Ladies who LOVE their thighs - WELCOME!



  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    Love my thighs! and my butt lol Everyone is so scared of losing their boobs and can't wait to get rid of their butt and thighs... and I am SO the opposite!!!!
  • PaulFromEssex

    Lovely figure :wink:
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member

    I can't tell you how much I needed to read this. And here I thought my thighs were disgusting!!
    You are all so beautiful.

    One day, this will be my after picture :) you are awesome!!!!!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member

    I can't tell you how much I needed to read this. And here I thought my thighs were disgusting!!
    You are all so beautiful.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    You looking damn fine there girl!
  • hph442
    hph442 Posts: 319 Member
    I hadn't given much thought to my thighs, I guess I like em. But the calves that's a whole nutha story.
  • agadoogirl
    agadoogirl Posts: 36 Member
    I love this thread! So much positivity and women being comfortable with their bodies!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member

    I can't tell you how much I needed to read this. And here I thought my thighs were disgusting!!
    You are all so beautiful.

    Your thighs are awesome. I want an outside quad bump like that!
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    I love my thighs, hips and curves and so does my Hubbie. He has told me to get fit not thin, real men love curves!!!!

    Aww, that sounds like my hubs. :)<3 I love when men love their women and want them to be healthy but real.

    On topic: You are all awesome! I still don't like my thighs but am getting more comfortable with them the more I work on them. My goal is to rock a pair of shorts in public ! :glasses:

    *edited after I read this post:
    I love my thighs even though the are bigger than usual as I'm still quite far from my goal weight. The things I love about them are that they have served as a nice comfy cushy place to bounce my baby and set him on while nursing him, teaching him to feed himself, and hold him against when he ever became frightened of new situations as a toddler.

    :heart: Thank you for the reminder. I have one for each of my girls to sit on...and they got me through my one hour elliptical session this past weekend (may not sound like a lot to some but was a HUGE DEAL for me!) :heart:
  • meechster20001
    meechster20001 Posts: 76 Member
    Love this thread, I've just added it to my goal list for about 6 months time!
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    I don't completely love my thighs (yet), but I don't hate them anymore. =)
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    My thighs are sore from yesterday's workout. I LOVE that!!!

    Awesome job, ladies! Love seeing this thread periodically. So much good energy in here - need that sometimes!
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    so how many sqauts, lunges, dead lifts and jumps should I do to target this?
  • tinyzombie
    tinyzombie Posts: 128 Member
    I've always hated my thighs, but they're a work in progress, and I can't wait to feel comfortable enough to post them here. :D That said, you ladies have some INCREDIBLE thighs! I can't wait to join the club!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I didn't used to appreciate my pear shape nearly enough until I came to MFP. I didn't hate it but I also didn't own it. I came to realize that this hip dip and the area I call saddlebags are actually gorgeous curves that were waiting for the right attitude to come along and embrace them. Having a newer appreciation for them, I find clothes that dress them up instead of drowning them out.

    I admit, I was looking for a specific shape, particularly combined with a specific bottom but in the end, I was missing something important--my own beautiful shape.

    We women do need to learn to embrace what we have and the shape we are given, regardless of what that is. Look around, there is no one specific shape but there are many beautiful women.

    I have no problem "working on my body" but now it is more about learning what my body can do. I look at my pictures and even 10-15lbs ago, I had a more beautiful body than I recognized at that time. The goal has shifted to be more about fitness and achieving a healthy range.

    I tell people I'm experimenting. That's exactly what I feel like right now. I'm okay at any weight in the normal range. II'm looking at what different body percentages look like on me. That's another part of my "experiment" but in the end, quite honestly, it is ALL good. I love that for a solid year now, I have accepted exercised and done a variety of new things from Zumba to kayaking to weight lifting. I almost want to start a thread about all the new things and foods I've tried in the past year. We need to celebrate who we are and learn to love the lessons and experiences we gain along the way.
  • PrimalSiren
    Yay I <3 this thread. I was feeling down about my thighs because I was told they were too big, but now I feel quite proud. It took a lot of work to get mine the way they are.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I took this picture during a rest period while doing heavy squats today. Normally I'd be a little let down by how large my thighs appear. But eff it. Made it my profile picture.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    I took this picture during a rest period while doing heavy squats today. Normally I'd be a little let down by how large my thighs appear. But eff it. Made it my profile picture.

    Your uppers look like mine. I think they are gorgeous. So that's right, eff it, embrace 'em, you're beautiful.

    And so are the other thighs I'm seeing in this thread. Dayummmm women - I never thought I'd appreciate this body part as much as I do now. Maybe it's a maturity thing...hahah! First we appreciate a nice rack, then abs, then *kitten*, now thighs....what's next? ;) Keep the positive self-image going on here - I'm loving it!
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    do thighs come with that shake?
  • FitnessGal1983
    Your posts made me smile! I made peace with my thighs years ago. All of the women in our family have muscular thighs and it makes finding jeans a nightmare lol -- when they fit the thighs then the waist is huge! Any tips?