Couch to 5km Graduates!!!



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I found the thread again. Sorry Maddie to let it die but I revived it again. I've been running again. Today I finished week 4day 2. That second 5 minute run almost did me in but I finally made it. I bought new running shoes and they sure do make a difference. My ankles aren't killin' me now when I run. I hope the others come back to this thread again.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Stayin' alive... :) Thanks for keeping this going! Not sure how, but I fell off this thread again. It's nice to see it back.
    How are you all doing?

    I was sick for a couple of weeks in March, but in April got my groove back. In the past week, I rocked my longest runs EVER!!! 4.5 miles, followed by a 4 miler. It felt AMAZING.

    Hoping to keep it going, but could really benefit from having a support group to hang with. :)
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Smiles, great job! :flowerforyou: I did w5d1 today. It wasn't quite as hard as week 4. I'm pretty proud of myself. Can't wait to finish this again so I can finally run my first 5K. Thread's not dead yet. I hope we can keep it going.
  • davemc1971
    davemc1971 Posts: 6
    I'm new to this thread. I finished the c25k last summer. I've ran a couple of 5k's and just this last weekend finished the Texas warrior dash 3.5 miles with 10 obstacles through mud, and chest deep water in about 37 minutes. I am currently training for my fist 10k and then follow that up with a 1/2 marathon. I love running, it's very relaxing especially with some good music playing.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hi all!

    I've been struggling the past few weeks. I've had my first weight uptick since last October. I have been sporadic about logging my food, and not so good about exercising regularly (I managed to stay off of the wii for 22 consecutive days!) I've also felt less connected on the message boards than I had in a long time, so all in all, I've not been at my best.

    It's been kinda weird, because up until a few days ago, I felt really good. Then over this last trip, I had a really good healthy day, I ran and walked for over an hour and ate well, then I had three really long sedentary days where I didn't feel like I had much control over the food choices. Since then, I've felt like a blimp!

    Monday I went back to the gym for the first time in a few weeks and swam for an hour. Last night I did a wii free-step for 30 minutes. I started off this morning on the wii and plan to go to aqua class tonight at the gym... but then Wednesday through Friday I'm on the road again!

    I've been playing softball, but find I have to be really careful to really get enough exercise from playing and to not eat more than I burned being social with other ball players!

    I was doing so well. I need to get motivated to get after that next 30 lbs. In my head, part of me doesn't believe I can really do it. And part of me has been really happy to be where I am now. I stayed right at the same weight for quite a while.

    Also, I decided I wasn't ready for one of my goals (a sprint triathalon in June) and missed the registration for the 10k I wanted to run in July - so I have nothing identified to train for. I guess I need to fix that!

    Ok, well, I'll get off the rant now and do the best I can the next three weeks. Travel will be over after that and I can get re-focused. This next three weeks, I'll concentrate on making better food choices on the road and getting in more exercise. Hopefully the needle will start to budge in the other direction again!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hey there Jan..I've been thinking about you! So I decided to hunt you down and here you are! Girl..I"m in the same boat, I mean..yes i have registered for a run and yes I am still going to the gym to run on the treadmill but its not as before, and Im just feeling disconnected lately with MFP. I'm also not eating as well as i should therefore not losing any weight.

    Tuesday I decided to just start again using the running podcast since I need to pick up my speed and get better at running. So just going to see where it gets me. I'm starting off with the Freeway to 10k since its interval training and I "feel" i can do it and I also know its going to kick my butt! But I that's what i need right now..a good butt kicking to get back on TRACK!!

    good luck to you! WE CAN DO THIS! WE DID IT and can do it again!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member

    How is everyone on here doing! I am so sorry that I have been away from the thread! I have missed all your updates and encouragement! How is everyone doing now?

    i got back into it again ladies!!! I managed to run 2x this week adn Im off to do it again tomorow at 5:30 am! 5km here I come lol! Hope everyone is feeling better and getting back into it again!!!1

    love carrie
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hello all - Jessica did a great job of tracking me down and getting me headed back in the right direction! I really appreciate that by the way...

    It does help to run with other people on a plan - I think that's why c25k works so well online - you run with a bunch of people even though it's not together and it's so exciting to get results it's easy to encourage each other. I miss that!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    YAY!!! Im so glad you are back, and hi Jessica :) Hope you're doing well as well. I agree that running with others even online makes a huge difference in what we can do!

    I was so excited to get out and go for a walk/run with my fiance this morning! it was such a great way to start the day!!! I am so excited to really get going again. i got in 3x last week and hoping I can get in 3x again this week as well as 3x this week of strength traiing and a horseback riding lesson...gotta kick it into high gear now that I have 4 months to get ready for my wedding!!!

    I cant wait to see if i can push myself to the 10 km this year before october :) I sure hope so! what is everyone else's BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) is to run a 1/2 marathon this october but Im not sure thats in the cards yet!!!

    I'd love to hear everyone else's short and long term goals for running and exercise this summer....if you want to share and motivate each other again :)

  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I'm coming up on wk 5 d1. I will join you all when I officially graduate. :)

    If I may ask one question - did anyone incorporate sprints into their workout schedule while doing C25K? I'm playing flag football and need to develop some speed (at best I'm running a 12 minute mile... I know, it's not about speed). I'm thinking of adding one day of sprints on a local football field. I realize games are essentially long sprint interval workouts and I'm adding a day of rest after each game.

    Thanks for any sage advice you can provide! :happy:

  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    hey Chris :)

    We are glad to have you before you graduate as well. I just started this group because a lot of us were all on the same thread running the c25k last year so once we all did our first 5km or finished the program i decided we needed a "graduates" group heeh!

    As for sprints, i have a bad knee, so I didnt do a lot of sprints. when we got into the longer runs (Aprox 10 min/run) i would do aobut 1-2 minutes of a faster speed and then slow down and do the remaining part at my regular speed. I'll never be a speed runner, but my goal is to eventually be a distance runner :)

    keep up the good work, yuou're doing awesome!!!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hello everyone, I'm still plugging along and traing for a 10K. Last week I ran a total of 13 miles (2, 5, and 6 mile runs). My speeds not great but I love the runners high.

    Chris - look up Fartlek training. It's used to increase speed once a week. Good luck.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    great job chickie :) thats awesome I managed to get out and get 10 miles in this week.Im still trying to work back up to running 10 minutes straight. I am really struggling this time. The nice thing is i have my fiance running with me now atleast once a week and it makes me feel a little better......except he never runs and he just goes running hehe. he doesnt even have to do the steps!

    i wish i could achieve that goal of a half marathon this october,but I just dont think that I can do it :( It makes me sad!!! I am not really sure how to push past the struggles i keep coming across. i find that when Im running i stop for the 1 minute walk parts and to lower my heart rate and then when i go to run again its so hard and my muscles are sore and i just feel discouraged...any suggestions?

    anyway, Im so glad that youguys are seeing progress....keep the posts coming :)

    love care
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    maddiebabe - are you trying to run too fast? Something isn't right - I know you can run much longer than that.

    I haven't actually been out running in a while - I've been doing less taxing indoor exercises or swimming. I need to get back out there. Right now the hardest part is putting on my sneakers :-) I've still been doing 60 minutes of some kind of exercise every day. Now that I have the new habit, I need to up the intensity.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    hey :)

    I am up to running for 12-15 min now and then walking for 2-5 min and then running again depending on where my heart rate is at that time! I really want to run another 5km soon!!!!

    How are you doing...i feel like i hvaent talked to you in FOREVER!!! great job with the 60 min/day! Thats awesome!!! what other kinds of things have you been doing. i miss swimming. i used to have a pool growing up and now i live an hr away from my mom and dads so i only get to swim occasionally :)

    i am going to challenge you to put on your sneakers and run for 5 min step hehe!!!