbs. And keep in mind that I didn't have all that much weight to lose so it was difficult to get the scale to go down. I wish I had access to a Subway for free now and I'd be doing the same thing since my weight randomly went up 5 lbs last week. I love Subway :)
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    I like the way you can go to their website nutritional page and " build" your own sandwich or salad. You can control nutrients (no pickles--too high in sodium, No cheese--too many added calories) print it and send it with hubbie to get exactly what I want so he doesn't screw up. Sure, homemade from scratch is always better but sometimes "fast" is just needed.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member

    That is all.
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member

    There's your Subway.

    Do I still eat there? Yes, but I probably shouldn't if I'm trying to really be healthy. Usually I end up there when I get the feeling I've not had enough vegetables in my life. :-)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I think it is more of an "I can make a better sandwhich myself" or "I can go to a real deli with better ingredients" type of thing.

    The fact that subway pushed the "we're healthy look at us" thing is a little ridiculous. It's all about calories in/calories out. Some of their subs are just as bad as a big mac.

    Their sanitary issues are kind of bad usually. They keep things uncovered (which can make it harder for food to stay to temp >40 degrees). They use the knife to put the laid out sandwhich together (which usually has been all over someone else's food). They touch trash and pick things up when wearing gloves and then try to make your sandwhich as if somehow they aren't dirty anymore.

    Their ingrediants aren't all that fresh/awesome as most of it is prepackaged like any other fast food restaurant.

    The bread is generic and usually pretty crappy and it comes frozen and then just bake it.

    Their meats and cheeses are not that high of a quality and are usually packed with sodium.

    They charge the CRAP out of you for a sanwhich that you could make at home for 1/2 the price if said person wasn't too lazy.

    Hmm... what else..... >_> I guess that's all i can think of. I will eat a 6 inch veggie sub when im pressed for time/cant make a sandwhich/go to a real deli, but it always leaves something to be desired.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I wouldn't say it's necessarily BAD for you, if you are consistently eating it the way you described...I just think it tastes terrible. All the bread has that same cheapy-processed smell and taste, and the meat is always overly-salted and rubbery. Not to mention if you're eating there often, the cost will swamp you.

    Try making the exact same sandwich at home with REAL fresh ingredients. Not only will you get about 4 homemade sandwiches for the price of one Subway, it will taste so much better, and keep you full longer.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i still go for their salads. it's a better choice than other fast food and sometimes there isnt much of a choice when you have 15 minutes to grab something.

    the worse thing about it is the sodium in the lunch meat, but if you dont have any issues with sodium then who cares. i do so i usually just go for the chicken breast salad.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    this is funny.... you don't like subway ...then ..duh..don't eat it.

    for some of us, it's the lesser of evils so we can go out to eat with co workers and still maintain rather than eat popeyes or something else. a 6 inch sub doesn't destroy my day..

    to each his/her own.
    Agreed! I love subway. I just think its funny that people here talk about Subway like you are:
    a) going to become obese while eating it.
    b) going to die from a heart attack tomorrow if you keep eating it.
    c) going to lose all muscle mass and need to eat like a bodybuilder.
    d) going to have a serious insulin spike if you eat it
    e) make it sound like the produce in subway has been sitting there for months and you might catch some type of bacterial infection/virus from eating there.
    f) tastes like crap (OK, so that's your own opinion)
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    I traveled throughout the deep South (in the US) for years and unless I wanted fried chicken it was my only option sometimes for lunch. Was it the best tasting sandwhich I ever had? No, but it's cheap and there is a lot of variety. Also very easy to estimate calories via their website.

    People use their personal experiences to hate on things they don't like. It's a rather nasty twist in human nature.
  • mreuvers
    mreuvers Posts: 14 Member
    Let's just say there could be worse things you could eat so if Subway does it for you then go for it.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    The federal guidelines for macro ratios is based on the AVERAGE American (Notice the AVERAGE American has a high cal diet with NO exercise). The high cals mean they achieve their protein needs with a lower macro percentage while also requiring less protein than a person that does exercise.

    Secondly, if you READ the guidelines available here: http://www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2010/DietaryGuidelines2010.pdf you will notice that macro percentages are suggested RANGES, not flat percentages.

    Yes. I read the ENTIRE thing. Even saved to my hard drive.

    Now, back to Subway...

    The majority of sodium in subway is contained in the bread and the meat. Breads are made using salt, so no bargain there, and unless Subway has a farm in the back room with animals ready for slaughter, sodium needs to be used to preserve meats for transport and storage.

    It is VERY easy to eat healthy at Subway, I do rather often. Tracking everything too. The "High sodium" some of you complain about is pretty much on par with anywhere. The main difference between here and smaller places is that smaller places simply don't tell you how much of what is in the food.

    At times, I think more than half the people here, including people on this very thread, simply do not do ANY research at all before spewing out their "facts".
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    posting so I can watch the replies. I eat Subway once or twice a week. yes I Should bring my own lunch, but I don't. Until then, its better than most other options of McD, Burger King, etc. I'm not in an area with other 'fresh' deli's around.

    Plus ANY restaurant can have 'food contamination issues' sorry I've watched mine change their gloves if they go from sandwich making to register or anything else.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    The federal guidelines for macro ratios is based on the AVERAGE American (Notice the AVERAGE American has a high cal diet with NO exercise). The high cals mean they achieve their protein needs with a lower macro percentage while also requiring less protein than a person that does exercise.

    Higher carb (immediate energy source) requirement higher for people who sit on their *kitten* all day...got it. Makes perfect sense when you think about it that way. O_o
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Processed meats full of sodium and MSG - gives me a migraine
    Bread - Can't eat it now, but even when I did Subway is just too much bread to meat & veggie ratio to me

    For the same calories, I'd much rather have a huge salad with protein and full fat full flavor dressing
    And for me, 15% protein is way too low. My ratios are more 30% carb, 40% protein, 30% fat

    I don't think it has MSG in it or else my hubby would be getting headaches. MSG gives him headaches and stomach issues.

    Okay, I double checked their website faqs and found this:
    The SUBWAY® brand does not add MSG to any of the standard menu items. However, other ingredients such as hydrolyzed or textured vegetable proteins and/or autolyzed yeast are used in our products. These ingredients contain glutamates that may cause similar sensitivities that MSG causes.

    It was my understanding that TVP and Autolyzed Yeast contain MSG and both definitely affect me the same.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    The problem with subway is that the majority of the calories in their sandwiches come from nutrtionally poor non-complex carbs. Their "wheat" bread is basically white bread (sorry!). Diets that are high in "high GI" carbs typically cause weight gain, not weight loss.

    If you have a lot of weight to lose, then it's easier to lose weight w/o worrying about macros. But the less fat you have, then more muscle gets burned off with the fat. Therefore it becomes much more important to get plenty of protein in your diet. Unfortunately subway sandwiches have a fairly high carb to protein ratio.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Processed crap, just like any other fast food joint. They just put a little more veggies on it.