

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Once again TGI Friday,

    Just caught up on the posts but since it's my 1/2 day i don't have time to respond.

    Congrats to those of you that lost (or would that be gave away your pounds:huh: ), hang in there those of you that are struggling it's only a matter of time before the scale moves.

    Barbie-sorry your bike is in pieces...hoping the company calls Jake back soon:flowerforyou:

    I made my fudge last night and as I was stirring it and then pouring it in the pan I remembered why I do it with hubbys help...anyway I did manage to get it done and have hidden it on a chair at the dinette table where he never goes.:bigsmile: The real challenge will be when I go to dip them and turn them into truffles...stay tuned to the candy making adventure:wink:

    Hubby was really pleased this am as the scale has moved again and he's now lost #24 which was one of his goals, since I have no idea what his other goals are it will be interesting to hear what his other ones are as he meets them. He was a bit disappointed that none of his co workers had noticed, but then I reminded him he's only been there part time and they all were company vests that cover up everything....besides I have noticed and that's really what's important:love:

    When I get off hubby will be home when I get there and we will head out to do our weekly shopping and then a workout this afternoon. My neck is finally feeling better this morning so I'm thinking I can do some exercise today without hurting myself.

    Everyone have a fruitful day logging what you eat, drinking plenty of water and moving your body to burn those calories:drinker:


    Our next post will be in December so let's set some good goals for the month.
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Good morning, Ladies. It is a beautiful, sunny day here in the Show Me State (Missouri). I plan to take a long brisk walk in a little while, especially while this fantastic weather holds. I can't believe Nov. is gone. I lost the extra pound that I wanted to lose by Dec. 1, and am so happy with my accomplishments.:bigsmile: I thank my Lord everyday for his blessings and the wieght loss that I have accomplished so far. I still have a long way to go, but not as far as I had back on June 1!!:laugh: I met each of my Nov. goals :drinker: and now thinking about the Dec. goals. I'll do that as I walk today and post them tomorrow. This is short, but I wanted to check in and let you know that all is well in Missouri!!:happy: June
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    It's another chilly, snowy morning again today. I had to laugh, I met two very polished young men on the bus yesterday up for a conference and they began talking to me. They said have never been so cold in their lives; one was from San Diego and the other from Houston Texas, was it always this cold? I explained it was only minus 14, they should be here in January when the temperatures hit the minus 40’s (it’s something we Albertans do to new comers). Their eyes got real big and I think they were thankful its only a short visit now. Hehehe.

    I grew up with Gordon Lightfoot and with Leonard Cohen, have albums from both of them and some of Cohen’s poetry. Yes Cohen’s voice is ‘unique to say the least, but you are right, his ‘Allelujah’ is my all-time favourite (I prefer it sung by Il Divo though.)

    Once again we are down to 3 at work; due to several accidents of work mates, I will be working non-stop for the next week. One handed in her notice and two nights ago was her final shift; her mom is just out of the hospital, her husband is unable to get around at the moment due to a medical condition and she will be looking after her grandchildren because a family member was in an accident and is temporarily paralyzed; all this on top of her full time job. Poor gal was almost in tears when she was telling me yesterday. Just then the phone rang, it was our junior’s staff member’s mom callilng to say she had been in a car accident. We have learned since that she has suffered head injuries and severe whiplash!!! We will know more as time goes on but temporarily I am taking all their shifts so the boss can develop a Plan B. I don’t mind in an emergency. I am praying that the youngster is going to be okay, she is just 19.

    Yesterday was DH’s last day hunting and he got skunked. To add insult to injury, his coffee froze in his thermos just when he needed it most!

    I don’t so much struggle with the carb thing as I struggle with the sweets… chocolate in particular. I WANT CHOCOLATE, I have tamed it to the good dark chocolate, but I still want it. I can go for a while without it but then the craving comes back with a bang! It is probably more of a mental craving than anything at this time of year as I do struggle with emotional baggage. I lost Dad 5 days before Christmas a number of years ago and he was my Rock! He lost a painful three year battle with cancer and I have had to change some of my Christmas traditions as the old ones were too reminiscent of Dad.

    Well I must be off, a quick shopping trip before work; I forgot one of the basic notions (single fold bias tape) which is essential in the production of the kids’ jammies. I made Mom’s apron and matching pot holders in the brightest fabric I could find, put a lot of quilting details and fancy stitching into them so she know she was loved. She knows anyways, but she loves to put these things on display. lol!

    Deep breath, put one foot in front of the other, love yourself and you can get through anything.

    Be well, my pals.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I was here earlier and read some posts and put on paper what I have to respond to. Wow a lot of great loses here. Everyone is doing great.

    And for those of you who gained, So glad you didn't shy away and stayed with us. Gaining is not a sin it just makes the work ahead a little harder that's all.

    Dee Dee
    Hope your back feel better after a sit down. Sometimes that's all we need. Don't worry about that gain it could be what you ate last night. I had a bit of a gain. But I made chinese macarroni lots of veg. and some chicken but the soya sauce is more than likely what did it.

    Glad you found your fit bit. And that you sent .6 of your weight to the wind.

    Laney Marie
    Welcome you have joined a bunch of chatty ladies. Hope you have lots of reading time.

    Glad your back is getting better. Sorry about the job situation could be worse could be without a job.

    The need for more hours come with age. What I could do in an hour takes two sometimes three lol.
    As for exercise i'm right in along with you. No like it.

    Them run around and phone days sure take hours out of your day.

    Not our first Rodeo but we can make it our last

    Glad you found your scale. Hope you see that 1/2 lb. ran off with the baker tomorrow.

    4:30 wow early and here I thought five thirty was bad.

    Getting to the gym while busy is a major accomplisment. I don't believe you need vitamins if your eating healthy.

    About your nausea and vomitting. If you don't have pills around try this place two fingers from your wrist and puch in there. That's the trigger point to stop nausea reason I know that is my holistic niece did it to me. Stopped me from vomitting right away and no more nausea.

    Not always time to post to all. but your here and that 's the main thing.

    I love to bake cookies all kinds of cookies all from scratch. Some years up to 200 dozen or more that's when I was into selling them. If for meat I like to use my scale to measure 2 to 4 oz. I'm sure your friend will enjoy a fruit basket being you can always use the fruit. So you have healthy beets lol. I've been using wieners for my dogs pills for years. A litte piece shove the pill in and it's gone.

    You have to be the line dancing queen.

    Eating right puts the spring in the legs. I find staying away from bad carbs sure gives you bundles of energy. Using that energy for washing walls right now. Like the sound of that smoothie I think that will have to be my snack this afternoon. Going to use some of my pumpkin custard should work.

    Good for you hitting the dreadful dreadmill.

    That's so nice of you to hide them treats from hubby especially if he's trying to lose weight. Congratulate him for me for throwing 24 lbs to the wind.

    Good for you. For reaching all of Nov. goals.

    So far today having a good food day. But not accomplishing a hell of a lot in the washing wall department have to get of my tush to do that. It seems to be stuck to the puter today. So off of here. Well I did get up town for coffee. Went and filled the wood stove. Chassed a couple silly dogs. Now there in the house. So guess the day wasn't all wasted and still not 12:00 so guess all is well.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning, Kate. I'm from Dallas and I don't think you will find me in your neck of the woods except maybe mid-summer :smile: I lost my dad (in '82) the day after Thanksgiving and my grandmother on Christmas morning ('79) - those were some sad holidays but their memories live on. BTW, I am a chocoholic myself and I have done well thus far. December will be a challenging month. Fiber One has a brownie bar that really helps but it's not Betty Crocker :bigsmile: I do have some chocolate in moderation so I don't drive myself off the wagon :laugh:

    WTG, June with your November goals. I blew some of my November goals but did okay on the weight loss which is good!

    Laura, glad to hear that your neck is improving and you are willing to return to exercising. Take it easy and keep noticing the hubby; he is doing great too.

    I am so grateful it's Friday. It's been a long week with DH home on staycation but mostly that I have been working 10-12 hr days. Today will be a shorter one. Tonight we will attend the WOF, Women of Faith Christmas Special and Point of Grace will be singing the music. Sheila Walsh is the guest speaker. It should be an evening of many blessings.

    As for December I am not setting any challenge goals. My work has picked up and other activities such as Pancakes for Santa in the morning will keep me busy throughout the month. I will keep an eye on the weight and log, log, log. Have a wonderful day! To those in the north keep your fires burning and in the south enjoy the beautiful weather.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi! Gosh I've been busy. Just wanted to pop in and share my blog post if you'd care to read it. Today is my 2 year anniversary on MFP, so you can bet I wrote a dissertation on that subject this morning. :bigsmile:


    Wishing everyone a happy December!

    :smile: jb
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~can`t believe Nov is over.Where did it go?Gotta work on my goals for dec.Didn`t do too much in nov,as I got sick at the end.
    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi ladies

    Can't believe it is December in the morning. Must make a start on the Christmas shopping. I've only got a few so far and time is cracking on.

    I've not had time to catch up with all the posts, so I hope everyone is fit and well, sending prayers to those who need them. I feel so lucky to have both parents still in reasonable health.

    We've had lots of flooding here in York, and now it's freezing, that's all we need! It wasn't too bad this morning walking the dogs,but I don't like it when it's slippy I'm scared I fall over.

    Computer is playing up, so I'll post this now - see you all on the December thread.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sick from food poisoning. I wouldn't recommend it as a strategy. I don't have scales available, but I bet that two days on water won't have made a difference except to avoid dehydration.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    You may not have met all your goals. But you did lose weight and that's what this is all about

    Congrats on your two years.

    Hope all goes better in Dec.

    Can't believe Dec. all ready. I'm barely started getting ready for it.

    Well put in a good day today not very active but food was good. Still supper to go. But over 500 calories left. So that's good.
    Cold today seems I can't warm up. Just might need a jacuzzi after supper.
    See you all later or tomorrow.
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    I will be back later with some new goals, need to kick this into high gear next month!

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hi Dear Ladies!

    I've been MIA for quite a while for too many reasons to list...of course, it is the last day of November so I will jump on tomorrow!

    I look forward to catching up with all of you!

    Take care:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Katia - I am so sorry you have food poisoning...hoping you sought medical advice...feel better soon:flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    oh barbie, I'm so so sorry that your recumbant bike is out of commission. Maybe Santa will bring you a new one for Christmas??? That bike should still be under warrenty.

    DeeDee - I'm really looking forward to the concert. I guess we've seen them for the last 7 years (can you tell I really like them). In case you aren't familiar with them, one of the things I like is that a grandmother in a reindeer sweater can be sitting next to someone in a Megadeth t-shirt, and both will enjoy the show. Oh, I can go on and on.....but I'll spare ya. Will wave as we go by and I'll be thinking of you. I think the show is at 3. In some ways, what the scale says really doesn't matter so much, what matters more is how you feel and how your clothes fit. Losing 1/2" is awesome!

    I couldn't sleep last night. Finally fell asleep in the sunroom right as it was time for me to get up. I stopped at the Humane Society to drop off the aluminum we have (which reminds me that I still have the container in the back seat of my car, then went to exercise, took a short shower just to get all the sweat off, went a bit of food shopping (mostly because I needed to pick up a fruit basket for my mahjongg secret santa, took the fruit basket to her but had to leave it on her front porch. She'll be away for the secret santa reveal lunch (I don't think I'm going to go) and Pat was very insistent that it had to be done before Christmas (why, I still have no idea). I just called her to tell her it was on her porch. She's into health and nutrition so I thought she'd really appreciate a fruit basket. I also put a bag of Dove dark chocolates in it. Really, I had them at home and just want to get them out of the house. But dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate anyway. Came home and Vince has been eating the chocolate chip cookies I made so today I made some brownies since Jess will be here tonight, need something for her to munch on.

    M - thanks for mentioning about the grapefruit interferring with certain drugs. I completely forgot about that. That's one reason why Vince really can't (not that he likes grapefruit anyway) have it. Oh, Loki loves peanut butter, and Vince said that the other day Lexi had some, so cats do like it

    I know this isn't something real big -- but the pajamas that I'm wearing are a size M. They have an elastic waistband. Lately, it feels like the pants are about to fall down. They don't, but they feel like they would. Almost feels like I should have a size S. Well, if I find a pair that is cheap enough, I'll consider it. Otherwise, they're not totally falling off me (wouldn't it be wonderful if they did?) and no one sees me in them other than Vince, so I'll keep wearing them until they wear out.

    Did an hour on the stairmaster today. I wasn't planning to do it but then when I found out that we need to leave for the concert by like 10:45, yoga class would just barely get out in time so I'll do a yoga DVD at home tomorrow. I'd forgotten my water cup there Wed. at deep water and wanted to pick it up so I'd have to to use. I also took them some chocolates as a "thank you" (and to get some more out of my house)

    Kate how nice of you to pitch in in a pinch. That's horrible about your coworkers.

    Lin - does your holistic niece have any advice on curing cravings. I know that raw cookie/brownie/cake dough is my big big downfall. Is there some pressure point that I can press on that'll stop that? When I have that cookie dough in front of me, I keep saying to myself "I don't need it", but I still can't help myself.

    katla - how horrible! It'll go away pretty fast, I hope. In the meantime, keep up a strong chin. You'll be back to your old self in no time at all.

    kackie - welcome back!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    M:smile: You have frog legs:huh: , well as long as they`re not green:laugh: !!! Just kidding...it feels great to have a spring in your step doesn`t it? I`ve noticed I feel lighter on my feet, I was saying I was bouncing, then I remembered maybe people wouldn`t know I ment a bounce to my step:blushing: !

    Cheryl:smile: .8 is a g:smile: reat loss, congrats!!! Will be looking forward to hearing what the weight is tomorrow! The magic of salmon, I should have had that for dinner last night:ohwell: !

    Robin:smile: Yay for getting on the dreadmill!!!! A step in the right direction! I have missed the stories about your boys!!! It`s wonderful they like to cuddle with you:love: !

    Laura80111:smile: Your fudge sounds so good:love: , it`s a good thing I have no clue how to make it:laugh: ! Congrats to hubby, 24 lbs. is fantastic!!!

    June:smile: Congrats for getting that pound off, and for reaching all your Nov. goals:flowerforyou: !!!

    Kate:smile: i would have to visit in the summer, I just cannot even imagine -14, much less -40:noway: :noway: I`m pretty sure I would freeze to death:tongue: ! Sounds like a lot going on at work, sending well wishes to all!!! Oh my, hubby got skunked and had frozen coffee:noway: , what a day he had!!! I have had to change my Christmas traditions too, it was hubbys favorite holiday, for years I didn`t even put decorations up, and then when I decided I wanted to, I went out and bought everything new!

    LinC:smile: Sounds like you`ve had a busy productive day! Did you get those walls washed?

    Teri:smile: Sounds like your Dec. is going to be busy! Hope you enjoy the Christmas special!!!

    Jb:smile: Happy 2 yr.anniversary!!! Fabulous blog!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: It feels like just yesterday it was Nov.1st! Hope you`re feeling better!

    Viv:smile: Please be careful in that weather you`re having!!! I heard about the flooding the other day on the news, now freezing:noway: , watch your step!!!

    Katla49:smile: I had food poisoning once:sick: , it lasted about 4 days and I wanted to die I felt so bad, i don`t think I have ever felt so bad, sending you good wishes:flowerforyou: !

    Lynn, Kackie:smile::smile: Good to see you both, hope to see you more in the Dec. thread!

    Michele:smile: Fruit basket with dark chocolates:love: , that is a fabulous gift!!! Yay for pj`s that are too big, mine are too, and I just smile every time I put them on:bigsmile: ! Enjoy the fabulous concert!!!

    i picked my oldest granddaughter (11) up after school today at 3:30 pm, took her to the mall, she needed a new outfit for a play she`s going to tomorrow night and a new dress for the Christmas special at school, we got there at 3:45 and the parking lot was so full, I finally found a parking place and the mall was just as full as the parking lot:noway: . I hate going to the mall anyhow much less when it`s so crowded! We did find her some cute outfits, a red sweather and a pair of black leggings for tomorrow night and a beautiful black and white dress for the Christmas special, and a cute pair of black flats she can wear with both! We had a wonderful time together! Once we left the mall we stopped at Starbucks for a hot chocolate for her and a decafe coffee for me, I got her home around 6:45 or so and got back to my house around 7pm. It`s been a good day but I`m really tired now:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: ! Hope everyone has a great evening!!! See you in Dec!

    Thanks Barbie for keeping us going!!!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I've been MIA for a few weeks. Lots of company for Thanksgiving and just now recovering. I'm looking forward to December and setting new goals. Feel like I've missed so much and hope to have time to go back and catch up. See you tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member

    lots of dancing today---I taught the beginner class this morning, came home for lunch, a short nap, and a dog walk and then went out again for practice with the performance group

    lots of rain today but the dogs didn't care.......Jake built a fire so they could warm up and dry off after their two hour walk.

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: there was no call back today from the recumbent bike people
    there business is on Long Island----are they under water from hurricane Sandy???? I am leaving this to Jake and resisting my natural impulse to jump in and take over.....the great thing is that he is very mellow about this.....what a blessing.:bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it's not nearly as cold as Alberta.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member

    Just walked in the door from work, late becasue I forgot my keys and had to be rescued... felt a little stupid.

    Someone mentioned December goals and I got a shock! But that’s right, December is tomorrow, I don’t even remember my November goals….. I think I will just smoosh October and November into one group of ‘plateau struggle’…. Only 2 pounds lost, gained, lost, gained and lost once more. I did manage to reduce my bhudda belly so when I look down I don’t see it when I am standing….. however, when I am sitting, there it is! Hahaha!

    December goals:

    To lose 3 pounds by New Year’s Eve. (A little optimism doesn’t hurt!)
    To maintain my sanity through Christmas and enjoy the celebrations.

    That’s it, feeling a little crazy right now,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member

    this is the link to the new thread for December

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: now I can go to sleep knowing that my most important task is complete......see you in December :bigsmile:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok. So I re-weighed this morning to see if I hit my 159.8 - and and and ---- Nope, I weighed more today than yesterday :(

    But that's ok. Since I thought the Christmas party was next weekend, we'll see if I can get into the 150's by then. Busy day. Going to see about a horse for my daughter then on to the Christmas party. Have a great weekend.