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What has giving up fast food done for you?



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Fast food is bad for you. Anyone wanna argue?

    *raises hand*

    I would like to argue. Why is fast food bad for me? Is slow food from a sit down restaurant better? Or do i have to only eat food made at home? Does no one ever get fat eating homemade food?

    Seriously, what are you basing your statement on?

    can you argue why it ISN'T bad for you?

    Also, why - in a thread about quitting fast food - do people feel compelled to yell and scream about how awesome they are for NOT quitting it. Who cares? This thread isn't for you anyway. There's the door, don't let it hit you on the way out.

    Yes. Because it's food. Food is neither inherently good or bad.

    And I'm here to keep people like you from filling people's heads with misinformation that makes them think that getting into shape is really really hard and quit out of frustration. Why are you here?

    how is that your job, and who are you to say what is and isn't misinformation? why is your speech more important than mine?

    Someone's got to fight the good fight. Otherwise it would just be people praising one another for clean eating, raspberry ketones, and fat-blasting workout routines all day long.
  • vbennett7
    vbennett7 Posts: 99 Member
    My husband and I might eat out once a week. Its not burgers and fries or loaded pizza though. For me, I don't have acid reflux anymore. I had it very bad! Is it from the healthier eating or from less fat pushing down on my gut while sleeping-don't know. Might be both. We rarely use antacids now-we used to go through them like crazy.

    If we do have a bite of a fry or burger, or such, we don't like the greasy taste or feel. Our taste buds have adjusted to foods that are better for us.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Someone's got to fight the good fight. Otherwise it would just be people praising one another for clean eating, raspberry ketones, and fat-blasting workout routines all day long.

    and here i was thinking praising someone for eating well was a good thing. huh.
  • iamkarent
    iamkarent Posts: 144 Member
    My version of fast food is now a stop at the sushi counter at my local grocery store....they make it fresh to order...or have a selection freshly made to choose from..might not have a drive thru..but ...worth the two minute walk out of the car...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    how is that your job, and who are you to say what is and isn't misinformation? why is your speech more important than mine?

    Easy there tiger. Where did i say my speech was more important than yours? I've answered your questions but you have yet to answer mine. You just keep making empirical statements. And yelling. Lots of yelling. Is that the elite way making points?

    If i share some of my chocolate shake with you, will you calm down?
  • I think that dude looks elite. I mean he was basically saying "sure you can be skinny and healthy, but you wont be ripped or defined"

    Sure eating fast food once in a "blue moon" (two times a month) you can be ripped.

    But once you lose the weight, getting the defined six pac is all about fat ratio and not so much calorie intake. I know this only because I am friends with many competition athletes.

    Of course there are outliers so don't give me the "I eat fast food all the time and I have a six pac" B.S.
  • mommakec
    mommakec Posts: 8 Member
    I discovered that when I was craving any particular food. I was having a vitamin or mineral difficiency so I would eat a children's chewable. It was amazing the most I ever took was two in a day, and my cravings went away.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    Someone's got to fight the good fight. Otherwise it would just be people praising one another for clean eating, raspberry ketones, and fat-blasting workout routines all day long.

    and here i was thinking praising someone for eating well was a good thing. huh.

    Eating well is a holistic thing. I eat well. I also eat Egg McMuffin meals almost daily, and I had a Whopper w/ Cheese meal in the last week. Eating well and eating fast food are not mutually exclusive. That's the crux of the argument here.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Someone's got to fight the good fight. Otherwise it would just be people praising one another for clean eating, raspberry ketones, and fat-blasting workout routines all day long.

    and here i was thinking praising someone for eating well was a good thing. huh.

    Eating well is a holistic thing. I eat well. I also eat Egg McMuffin meals almost daily, and I had a Whopper w/ Cheese meal in the last week. Eating well and eating fast food are not mutually exclusive. That's the crux of the argument here.

    for you.

    everyone does it their own way. and there's nothing wrong with that.

    however, as I mentioned, this is not the thread for that debate. You wanna have that argument, start your own.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I discovered that when I was craving any particular food. I was having a vitamin or mineral difficiency so I would eat a children's chewable. It was amazing the most I ever took was two in a day, and my cravings went away.

    Don't you take two anyways? Or did you mean two more in addition to the multi-vitamin you take anyways? Just curious. haven't heard of this before :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    Someone's got to fight the good fight. Otherwise it would just be people praising one another for clean eating, raspberry ketones, and fat-blasting workout routines all day long.

    and here i was thinking praising someone for eating well was a good thing. huh.

    You're going to be a much more profitable Beachbody coach when you learn to keep your temper and sarcasm under control.

    I wish you luck in all your future endeavors. And congrats on your progress. I'm teasing you but your hard work does speak for itself
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I cut back on fast food because for a long time i ate it several times a day every single day. I decided that i wanted to eat a more balanced diet so now i try to prepare some meals myself & get more fresh fruits & veggies in.

    I still eat fast food about once a week & i am also a sucker for frozen dinners (they are so darn convenient) My only issue is that unfortunately both tend to be high in sodium. But I'm a believer in everything in moderation is a-ok.

    Not everyone will agree with me, that's fine. This is just my take on it. :)
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Someone's got to fight the good fight. Otherwise it would just be people praising one another for clean eating, raspberry ketones, and fat-blasting workout routines all day long.

    and here i was thinking praising someone for eating well was a good thing. huh.

    You're going to be a much more profitable Beachbody coach when you learn to keep your temper and sarcasm under control.

    I wish you luck in all your future endeavors. And congrats on your progress. I'm teasing you but your hard work does speak for itself

    i'm actually doing pretty well just being me, but thanks for the advice.

    I also don't know where I got angry in this thread... must just be how you're reading it. But I don't take internet arguments all that seriously, since none of us will ever convince the other. ;)

    you look pretty good yourself, and good luck doing your thing as well.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    Someone's got to fight the good fight. Otherwise it would just be people praising one another for clean eating, raspberry ketones, and fat-blasting workout routines all day long.

    and here i was thinking praising someone for eating well was a good thing. huh.

    Eating well is a holistic thing. I eat well. I also eat Egg McMuffin meals almost daily, and I had a Whopper w/ Cheese meal in the last week. Eating well and eating fast food are not mutually exclusive. That's the crux of the argument here.

    for you.

    everyone does it their own way. and there's nothing wrong with that.

    however, as I mentioned, this is not the thread for that debate. You wanna have that argument, start your own.

    You're a funny dude.

    And i just reported you for hijacking this thread
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Someone's got to fight the good fight. Otherwise it would just be people praising one another for clean eating, raspberry ketones, and fat-blasting workout routines all day long.

    and here i was thinking praising someone for eating well was a good thing. huh.

    Eating well is a holistic thing. I eat well. I also eat Egg McMuffin meals almost daily, and I had a Whopper w/ Cheese meal in the last week. Eating well and eating fast food are not mutually exclusive. That's the crux of the argument here.

    for you.

    everyone does it their own way. and there's nothing wrong with that.

    however, as I mentioned, this is not the thread for that debate. You wanna have that argument, start your own.

    You're a funny dude.

    And i just reported you for hijacking this thread

    wtf? and you said I have anger issues? what just happened??
  • nins11065
    nins11065 Posts: 29 Member

    Crazy as it sounds, I worked at MacDonalds' as a manager for 4 long depresing years. Got sick of the food eatting, cooking and smelled even after my showers and decided to get out of it all, That did it for me; I have not set foot in any fastfood restaurant, other than Chipotle once a quarter, for almost 24 years. It is a shame I am still FAT!!!
    Now I am in a mission to become a wight lose success
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    Someone's got to fight the good fight. Otherwise it would just be people praising one another for clean eating, raspberry ketones, and fat-blasting workout routines all day long.

    and here i was thinking praising someone for eating well was a good thing. huh.

    Eating well is a holistic thing. I eat well. I also eat Egg McMuffin meals almost daily, and I had a Whopper w/ Cheese meal in the last week. Eating well and eating fast food are not mutually exclusive. That's the crux of the argument here.

    for you.

    everyone does it their own way. and there's nothing wrong with that.

    however, as I mentioned, this is not the thread for that debate. You wanna have that argument, start your own.

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Crazy as it sounds, I worked at MacDonalds' as a manager for 4 long depresing years. Got sick of the food eatting, cooking and smelled even after my showers and decided to get out of it all, That did it for me; I have not set foot in any fastfood restaurant, other than Chipotle once a quarter, for almost 24 years. It is a shame I am still FAT!!!
    Now I am in a mission to become a wight lose success

    if you're motivated, and it sounds like you are, i have no doubt you'll do just that. GOOD LUCK! :)
  • kikilita
    kikilita Posts: 91 Member
    It has saved me SOOOO much money!! I actually am shocked at the end of the month at my bank account - I used to use debit all the time, and it all added up without me even noticing. One of my jobs has me on the road a lot, and fast food just became part of my routine - sometimes every day, or even twice a day. I would drive just up to Tim Hortons or McDonalds as part of my routine drive, hungry or not....it was one of my stops. Numerous times when dieting I would swear off fast food, but then would give in after a day or 2 and think " I'll just have a salad"... and next thing you know I was back to regular fast food again :(

    Lately, things have been a little tighter financially for me, and in addition to dieting, I've stopped eating fast food to save money, and surprised myself at how quickly I can prepare a healthy meal at home. Little by little time ticked away, and now, other than this morning when I stopped at McD's for a muffin, I haven't eaten fast food in weeks. I was with a friend awhile ago who wanted to stop at McD's and i agreed and had a hamburger - I could only take a few bites - it was DISGUSTING to me!! I couldn't believe how my taste buds had changed!! (I know they quickly re-adapt though when you start eating that stuff again so am enjoying my disgust of the taste while it lasts lol!)

    Anyways, long story short.... after awhile, I stopped missing it.... and appreciate the extra money I have in my bank account!

    Yes, this! Especially the first paragraph. I mostly don't eat out to save money. It helps that other benefits come along with it!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    This wasn't a New Years resolution, because frankly, I don't believe in them, but I gave up fast food on Monday. That may not seem like a very long time, but I was fast food ADDICTED. I would even lose weight while eating it, but it would make me feel terrible physically, and it was the thing I would go to when I went off track, which made getting off track way too easy and convenient.

    How has stopping the drive thru drama helped you? What tips do you have for staying on track, because my biggest issue was the convenience that fast food offered me (not that the delicious chemical and fat content wasn't attractive on some level as well). I'm serious about not only eating within my calorie range, but also eating healthier foods.

    Any ideas/suggestions/etc would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    the best advice i have is to learn everything you can about what goes into fast food and how it affects your body. totally grossed me out and turned me off the stuff.

    besides that, it takes a little more work and a little planning, but it's worth it. my suggestion is to spend a few hours on a sunday night and cook a bunch of meals that you can freeze and reheat later. Also, protein shakes help a lot, and are really quick. Throw whatever fruit, nuts, etc you've got into a blender with some protein powder and you've got a meal in under a minute that you can take with you on the go, put in your fridge at work, etc.

    it just takes a little commitment! and that's why people are so scared to do it. But the feeling you have is worth it in the long run. Good luck! :)