Weight loss army!!



  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Haha, I'm so glad you like it, I had (have) no idea what Longhorn Orange is.
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member

    aprilchampalmer – Holy, you need some you time pronto! it’s all good, as long as you get it in before the graph then you’ll be on it.

    oh i TOTTTTTTTAAALLLY took it yesterday!!...saw Sex and the City:2 ( which OMG, was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOODDDD!!!!! im a total freak when it comes to that series and show) and then went to see a friends band play last night...It was fun....back to work tonight though...running around like a chicken with my head chopped off...ill be sure to have lost weight over the weekend...Im probably working on Monday so I might not be able to weigh in and check in with the Army but i can sure bet that I will be stopping by on Tuesday.
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    Im a day early...but Ive stayed the same weight since thurs so I thought I would go ahead and post it. Im down to 209....thats 5 lbs!! Now, I was sick with strep throat this past week and couldnt eat very much for a few days, but days later I am still at that weight so Im takin it :-) This week is my preTOM week, so Im gonna be starving and might gain a lil of it back but oh well lol. Good luck everyone!

    SW (3/1/10)- 241
    LW (5/24/10)- 214
    CW (5/30/10)- 209
  • sweet148angel
    sweet148angel Posts: 27 Member
    At work today :sad:

    But down 1 pound to 233.8:smile:
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    I don't know what happened this past week, but I ended up gaining back 2lbs :grumble: . Lots of family stuff happening, but going to be really careful this week, drink lots of water and get in my exercise......was not good this last week. Didn't make it to the gym, but managed to put in a bit of a workout at home.

    CW = 189.5lbs
    LW = 187.5lbs
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    First to report, then I NEED HELP!

    CW 173.....no change, not bad, not great.


    Okay, so since starting this weight loss journey I said I was NOT going to do anything extreme just to lose weight otherwise I would just put it back on. I've basically kept my same crappy eating ways, I've just tried to stay under my mark and this week it's been so hard to to do that.

    My problem is what can I do to vamp this up? I know I need more water, fruits and vegetables. My exercise has increased meaning I'm actually eating more since I'm eating most or all of those calories back to. Should I not eat them this week to see if I lose? (Okay, it's Margarita tuesday tomorrow so I WILL be eating them back). I can't do the whole clean eating thing because so much of what I eat is processed, I mean, milk is processed is it not? I think I eat some things that are good like yogurt, whole wheat bread, milk, etc....aren't they all processed?

    I just really want to get focused and make better choices but I don't know how. I'm feeling lost. I want to go on vacay with my husband, son and parents and make memories for a lifetime, but I'm scared I will be a hermit and totally freaked out by how I look and what OTHERS are thinking of me. Please help...........
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Lost 1.6 this week :) 3.2 pounds away from my GOAL!!! I'll check-in for real later...

    Last week's weight: 124.8
    Current weight: 123.2
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    177.5 woohooooo! half a pound, not to bad!!
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Down to 134.2 today! (1/2 a lb...) Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    Hey eveyone!

    Well 1lb down this week for a current weight of 220.2.

    I hope everyone saw the numbers they wanted!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    aprilchampalmer – I can’t wait to see Sex and the City: 2. I watched number 1 the other day to get it all fresh in my mind.
    enromero – Holy moly! Look at you go! Great work, very proud of you!
    sweet148angel – HOORAY! Well, hooray for being down 1 pound, not for being at work.
    chgraham – I’m sorry to hear about that but maybe it’s muscle gain and if that’s the case, you should get ready for a big loss!! Let’s get focused again and start a new week, I know you can do it! I had a rough weekend (I haven’t weighed in yet, I will be tomorrow morning) so I’m sure I’m up as well.
    melbhall – Water, water and more water. I can’t believe what a difference drinking more water makes. I walk around with a 600 mL bottle (20 oz) and I refill it 5 times a day. It has made a huge difference for me. Also, veggies, I love veggies and I much on them all the time. I don’t recommend not eating back your workout calories, that’s a quick fix and will end up looking like it’s helping for 2-3 weeks and then nothing. One thing a friend told me (from her personal trainer) that has made a world of a difference for me as well is to push myself 110% every time I work out. When I think I’m spent with pushups or crunches I force myself to do one more rep. She said, if you feel like you can’t do anymore, do one more set. Just a few tips that I’ve been using, I hope they help. Love ya!
    allislefttogain – Wowzers! So close you can taste it I bet, haha! Was it you who did the no drinking for a couple of months? I’m thinking about doing that. I don’t drink a lot but I find that whenever I do it’s just a pile of extra calories and when I do my next weigh-in I’m always choked about it.
    blondie76 – Not to bad? Are you kidding, that’s great!! Also, I love the new photo, very cute.
    fordbarth – Wonderful, I do believe that you are past your half way mark are you not? I had a great weekend, thanks. How was yours?
    bowbee – Congrats on the pound down! I haven’t weighed in yet today, so I’m thinking I’m going to do my weigh-in tomorrow morning. Hopefully I’ll see a good number there like you.

    Did anyone do the fun challenge?
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello Jenn and the Army, Well I think I might have taken your last challenge ( do something you have not done before) a bit far!!!:bigsmile: I went with a friend to pick up her puppy and ended up with one myself!!! :smile: My children are thrilled. :laugh: ...my husband not so happy:noway: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: But on the bright side..... it will give me another reason for long walks so good for our health and he is absolutely gorgeous :heart: (the puppy)...... anyhow i've had another good week weight wise and lost 2 pounds so i'm now at 130 pounds Yayyyyy:bigsmile:

    start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 ....164.5 pounds
    Last weeks weight ......................................................................132 .pounds
    current weight ..............................................................................130 ..pounds
    final goal .......................................................................................126 ..pounds

    Good Luck to you all, and I think I better stick to the Fruit, Veg, Water and Exercise challenge this week LOL.
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    blondie76 – Not to bad? Are you kidding, that’s great!! Also, I love the new photo, very cute.

    lol, always wishing for more!!!
    Photo is almost 2 yrs old, I wish I still looked like that! lol, my boy is cute though lol
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I DID A CHALLENGE, altho not exactly fun...it was kinda scary and at the same time liberating...!
    I took a great leap by giving each of our "college kids" an American Express credit card!!!! Somebody scream for me...:noway:

    All 3 just left, in the "college mobile" to go hang out at The Main Event...some big fancy arcade/bowling/lazer tag/golf mega center... w/2 AMEX cards...yikes...w/imposed limits naturally.

    I'm so proud of myself :tongue:

    I'll re-weigh tomorrow, early....hardly a drop to even count :sad:
    I'll post it ASAP...

    hooah to all the military families on MFP! We're proud of YOU :drinker:
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    Sorry I'm still with it but battery died in scale :( just my luck. Finally found battery but too late for me to weigh myself today. But I did challenge though it wasn't exciting as getting a puppy would would love one but don't think my dog would like it. I wore a tank top outside in the yard, that is something I would NEVER do and though my arms still jiggle I still wore it around the yard
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Not even enough to really count...
    SW: 170+
    LW: 148.8
    CW: 148.6
  • believe2009
    believe2009 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join your group! Thanks for organizing this.
    SW 253.8
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    sw (for weight loss army) 156
    lw 155.6
    cw 157.6 ....gained 2 pounds :sad:

    but i think thats what i get for not exercising as much as i usually do per week and the constant eating out with friends and that (too much sodium) so hopefully with the homecooking and exercising I will lose these 2 pounds...glad you are all keeping me accountable
  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    Weighing in from a nice long weekend of sun and fun!

    Can't complain but nothing to rave about either.

    Current Weight is 150.4lbs, but after 2 bbq's I guess I should be happy it didn't go up, up, up...

    Have a fabulous week everyone!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    barty – I’m so happy that you were able to step (WAY OUT) of the box and do something crazy! Fantastic! You made me laugh when you clarified that it was the puppy you were talking about and not your husband, haha. Congrats on the loss and being so very close to your goal!!
    blondie76 – Oh I hear you on the always wishing for more but I try to tell myself several times, at least it’s down. You still look amazing!
    hooah_mj – WOW! That is huge, how did it go? Do you have to re-mortgage the house now? Haha. I’m sure they had a blast! A loss is a loss, perhaps this week your body was building up some muscle which is super important.
    healthyeater9 – That is great, maybe next week you’ll wear one out on a walk. . .baby steps, baby steps. I’m sorry about the gain, so frustrating. Drink a ton of water, that will help with the sodium almost instantly!
    believe2009 – We’d love for you to join! We weigh-in on Monday’s and I post a progress chart on Tuesday’s. Check out today’s post for this week’s challenges.
    metfanlisa – Most important, did you have fun at the bbq’s?

    My turn!
    LW – 200.6
    CW – 198.2

    I’m down 2.4 pounds!! I worked so hard to reach my first 2 goals (under 200 and 20 pounds lost). Well I clearly reached my first goal and couldn’t be happier! Unfortunately I’m 0.8 pounds away from the 20 pounds lost BUT I’m ok with that. I wanted to reach it by yesterday, oh well, it’s not like I going to stop trying, in fact, working so hard this last week has shown me that if I really focus great leaps and bounds can happen.

    I’ll post the graph and then this week’s challenges.
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