Am I being unrealistic?



  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Thank you for making me feel extremely fastidious and incredibly wonderful.

    I'm seriously neither one of those, but I live alone and am WAY cleaner than that & moderately fun to be around.

    One think I will say is that you have needs and if he is not meeting those needs, it's just not going to work. It doesn't matter if you don't pay for anything or not. If he's not willing to engage in some give and take, that's not a partnership, that's servitorship.

    Good luck!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    You've got to LOVE yourself first! You should not subject yourself to such a disgusting person. My goodness. No underwear, shaving without the shower on, wrappers in the bed. Heck no! You can & will make it without him!! Good luck.

    Actually that wasn't too bad. I was grossed out with the skid marks and yellow tooth brush!!!!!!
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    The stalker tendencies you describe frightened me more than anything else you said about him.
    he sounds more than depressed - he sounds very unhinged, like he's one stress away from mental collapse or explosion.
    I understand you have nowhere to go in terms of family - is there a friend who can take you in?
    can you speak to someone at an abused women's shelter - perhaps you can be taken into one?
    I understand your fear, that he might be stalking your email and things like that - you might have to somehow get a message to a trusted friend who can then make the contact with a women's shelter for you.
    You don't have to make any specific moves now ... just know where your escape hatch is.
    You must genuinely want one, as you posted on this forum.
    Find your way ... looks like we're all rooting for you!
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    You've got to LOVE yourself first! You should not subject yourself to such a disgusting person. My goodness. No underwear, shaving without the shower on, wrappers in the bed. Heck no! You can & will make it without him!! Good luck.

    Actually that wasn't too bad. I was grossed out with the skid marks and yellow tooth brush!!!!!!

    ^ This. Of all the choices, "wrappers in the bed" seems pretty tame . . .
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    You're being as realistic as your post.

    I call BS.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    And to add... Where is your mother that you spoke about in previous posts? Where is the brother you mentioned? What happened in the last month with your boyfriend as in Jan you posted that you are happy and you are lucky... now this??? You also pointed out in a previous post that you want to lose weight and be happier/healthier so when your son who you gave up for adoption meets you in the future he won't be ashamed of you. If this post is real, get out now so you have the chance to meet your son in the future. And on your profile you have that you work 35 hours a week. Get out while you can.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    You have got to be kidding? Because there is no way even my horny self could get naked with that.......


    you want to put that where?
  • SkinnyMe104
    This is an awkward and unpredictable situation to live in. You need to just get out. Bragging about what he did to his Ex and getting her fired is not cool. This man has control issues among other things! If your college is not local then perhaps you an find a local college, even if it is a junior college. Apply and go to school locally and live on campus. Or, move to where your college is and become a resident on campus rather than an online student. Get a student loan to help with your tuition and expenses. Better to have student debt that is your own than to live in this situation, because this situation will not improve with time. This man has to want to help himself, you can't decide that for him Take care of yourself and your own financial issues some other way. You might call a women's/children's abuse hotline and ask for help & advice.
  • Fatbirdtalking
    If this type of lifestyle and behavior is not a deal breaker for you...I am curious as to what would be.

    Here is a question I ask people when they are faced with relationship issues which is this:

    "If you had a daughter, would you want your daughter going out or being with a guy like this?" Would you set a good friend up with a guy like this on a date?"

    If the answer is "No", then why do you accept less for yourself?
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    for all the women complaining that you couldnt do it to him cause this is nasty.....

    remember the next time you want to cuddle and aunt flo is in town.....
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Depressed or not, that's not really the biggest issue. The thing that truly worries me is that he is emotionally abusive and controlling. He's telling you who you can see and where you can go, he'd threatening you with what he will do to you if you leave and he still "enjoys" tormenting his ex. Even if he starts taking care of himself and the home, that will most likely not change. And if he doesn't want you to get a job because he's afraid of who you will meet, that won't change when you graduate from college either.

    Get some help, girl. There are a lot of groups out there for women like you. See if there is a women's shelter in your area or contact the Domestic Abuse Helpline ( They can help you find a place to go, employment, maybe even grants to help pay for college and bills. Let them know when you contact them that you are afraid of what he might do when you leave. But, if you have no family, no job and are in a safe place, what can he honestly do to you? But get out, get out now!
  • Prettylittlelotus
    Prettylittlelotus Posts: 239 Member
    Wow. Well, I assume you already know what you SHOULD do, just read through your post and ask yourself what you would tell your daughter if she was dating someone like that.

    Then take that advice.
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    This sounds emotionally abusive and unclean. No one in here can tell you what to do, but it sounds like you know what you want. You didn't say one thing that is keeping you with him...
  • Skiing914
    Okay....I only got through the first paragraph and.....why are you with this guy again? Seriously...get out now! Run! Run away and don't look back!!!
  • MJackson54
    Do you have any friends that would consider allowing you to stay with them while you finish college? You definitely need to get a job . . . whatever kind of job you can . . . it will give you back ownership of your life. Remember the feeling that you had when you wanted OUT of a particular foster home? Find that feeling and get out now!
  • Fatbirdtalking
    Sorry, I wanna say this is the nicest possible way .... GET YOURSELF THE HELL OUTTA THERE ... I wanna throw up, he sounds like a disgusting pig, believe me I have suffered with depression for over 20 years, I wore underwear, showered every day, twice a day sometimes, I cleaned house, looked after my family and never ever threatened someone.
    Controlling is the word you used and you are right, please please get out. This is not right and as someone else said and its something I have said to people too, if this was your child in this relationship, what would you be telling them to do ? I know what I would say to my girls. .
    My heart is breaking for you .... please be careful ... you may not have family around but you can get out, you will be okay x
  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    "I feel trapped. I am actually scared sometimes. What if I did leave and he hurts me? He told me what he did to his x wife when she left. . . He is an IT major and he sent naked pictures of his x wife to EVERYONE she works with. She was fired. He still enjoys harassing her. If he isnt going to be nice to me, I dont know what to do anymore."

    Plus the motion cameras? WTF? Is this dude like a hacker or something?

    If I was in that situation I would be scared sh*tless. I'd say run and run now. Go to the police if you're afraid that he's going to harass you in some way. If you're genuinely in fear for your life, the police have to do something about it. You could get a restraining order?

    This is rude but this dude sounds like a total controlling douche, like someone you'd see on America's most wanted.
    If you're dependant on him for your college tuition, housing, or whatnot; I'm sure you could take a semester off of school until you get your record cleared; find a job and pay bills on your own. It will be hard, but having your own freedom and not living with a psycho is MUCH better than the current situation you describe.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    You are in a tough situation and it isn't going to get better. That guy doesn't deserve human company. But, if you can tough it out for six months until you can get a job and get out on your own then do it. I'm sorry, nobody deserves to be treated like that!
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    And to add... Where is your mother that you spoke about in previous posts? Where is the brother you mentioned? What happened in the last month with your boyfriend as in Jan you posted that you are happy and you are lucky... now this??? You also pointed out in a previous post that you want to lose weight and be happier/healthier so when your son who you gave up for adoption meets you in the future he won't be ashamed of you. If this post is real, get out now so you have the chance to meet your son in the future. And on your profile you have that you work 35 hours a week. Get out while you can.

    Rut Roh. You have contradicted yourself multiple times. Troll? A-ho?
  • superjean1
    superjean1 Posts: 78 Member
    Even if he is depressed, all you can ask him to get help, but he has to do it for himself. You can't fix him!

    Sometimes its hard to to be objective when you're in the middle of it, but the fact that you wrote this means you know deep down inside what you need to do. Step back and assess where you are. Regardless of your past, you are not stuck here. You are BETTER than this situation and owe it to yourself to do better. I love what someone else said - if you had a daughter, would you want this situation for her?

    Please don't be a victim of your circumstances. Be your own hero and fight for what you deserve.