

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hello it's me again. Well had a good morning but at 12:00 going for what I think might be an interesting talk. The in and out of bowels. Might actually learn something.

    Mazaron I always wrap gift on Christams Eve especialy when the boys where little and got all kinds of interesting toys. It became a night where these friends with no Children used to come and play with the toys then we'd sit around and wrap them. Kind of fun
    But now that there men we still get together but gifts cards are no fun to wrap LOL.

    Laura Wow 30 days of exercise in a row. You sure have your ducks all together. I'm lucky when I can do 3 a week. I need to get that together also. A .2 loss after a holiday is great. Never give up you said it right there Laura.

    Now when I get over these two talks I will let you know what I got from them both.

    Now to go take care of my sons big dogs. Two black lab's they are lovable. Not barky like my little ones.

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    The closer to the end of the year the faster that clock flies - Wednesday already. I am blessed to have another full day of work. Taking a short break to enjoy an apple and read some of the posts here.

    Laura, you are such the cheerleader - always leaving such encouraging words; blessed to call you friend.

    Nancy, hope you can enjoy the circuit training tonight; take good care of that back.

    Gordlon Lightfoot - gosh, that brings back the memories - if you could read my mind :happy:

    Katla, gotta :heart: him! a compliment well-meant; sweet.

    Back to work I go but tonight I am off to play POKENO! yay! girl time :bigsmile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!!
    Had a good time with Violet yesterday.
    Today,I`m doing my ladies knitting/crotcheting group.Not sure what we are working on today,but it`s all for a good cause.
    Gonna try working out today,1st time since I was sick,so won`t be over doing it.
    Love the posts!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Lurking post to mark my spot.:wink:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies,:flowerforyou:

    Going to the gym in a little bit. Got to bed at 0100 and up at 0730. DD#2,is premenstrual and having issues at 0100.
    :sad: :sad: Wants to be home schooled etc. Got her off to school this morning and she has already texted me about not feeling well.:cry:

    I was not prepared to go when I dropped her off this am and the 0930 hour is really busy and noisy at the gym. I am going to go and see how the late morning is.:bigsmile:

    Kate- could use some good elk/venison recipes. Ones that are kid friendly. We have been lucky and DH has gotten an elk for the last 2 years. Need some new recipes to switch it up! :laugh:

    Waiting for PT to get approved might be tomorrow or Friday I don't see the doctor again until Dec 2 or 3, so I am just waiting. :ohwell:
    Did get my ergo evaluation scheduled ,so this is a start in the right direction.:drinker: :drinker: My home office .desk needs to be ergonomically correct. I can't wait so I can get back to work!!:tongue:

    Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday! :drinker: :drinker:

    :drinker: :drinker: To the new ladies- never ever give up!!:drinker: :drinker:

    I just started MFP at the end of June and I have lost almost 40 lbs. I am 55, hypothyroid and have a hard time exercising(need knee replacement.) If I can do this with the support of the lovely women on this blog, then you can do it too!! :bigsmile: Just take one step,one day at a time to work and take care of yourself ! :flowerforyou: It is a life journey, not just a "quick fix", there will be ups and downs or hiccups in the road, but as long as you stay on the road, you will be headed in the right direction.:wink:
    Come here every day, read, log, drink and exercise. Chat when you can, especially when you are having difficulty etc.:noway: :noway:
    You can be successful if you want to be! :drinker:
    Ladies time to go to the gym!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Once again I am thankful for all of you who have made my journey to losing weight/self care successful. :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: For all of you I am grateful today!:heart::heart:

    Linda-Sundanceb:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    The picture on my ticker is our yellow lab- named" Sundance" hence my blog name!:bigsmile:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Sundance I don't know much about elk but if it cooks up like moose. I just put it in slow cooker with a can of spiced tomatoes yummy. And so easy.

    Good luck with your elk.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member

    Kate- could use some good elk/venison recipes. Ones that are kid friendly. We have been lucky and DH has gotten an elk for the last 2 years. Need some new recipes to switch it up!

    One of our favorites is In the past when hubby has gotten his elk or deer we always take at least one roast and put it in the crockpot, cover with water and I cook it on low for 1 or 2 days (2 days if i don't get back to it) drain the water then take a fork and shred it. Put it back in the crockpot and mix in our favorite BBQ sauce cook on low for 1-3 hrs. Serve it on buns, special bread whatever is your favorite. :drinker: I fixed it for Christmas Eve dinner one year and my Mom was loving it until I told her it was venison ...for some reason she just couldn't eat it after that...so from then on we never told her when we were having Venison or Elk.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have zero time today:angry: , I did get in my walk this morning, and hopefully I`ll have time to take Noel out for a 30 or 45 minute walk later this afternoon, and I`m having dinner out with the kids tonight:happy: , the problem...I`m already TIRED!!! I have skimmed the posts but haven`t had time to really read them...I think about you all though, and miss those that haven`t posted lately! I must run now...Hope you all are having a wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone. It’s hump day! Ginny and I really did well last week in the fitness challenge…she was in 1st place for the week and I got 2nd. :happy: Today the scales didn’t budge. :explode: But since I lost 2 ½ pounds last week and feel smaller (my tummy is flatter) this week, I am chalking that up to the mysterious no-reason-I-didn’t-lose-weight gremlin that affects all of us sometimes. I am actually wearing my watch today; I haven’t been wearing it because my wrist got so fat the latch would open if I bent my wrist, and now it stays closed. NSV! :happy:

    My students put on a benefit lunch today for the funeral costs of the fiancé of one of my students who killed himself a few weeks ago. That was very nice. I was a food server…specifically I had buns LOL. :bigsmile: We had a very large crowd and our money basket was overflowing (free will donation). The money will go to his family to help pay funeral expenses. I just love how my students all stick together and are so supportive.

    Wizziwig: nice to see you again and to hear that you are staying with your plan!:flowerforyou:

    Linda: Hope that carpal tunnel is getting better soon. Any word from workman’s comp? DD#2 here is a real problem right now. She is supposed to go to homework club from 3:30-4:30 when I pick her up. She has been in trouble for stealing her report card then lying about it “My teacher said they weren’t sending report cards because of budget cuts.” So we have been on her about school. So yesterday I pulled up 20 minutes early and there she was in the foyer of the building screwing around with her friends. I know she saw me because when it was 4:30 she went back in the building and came out another door. She said she didn’t’ go to homework club because she was too sick. OMG Homeschooling would drive me crazy even if I could do it. Sorry you are having issues with your DD. :flowerforyou:

    Kathy: well done for resisting the blizzard. Ice cream is one of my (many) weaknesses!:sad:

    Laura: thanks for the info on the shred. My brother emailed to say he called the Kremlin and gave them dad’s address and room number, so when I visit today, I shall wear a bag over my head to keep from becoming collateral damage LOL :bigsmile: What is really amusing is that when we were adopting the girls he was dead set against it saying they could be little KGB agents. They were 9 and 13 I told my dad. To which he replied “They train them young there!” OMG:laugh:

    Jane: glad you are feeling better!:flowerforyou:

    BJ: *getting out my Christmas list! Boy I can’t imagine GL being any more frail looking than he was about 10 years ago when he was here last. Such a talent

    Michele: I wish my college students all had teachers like your Bryan did! Their writing is mostly horrible!:noway:

    LinC: Well now you have extra motivation to lose some weight! Good for you

    Kate: oh I can just see your face when you discovered the grinder!:bigsmile:

    Momara: don’t give up!!! You can do this. It’s baby steps, baby steps. Make small changes because they are easy to manage and they do add up!

    Liz: I am sorry your job is so frustrating right now. Sending you good vibes!:flowerforyou:

    Lila: I decided to keep my day job and not try out for the circus! :glasses: I too have terroristic cats. Last night I was in the recliner with my legs up and laptop on my tummy, when up jumps first Benny Beagle, then one by one, each cat. All four critters on me somewhere, including one poor cat who was hanging on to my boobs for dear life to keep from falling on the dog.:tongue:

    Katla: a shrunken butt is a great NSV!!!! I’d take that any day.:happy:

    Nancy: I will not be looking for the part of my butt that shrank! :tongue:

    Laura: (and everyone else it seems) amazing how many GL fans there are. He does bring back fond memories

    Texasgal: I love that song!

    Well I am off to go get the old man (18 year old cat) from the vet. He had that broken fang pulled today (actually cut out) and his teeth cleaned. So he will be coming home on pain meds with sutures in his mouth. Poor kitty. :sad: But no cavities, so all that teeth brushing on Sunday nights paid off! He’s back on antibiotics, but I had the vet mix it up and flavor it with tuna. I bet he likes that somewhat better than the bubblegum flavored antibiotic I got from Walgreens. (I looked at the pharmacist and said “Did ya read the prescription? Tt's for a cat!” She looked at me like I had 3 heads so I said “My cat doesn’t hunt bubblegum…I hope he likes this.”). Two days later back to the vet for a shot and the liquid stuff went down the drain!:ohwell: Take care, meg:drinker:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    The days all seem to melt together and I cannot believe it’s the middle of the week already. Sort of difficult to believe a person can have so much to do as a retired individual. Ha. I won’t mention this again because you’ve got to be tired of hearing about it because even *I* am tired of it. :laugh: The clearance coat arrived today. It *just* fits so I guess I’ll keep it. I do look a bit like some odd version of the stay puff marshmallow woman. :bigsmile: If I ever reach my goal my really great winter coat is waiting for me. It’s a really patient coat. :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Wizzywig – nice to see you. Seems like not just days but weeks fly by with more to do than energy to do it! And while I love to eat I also love to sleep. Actually this is something I’m trying to do now, 7 or 8 hours each night. Hope you are getting some rest.

    :heart: Wessecg – ack, Holiday lunches are nice for catching up with friends you may not have seen for a while. They are not so good for eating reasonably. I have a retiree luncheon next week and plan to eat before I go and then have some coffee and I’ll eat cooked veggies if there are any. Enjoy yourself, but not too much….

    :heart: Meg – sorry about the tipping recliner. Somehow I just couldn’t laugh because I put myself in your place and I was thinking man, I wouldn’t have been able to get up! Congrats on the NSV with your watch. That is great.

    :heart: Linda – I hope you will be healed up soon. Congrats on getting to the gym to work out. We are proud of you!

    :heart: Kathy – congrats on skipping the Blizzard at DQ. That was wonderful.

    :heart: Laura – I love the profile picture you are using. That was a wonderful platter you constructed. Yummmm.

    :heart: Jane – glad you had another great day with Violet. Also glad to hear you are feeling better.

    :heart: BJ – sorry you’re having troubles finding snack calories in the evening. I wish I had some great advice but I make a fairly calorie intensive smoothie for my supper every evening (when I’m home) and that’s it. My calories are used, I’m full, and no snack unless I want a cup of hot water and lemon or some green tea. Have you decided on a strategy?

    :heart: Michele – wow, you are still one of the most active people around. I don’t think I’ve ever completed anywhere close to the number of errands that you do every day. I agree with you----avoid as many Holiday lunches as possible.

    :heart: LinC – it sounds like you have a great start so congrats on that. Looking forward to hearing from you as we all work each day to be healthy.

    :heart: Kate – I’m sorry but your description of the darling cat’s antics did get me to giggling a bit. Darling fur babies can be so HELPFUL!! Did you ever get all the bits of your jewelry rounded up? Or is that something I probably should not have mentioned?

    :heart: Momara – give this a try that never ends. I’m over 60 and I am losing weight and getting healthier. It’s doable.

    :heart: Liz – you do have such a stressful job. I hope you made it through today without anyone melting down. Wishing you the best.

    :heart: Lila – what a lovely long chat with your daughter! It’s wonderful that you’ve decided on her gift. Finally everyone in Holland will have a bike! Also sorry to hear about your daughter’s accident. Ack, stitches. I hope she’s doing better.

    :heart: Katia – I love it!!! I hope you got those new slacks/pants. Cool.

    :heart: DeeDee – it sounds like you are really on the run today.

    Wishes all the best for everyone. Virtual hugs to all. I enjoy reading about your lives---it's encouraging.


  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I just wanted to quickly check in to say that I am swamped, and probably won't be back on here until mid-December, when I return from my trip. My daughter is here visiting. :heart: Hubby had to leave for Mexico early, so I now have a list of all the things he wasn't able to get finished before he left, along with my own list of things to get finished.

    I hope you all have a great first-half of December! I'll miss interacting with you and reading your posts.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Wednesday...I have been an exercise bum all week...did something to my lower back over the weekend...but could have walked...just didn't.

    A little story for you...went to work on Monday and boss is a little antsy all day and then late in the day says "got a minute to talk? "...should have been the red flag...apparently he has decided (although he made it sound like he hadn't decided yet) to sell the agency....excuse me, WHAT??? Needless to say my coworker (only two of us) and I were blind-sided and the change is all happening 1/1/13. We are guaranteed jobs for 2 years so that is good and our salaries will remain the same....but oh man lots of other changes...so needless to say I have been drinking a little more wine than normal, not exercising and not sleeping very well (awake from 3am til 5ish).

    I have taken a page out of Barbies book and am trying to write gratitude lists on the inevitable change...I am getting there and at least we keep jobs...

    Will try to be more positive tomorrow
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi everyone I read through all the post. But just don't feel like responding to each and everyone. Just kind of tired tonight. Going to be an early night.

    The talk on the in and out of bowels was not bad but more for people that work in group homes. But then it was for them. I did learn some things like what the good foods for constipation and what's good for diarhea that sort of thing.

    The talk in releasing your lbs to the universe as she said went over very well. You don't talk about your weight as a loss as if you lose something you look to find it. So you give it away. I think everyone was impressed. Hopefully it will help a few. I always say if I can bring someone in and only help one person i'm happy.

    So on to some relax time. Oh yea I was high loser at tops with a 2 lb loss.
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Hello, Ladies! :happy:

    Boy, was I surprised (and thankful) at my weigh-in this evening~ minus 2 pounds! :noway: :bigsmile: :love:

    I was hoping for a gain of only 2…. :embarassed: :blushing: :ohwell:

    Losing some inches when I took my measurements this morning was also a plus! :bigsmile:

    Our leader, who is also a dietician, had an interesting “game” to try on us this evening; :smile:

    She arranged a “pretend” buffet table of holiday appetizers—paper plates with little pictures of whatever for us to choose from, and then she gave us the calorie count of each item, so we could calculate how much our plates held (after we returned to our seats)…. It was an eye-opening experience, :noway: and gave us plenty to think about as the holiday party season begins.
    She emphasized that she does NOT expect any of us to lose a significant amount this coming month, :wink: and does not want us to feel deprived, :grumble: but she does want us to be mindful that those calories add up FAST in a party/potluck/buffet situation. :huh: :sad: :noway: :devil:
    For example,
    Cheese Dip, 1 oz. (1/8 cup) = 50 calories
    1 Tortilla Chip = 12 calories
    1 Wing Drumette = 50 calories
    I don’t go to many parties, period, much less those that have what I call “fancy appetizers”.
    My family usually sticks to “real food”, like a glazed ham, chicken and dressing, venison chili,
    bar-be-que, and Aunt Clara’s homemade yeast rolls…..
    The game DID make me much more aware of CALORIES at party-time!

    I have been reading your wonderful posts, and I just want to THANK Y’ALL again for your encouragement, support, inspiriation, and humor! :flowerforyou:

    I have yet to figure out how you reply to each post individually, but I will try….

    Barbie, thanks for this message board~ it encourages me when I need it most! :flowerforyou: :heart::love:

    Katla49, your husband’s comment made me LOL! A silver-tongued devil, indeed! :laugh: :tongue: :wink:

    LinCharpentie, welcome to the group! You will LOVE this message board! I LOVE your quote about giving the weight away~ I sure don’t want to find it again this time around! :wink: :laugh: :happy:

    Nancy, I bet you are one of the most favorite teachers at your school! I really enjoy hearing about your class! I am SO looking forward to returning to school! :flowerforyou: :heart: :love:

    Laura, I’m glad you enjoyed that champagne~ the holidays are about celebrating! :bigsmile:

    Linda-SundanceB, I’m glad you’re the help you deserve and are getting better! Your posts ALWAYS encourage and inspire me! :heart: :flowerforyou: :love:

    Laura80111, I got a chuckle over the venison BBQ~ our BBQ and chilis are USUALLY made with venison. I figure most folks need a good, lean source of protein, regardless of its name…. :wink: :tongue: :happy:

    DeeDee, I HATE mornings when I start out tired~ it makes the day last for-EVAH! :grumble: :ohwell: :yawn:

    Meg, I LOVE your NSV~ I haven’t been able to wear a watch in years~ that will be something else to look forward to! :smile: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Linder4866, I don’t have a decent winter coat, either, but I hope YOU find one you love! :love: :heart: :happy:

    JaneHadji, I will enjoy reading your post when you return. ENJOY your holidays! :flowerforyou: :heart: :happy:

    Well, Ladies, my little brain has been strained to the max~ I’m just not very good at typing… :ohwell:

    Hang in there, make healthy choices, choose to move any way you can, and drink that water! :drinker: :smile: :drinker:

    Janie :flowerforyou:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Exhausting but very productive day! Got new replacement windows installed today so was up at 6:30 with DH (luckily he was able to get off work!) to move things around. Our washer and dryer are in the kitchen, which is very convenient, but right by the windows and our bed is also by the windows. Of course, once you get started moving bigger items, the cleaning follows! Long story short-windows look beautiful (hopefully will now save on heating bill), and my house is much cleaner now! Even cleaned the carpet in DD's room since she cleaned her room up too. My dogs hated the commotion and since a few windows were upstairs and a few downstairs, they were flipping out the whole time! Did get them out for a walk which helped for a short time but unfortunately the workers were still there when we were done so calm didn't last long! I'm finally sitting and resting and they are both fast asleep in my lap!

    Glad Melissa and Tony won on Dancing with the Stars!

    Hope everyone has a relaxing night!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Linda - that's good that even tho the diabetic counselor couldn't answer your questions (that in a way surprises me), at least she is going to look them up and get back to you. When our kids were little, if a toy required batteries, we'd always put them in and cut those pieces of tape so they could play with the toy first thing Christmas morning. Ahhhhh...the days

    When I took my car for inspection yesterday, I finished those coasters. Next on the agenda -- write out the cards

    momara - To quote barbie "never, never, never give up". It IS possible to lose weight after 50. Admitted it takes a lot longer and the weight comes on much faster, but it CAN be done. We'll be here with you every step of the way. Just log in here daily.

    Lila - I take the apple cider vinegar straight. It's not much and I'll tell you that at first I cringe. But that doesn't last long at all. Will you buy the bicycle for your daughter here and ship it over there or just send her the money and have her buy it over there? I'm so sorry to hear about your dd#1. It IS so hard not to run and fix things. I guess it's just something we have to learn

    katla - if you don't keep you dh, I'll gladly take him.

    Lin - boy, your maids have different names than mine. Mine are called "left" and "right"

    Only was able to do 30 min of yoga today and then 1 hr of deep water (I did some laps for the first 1/2 hr and took the deep water class for the second). ds was going to call at our time 9:30-10. Seeings how I missed him last time he called, there was no way I wanted to miss this call. Vince sort-of chastized me for coming home at around 9:30, he thought I should havae been home earlier. I just figured that he could talk to Bryan for 5 minutes or else Bryan might not call until 10. Oh well..... have senior bowling today, already have my carrots in the car. I'm becoming known as "the carrot lady" since I always bring carrots. Well, last week I had to bring grapes since I couldn't chew the carrots (remember, I had the tooth pulled and was trying to eat soft foods). You wouldn't believe the number of people who asked me why I didn't have my carrots! lol

    Tomorrow I'll do a DVD called "Personal Training with Jackie" (weights)

    Nancy - I do wish there were more classes at like 7:30 or 8. Early classes seem to be at some rediculous hour like 5:30. I know, that's not really rediculous for working people, but for me it is rediculous. There's no way I want to be there that early

    Jane - take it easy on the exercise! Let us know how it goes

    Meg - congrats on the challenge and the NSV. That's wonderful. That teacher Bryan had was when he was in high school. How he hated having to use proper punctuation and proper grammar. No matter how much Vince would tell him that when you go on a job interview, if you use improper grammar, it reflects badly on the person being interviewed. A guy Vince worked with even complained how every time one of his workers writes something, no matter how intelligent this worker is, he always had to rewrite it. Didn't sink in. Probably not until a stranger pushed it. Unfortunately for some students, he retired. But I totally agree with his desire to have things right. Your adventures with your cats crack me up. We have 4 cats so I can just see this. I bless the inventor of the Pill Pockets each and every time we have to give Loki his medicine. After he finishes his Pill Pocket, I do give him some treats -- really more to be sure that the med was swallowed than anything else. I don't think he'd intentionally not swallow the med, but I can see it happening. Of course, Bonnie is ALWAYS in the act....lol

    jane - enjoy your trip and your holiday!

    Jen - that is so horrible that your boss is selling the business but it's good that you will have your job for two more years.

    Lin - my FIL used to say when he retired "I don't know where I found the time to work". Now I understand what he meant

    JNHeff - that must have been a real eye opener what your dietician did.

    Going to get ready for tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Deebesmart
    Deebesmart Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies,Getting back in the groove after Thanksgiving...Looking for some encouraging, positive inspiring friends- I promise to try & be the same.......Dee
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    LinC - congrats on your 2 lbs. love your "give away your weight" thought. Nice way of thinking about the journey.
    I am bummed as when I got home from work today my fitbit was not on my bra. I think I left it in the locker room in the gym at work. I really hope it will be there tomorrow.
    Keep giving away those lbs,
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Darn. I lost my scale. Weigh in is Friday and I can't find my scale. I took it with me last weekend to weigh the bales of hay I was buying and I know I didn't leave it. But, we've looked in both vehicles we had with us and it's not there. I am afraid to buy a new one because I'm afraid it might weigh me differently.