What is the biggest unexpected surprise after losing weight?



  • tatebos
    tatebos Posts: 29 Member
    My butt bone hurts from sitting. Anyone else have this problem. The only good part about that is that it makes me get up and move. I am also a lot colder than I used to be as well.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    My feet got smaller and I am a total light-weight when drinking. No complaints on either! I haven't found anyone treats me differently, but I think that's because I generally don't surround myself with superficial people.
  • petersonabt
    petersonabt Posts: 518 Member
    Im almost always cold.

    as well as people treat me different. im approached ALOT more now then ever before.
  • meeting my soul mate on mfp, and then both of us gaining everything back cause we take each other out for dinner too much ^_^
  • Hula hooping! For real!

    I'd never been able to do it, but I took the kids to a bouncy castle place at New Years, and they had some. On impulse I tried it, and I could do it. And it was a riot!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Finding out I was pregnant without any infertility treatments last Christmas.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Weird one. We are on holiday and my husband complained about the size of my suitcase. When I was fat I only took a couple of pairs of baggy trousers and some tops and could only wear trainers with orthotics. This time I have all sorts of new clothes including tight jeans, some pretty dresses and several pairs of shoes. So as you shrink the size of your suitcase increases! !
    Today we had to walk up a hill with lots of steps to our holiday flat. Could never have done it before - no way.
    Every day at home when I am doing my stationery cycling I look down at my thin thighs and think, 'whose are those? ' !
    My puffy ankles are shrinking. Hooray!

    I went ziplining last year and hauling the harness up the side of the mountain was a beat down. I'm looking forward to next time. I plan to be much stronger and carrying much less weight. :smile:
  • kristamcclugage
    kristamcclugage Posts: 4 Member
    All the replies have really given me more inspiration. After reading I know there are some things I do now just because of my weight and I'm looking forward to not having to do it. Especially airplane seats. That was really embarrassing having my thighs touch the people next to me.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    I stopped snoring, which my family are very happy about. Saw my collarbones the other day, too!
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I never became "attractive". I thought I would. I've still never been flirted with, hit on, or had a drink bought for me the way all my other friends who've lost weight said they had once they lost weight.

    I always thought being slimmer would mean I was automatically going to be good-looking. it was a pretty big eye-opener when that didn't happen.

    so i got all depressed about it and gained the weight back
    .You are gorgeous!!! Its their loss if they dont flirt with you, hit on you or buy you drinks..you are a better person than that.. I snooped at your pics and you truly have amazing features... dont give up on your journey xx
  • gordonfroese
    gordonfroese Posts: 12 Member
    I have been monitoring the Forum for months, waiting until I had lost enough weight to earn the right to join in. I am down 15 of my declared 55 pounds and found this thread as irresistible for comments.

    To conclude from what I have read over the past hour or so from My Fitness Pals I can look forward to: smaller shoes with colder feet, a larger wiener and hotter sex, easier pregnancy and a greater difficulty if I am shaving my arm pits.

    Being elderly, I feel that I am not up to speed on a couple of things I picked up in this thread like what does "bump" mean and how do I get my "V" back.

    Seriously, I can not believe what an inspirational tool MFP is! We are all so fortunate to be participants (and friends). Thanks to all for getting/keeping me motivated on my fitness plan.
  • Lynn_is_happy
    Lynn_is_happy Posts: 152 Member
    Get my "V" back is the shape of a women's ummmmm! Well, she gets her curves back and it is a pleasure!

    I have been monitoring the Forum for months, waiting until I had lost enough weight to earn the right to join in. I am down 15 of my declared 55 pounds and found this thread as irresistible for comments.

    To conclude from what I have read over the past hour or so from My Fitness Pals I can look forward to: smaller shoes with colder feet, a larger wiener and hotter sex, easier pregnancy and a greater difficulty if I am shaving my arm pits.

    Being elderly, I feel that I am not up to speed on a couple of things I picked up in this thread like what does "bump" mean and how do I get my "V" back.

    Seriously, I can not believe what an inspirational tool MFP is! We are all so fortunate to be participants (and friends). Thanks to all for getting/keeping me motivated on my fitness plan.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    I have been monitoring the Forum for months, waiting until I had lost enough weight to earn the right to join in. I am down 15 of my declared 55 pounds and found this thread as irresistible for comments.

    To conclude from what I have read over the past hour or so from My Fitness Pals I can look forward to: smaller shoes with colder feet, a larger wiener and hotter sex, easier pregnancy and a greater difficulty if I am shaving my arm pits.

    Being elderly, I feel that I am not up to speed on a couple of things I picked up in this thread like what does "bump" mean and how do I get my "V" back.

    Seriously, I can not believe what an inspirational tool MFP is! We are all so fortunate to be participants (and friends). Thanks to all for getting/keeping me motivated on my fitness plan.

    if you get preggers from losing weight then i think i am going to quite MFP, i dont need that in my life now :)

    and you shouldnt feel you have to wait for X amount of lbs to come off to participate or that what you have to say will be null and void cause youre a noobie. from what i have seen and how i reply, whether you lost 100 lbs or 2 lbs, been on here 1 day or 2 years you will be met with sarcasm , whinery, support and disdain.

    i tend mostly to the sarcastic side of things with support thrown in from time to time
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    I start working with a trainer tomorrow and I can't wait to see all of these changes, good and bad, and more!!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Lots of perks! The biggest ones are in the "medical/health" category...which was my #1 goal. No more leg/hip pains when I go to bed, able to get some new clothes that are NOT in the big woman section, people complimenting me on how good I look, walking and climbing stairs more easily. I think the one (besides health) that I enjoy the most is being able to cross my legs easily again!
  • roadmapmaker
    roadmapmaker Posts: 120 Member
    I'm getting my personality back. I hadn't quite noticed how withdrawn I'd become- but then the other day at work I was crackin' wise with the boys, and the comment was made several times that they didn't realize how funny I was. It dawned on me how much a little extra weight had turned me into an introvert. I didn't want people looking at me, and if you talk to people, well they tend to look at you during the course of a conversation. Temporarily blinding my co-workers with pepper spray to ask if I could borrow their stapler just never struck me as a good idea...

    Cool - Ha Ha Ha!
  • asizesix
    asizesix Posts: 131 Member
    *sigh* bump. this is awesome inspiration!!
  • wealthygirl
    wealthygirl Posts: 40 Member
    Sounds silly but...body lotion lasts a lot longer now! LOL. :tongue:
  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Being elderly, I feel that I am not up to speed on a couple of things I picked up in this thread like what does "bump" mean

    "bump" is a way of marking your spot so you can pull up the thread again under My Topics. That way if you want to read it again or see additional responses where you left off you won't have to search for the thread again.
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