He told me he was embarrassed of me while I was pregnant!



  • BabyNurseJen
    BabyNurseJen Posts: 64 Member
    Very verbally abusive. Im not leaving him....Leaving him is out of the question.

    Way to teach your children that his behavior is ok. Way to continue the cycle. More women will be abused because of you.
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    I agree with other posters. You need to get out of this if not for yourself but for your children. By accepting his behavior and no leaving, you are teaching your children that it's okay to treat women this way. It's not an easy thing, I've been there. When my 2 year old called me a b*tch I knew I had to do something. I'm better for it and so are they.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    That my friend is emotional abuse.

    And not only is the a step towards physical abuse but maintaining yourself in that situation with two children will encourage the idea that these behaviors are acceptable and also that you should be treated that way.

    Do not stay, for the love and respect of yourself and your children, leave.
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    You really should leave... Your kids are going to grow up thinking this behavior is ok... And you won't be able to see him in the same light, because he honestly does not give a s*** about you. No one that did care for you would treat you this way.. YOu have ONE life, that's it. You either live it in the best and most honorable way you can, or you will waste it. You need to demand better, if he is going to try you like this then just let him go... You can do it on your own, TAKE CONTROL of your life...
  • doin_it
    doin_it Posts: 414 Member
    You say you are not leaving him but he may up and leave you with two kids. Nothing will stop him from walking away. You would be so much better off without him. I was married to a verbally/emotionally abusive man for 25+ years. I didn't want to leave..I had so little confidence that I had myself convinced I couldnt make it on my own. I lost weight and he still told me I was fat even when I was at my goal weigh. I finally found the strength to leave and my only regret now is that I wasted so much my life and my childrens' lives. You deserve better and you will never be able to get those ugly, hateful words out of your head. They are scars that will never heal...you and your children deserve better!! No matter your size if he loved you, he would love you no matter what. Weight really hasnothing to do with it!, he is just an *kitten*!!
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    So the truth came out. He is no longer attracted to me. I had a baby 6 mo ago. When he said this 11 days ago and I weighed 212. I now weigh 201. I started the juicing diet immediately the day he told me all of this. He was not a supportive bf during the pregnancy. A lot of insults. He rarely touched my tummy. He is more interested in his son than me. He has told me he doesnt enjoy having sex and that his friends and family are constantly telling him he could do better. Very verbally abusive. Im not leaving him. I already have a 3 yr old from a previous relationship and now I have a 6 mo old. And I am no longer able to have children. Leaving him is out of the question. I know I should. But ..oh well. My question is. When I lose the weight and im down at my goal weight of 150. Will I be able to look at him the same Or is the pain that hes caused by all of the insults going to stay with me? Has anyone gotn through this? kinda feel alone... He says hes trying to "wake me up before its to late". Ive never felt so ugly.

    So what I am reading here is that
    1. You are going to stay with him to avoid having a second child in a broken home BUT that the home you are raising TWO kids in is more broken than being apart
    2. Letting your children grow up in a home where verbal abuse is abound is okay
    3. It is acceptable for this man to raise your son(s) beliving that the behaviour he exhibbits to you is perfectly acceptable and this is how life should be and how women should be treated if they are heavy

    Honey I am telling you first hand you won't feel any different at any weight. You will always feel insecure about your relationship because of what he has said. You will also continue to feel insecure about yourself because of it and will constantly wonder if he is more interested in someone else. The fact he "warned you" isn't a likely a warning but a tell tail that he is already out the door emotionally if not physically. You deserve to be happy and if that means raising your kids as a single mother, well you are better off with that option than the one you are literally settling for. I'm sorry but your bf sounds like a jerk who doesn't deserve to have anyone fight to keep him in her life. He is the father of ONE of your kids so he will always be a part of your life, but do NOT MAKE HIM YOUR LIFE. Those kids are your life, not him. He doesn't deserve the idea of you getting healthy FOR HIM... IT won't change anything anyway. Change FOR YOU and those kids... and do them a favor and wise up, leave him and be the strong independant person you CAN be if you CHOOSE to be.

    Ask yourself, what if you reach 150 and he still thinks you are too big, will you continue losing FOR him... when you reach 130 and he believes you are still too big.... honestly any man who decides his so called ability to love or be attracted to a woman based on her weight is not worth your time.... Does the size of his "unit" matter to you? No and he can't change that so why should you be expected to change the size of yourself for him? Find somewone more deserving who actually knows what it means to be human
  • Nikki_WantsIt
    Nikki_WantsIt Posts: 204 Member
    My babygirl is 6 mo old too.. I got up to 240!!! Now, I'm 213..
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    What? You look beautiful pregnant!!! Your ego and self esteem should be through the roof! Look at yourself. Seriously, you look great prego!
    I am so sorry that you are going through this. I'm 9 months pregnant right now and my ego and self esteem have never been more fragile.
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    Some people are just not attracted to pregnant people. Yes it hurts to hear that when you have a 3 foot protuberance sticking out from your torso that it's not attractive but it's just not to some people. I for one have never seen an attractive pregnant person, nor ever watched one "glow". I've seen one sweat like it was nobody’s business, but I've just never found it attractive. Of course, I will never date someone who can get pregnant, so I will never have the problem of having to admit to them I think they look disgusting. Nor will I ever be able to get pregnant so I will never have to look at how disgusting I look to myself.

    If it upsets you that he didn’t find you attractive then maybe he's just not the right person for you, just because you've birthed a calf he put inside you doesn’t mean you're meant to be. I see from the comments you refuse to leave him, but you're going to wake up one day and he'll be gone. It won't be your fault, but you shouldn’t be shocked when it happens because you already know he doesn’t want to be with you.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    So the truth came out. He is no longer attracted to me. I had a baby 6 mo ago. When he said this 11 days ago and I weighed 212. I now weigh 201. I started the juicing diet immediately the day he told me all of this. He was not a supportive bf during the pregnancy. A lot of insults. He rarely touched my tummy. He is more interested in his son than me. He has told me he doesnt enjoy having sex and that his friends and family are constantly telling him he could do better. Very verbally abusive. Im not leaving him. I already have a 3 yr old from a previous relationship and now I have a 6 mo old. And I am no longer able to have children. Leaving him is out of the question. I know I should. But ..oh well. My question is. When I lose the weight and im down at my goal weight of 150. Will I be able to look at him the same Or is the pain that hes caused by all of the insults going to stay with me? Has anyone gotn through this? kinda feel alone... He says hes trying to "wake me up before its to late". Ive never felt so ugly.

    So what I am reading here is that
    1. You are going to stay with him to avoid having a second child in a broken home BUT that the home you are raising TWO kids in is more broken than being apart
    2. Letting your children grow up in a home where verbal abuse is abound is okay
    3. It is acceptable for this man to raise your son(s) beliving that the behaviour he exhibbits to you is perfectly acceptable and this is how life should be and how women should be treated if they are heavy

    She followed-up after her OP. She is staying because his mother is sabotaging her in family court. Her fear is that she will lose custody of her children if she leaves him. She knows she should leave him, but hasn't figured out how.
  • Sballard418
    Sballard418 Posts: 153 Member
    Dearest OP,

    I feel like I just read your post only it was mine almost 5 years ago. I was continuously called a Stupid Fat Ugly B#%^* on a daily basis. I was told "Nobody will ever love you, I don't want to have sex with you because you have gotten so fat". "I'm not attracted to you because you are fat, I'm just being honest"

    When my Father had cancer, I wasn't aloud to spend much time with him. Because he was considered "dirty" I missed out on some precious time with my Dad. Stupid me. My mom also told me how stupid I was for staying with the jerk even to this day.

    Why did I stay? I believed what he said. I too had a little one and had gotten pregnant at 16, delivered at 17. I wasted 6 years of my life with that jerk. I stayed because it was all I knew. All I thought I deserved. Keyword: THOUGHT

    I finally left him.

    Flash Forward. I am now married to the man of my dreams who has the hopes of adopting "our" beautiful daughter who only knows him as her Daddy. I wish I would have left him a long time ago. I missed out on so much of my life. I left him out of the blue because our rent was up on the apartment we were currently at and I couldn't see myself with him for another year. I didn't want to be trapped. He freaked out said he'd change blah blah blah. Almost went back glad, I didn't. I was so incredible naive. I am so sorry that, you are going through this. I am so so sorry. To this day the emotional scars run deep I constantly ask my husband if since gaining weight if he thinks I am unattractive.

    You are right, you can't leave him...at least not today.

    But! There is always tomorrow. :heart:
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    Some people are just not attracted to pregnant people. Yes it hurts to hear that when you have a 3 foot protuberance sticking out from your torso that it's not attractive but it's just not to some people. I for one have never seen an attractive pregnant person, nor ever watched one "glow". I've seen one sweat like it was nobody’s business, but I've just never found it attractive. Of course, I will never date someone who can get pregnant, so I will never have the problem of having to admit to them I think they look disgusting. Nor will I ever be able to get pregnant so I will never have to look at how disgusting I look to myself.

    If it upsets you that he didn’t find you attractive then maybe he's just not the right person for you, just because you've birthed a calf he put inside you doesn’t mean you're meant to be. I see from the comments you refuse to leave him, but you're going to wake up one day and he'll be gone. It won't be your fault, but you shouldn’t be shocked when it happens because you already know he doesn’t want to be with you.

    While this is true, not every man finds pregnant women attractive, the man should still be attracted to the woman carrying his child. And should never cut her down!
  • miss_rye_
    miss_rye_ Posts: 94 Member
    Don't lose weight for him. Lose weight for you and your children.

    ^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^^

    If he is that shallow to begin with, even when you lose the weight, he will find something else to degrade you about. I had this with my ex, and well as I stated ex.

    Side note- Just because you have two children, doesn't mean you have to stay with an emotional abuser. I have a 6 year old and almost 1 year old, two seperate fathers and guess what, I am single and ok with it. I am not having more children, but I think my emotional healthy, and my children's health is much more important than the image of being with a man.
  • brandymandycandy
    Some people are just not attracted to pregnant people. Yes it hurts to hear that when you have a 3 foot protuberance sticking out from your torso that it's not attractive but it's just not to some people. I for one have never seen an attractive pregnant person, nor ever watched one "glow". I've seen one sweat like it was nobody’s business, but I've just never found it attractive. Of course, I will never date someone who can get pregnant, so I will never have the problem of having to admit to them I think they look disgusting. Nor will I ever be able to get pregnant so I will never have to look at how disgusting I look to myself.

    If it upsets you that he didn’t find you attractive then maybe he's just not the right person for you, just because you've birthed a calf he put inside you doesn’t mean you're meant to be. I see from the comments you refuse to leave him, but you're going to wake up one day and he'll be gone. It won't be your fault, but you shouldn’t be shocked when it happens because you already know he doesn’t want to be with you.

    While this is true, not every man finds pregnant women attractive, the man should still be attracted to the woman carrying his child. And should never cut her down!

  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    You are being verbally abused. Many times it escalates to physical abuse. Honey, abuse of any kind is uncalled for, and I'm afraid you're going to end up hating that man. Do you REALLY want your children around that?
    Give me a crack at him, I'll bust his tail.
    YOU don't take crap off ANY man EVER. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Get as far away from him as you possibly can, for your safety and the safety of your own children. The way they see HIM treat mama is the way THEY will eventually treat you.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Wow. Sad post. I hope you find a way out.
  • kellyf_83
    Abuse is not a joke! I was verbally and physically abused by my ex husband. We had a child together and I thought, " we'll, this is it. This is my life now". WRONG! Abuse doesn't stop with the spouse. It will eventually pour over to the children as well. Once I saw my ex abuse our newborn, that was it. I realized he didn't deserve me or our daughter. Now 7 years later, I'm remarried to a man that has never said one single hurtful thing. He adopted my daughter and we have a new baby. You deserve to be happy. No one has he right to put you down. EVER! If you want to stay with him- maybe you could suggest counseling. Sometimes a third party helps you verbalized your feelings and helps he other understand without causing a fight. God luck to you and I wish you all the love and happiness you deserve!
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    He won't like you any better when your thin. It's just an excuse. Leave him.
  • jez4ever
    jez4ever Posts: 190 Member
    Gosh, I loved the way my wife looked pregnant. She always had a perfect glow about her. I could rub that "big ole" belly ALL DAY. We have 5 kids and YES, we're done. It's crazy, but we love it.

    I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. Once spoken, words can never be taken back. However, I think everyone can work out there differences, and forgive each other. I definitely agree with some of the other posts that you guys need counseling. One thing is for sure! If it's going to work out, he has to MAN UP and admit that what he is doing is destructive....BEG for your forgiveness and commit to NEVER do it again.

    I sure hope it works out. Congrats to you and your family for another precious child.
  • Summersadiva
    Summersadiva Posts: 110 Member
    OP - You have to find strength and perservere. He and his mom are both nut jobs. It's just ashame you didn't find this out until after you had your new baby (congrats on the new life). Do you have family members or friends nearby who can vouch for your parenting skills?

    His mom is playing emotional blackmail and she needs to get help herself.

    You must go - for your sanity's sake. You don't have to stay in that nightmare. I don't understand how they could give her custody of a child that is not hers. Where is the first baby's father or grandparents? Can they help you with the oldest while you get yourself away from this man?
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