Doritos are not meth.



  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Why not offer a positive viewpoint or share you experience in overcoming these beliefs?

    That was my intention. I can't help what people read into it.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member

    Ma'am I salute you!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    It is frustrating to see people who have no experience with of formal training in addictions posting as if they know what addictions are.

    1. Addictions are NOT all mental. There are provable and measurable physiological differences in brain chemistry for addicts versus non-addicts.

    2. Conquering addiction is NOT simply a matter of will power. If it were, there would have been no reason for 12-step recovery programs to have developed, or to have flourished and succeeded in helping so many people manage their addictions.

    3. An addict does not stop being an addict. Will power does not change our brain chemistry. Nor does "learning new habits." Similarly, a real alcoholic doesn't one day learn enough self-awareness, or develop so may new good habits that they can suddenly go out with their friends and drink like a lady.

    4. If you think you had an addiction, but you learned to practice in moderation, I would argue that an addiction was not your problem. You just had a bad habit that you learned to change, and that is wonderful.

    5. If you had a bad habit that you learned to change and you preach to addicts and tell them that they just need more will-power, or to learn to develop healthier habits in order to overcome their addiction, you do not understand the nature of addiction, and you are speaking out of ignorance. That is not meant to be rude. I'm not calling you stupid. Ignorance just means you don't have all the facts. So please don't pretend you do.

    I actually saw that the originally OP was trying to say just because you eat a cupcake dont feel guilty its not the end of the world. It may have been a backwards way to go about it, and touched a lot of cords with those of us who are trying to manage our addiction on a daily, minute, meal by meal basis. It is sad that food addiction is treated like just a lack of will power, but people with true sex addiction also get treated the same way like its a joke. I think because unlike drugs and alcohol which is easy for someone to be flippant and say, "just stop!" You cant do that w/ an ED. All they can say is well do it in moderation,. Easy to brush under the rug and blame the individual for somehow being weak and lazy. If you dont know the pain of hiding, lying, and stealing to get your high (whatever the vice maybe) you cant understand. I hit a low with my addiction and couldnt go any further. I feel so much lighter now that I have opened to the world my dirty little secret. Food is indeed a drug.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    According to OP, it all boils down to "will power".... wow....

    Umm. It does. Every food craving can be controlled with enough discipline. You think your craving and urges are bad? Go speak with a professional bodybuilder or fitness model right before a show. They have it MUCH worse and they best of them never stray from their course.

    You're right... But I'm gonna guess that the best of them also don't have a dozen chocolate cup cakes in their fridge when prepping for competitions either. Practicing my will power at the store when I decide how much of what I can handle in my pantry/fridge/immediate vicinity based on how much resolve I'm feeling is NOT lazy. It's a sign of knowing my own limits and being able to manipulate my environment to work in my favor.

    Absolutely, I 100% agree. My comment about willpower was not in reference to the whole "not buying a certain food" argument. just dieting and food addictions in general.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member

    I am a food addict, I don't understand moderation.

    That's just an excuse, everyone understands moderation, you just have to say NO to yourself and see it through.
    It isn't easy, but it's not impossible if you keep trying.

    WOW, just WOW. This is the kind of mindset that kills people. Please do some research into the neuropathways of addicts and their reward system and then tell me that moderation is possible for people.

    I am an alcoholic, trust me, I do not want to be. I am physically incapable of drinking in moderation, and I tried for years. It is no different with people that are addicted to sex, gambling or drugs. Food addiction is worse because you must have food to live.

    Please PLEASE keep this opinion to yourself next time someone tells you that they are addicted to something and you infer to them that it is an excuse. It really will not hurt you to keep that to yourself, but it could, indeed, hurt the addict.

    It really is so great to see that I have people that can relate or even understand what I am saying. I have just started a 12 step program that my doctor recommended.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    Evidently, binge eating on a single food was never your issue.

    Hot Cheetos. They will haunt me for the rest of my life.

    I can never find these. Maybe they don't exist in Canada? I really want to try them.

    My youngest loves her some Hot Cheetos :)
  • OptimisticlyOptimistic
    True story.

    Meth makes you skinny.

    True dat!
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    Question....Does it still count as calories when snorted?

    Snorted yes, Freebased NO!:laugh:
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member

    I am a food addict, I don't understand moderation.

    That's just an excuse, everyone understands moderation, you just have to say NO to yourself and see it through.
    It isn't easy, but it's not impossible if you keep trying.

    WOW, just WOW. This is the kind of mindset that kills people. Please do some research into the neuropathways of addicts and their reward system and then tell me that moderation is possible for people.

    I am an alcoholic, trust me, I do not want to be. I am physically incapable of drinking in moderation, and I tried for years. It is no different with people that are addicted to sex, gambling or drugs. Food addiction is worse because you must have food to live.

    Please PLEASE keep this opinion to yourself next time someone tells you that they are addicted to something and you infer to them that it is an excuse. It really will not hurt you to keep that to yourself, but it could, indeed, hurt the addict.

    Since you are incapable of moderation all other addicts must be the same. Sound logic

    No, but it has been proven the mass majority are incapable. Addicts motto "Not even one"

    Because one is just too many and a thousand is never enough.
  • majikmiker
    majikmiker Posts: 291 Member

    I believe I could have the will power to resist Doritos. It would be a battle, like say the Doritos are the Emperor in Star Wars, and I'm Luke Skywalker, and my will power is Darth Vader - You think the evil emperor doritos are going to conquer because it looks like Darth Willpower is on his side, but then Darth Willpower decides to be good, and destroys the evil Dorito Emperor in the end.

    :glasses: :bigsmile: :smokin: :drinker:
  • ceh5200
    ceh5200 Posts: 12 Member
    I Love this and completely agree!! I have such a sweet tooth and treat myself to something tasty a couple times a week, I want to be healthy, I want to look better, but I also want to be happy! there is nothing wrong with moderation and if that's what you like I dont see a problem with having some every once and awhile, and when you do decide to have something not so great for you have it in moderation, log it, and then don't think about it again. the cycle binge eating starts because you think you've completely failed because you had one cupcake and decide to give up, it's not true! keep at it!
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    Amen to that sister!!
  • hotjacki85
    hotjacki85 Posts: 287 Member

    agreed... I love this! It is so well written and i agree!
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    No.....dey da debbil.....
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    SNIP...I don’t shiver and sob on my bathroom floor while rubbing Sensa crystals all over my body. ...ENDSNIP

    B A H A H A H A H A H A H A H A

    I didn't get any further than that. I agree with your entire message - you CAN eat it, do so, log it move on. But that part right there was my favorite. Props to you. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • cmpollard01

    I REFUSE to cut certain food out just because they might be "bad." I like to keep a tub of chocolate icing around my house so I can eat a spoonful or two when I need to quell my chocolate urge. Have I ever opened the top, grabbed a spoon and eaten half the tub before I batted an eyelash? Certainly! But I also used to eat a couple tacos and a box of mac & cheese for dinner. By myself. In one sitting. I realize that giving in to those tempations might mean I don't reach my goal as quickly as I might like, but it also means I won't (generally) gorge myself on crap foods all the time. That's just me. :)

    So glad you spoke up!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i agree with some of what you are saying..however, I do freaking hate it when someone brings in two dozen donuts and everyone keeps telling me 'the donuts are here "the donuts are here" when they know that I never eat stuff like want ot bring in donuts, cupcakes, chocolate, etc..that is fine...just don't make a freaking annoucement about it to the whole office...Of course my personal favorite is after everyone has gorged themselves on donuts they all sit around and ask why their diet is not working! LOL Really?

    but I do agree that if you don't want ot eat crap, then don't eat crap..the decision is yours not the person that brough the crap in or the taco bell on the corner...
  • sfgonzales
    sfgonzales Posts: 110 Member
    Great, now I want queso! Lol
  • tressieazbill
    tressieazbill Posts: 59 Member
    Moderation is key..No I dont leave junk food in my house. I keep all sugar and what not away BUT if I am some where and they offer me a peice of cake I will take it. And I wont feel bad. Also once a week I let a day where I indulge a bit over my clean eating. I think just getting yourself in good eating habbits is what works. And sometimes to get to that point you need to stay away from all junk for a while. Now its prety easy for me to indulge a bit without over eating.
  • herodrummer
    herodrummer Posts: 2 Member
    This is great and I think hits home with many of us.
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