breakfast...the most unhealthiest meal of the day..



  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    One thing that is interesting to note is that many people say that when they've eaten a lot on one day (especially late in the evening), they might want to skip breakfast the next morning. For those like me, who eat lightly and do not eat after 7p.m., breakfast is a MUST.
  • jendraka
    jendraka Posts: 117 Member
    When it comes to blood sugar issues, the issues aren't just diabetics, some people are sitting on the hypoglycemic side to begin with. I had strange issues back in high school and I didn't quite know what was with me until I was in boot camp. It wasn't until then that it was discovered that I had low blood sugar issues. If I don't eat at least something on a regular basis, especially if I am very active or in training, I'm going to suffer greatly. It's not fun to go through or watch. So yeah, I eat breakfast, especially if I plan on exercising in the morning, if I don't, it's not a pretty outcome.

    Advising people to just skip breakfast and touting how it is better for them when you know nothing of their medical issues is asinine to say the least. You might as well advise me to go into shock. :huh:

    It's always funny to me when someone with a defined health issue jumps in to these discussions and acts all butthurt. You have a medical condition! You are an exception! Duh!! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you have a medical condition that you need to do what your doctor tells you to do to manage your condition and not take advice from internet forums!!!???

    I'm not acting all "butthurt". I have also made a couple other well spoken and informative posts on this thread if you have bothered to read them involving metabolism and eating habits and diet choices. This post was in regards to a few others that had spoken about diabetes and hypoglycemic shock. Am I not supposed to point out this issue at all and acknowledge that it exists? That even people that are not hypoglycemic can normally run on the low side of normal when it comes to blood sugar levels and if they don't eat regularly can experience a "run down" feeling? That perhaps they didn't know why that was?

    Fact of the matter is, just coming in and spouting off that eating breakfast is unhealthy and causes obesity is just flat out ridiculous. It's not eating breakfast that makes people obese, it never has been. It has always been the choices people make with what they eat and how much they eat of it. Coming in and stomping about spewing the equivalent of "Breakfast bad! Make you fat! No eat breakfast!" is just stupid. :yawn:
  • TeresaJTuck
    TeresaJTuck Posts: 64 Member
    EXCUSE ME!!!!!! You might not want to hear what I have to say, but I'm going to say it anyway. Here it goes: BREAKAST is the MOST IMPORTANT Meal of the day. The reason for this is, if you don't eat Breakfast it only makes you eat more at your next Meal. That's one reason.
    You shouldn't skip meals at all. People can eat 5-6 small meals a day(within their Calories) and LOSE WEIGHT.
    Also, eat a Healthy Meal for Every Meal, including Breakfast.
    I'm 5'0" and weigh 217(as of the last time I weighed) You should limit your weigh on the Scale, because it is a Pitfall. Scales should be put up under a bed and pull them out like, let's say Mondays and only Mondays.e
    I know all this, because I've had a WEIGHT Problem for a LOT of my life and I've been on a LOT of Diets.
    Exercise is also something you should do 5-6 days a week at least. Lifting Weights help too. Once you have Muscles, you Burn more Calories.
    Don't Skip Breakfast just because you think it's Unhealthy as you say. Do you how to eat Healthy or not? If not, I can give you some Pointers. Just give me an Idea of what you eat during the day. Eat that Breakfast though, PLEASE.

  • turbojam_rocks
    turbojam_rocks Posts: 82 Member
    I couldn't agree more! Everyone wants to tell you to eat breakfast but I am just not hungry until about 11am. So why do I have to force feed myself. I have also found over the years that when I do eat breakfast, I am starving again by 10am. I'd rather just wait until I am hungry. Plus, I feel more motivated to workout in the morning if I haven't eaten already. But that's just me!
  • turbojam_rocks
    turbojam_rocks Posts: 82 Member
    I couldn't agree more! Everyone wants to tell you to eat breakfast but I am just not hungry until about 11am. So why do I have to force feed myself. I have also found over the years that when I do eat breakfast, I am starving again by 10am. I'd rather just wait until I am hungry. Plus, I feel more motivated to workout in the morning if I haven't eaten already. But that's just me!

    I feel the same as you :)
  • Momiofour
    Momiofour Posts: 155 Member
    I dont think obesity and eating breakfast are directly linked - as in stop eating breakfast and you wont be fat - obviously eating 5 burgers for breakfast is not a good idea - but something sensible like 2 pieces of wholemeal toast with low fat topping or fruit and yogurt or bowl of non sugared cereal is fine.

    Not eating breakfast does lead to concentration lags during the morning and for some people mid morning binges.

    People like diabetics on medication must eat breakfast to avoid hypos.

    I thought the saying was breakfast is the "most important meal of the day"

    I dont think your theory is very sound.

    why not? Everyone says that breakfast is the most "healthiest meal" of the day. But most of the people eating breakfast are obese. You know who is selling that breakfast is the healthiest meal line...the companies that are selling you breakfast - Kellogg's, quaker, etc OF COURSE they want you to think breakfast is healthy so you will keep buying their crap....

    This is so idiotic.
  • likepepsicola
    likepepsicola Posts: 117 Member
    It doesn't matter if you eat breakfast or not. Your total calories matter. For some people, eating breakfast helps them eat less overall...for some, they would rather save their breakfast calories and have a bigger lunch/dinner or some dessert. Whatever your preference is. Personally, I hate breakfast and I would rather save my calories.
  • Momiofour
    Momiofour Posts: 155 Member
    Oops, meant to write that I thought the saying was "breakfast is the most important meal of the day"?
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I dont think obesity and eating breakfast are directly linked - as in stop eating breakfast and you wont be fat - obviously eating 5 burgers for breakfast is not a good idea - but something sensible like 2 pieces of wholemeal toast with low fat topping or fruit and yogurt or bowl of non sugared cereal is fine.

    Not eating breakfast does lead to concentration lags during the morning and for some people mid morning binges.

    People like diabetics on medication must eat breakfast to avoid hypos.

    I dont think your theory is very sound.

    why not? Everyone says that breakfast is the most "healthiest meal" of the day. But most of the people eating breakfast are obese. You know who is selling that breakfast is the healthiest meal line...the companies that are selling you breakfast - Kellogg's, quaker, etc OF COURSE they want you to think breakfast is healthy so you will keep buying their crap....
    as I work on a building site carrying heavy loads all day I need to eat a good meal to start my day, im guessing you do bugger all day but sit on your *kitten* as a job so stfu !!!
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. SO MANY POSSIBILITIES.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    EXCUSE ME!!!!!! You might not want to hear what I have to say, but I'm going to say it anyway. Here it goes: BREAKAST is the MOST IMPORTANT Meal of the day. The reason for this is, if you don't eat Breakfast it only makes you eat more at your next Meal. That's one reason.
    You shouldn't skip meals at all. People can eat 5-6 small meals a day(within their Calories) and LOSE WEIGHT.
    Also, eat a Healthy Meal for Every Meal, including Breakfast.
    I'm 5'0" and weigh 217(as of the last time I weighed) You should limit your weigh on the Scale, because it is a Pitfall. Scales should be put up under a bed and pull them out like, let's say Mondays and only Mondays.e
    I know all this, because I've had a WEIGHT Problem for a LOT of my life and I've been on a LOT of Diets.
    Exercise is also something you should do 5-6 days a week at least. Lifting Weights help too. Once you have Muscles, you Burn more Calories.
    Don't Skip Breakfast just because you think it's Unhealthy as you say. Do you how to eat Healthy or not? If not, I can give you some Pointers. Just give me an Idea of what you eat during the day. Eat that Breakfast though, PLEASE.


    No.... it makes YOU eat more then next meal.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member

    all you haters should read this ASAP....

    I am not a Hater but for years I ate breakfast because it was an excuse to eat and mot listen to my body and truly decide if I am hungry or not. I ate it because if I didnt I was Worried I'd be super hungry later. What stood out to me in this link was he said don't force it! If you are not hungry do not eat. i am obese not because I ate breakfast but because I ate whether I was hungry or not. I love breakfast food btw mostly because its all the fattening crap that is good for me. I skipped breakfast today because this thread got me thinking, B I was really hungry and C because I really didn't have any healthy options in the house. The issue is not breakfast its listening to you body and making healthy choices.
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    coincidence and even correlation does not imply causation
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    as I work on a building site carrying heavy loads all day I need to eat a good meal to start my day, im guessing you do bugger all day but sit on your *kitten* as a job so stfu !!!

    Yep - made the same point backalong. I'm a livestock farmer and I can't see anyone lasting half a morning on no breakfast.
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    LOL!!!!!!! given the length of the candy and chips aisle at the grocery store, I don't think it's bfast that's making everyone fat. Not to mention the two or three dozen starbucks and fast food places i pass on the way to work. it's about choices and moderation, and eveyone is entitled to do what they want to do so skip bfast if it floats your boat. i jog in the morning so i get really hungry a few hours later and have steel cut oats or greek yogurt after my second patient of the morning, and that holds me until lunch. anyhow i try not to care what all the other fat-arses are doing, i only care about my own fat *kitten*. and i need breakfast or i'm a wicked beeyotch.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    EXCUSE ME!!!!!! You might not want to hear what I have to say, but I'm going to say it anyway. Here it goes: BREAKAST is the MOST IMPORTANT Meal of the day. The reason for this is, if you don't eat Breakfast it only makes you eat more at your next Meal. That's one reason.
    You shouldn't skip meals at all. People can eat 5-6 small meals a day(within their Calories) and LOSE WEIGHT.
    Also, eat a Healthy Meal for Every Meal, including Breakfast.
    I'm 5'0" and weigh 217(as of the last time I weighed) You should limit your weigh on the Scale, because it is a Pitfall. Scales should be put up under a bed and pull them out like, let's say Mondays and only Mondays.e
    I know all this, because I've had a WEIGHT Problem for a LOT of my life and I've been on a LOT of Diets.
    Exercise is also something you should do 5-6 days a week at least. Lifting Weights help too. Once you have Muscles, you Burn more Calories.
    Don't Skip Breakfast just because you think it's Unhealthy as you say. Do you how to eat Healthy or not? If not, I can give you some Pointers. Just give me an Idea of what you eat during the day. Eat that Breakfast though, PLEASE.


    No.... it makes YOU eat more then next meal.

    This ^^^^
  • debdelilah
    Ok folks here are the stats...

    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese. Hmmm yet we keep hearing that breakfast is the "most important meal of the day". I guess if you want to be obese then it is. Also, the whole "I need to eat breakfast to stoke the metabolic fire theory' has been totally debunked; as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So I say eat when you are hungry and the let the chips fall as they may. I personally have been skipping breakfast for about five months now, and have lost three percent body fat. Oh, and you wont go into starvation mode if you don't eat breakfast so don't even come with that...cheers!

    What works for some doesn't for others - if not eating breakfast floats your boat, great! But my boat sinks if I skip a meal - food = fuel. Eating breakfast is important for me to function at my best at work - it's brain food for the most energetic part of my working day, as I'm a 6am-2:30 pm worker - most of my workday takes place before lunch. If I were a nine-to-fiver, and ate lunch 3 hours into my shift, I might not need it so much. Breakfast = 600 cals, lunch = 250-400 cals for me.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I wait to eat until I'm hungry. That is the natural way. But we don't live natural lives. It's hard for some people who get up and go to certain jobs to eat when they get hungry. They have set lunch times or whatever.

    I say sneak a protein and fat filled snack in anyway and find a way to eat it, though. Unless you work in an area where it's just not safe. Note to people working in biowarfare labs, this advice was not for you! :laugh:

    Forcing myself to eat when not hungry because I wouldn't have time to later almost certainly contributed to my weight issues over the years.
  • terrence9
    I try to get a little cardio in before breakfast i think it helps with the fat burn, its not the easiest workout to get thru, but i make sure i have some oatmeal or a little something to start the day after. Has anyone tried to workout without having breakfast and do you see results?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    When it comes to blood sugar issues, the issues aren't just diabetics, some people are sitting on the hypoglycemic side to begin with. I had strange issues back in high school and I didn't quite know what was with me until I was in boot camp. It wasn't until then that it was discovered that I had low blood sugar issues. If I don't eat at least something on a regular basis, especially if I am very active or in training, I'm going to suffer greatly. It's not fun to go through or watch. So yeah, I eat breakfast, especially if I plan on exercising in the morning, if I don't, it's not a pretty outcome.

    Advising people to just skip breakfast and touting how it is better for them when you know nothing of their medical issues is asinine to say the least. You might as well advise me to go into shock. :huh:

    It's always funny to me when someone with a defined health issue jumps in to these discussions and acts all butthurt. You have a medical condition! You are an exception! Duh!! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you have a medical condition that you need to do what your doctor tells you to do to manage your condition and not take advice from internet forums!!!???

    I'm not acting all "butthurt". I have also made a couple other well spoken and informative posts on this thread if you have bothered to read them involving metabolism and eating habits and diet choices. This post was in regards to a few others that had spoken about diabetes and hypoglycemic shock. Am I not supposed to point out this issue at all and acknowledge that it exists? That even people that are not hypoglycemic can normally run on the low side of normal when it comes to blood sugar levels and if they don't eat regularly can experience a "run down" feeling? That perhaps they didn't know why that was?

    Fact of the matter is, just coming in and spouting off that eating breakfast is unhealthy and causes obesity is just flat out ridiculous. It's not eating breakfast that makes people obese, it never has been. It has always been the choices people make with what they eat and how much they eat of it. Coming in and stomping about spewing the equivalent of "Breakfast bad! Make you fat! No eat breakfast!" is just stupid. :yawn:

    Well if it bothers you so much why do keep coming back to this thread?? And no kidding people who have diabetes or hypoglycemia have to manage thier intake. Do you really think stating that consitutes "well spoken and informative posts". Do you really think that people generally don't know that. Maybe you should let others be the judge of whether your posts are so well spoken and informative.

    PS: Don't hurt your arm there while patting yourself on the back! :tongue: