Why girls shouldn't lift weights like men - disgusting hey?



  • how anyone could call that disgusting is beyond me. Even if its not your thing, it is still hard work, which should be at the very least admired and respected.
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
  • She looks amazing! I'm aiming to get definition like that.
  • The naysayers, in my view, are hating just a tad.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    sure i think some look good,,, but then there are some that are way overdoing it, and they look like ****!
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    You people get your idea of "feminine" and "masculine" looking from society and movies.
    If someone, at the peak of their fitness, looks like this, and is a woman, that's feminine. There's no definition of what everyone should look like.
    I sense a lot of jealousy in this thread.

    The idea of feminine and masculine comes from the effect of estrogen and testosterone on the human body. Soft facial features, a .7 waist to hip ratio, and several other things define fertility, and femininity. The same with masculinity, square jaw, smaller eyes, broad shoulders deep voice etc. None of this is caused by society, it's biology.

    If it is straight biology, then when woman are at their physical peak, they would fit this description. Not all women do. Not all women are the same, so you can't plaster measurements on a "normal" woman and say that's what everyone should look like. The idea of a man being big and bulky and a woman being tiny and lean comes from movies and society. That's why fat people hate themselves; because of society. Not biology.

    You're right, about 90% of women do not fit that description, most women do not come close to having a feminine body shape. Women can be masculine, and men can be feminine, that doesn't mean feminine qualities are masculine and masculine qualities are feminine. There are just masculine women and feminine men.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I think she looks incredible. I fully admit that when I opened this thread and saw her picture, I groaned. I am also able to admit that it comes from a place of jealousy. I know I lack that kind of fierce dedication.

    I think she looks beautiful. I wouldn't want to go much "bigger," but that's just me.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    She looks amazing! what an amazing amount of hard work and dedication go into looking this amazing! who cares if you would want to look like this or not...research what it would take to get this body and then at least be able to admire what went into it.

    I am in awe of how awesome she looks...thanks for continuing to share her achievements with us. I LOVE lifting and while I am pretty sure that I can never look like that in the abs area I can only hope to have arms and legs something close to what she has! Keep on rocking it out!
  • ChocoMello
    ChocoMello Posts: 74 Member
    Wbat does she eat to ge that hot body?
    Really interested. Thoose abs! She has to fuel her body with nice fresh foods i think..?
  • i will never lift a weight! women with muscles that big are just weird (no offence to anyone)

    that is offensive, actually. Instead, maybe say something like "that's not for me..." and move on. There is no need to refer to women with muscles as weird.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I prefer looking "effortlessly" beatiful - this whole muscle thing is no way that. and the fake boobs sure don't help

    just don't like people who look like they try soooo hard

    Good luck "effortlessly" losing weight and strengthening your bones so you don't become an osteoporosis-riddled old lady when you're 55.
  • Wauw... I'd love to look like that!! :love: :love: :love:

    Not too muscular at all. She looks bas-*kitten* sexy, which in my opinion is HOT! I'd love to look that bad-*kitten*...
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    The naysayers, in my view, are hating just a tad.

    yeah so if I don't like my steak medium rare as you do, I am just a hater, right?

    Sad how many people lack their education in common latin. "De gustibus non est disputandum". Google at least, and you will see why everyone is free to express their on taste without you calling them names. Thanks.
  • Another thread that's turned into a King or Queen of the Internet contest...
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    She looks smoking hot! Forwarded this to my wife as inspiration.

    I really don't know what people are talking about with too much muscle. You can tell she's extremely fit, but she isn't bulgy or anything at all. Very feminine, and you sir are a lucky man!

    I much prefer this to skinny and am happy that more women are embracing the whole S.I.N.S. movement.

    So let me get this straight....you're going to send your wife a picture of some random internet chick that you WISHED she looked like?

    Yeah, good idea. I bet she'll get right on that. After she kicks your *kitten* :laugh:
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    Well there is a golden middle way between a ton of muscles and fake looking implants and a healthy toned body, missus.

    (I love this thinking - you either look like a professional athlete and weightlifter or you are a sad old osteoporosis 55 year old lady. yeah sure there is nothing in between. sure.)
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Love her physique, nice work!

    Saw her squatting video though, what happened to breaking parallel! I'd love to see some 70kg+ *kitten* to grass! :wink:
  • She looks smoking hot! Forwarded this to my wife as inspiration.

    I really don't know what people are talking about with too much muscle. You can tell she's extremely fit, but she isn't bulgy or anything at all. Very feminine, and you sir are a lucky man!

    I much prefer this to skinny and am happy that more women are embracing the whole S.I.N.S. movement.

    so, you're hoping for a divorce by Valentine's day, then? lol
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Excellent examples of chicks that lift that do not look like a dude...well most do not look like a dude. It is almost impossible for chicks to "Bulk" if they like. They lack the compounds that males have that gets them to bulk. So ladies go ahead a lift, and lift big. You will burn the fat and get some toned lines but you will not pack on beef like a dude. I have provided a link below that talks bout this for those interested.

  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I prefer looking "effortlessly" beatiful - this whole muscle thing is no way that. and the fake boobs sure don't help

    just don't like people who look like they try soooo hard

    I think you meant to say you dont like people who work out hard, you prefer those who read magazines on the recumbent bike for 10 minutes without turning the machine on and then call it a day...