everyne says " eat more to loose weight " bs ??



  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    I think the whole notion of eating more to weigh less is BS. Not everyone can EAT MORE and some ppl need to EAT LESS. It's very individual. Find out what you're TDEE is and just eat below that.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Ok I flatlined at 140 / 141 which is fine..I workout everyday..mostly cardio, weights fro upper body 3 times a week, Tabata HIT 3 times a week, then either run, bike, cross country ski for an hour every other day...I dont do my diary everyday because I eat the same things week after week...but every time I splurge a little like last night...few slices of pizza and 4 chicken wings and 1 beer...up 2 pounds the next day...
    So IF I eat more to jump start and loose more I feel I will GAIN weight...maybe I shouldnt be doing cardio to loose weight maybe a few days of lower heart rate stuff ????
    You're doing it wrong. I stopped at "mostly cardio,weights fro upper body 3 times a week,.."
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I think the whole notion of eating more to weigh less is BS. Not everyone can EAT MORE and some ppl need to EAT LESS. It's very individual. Find out what you're TDEE is and just eat below that.
    This is incorrect. 99% of the people on this site are no way near eating to their TDEE. Once they calculate their TDEE they still won't eat close to it, because they think they will get fat. What they don't understand is that the body is going to normalize at a weight.

    However, people panic and they continue down the path of a suppressed metabolism. They then wonder why they don't make any more progress. The goal should be to consume AS much calories as possible, while reaching a healthy fat loss goal.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Even if you're at a steady weight, you can go up or down by a couple pounds from one day to the next. This really isn't evidence of much.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    but every time I splurge a little like last night...few slices of pizza and 4 chicken wings and 1 beer...up 2 pounds the next day...

    Your "splurge" was all high sodium and your 2lbs was mostly water weight. Drink 10 glasses of water today and you'll pee it all out by tomorrow night.

    If you increase your calories with nutrient dense greens/vegetables and lean proteins/healthy fats you'll find that you can eat a LOT more than two slices of pizza and 4 chicken wings (mightily fatty) and not gain weight.
  • shierrarobin
    Have you watched these videos on youtube? Jayme explains the "eat more to weigh less" idea much better than I've ever heard anyone explain it.

    Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24Iw1thBlLA&list=PLVwQ7YhTZN0Lc7UEIllW_asNTNVcS71F3

    Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypygfB3wKVs&list=PLVwQ7YhTZN0Lc7UEIllW_asNTNVcS71F3
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    The difference is, WHAT you are eating.
    I can eat as many calories as I do because of what I choose to eat:
    99% lean ground turkey....boiled/grilled chicken (no marinades), cups and cups of veggies, brown rice, egg whites etc.

    I am eating like 30g fat MAX a day, and thats a BAD day for me.
    150+ g clean proteins
    40g CLEAN carbs.
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    Eat more does not mean you have to eat pizza. It could mean lean protein and fiber in frequent small meals.
    Is your goal to simply lose weight? Then eating more is not the answer unless you are way below a reasonable target.
    Give your body good food to fuel your work outs and eat sensibly, at a reasonable deficit.

    Strength Training and cardio are a good combination but you still need a sensible diet. Can you try whole wheat pasta instead of the pizza? Or grilled chicken breast instead of wings? Are you eating plenty of veggies and fruits with good fiber?

    None of the above are hard fast rules but these things have worked pretty well for me.

    Good luck!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    This journey is different for everyone. You have to play around to see where your actual numbers are at. I have learned a lot about myself. I loooove to exercise but it doesn't help me lose weight. The only thing that helps me lose weight is controlling what I put in my mouth. When I was younger it was much easier for me to lose weight. You just have to figure out what is right for you. Some people do better with eating more, I am short and tiny so I am not one of them. Experimenting is the name of this game. You will find your groove eventually. Don't let anyone tell you what you should be doing. You have to figure that one out for yourself because no one knows better about your body than you.
  • summerrainn
    More veggies not junk food
  • hobbitgrrl
    hobbitgrrl Posts: 67 Member
    99% of the people on this site are no way near eating to their TDEE. Once they calculate their TDEE they still won't eat close to it, because they think they will get fat. What they don't understand is that the body is going to normalize at a weight.

    However, people panic and they continue down the path of a suppressed metabolism. They then wonder why they don't make any more progress. The goal should be to consume AS much calories as possible, while reaching a healthy fat loss goal.

    Well said.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    but every time I splurge a little like last night...few slices of pizza and 4 chicken wings and 1 beer...up 2 pounds the next day...

    Your "splurge" was all high sodium and your 2lbs was mostly water weight. Drink 10 glasses of water today and you'll pee it all out by tomorrow night.

    If you increase your calories with nutrient dense greens/vegetables and lean proteins/healthy fats you'll find that you can eat a LOT more than two slices of pizza and 4 chicken wings (mightily fatty) and not gain weight.
    Exactly. Even though I eat whatever I want, I tend to stick to the nutrient dense foods, because of the reasons above. At least one of my meals is always waffles or pop tarts. :)
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    that gain is nothing, it happens to me all the time and is soon gone, your doing a hell of alot of exercise and should be eating more to fuel it and you will lose weight. However if your a absolute sloth, cutting cals is the way to go. :laugh:
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    but every time I splurge a little like last night...few slices of pizza and 4 chicken wings and 1 beer...up 2 pounds the next day...

    Your "splurge" was all high sodium and your 2lbs was mostly water weight. Drink 10 glasses of water today and you'll pee it all out by tomorrow night.

    If you increase your calories with nutrient dense greens/vegetables and lean proteins/healthy fats you'll find that you can eat a LOT more than two slices of pizza and 4 chicken wings (mightily fatty) and not gain weight.
    Exactly. Even though I eat whatever I want, I tend to stick to the nutrient dense foods, because of the reasons above. At least one of my meals is always waffles or pop tarts. :)
    spot on
  • uk_ja
    uk_ja Posts: 143 Member
    I think the whole notion of eating more to weigh less is BS. Not everyone can EAT MORE and some ppl need to EAT LESS. It's very individual. Find out what you're TDEE is and just eat below that.
    This is incorrect. 99% of the people on this site are no way near eating to their TDEE. Once they calculate their TDEE they still won't eat close to it, because they think they will get fat. What they don't understand is that the body is going to normalize at a weight.

    However, people panic and they continue down the path of a suppressed metabolism. They then wonder why they don't make any more progress. The goal should be to consume AS much calories as possible, while reaching a healthy fat loss goal.

    ^This x100
    The difference is, WHAT you are eating.
    I can eat as many calories as I do because of what I choose to eat:
    99% lean ground turkey....boiled/grilled chicken (no marinades), cups and cups of veggies, brown rice, egg whites etc.

    I am eating like 30g fat MAX a day, and thats a BAD day for me.
    150+ g clean proteins
    40g CLEAN carbs.

    Fat is not the enemy, granted I eat more calories than you but I consume at least 120g of fat daily, eating good fat is good for you
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    Hey invisabubble get a grip will ya..im typing on a cell phone that has keys made for a 5 yr old girl and my fingers are not that small...if you have nothing good to offer just pass it by will ya....

    And AGAIN I KNOW that my 2 pounds was NOT fat...I am just trying to say I have tried the eating more to loose and it doesnt work FOR ME...Im am NOT JUST GOING BY YESTERDAY.......

    Now I dont log in my diet because as I said I eat the same things week after week....oatmeal 1/4 cup for breakfast EVERY DAY....large salad with romaine,cucks,tomatoes,onion,mushrooms, 1 tbs of virgin olive oil, vinegar, a few croutons, a very little low moisture part skim shreaded cheese, then either a few shrimp, 3 oz of turkey or chicken, salmon, etc on the salad...for a snack a handfull of cashews...then nothing until dinner,,,,usually fish on the grill, refried bean ( home made ) tacos, turkey, chicken, lean beef maybe twice a month...water to drink....then a glass of red wine 5 oz after supper and some low fat Ritz crackers ( 8 or 10 ) then 1 time a week usually Friday a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich..

    I eat sushi ( salmon and tuna ) once a week NO rice... I dont eat bread, I do eat a few pretzles in place of the Ritz crackers sometimes.....
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
  • elizawe
    elizawe Posts: 54 Member
    A little less cardio, a little more weight bearing exercise is probably all you need to change. For 53, your weight and lab numbers are good. Your diet sounds pretty healthy overall even with the occasional pizza, which is not necessarily to be considered junk food imo if eaten in moderation. My recommendation would be to go to a TDEE calculator and plug in your numbers and and compare that with what you've been doing.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    It works. I swear.
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    lab numbers are GREAT not good :)
    My Dr told me he has never seen 120 HDL in a 53 yr old man....but I know what you are saying..is there a calculator for the TDEE anywhere that makes it simple ?