Eating Pop Tarts and ice cream daily.



  • Tom_Jones74
    Tom_Jones74 Posts: 108
    You can lose weight eating all the junk in the world as long as you burn the calories but it's still garbage that shouldn't be consumed. There are lots of illegal drugs that can help one lose weight too, are those ok to take every day, since weight loss is all that matters?

    I understand that some people need cheat days in order to accomplish their goals but every day? To each his own I guess.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member

    I understand that some people need cheat days in order to accomplish their goals but every day? To each his own I guess.

    It's not about "cheating". It;s about creating a lifestyle you can reasonably maintain. It's probably the biggest reason people fail when they try to get healthy/fit/lose weight/fill in with whatever word you want to use.
  • fitmelinda7
    fitmelinda7 Posts: 42 Member

    Serious consequences for playing cowboys and indians with pastry. Serious.

    And good for you OP :)

    HA HA ...I'm still laughing about this!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    My kind of peeps. Had me a Cadbury Creme egg last night but my most favorite is chocolate chip banana muffins. Ate them almost everyday while on my last cut.

    Is it just me or are the people that indulge a little everyday just seem a little know mentally? : )

    I think so, too! Loved the macadamia white chocolate cookie I just had. Now I can finish the day strong!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You can lose weight eating all the junk in the world as long as you burn the calories but it's still garbage that shouldn't be consumed. There are lots of illegal drugs that can help one lose weight too, are those ok to take every day, since weight loss is all that matters?

    I understand that some people need cheat days in order to accomplish their goals but every day? To each his own I guess.

    So, if I have a diet that has a bunch of veggies and fruit and hit my macros some ice-cream or pop tarts should not be consumed> Right!

    My health markers are extremely good and my BF% very healthy - all after eating ice cream every day and pop tarts every now and again.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    You can lose weight eating all the junk in the world as long as you burn the calories but it's still garbage that shouldn't be consumed. There are lots of illegal drugs that can help one lose weight too, are those ok to take every day, since weight loss is all that matters?

    I understand that some people need cheat days in order to accomplish their goals but every day? To each his own I guess.

    except it's not garbage. food is simply fuel. you can live a perfectly healthy life having a pop tart every day.

    what is garbage is the idea that some foods are inherently bad and must be avoided at all costs. you can live your life that way if you want, but not everybody wants to live that way. the good news is that we have the option of choosing to eat what we want to eat because we have the understanding that weight loss is about calorie deficits and nutrition is about macros and micros.

    too many people in this world do not have that same understanding and they stampede from one fad diet to another, for years at a time. constantly being told that carbs are bad, or fats are bad, or high GI foods are bad, or whatever. these are the people that i hope stumble upon a thread like this and start to realize that food restriction is 100% unnecessary unless you have a food allergy. eat what you want. eat in the proper portions. eat to meet your nutritional needs. that's the formula for lifelong success.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Just for the record.

    Red Velvet Pop Tart & Red Velvet Cake Ben & Jerry's ice cream sammich came in at 630 cals.

    Pumpkin Pie Pop Tart & Pumpkin Cheesecake Ben & Jerry's ice cream sammy came in at about 660 cals.

    Best place to find the limited edition Pop Tarts after they leave the big stores is the dollar stores. They typically have 6-12 months left on their expiration date. Bought 20 boxes of Pumpkin Pie pop tarts Saturday.

    Back in a bit, going to lunch to eat a pound of veggies and 1/2 pound of chicken.

    Tells work I am leaving early...need to troll the discount stores.
  • Suzmp85
    Suzmp85 Posts: 184 Member
    I do the same as well, I do try and make a few healthy choices..but still have had pizza, ice cream, cakes, pop tarts, and even sugary cereal! I still have good blood pressure, and have been losing weight. I did this before my restart when I was losing weight at first..and all my blood work came back clean..I think its about the calories, the portions..etc. I would still watch it, though..there was a time I was eating KFC all the time and my cholesterol came back to bite me in the bum..
  • DWF65203
    DWF65203 Posts: 10
    I ate two pop tarts yesterday. i was out of ice cream. :(

    I'm hotter than I've ever been, and continuing to improve.

    eta- Mag, are you baiting someone? :laugh:

    No position in general but I agree on the hotter than ever part!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You can lose weight eating all the junk in the world as long as you burn the calories but it's still garbage that shouldn't be consumed. There are lots of illegal drugs that can help one lose weight too, are those ok to take every day, since weight loss is all that matters?

    I understand that some people need cheat days in order to accomplish their goals but every day? To each his own I guess.

    On my none workout days I eat at maintenance which for me is 2800 calories, so what your saying is I can't consume a couple pop tarts at 400 calories while eating 2400 calories over the rest of the day with my normal meals of chicken breast and or Salmon and fresh green veggies and fresh fruits.... I have managed to drop a few pounds using this method so I find it hard to believe that it doesn't work... My whole mentality has been to change my mindset from my food addiction. I want to have the control over the food and not let the food have control over me which at my heaviest it did. I was mindlessly eating 10,000 calories a day... Now I dictate what I consume based on my caloric intake and macro's and if I indulge in some processed foods and it fits within the scope of my day then I do not see an issue with this.....
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    op, this thread is dangerous to the average person who is struggling with their weight. u run 30 miles a week and lift weights so u can get away with these kind of snacks. the average moderately active person trying to loose weight cant do this. it would be more responsible to post why you are able to eat 800cal snacks daily. Are u just showing off?

    This is 100% false. I am currently sedentary (recovering from surgery), and I eat ice cream and other snacks daily also. I fit them into my calorie allotment for the day, and I'm still losing.

    The OP's point is that you don't have to demonize food that you enjoy eating to be successful. He didn't say that one should eat junk all day every day. It's not an "all or nothing" thing here.
    u r right. but this site is to help people who have problems eating too much. people who lack self control with food. i like to have a couple of beers after work. would it be responsible for me to post that on an alcoholics wed site. no. we all know about calories in vs. calories out. but people struggle with that. this post is not helping anybody.

    I say this as someone used to binge and hide junk food in my house that being able to still enjoy the food I used to binge on as part of a reasonably balanced diet instead of an attitude of, "I must never eat chips again" worked. Expecting people who have problems with self control to give up their vices cold turkey is a recipe for complete failure for most folks. It just is not realistic at all.

    Self control can and SHOULD be taught and learned. Without actually learning it, success is short-lived anyway.
    again u r right. but some people cant control themselves, that is why there is a site like this. food addiction is real. i just hate the show off on this site. Oh look at me i got a six pack, oh look at me i bench 400lbs. oh look at me i run marathons. just my 2 cents. good luck on ur fitness journey.

    I am a 45 year old woman who has a desk job, who does no cardio and is a lazy bish outside the gym and cannot bench 400lb - I still eat ice cream every day and pop tarts every now and again and lost all my weight doing that. Your argument is invalid.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    You can lose weight eating all the junk in the world as long as you burn the calories but it's still garbage that shouldn't be consumed. There are lots of illegal drugs that can help one lose weight too, are those ok to take every day, since weight loss is all that matters?

    I understand that some people need cheat days in order to accomplish their goals but every day? To each his own I guess.
    Right...and it's MUCH healthier to net 800 calories a day, arbitrarily exclude entire food groups from one's diet and pop raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract, african mango or whatever else Dr. Oz is whoring this week, as so many members of MFP do?

    No thanks...I'll go for my 80/20 diet, throw in some junk once in a while (moderation. context and dosage.) and enjoy my continuing success without suffering or depriving my body of needed calories/nutrients.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    I thought there was gonna be Toaster Strudel...what happened?
  • Tom_Jones74
    Tom_Jones74 Posts: 108

    I understand that some people need cheat days in order to accomplish their goals but every day? To each his own I guess.

    It's not about "cheating". It;s about creating a lifestyle you can reasonably maintain. It's probably the biggest reason people fail when they try to get healthy/fit/lose weight/fill in with whatever word you want to use.

    "Cheat day" is the term generally used when talking about eating junk food while attempting to get into shape, but you already know this.

    It's "about creating a lifestyle you can reasonably maintain" as you yourself just said, so there is no need to split hairs. We're basically saying the same thing.

    The only difference is I don't think every day should be a cheat day.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    but why do that? why replace necessary nutrients with sugar and why feed your sugar addiction at all?

    Maybe the OP doesn't HAVE a sugar addiction ...

    oh she surely does or she wouldnt eat that stuff everyday

    Oh Crap. Does anyone have the number of a therapist who can help me with my apparent chicken addiction?

    .....Salmon & sweet potato addict here..... :sad:
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    what about a 2 Pop Tarts with Ice Cream in the middle?? A Pop Tart Cream Sandwich???!!!! OMG mind blown! :bigsmile:

    <--- Way ahead of you sir!. Red Velvet Pop Tarts and Red Velvet Cake Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream sandwich. I made one with Pumpkin Pie Pop Tarts and Pumpkin Cheesecake Ben & Jerry's last night too.

    where can I get pumpkin pie poptarts
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    but why do that? why replace necessary nutrients with sugar and why feed your sugar addiction at all?

    Maybe the OP doesn't HAVE a sugar addiction ...

    oh she surely does or she wouldnt eat that stuff everyday

    Oh Crap. Does anyone have the number of a therapist who can help me with my apparent chicken addiction?

    .....Salmon & sweet potato addict here..... :sad:

    Jeni's does this really nice sweet potato and marshmallow ice-cream
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    You can lose weight eating all the junk in the world as long as you burn the calories but it's still garbage that shouldn't be consumed. There are lots of illegal drugs that can help one lose weight too, are those ok to take every day, since weight loss is all that matters?

    I understand that some people need cheat days in order to accomplish their goals but every day? To each his own I guess.
    Right...and it's MUCH healthier to net 800 calories a day, arbitrarily exclude entire food groups from one's diet and pop raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract, african mango or whatever else Dr. Oz is whoring this week, as so many members of MFP do?

    No thanks...I'll go for my 80/20 diet, throw in some junk once in a while (moderation. context and dosage.) and enjoy my continuing success without suffering or depriving my body of needed calories/nutrients.

  • Tom_Jones74
    Tom_Jones74 Posts: 108

    except it's not garbage.

    Except that it clearly is.

    food is simply fuel.

    Not all foods were created equally. Health is not all about calorie content, as I explain to people who are scared to eat avocados.

    you can live a perfectly healthy life having a pop tart every day.

    Sure you can, just like I can live a perfectly healthy life while smoking a few cigarettes every day. Does that mean that quitting smoking isn't a healthier option?

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    I understand that some people need cheat days in order to accomplish their goals but every day? To each his own I guess.

    It's not about "cheating". It;s about creating a lifestyle you can reasonably maintain. It's probably the biggest reason people fail when they try to get healthy/fit/lose weight/fill in with whatever word you want to use.

    "Cheat day" is the term generally used when talking about eating junk food while attempting to get into shape, but you already know this.

    It's "about creating a lifestyle you can reasonably maintain" as you yourself just said, so there is no need to split hairs. We're basically saying the same thing.

    The only difference is I don't think every day should be a cheat day.

    No, a cheat day is when someone eats more that their usual target.