breakfast...the most unhealthiest meal of the day..



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I don't know how much truth is in your post, I do like it. I haven't eaten breakfast regularly for about 25 years. My new years resolution this year was to start eating breakfast, since "It's the most important mean of the day". And I gained about 10 pounds in three weeks. And my weight never fluxuates!!!! So I stop eating breakfast and a few weeks later my stomach is flat all over again.

    More proof positive!!
  • Pondo55
    Huge difference between "Healthiest" and "Most Important". Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You need to nourish your body just shortly after you wake. You even touched on it briefly on your first post of why Breakfast is important. And yes, be smart about what your are consuming. Don't go to Waffle House or IHOP and order pancakes and huge Omelets. Research has also found a cup of black coffee and boost your metabolism as well.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Huge difference between "Healthiest" and "Most Important". Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You need to nourish your body just shortly after you wake.

    Yeah, it's not and you don't. If you believe your statement is true, feel free to back it up with peer reviewed research.

    edited to add: You actually see metabolism increase for about 48 hours in a fasting state. Beyond 72 hours is when adaptive thermogenesis can begin.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I don't think breakfast has anything to do with being fat. I think over-eating does. It doesn't matter what time of day you eat, if you eat too much, you gain weight. It's simple, really. I never used to eat breakfast until I started to lose weight, then I started eating 3 decent meals a day, now I can't start my day without my normal coffee and breakfast.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I don't think breakfast has anything to do with being fat. I think over-eating does. It doesn't matter what time of day you eat, if you eat too much, you gain weight. It's simple, really. I never used to eat breakfast until I started to lose weight, then I started eating 3 decent meals a day, now I can't start my day without my normal coffee and breakfast.

    This just..... well it just...... I mean......... well it makes too much sense! We'll have none of that around here!! :drinker:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I don't eat breakfast, not till I started losing weight. Like NEVER had before...... so explain to me why I was obese WITHOUT eating it?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    When it comes to blood sugar issues, the issues aren't just diabetics, some people are sitting on the hypoglycemic side to begin with. I had strange issues back in high school and I didn't quite know what was with me until I was in boot camp. It wasn't until then that it was discovered that I had low blood sugar issues. If I don't eat at least something on a regular basis, especially if I am very active or in training, I'm going to suffer greatly. It's not fun to go through or watch. So yeah, I eat breakfast, especially if I plan on exercising in the morning, if I don't, it's not a pretty outcome.

    Advising people to just skip breakfast and touting how it is better for them when you know nothing of their medical issues is asinine to say the least. You might as well advise me to go into shock. :huh:

    please skip breakfast and go into
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I don't eat breakfast, not till I started losing weight. Like NEVER had before...... so explain to me why I was obese WITHOUT eating it?

    You consumed more calories than your body used.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    EXCUSE ME!!!!!! You might not want to hear what I have to say, but I'm going to say it anyway. Here it goes: BREAKAST is the MOST IMPORTANT Meal of the day. The reason for this is, if you don't eat Breakfast it only makes you eat more at your next Meal. That's one reason.
    You shouldn't skip meals at all. People can eat 5-6 small meals a day(within their Calories) and LOSE WEIGHT.
    Also, eat a Healthy Meal for Every Meal, including Breakfast.
    I'm 5'0" and weigh 217(as of the last time I weighed) You should limit your weigh on the Scale, because it is a Pitfall. Scales should be put up under a bed and pull them out like, let's say Mondays and only Mondays.e
    I know all this, because I've had a WEIGHT Problem for a LOT of my life and I've been on a LOT of Diets.
    Exercise is also something you should do 5-6 days a week at least. Lifting Weights help too. Once you have Muscles, you Burn more Calories.
    Don't Skip Breakfast just because you think it's Unhealthy as you say. Do you how to eat Healthy or not? If not, I can give you some Pointers. Just give me an Idea of what you eat during the day. Eat that Breakfast though, PLEASE.


    This is the first thread I have ever read where every sentence is just wrong....congratulations, you just accomplished something never before seen in the history of MFP....
  • KatjaO
    KatjaO Posts: 71
    Here is the proof! Ever since breakfast was invented in 1970 people have kept getting fatter. Just look at the chart. You can't argue with a sciency chart.

    There is is on the chart. Proof postive!!

    Try plotting the same for obesity and use of mobile phones. Or maybe use of synthetic fabrics? I also recommend plotting the previously suggested people with out without shoes and obese people. If it is a graph it must be science, proven and true.....
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    crap - looks like i missed out on a winner of a thread...

    i would have been very useful here.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    crap - looks like i missed out on a winner of a thread...

    i would have been very useful here.

    I like how you think...feel free to jump in at anytime LOL
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I don't eat breakfast, not till I started losing weight. Like NEVER had before...... so explain to me why I was obese WITHOUT eating it?

    Your profile says it all:

    Why I Want To Get In Shape

    Because I know I can now. I've been lazy all my life, time to change
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    crap - looks like i missed out on a winner of a thread...

    i would have been very useful here.

    I like how you think...feel free to jump in at anytime LOL

    People who eat unhealthy breakfasts (pancakes, waffles, bacon, hash browns, fat on top of fat on top of fat, etc, etc, etc) tend to be overweight

    People who eat healthy breakfasts (oats, egg whites, shakes, whatever) tend to be healthier

    The act of eating breakfast by itself has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not a person is fat.

    /end thread.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    crap - looks like i missed out on a winner of a thread...

    i would have been very useful here.

    I like how you think...feel free to jump in at anytime LOL

    People who eat unhealthy breakfasts (pancakes, waffles, bacon, hash browns, fat on top of fat on top of fat, etc, etc, etc) tend to be overweight

    People who eat healthy breakfasts (oats, egg whites, shakes, whatever) tend to be healthier

    The act of eating breakfast by itself has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not a person is fat.

    /end thread.

    hmmm you disappoint me...

    do you work for kellogg's ??
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Huge difference between "Healthiest" and "Most Important". Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You need to nourish your body just shortly after you wake.

    Yeah, it's not and you don't. If you believe your statement is true, feel free to back it up with peer reviewed research.

    edited to add: You actually see metabolism increase for about 48 hours in a fasting state. Beyond 72 hours is when adaptive thermogenesis can begin.

    The body's metabolic adaptations begin after 4 hours, but it's not metabolic shut-down that people are led to believe it is. Your body is designed to make adjustments- that doesn't mean that it's using less energy, just sourcing it differently.

    4 hour post-prandial (after eating): primary glucose source is exogenous (dietary).
    Around the four hour mark after eating glycogen stores become the primary source and shortly after gluconeogenesis begins (the creation of NEW glucose from fatty acids and other bio tissue).
    At the 16 hour mark gluconeogenesis overtakes glycogen stores as the primary glucose source.
    Around 48 hours glycogen stores are completely depleted, and gluconeogenesis becomes the only (but nothing in the body is 100% so take this with a grain of salt) source of glucose. This is about the point that gluconeogenesis slows as well...

    Everything up until the 2 day (48 hour) mark is considered "Early Fasting".. when the metabolic conditions (described above) occur at 2 days and beyond- it's called "Intermediate Starvation" or Phase IV in glucose homeostasis. At that point, the only tissues using glucose are the brain, the renal medulla, and a small amount of muscle- the brain is sourcing its energy from both ketone bodies and glucose at this point.

    Having said all that- adaptive thermogenesis is shown to occur after EXTENDED periods of EXTREME caloric deficit... WEEKS, not hours or days, of intake less than 50% of caloric needs (often less than this parameter in the research).

    So... nope.. you don't need to eat breakfast.

    Edited to clarify and fix grammatical errors.
  • Seralithe
    This thread turned into an all-out debate. And it's still going. I think it could be summed up with the statement: " Sometimes, things don't always work the same for others." People take many different approaches to weight loss anyway. Sometimes the weight lost with their method stays off. Other times, it doesn't. Maybe it just depends on the person.
    For one thing, a healthy breakfast could be eaten. Or, you could work out before you eat. All I'm saying is:

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    crap - looks like i missed out on a winner of a thread...

    i would have been very useful here.

    I like how you think...feel free to jump in at anytime LOL

    People who eat unhealthy breakfasts (pancakes, waffles, bacon, hash browns, fat on top of fat on top of fat, etc, etc, etc) tend to be overweight

    People who eat healthy breakfasts (oats, egg whites, shakes, whatever) tend to be healthier

    The act of eating breakfast by itself has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not a person is fat.

    /end thread.

    hmmm you disappoint me...

    do you work for kellogg's ??

    sorry to use logic... my bad.

    also lol aint nothin' kellogs makes that's good for you. :)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    My take, first, eating in the morning upon getting up is totally up to personal preference. I don't eat then, generally putting my meal off until 12:30-1PM with no energy or concentration lags. My wife can't do that.

    Second, everyone eats breakfast, it is all a matter of when since breakfast is simply breaking your overnight fast.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i think it depends what you eat for breakfast. stopping at ihop for all you can eat pancakes with bacon and the whole shebang isn't going to work.
    i'm content with my bowl of plain oats mixed with various things like pb/syrup, unsweetened applesauce or chocolate protein powder.
    to each their own.
    i don't see how eating a nutritional breakfast of eggwhites with veggies or whatever your choice may be is unhealthy. check your *kitten*.
    people are obese because they eat crap all day and not move around, or maybe because they have a medical problem (usually not the case), not because they eat the morning. check your *kitten* again.